[-h|--help|-?] [-v] bin/console serverblock remove [-h|--help|-?] [-v] Description With this tool, you can list the current blocked server domain patterns or you can add / remove a blocked server domain pattern from the list. Patterns are case-insensitive shell wildcard comprising the following special characters: - * : Any number of characters - ? : Any single character - [...] : char1 or char2 or... Options -h|--help|-? Show help information -v Show more debug information. HELP; return $help; } protected function doExecute() { $a = BaseObject::getApp(); if (count($this->args) == 0) { $this->printBlockedServers($a->getConfig()); return 0; } switch ($this->getArgument(0)) { case 'add': return $this->addBlockedServer($a->getConfig()); case 'remove': return $this->removeBlockedServer($a->getConfig()); default: throw new CommandArgsException('Unknown command.'); break; } } /** * Prints the whole list of blocked domains including the reason * * @param Configuration $config */ private function printBlockedServers(Configuration $config) { $table = new Console_Table(); $table->setHeaders(['Domain', 'Reason']); $blocklist = $config->get('system', 'blocklist'); foreach ($blocklist as $domain) { $table->addRow($domain); } $this->out($table->getTable()); } /** * Adds a server to the blocked list * * @param Configuration $config * * @return int The return code (0 = success, 1 = failed) */ private function addBlockedServer(Configuration $config) { if (count($this->args) < 2 || count($this->args) > 3) { throw new CommandArgsException('Add needs a domain and optional a reason.'); } $domain = $this->getArgument(1); $reason = (count($this->args) === 3) ? $this->getArgument(2) : self::DEFAULT_REASON; $update = false; $currBlocklist = $config->get('system', 'blocklist'); $newBlockList = []; foreach ($currBlocklist as $blocked) { if ($blocked['domain'] === $domain) { $update = true; $newBlockList[] = [ 'domain' => $domain, 'reason' => $reason, ]; } else { $newBlockList[] = $blocked; } } if (!$update) { $newBlockList[] = [ 'domain' => $domain, 'reason' => $reason, ]; } if ($config->set('system', 'blocklist', $newBlockList)) { if ($update) { $this->out(sprintf("The domain '%s' is now updated. (Reason: '%s')", $domain, $reason)); } else { $this->out(sprintf("The domain '%s' is now blocked. (Reason: '%s')", $domain, $reason)); } return 0; } else { $this->out(sprintf("Couldn't save '%s' as blocked server", $domain)); return 1; } } /** * Removes a server from the blocked list * * @param Configuration $config * * @return int The return code (0 = success, 1 = failed) */ private function removeBlockedServer(Configuration $config) { if (count($this->args) !== 2) { throw new CommandArgsException('Remove needs a second parameter.'); } $domain = $this->getArgument(1); $found = false; $currBlocklist = $config->get('system', 'blocklist'); $newBlockList = []; foreach ($currBlocklist as $blocked) { if ($blocked['domain'] === $domain) { $found = true; } else { $newBlockList[] = $blocked; } } if (!$found) { $this->out(sprintf("The domain '%s' is not blocked.", $domain)); return 1; } if ($config->set('system', 'blocklist', $newBlockList)) { $this->out(sprintf("The domain '%s' is not more blocked", $domain)); return 0; } else { $this->out(sprintf("Couldn't remove '%s' from blocked servers", $domain)); return 1; } } }