<?php class HTMLPurifier_Injector_RemoveEmpty extends HTMLPurifier_Injector { /** * @type HTMLPurifier_Context */ private $context; /** * @type HTMLPurifier_Config */ private $config; /** * @type HTMLPurifier_AttrValidator */ private $attrValidator; /** * @type bool */ private $removeNbsp; /** * @type bool */ private $removeNbspExceptions; /** * Cached contents of %AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.Predicate * @type array */ private $exclude; /** * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context * @return void */ public function prepare($config, $context) { parent::prepare($config, $context); $this->config = $config; $this->context = $context; $this->removeNbsp = $config->get('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp'); $this->removeNbspExceptions = $config->get('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions'); $this->exclude = $config->get('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.Predicate'); $this->attrValidator = new HTMLPurifier_AttrValidator(); } /** * @param HTMLPurifier_Token $token */ public function handleElement(&$token) { if (!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) { return; } $next = false; $deleted = 1; // the current tag for ($i = count($this->inputZipper->back) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--, $deleted++) { $next = $this->inputZipper->back[$i]; if ($next instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) { if ($next->is_whitespace) { continue; } if ($this->removeNbsp && !isset($this->removeNbspExceptions[$token->name])) { $plain = str_replace("\xC2\xA0", "", $next->data); $isWsOrNbsp = $plain === '' || ctype_space($plain); if ($isWsOrNbsp) { continue; } } } break; } if (!$next || ($next instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End && $next->name == $token->name)) { $this->attrValidator->validateToken($token, $this->config, $this->context); $token->armor['ValidateAttributes'] = true; if (isset($this->exclude[$token->name])) { $r = true; foreach ($this->exclude[$token->name] as $elem) { if (!isset($token->attr[$elem])) $r = false; } if ($r) return; } if (isset($token->attr['id']) || isset($token->attr['name'])) { return; } $token = $deleted + 1; for ($b = 0, $c = count($this->inputZipper->front); $b < $c; $b++) { $prev = $this->inputZipper->front[$b]; if ($prev instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text && $prev->is_whitespace) { continue; } break; } // This is safe because we removed the token that triggered this. $this->rewindOffset($b+$deleted); return; } } } // vim: et sw=4 sts=4