<?php namespace Friendica\Module; use Friendica\BaseModule; use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Session; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ForbiddenException; require_once 'boot.php'; /** * This abstract module is meant to be extended by all modules that are reserved to administrator users. * * It performs a blanket permission check in all the module methods as long as the relevant `parent::method()` is * called in the inheriting module. * * Additionally, it puts together the administration page aside with all the administration links. * * @package Friendica\Module */ abstract class BaseAdminModule extends BaseModule { public static function post(array $parameters = []) { if (!is_site_admin()) { return; } // do not allow a page manager to access the admin panel at all. if (!empty($_SESSION['submanage'])) { return; } } public static function rawContent(array $parameters = []) { if (!is_site_admin()) { return ''; } if (!empty($_SESSION['submanage'])) { return ''; } return ''; } public static function content(array $parameters = []) { $a = self::getApp(); if (!is_site_admin()) { notice(L10n::t('Please login to continue.')); Session::set('return_path', $a->query_string); $a->internalRedirect('login'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['submanage'])) { throw new ForbiddenException(L10n::t('Submanaged account can\'t access the administation pages. Please log back in as the master account.')); } // Header stuff $a->page['htmlhead'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin/settings_head.tpl'), []); /* * Side bar links */ // array(url, name, extra css classes) // not part of $aside to make the template more adjustable $aside_sub = [ 'information' => [L10n::t('Information'), [ 'overview' => ['admin' , L10n::t('Overview') , 'overview'], 'federation' => ['admin/federation' , L10n::t('Federation Statistics') , 'federation'] ]], 'configuration' => [L10n::t('Configuration'), [ 'site' => ['admin/site' , L10n::t('Site') , 'site'], 'users' => ['admin/users' , L10n::t('Users') , 'users'], 'addons' => ['admin/addons' , L10n::t('Addons') , 'addons'], 'themes' => ['admin/themes' , L10n::t('Themes') , 'themes'], 'features' => ['admin/features' , L10n::t('Additional features') , 'features'], 'tos' => ['admin/tos' , L10n::t('Terms of Service') , 'tos'], ]], 'database' => [L10n::t('Database'), [ 'dbsync' => ['admin/dbsync' , L10n::t('DB updates') , 'dbsync'], 'deferred' => ['admin/queue/deferred', L10n::t('Inspect Deferred Workers'), 'deferred'], 'workerqueue' => ['admin/queue' , L10n::t('Inspect worker Queue') , 'workerqueue'], ]], 'tools' => [L10n::t('Tools'), [ 'contactblock' => ['admin/blocklist/contact', L10n::t('Contact Blocklist') , 'contactblock'], 'blocklist' => ['admin/blocklist/server' , L10n::t('Server Blocklist') , 'blocklist'], 'deleteitem' => ['admin/item/delete' , L10n::t('Delete Item') , 'deleteitem'], ]], 'logs' => [L10n::t('Logs'), [ 'logsconfig' => ['admin/logs/', L10n::t('Logs') , 'logs'], 'logsview' => ['admin/logs/view' , L10n::t('View Logs') , 'viewlogs'], ]], 'diagnostics' => [L10n::t('Diagnostics'), [ 'phpinfo' => ['admin/phpinfo' , L10n::t('PHP Info') , 'phpinfo'], 'probe' => ['probe' , L10n::t('probe address') , 'probe'], 'webfinger' => ['webfinger' , L10n::t('check webfinger') , 'webfinger'], 'itemsource' => ['admin/item/source' , L10n::t('Item Source') , 'itemsource'], 'babel' => ['babel' , L10n::t('Babel') , 'babel'], ]], ]; $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin/aside.tpl'); $a->page['aside'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ '$admin' => ['addons_admin' => Addon::getAdminList()], '$subpages' => $aside_sub, '$admtxt' => L10n::t('Admin'), '$plugadmtxt' => L10n::t('Addon Features'), '$h_pending' => L10n::t('User registrations waiting for confirmation'), '$admurl' => 'admin/' ]); return ''; } }