#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2024 the Friendica project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # # This script is used for autotesting the Friendica codebase with different # types of tests and environments. # # Currently, there are three types of autotesting possibilities: # - "USEDOCKER=true ./autotest.sh" will start a database docker container for testing # - "./autotest.sh" on the Drone CI environment will use the database container of the drone CI pipeline # - "./autotest.sh" on a local environment will try to use the local database instance for testing # # You can specify a database (mysql, mariadb currently) for the db backend of Friendica ("./autotest.sh mysql") # And you can specify some parameters for the test, like: # - NOCOVERAGE=true ... Don't create a coverage XML (this is only useful if you will send coverage to codecov.io) # - NOINSTALL=true ... Skip the whole Friendica installation process (e.g. you just test Caching drivers) # - TEST_SELECTION= ... Specify which tests are used to run (based on the test-labeling) # - XDEBUG_CONFIG= ... Set some XDEBUG specific environment settings for development DATABASE_NAME=${FRIENDICA_MYSQL_DATABASE:-test} DATABASE_USER=${FRIENDICA_MYSQL_USERNAME:-friendica} DATABASE_HOST=${FRIENDICA_MYSQL_HOST:-localhost} DATABASE_PASSWORD=${FRIENDICA_MYSQL_PASSWORD:-friendica} BASEDIR=${PWD} DBCONFIGS="mysql mariadb" TESTS="REDIS MEMCACHE MEMCACHED APCU NODB" export MYSQL_DATABASE="${DATABASE_NAME}" export MYSQL_USERNAME="${DATABASE_USER}" export MYSQL_PASSWORD="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" if [ -z "${PHP_EXE}" ]; then PHP_EXE=php fi PHP=$(which "${PHP_EXE}") # Use the Friendica internal composer COMPOSER="${BASEDIR}/bin/composer.phar" set -e _XDEBUG_CONFIG=${XDEBUG_CONFIG} unset XDEBUG_CONFIG function show_syntax() { echo -e "Syntax: ./autotest.sh [dbconfigname] [testfile]\n" >&2 echo -e "\t\"dbconfigname\" can be one of: ${DBCONFIGS}" >&2 echo -e "\t\"testfile\" is the name of a test file, for example lib/template.php" >&2 echo -e "\nDatabase environment variables:\n" >&2 echo -e "\t\"MYSQL_HOST\" Mysql Hostname (Default: localhost)" >&2 echo -e "\t\"MYSQL_USERNAME\" Mysql Username (Default: friendica)" >&2 echo -e "\t\"MYSQL_DATABASE\" Mysql Database (Default: test)" >&2 echo -e "\nOther environment variables:\n" >&2 echo -e "\t\"TEST_SELECTION\" test a specific group of tests, can be one of: $TESTS" >&2 echo -e "\t\"NOINSTALL\" If set to true, skip the db and install process" >&2 echo -e "\t\"NOCOVERAGE\" If set to true, don't create a coverage output" >&2 echo -e "\t\"USEDOCKER\" If set to true, the DB server will be executed inside a docker container" >&2 echo -e "\nExample: NOCOVERAGE=true ./autotest.sh mysql src/Core/Cache/MemcacheTest.php" >&2 echo "will run the test suite from \"tests/src/Core/Cache/MemcacheTest.php\" without a Coverage" >&2 echo -e "\nIf no arguments are specified, all tests will be run with all database configs" >&2 } if [ -x "${PHP}" ]; then echo "Using PHP executable ${PHP}" else echo "Could not find PHP executable ${PHP_EXE}" >&2 exit 3 fi echo "Installing dependencies" ${PHP} "$COMPOSER" install PHPUNIT="${BASEDIR}/vendor/bin/phpunit" if [ -x "${PHPUNIT}" ]; then echo "Using PHPUnit executable ${PHPUNIT}" else echo "Could not find PHPUnit executable after composer ${PHPUNIT}" >&2 exit 3 fi if ! [ \( -w config -a ! -f config/local.config.php \) -o \( -f config/local.config.php -a -w config/local.config.php \) ]; then echo "Please enable write permissions on config and config/config.php" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$1" ]; then FOUND=0 for DBCONFIG in ${DBCONFIGS}; do if [ "$1" = "${DBCONFIG}" ]; then FOUND=1 break fi done if [ $FOUND = 0 ]; then echo -e "Unknown database config name \"$1\"\n" >&2 show_syntax exit 2 fi fi # Back up existing (dev) config if one exists and backup not already there if [ -f config/local.config.php ] && [ ! -f config/local.config-autotest-backup.php ]; then mv config/local.config.php config/local.config-autotest-backup.php fi function cleanup_config() { if [ -n "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}" ]; then echo "Kill the docker ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}" docker stop "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}" docker rm -f "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}" fi cd "${BASEDIR}" # Restore existing config if [ -f config/local.config-autotest-backup.php ]; then mv config/local.config-autotest-backup.php config/local.config.php fi } # restore config on exit trap cleanup_config EXIT function execute_tests() { DB=$1 echo "Setup environment for ${DB} testing ..." # back to root folder cd "${BASEDIR}" # backup current config if [ -f config/local.config.php ]; then