[-h|--help|-?] [-v] bin/console addon disable [-h|--help|-?] [-v] Description Modify addon settings per console commands. Options -h|--help|-? Show help information -v Show more debug information HELP; return $help; } public function __construct(Mode $appMode, L10n $l10n, Database $dba, array $argv = null) { parent::__construct($argv); $this->appMode = $appMode; $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->dba = $dba; AddonCore::loadAddons(); } protected function doExecute(): int { if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__); $this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true)); $this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true)); } if (count($this->args) == 0) { $this->out($this->getHelp()); return 0; } if ($this->appMode->isInstall()) { throw new RuntimeException('Database isn\'t ready or populated yet'); } $command = $this->getArgument(0); switch ($command) { case 'list': return $this->list(); case 'enable': return $this->enable(); case 'disable': return $this->disable(); default: throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Wrong command.'); } } /** * Lists plugins * * @return int|bool Return code of this command, false on error (?) * @throws \Exception */ private function list() { $subCmd = $this->getArgument(1); $table = new Console_Table(); switch ($subCmd) { case 'all': $table->setHeaders(['Name', 'Enabled']); break; case 'enabled': case 'disabled': $table->setHeaders(['Name']); break; default: $this->out($this->getHelp()); return false; } foreach (AddonCore::getAvailableList() as $addon) { $addon_name = $addon[0]; $enabled = AddonCore::isEnabled($addon_name); if ($subCmd === 'all') { $table->addRow([$addon_name, $enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled']); continue; } if ($subCmd === 'enabled' && $enabled === true) { $table->addRow([$addon_name]); continue; } if ($subCmd === 'disabled' && $enabled === false) { $table->addRow([$addon_name]); continue; } } $this->out($table->getTable()); return 0; } /** * Enables an addon * * @return int Return code of this command * @throws \Exception */ private function enable(): int { $addonname = $this->getArgument(1); $addon = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($addonname); if (!is_file("addon/$addon/$addon.php")) { throw new RuntimeException($this->l10n->t('Addon not found')); } if (AddonCore::isEnabled($addon)) { throw new RuntimeException($this->l10n->t('Addon already enabled')); } AddonCore::install($addon); return 0; } /** * Disables an addon * * @return int Return code of this command * @throws \Exception */ private function disable(): int { $addonname = $this->getArgument(1); $addon = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($addonname); if (!is_file("addon/$addon/$addon.php")) { throw new RuntimeException($this->l10n->t('Addon not found')); } if (!AddonCore::isEnabled($addon)) { throw new RuntimeException($this->l10n->t('Addon already disabled')); } AddonCore::uninstall($addon); return 0; } }