
{{* The event edit navigation menu (text input, permissions, preview, filebrowser) *}}
{{* The tab content with the necessary basic settings *}}
{{* The event title *}} {{include file="field_input.tpl" field=$summary}}
{{* The field for event starting time *}} {{$s_dsel nofilter}} {{* The field for event finish time *}} {{$f_dsel nofilter}} {{* checkbox if the the event doesn't have a finish time *}} {{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$nofinish}}
{{* checkbox to enable event sharing and the permissions tab *}} {{if ! $eid}} {{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$share}} {{/if}} {{* The submit button - saves the event *}}
{{* The advanced tab *}} {{* The tab for the permissions (if event sharing is enabled) *}} {{* The tab for the event preview (content is inserted by js) *}}