mv config/local.config.php config/local.config-autotest-backup.php fi if [ -z "${NOINSTALL}" ]; then #drop database if [ "${DB}" == "mysql" ]; then if [ -n "${USEDOCKER}" ]; then echo "Fire up the mysql docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" \ -e MYSQL_USER="${DATABASE_USER}" \ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE="${DATABASE_NAME}" \ -d mysql) DATABASE_HOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}") else if [ -z "${DRONE}" ]; then # no need to drop the DB when we are on CI if [ "mysql" != "$(mysql --version | grep -o mysql)" ]; then echo "Your mysql binary is not provided by mysql" echo "To use the docker container set the USEDOCKER environment variable" exit 3 fi mysql -u "${DATABASE_USER}" -p"${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${DATABASE_NAME}" -h ${DATABASE_HOST} || true mysql -u "${DATABASE_USER}" -p"${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${DATABASE_NAME} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci" -h ${DATABASE_HOST} else DATABASE_HOST=mysql fi fi echo "Waiting for MySQL ${DATABASE_HOST} initialization..." if ! bin/wait-for-connection ${DATABASE_HOST} 3306 300; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "MySQL is up." fi if [ "${DB}" == "mariadb" ]; then if [ -n "${USEDOCKER}" ]; then echo "Fire up the mariadb docker" DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" \ -e MYSQL_USER="${DATABASE_USER}" \ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE="${DATABASE_NAME}" \ -d mariadb) DATABASE_HOST=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}") else if [ -z "${DRONE}" ]; then # no need to drop the DB when we are on CI if [ "MariaDB" != "$(mysql --version | grep -o MariaDB)" ]; then echo "Your mysql binary is not provided by mysql" echo "To use the docker container set the USEDOCKER environment variable" exit 3 fi mysql -u "${DATABASE_USER}" -p"${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${DATABASE_NAME}" -h ${DATABASE_HOST} || true mysql -u "${DATABASE_USER}" -p"${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" -e "CREATE DATABASE ${DATABASE_NAME} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci" -h ${DATABASE_HOST} else DATABASE_HOST=mariadb fi fi echo "Waiting for MariaDB ${DATABASE_HOST} initialization..." if ! bin/wait-for-connection ${DATABASE_HOST} 3306 300; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "MariaDB is up." fi if [ -n "${USEDOCKER}" ]; then echo "Initialize database..." docker exec ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID} mysql -u root -p"${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${DATABASE_NAME};" fi export MYSQL_HOST="${DATABASE_HOST}" #call installer echo "Installing Friendica..." "${PHP}" ./bin/console.php autoinstall --dbuser="${DATABASE_USER}" --dbpass="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" --dbdata="${DATABASE_NAME}" --dbhost="${DATABASE_HOST}" --url=https://friendica.local --admin=admin@friendica.local fi #test execution echo "Testing..." rm -fr "coverage-html" mkdir "coverage-html" if [[ "${_XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ]]; then export XDEBUG_CONFIG=${_XDEBUG_CONFIG} fi COVER='' if [ -z "${NOCOVERAGE}" ]; then COVER="--coverage-clover tests/autotest-clover.xml" else echo "No coverage" fi # per default, there is no cache installed GROUP='--exclude-group REDIS,MEMCACHE,MEMCACHED,APCU' if [ "${TEST_SELECTION}" == "REDIS" ]; then GROUP="--group REDIS" fi if [ "${TEST_SELECTION}" == "MEMCACHE" ]; then GROUP="--group MEMCACHE" fi if [ "${TEST_SELECTION}" == "MEMCACHED" ]; then GROUP="--group MEMCACHED" fi if [ "${TEST_SELECTION}" == "APCU" ]; then GROUP="--group APCU" fi if [ "${TEST_SELECTION}" == "NODB" ]; then GROUP="--exclude-group DB,SLOWDB" fi INPUT="${BASEDIR}/tests" if [ -n "$2" ]; then INPUT="${INPUT}/$2" fi echo "${PHPUNIT[@]}" --configuration tests/phpunit.xml ${GROUP} ${COVER} --log-junit "autotest-results.xml" "${INPUT}" "$3" "${PHPUNIT[@]}" --configuration tests/phpunit.xml ${GROUP} ${COVER} --log-junit "autotest-results.xml" "${INPUT}" "$3" RESULT=$? if [ -n "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}" ]; then echo "Kill the docker ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID}" docker stop ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID} docker rm -f ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID} unset ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID} fi } # # Start the test execution # if [ -z "$1" ] && [ -n "${TEST_SELECTION}" ]; then # run all known database configs for DBCONFIG in ${DBCONFIGS}; do execute_tests "${DBCONFIG}" done else FILENAME="$2" if [ -n "$2" ] && [ ! -f "tests/${FILENAME}" ] && [ "${FILENAME:0:2}" != "--" ]; then FILENAME="../${FILENAME}" fi execute_tests "$1" "${FILENAME}" "$3" fi