
namespace DDDBL;

  * simple implementation of generic singleton
  * for all classes, which allows additional instances
  * if needed
class Singleton {

    * @param $strClass - the class we want an instance from
    * @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given parameter is not a string
    * @throws \Exception                       - if given class do not exists
    * @return (object) - an instance of the given classname
    * get a reference to the instance of the given class.
    * if instance do not exists, create one. after creation
    * always return reference to this reference
  static function getInstance($strClass) {
      throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strClass);
      throw new \Exception ("class do not exists: $strClass");
    static $arrObjectList = array();
      $arrObjectList[$strClass] = new $strClass();
    return $arrObjectList[$strClass];
