db = $database; // Unique identifier generation. Two DisposableFullTextSearch object should never have the same as the first object destruction // would delete both check-full-text-search rows before the second object destruction is called, leading to unexpected behavior. do { // Maximum value is indicated by the INT UNSIGNED type of the check-full-text-search.pid field $this->identifier = random_int(0, pow(2, 32) - 1); } while ($this->db->exists('check-full-text-search', ['pid' => $this->identifier])); // If the `exists()` call fails and return false because the database is unavailable, the `insert()` call will likely fail as well, which means // all subsequent calls to `match()` will return false because the haystack won't have been inserted. // However, at this point there may be bigger problems to worry about. $this->db->insert('check-full-text-search', ['pid' => $this->identifier, 'searchtext' => $haystack]); } public function __destruct() { $this->db->delete('check-full-text-search', ['pid' => $this->identifier]); } /** * @param string $needle Boolean mode search string * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function match(string $needle): bool { return $this->db->exists('check-full-text-search', ["`pid` = ? AND MATCH (`searchtext`) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)", $this->identifier, $needle]); } }