<?php /** * @package Friendica\modules * @subpackage FileBrowser * @author Fabio Comuni <fabrixxm@kirgroup.com> */ require_once('include/Photo.php'); /** * @param App $a */ /// @TODO & is missing or App ? function fbrowser_content($a){ if (!local_user()) killme(); if ($a->argc==1) killme(); $template_file = "filebrowser.tpl"; $mode = ""; if (x($_GET,'mode')) { $template_file = "filebrowser_plain.tpl"; $mode = "?mode=".$_GET['mode']; } //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($a->argv); killme(); switch($a->argv[1]){ case "image": $path = array( array("", t("Photos"))); $albums = false; $sql_extra = ""; $sql_extra2 = " ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 10"; if ($a->argc==2){ $albums = q("SELECT distinct(`album`) AS `album` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s' ", intval(local_user()), dbesc('Contact Photos'), dbesc( t('Contact Photos')) ); function _map_folder1($el){return array(bin2hex($el['album']),$el['album']);}; $albums = array_map( "_map_folder1" , $albums); } $album = ""; if ($a->argc==3){ $album = hex2bin($a->argv[2]); $sql_extra = sprintf("AND `album` = '%s' ",dbesc($album)); $sql_extra2 = ""; $path[]=array($a->argv[2], $album); } $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, `id`, `filename`, type, min(`scale`) AS `hiq`,max(`scale`) AS `loq`, `desc` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d $sql_extra AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s' GROUP BY `resource-id` $sql_extra2", intval(local_user()), dbesc('Contact Photos'), dbesc( t('Contact Photos')) ); function _map_files1($rr){ $a = get_app(); $types = Photo::supportedTypes(); $ext = $types[$rr['type']]; if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') { $filename_e = template_escape($rr['filename']); } else { $filename_e = $rr['filename']; } // Take the largest picture that is smaller or equal 640 pixels $p = q("SELECT `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `height` <= 640 AND `width` <= 640 ORDER BY `resource-id`, `scale` LIMIT 1", dbesc($rr['resource-id'])); if ($p) $scale = $p[0]["scale"]; else $scale = $rr['loq']; return array( App::get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $a->user['nickname'] . '/image/' . $rr['resource-id'], $filename_e, App::get_baseurl() . '/photo/' . $rr['resource-id'] . '-' . $scale . '.'. $ext ); } $files = array_map("_map_files1", $r); $tpl = get_markup_template($template_file); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$type' => 'image', '$baseurl' => App::get_baseurl(), '$path' => $path, '$folders' => $albums, '$files' =>$files, '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$nickname' => $a->user['nickname'], )); break; case "file": if ($a->argc==2){ $files = q("SELECT `id`, `filename`, `filetype` FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d ", intval(local_user()) ); function _map_files2($rr){ $a = get_app(); list($m1,$m2) = explode("/",$rr['filetype']); $filetype = ( (file_exists("images/icons/$m1.png"))?$m1:"zip"); if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') { $filename_e = template_escape($rr['filename']); } else { $filename_e = $rr['filename']; } return array( App::get_baseurl() . '/attach/' . $rr['id'], $filename_e, App::get_baseurl() . '/images/icons/16/' . $filetype . '.png'); } $files = array_map("_map_files2", $files); $tpl = get_markup_template($template_file); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$type' => 'file', '$baseurl' => App::get_baseurl(), '$path' => array( array( "", t("Files")) ), '$folders' => false, '$files' =>$files, '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$nickname' => $a->user['nickname'], )); } break; } if (x($_GET,'mode')) { return $o; } else { echo $o; killme(); } }