: Searches for the poco server list. "poco url" is base64 encoded. - update_server: Frequently check the first 250 servers for vitality. - PortableContact::load: Load POCO data from a given POCO address */ $search = ""; $mode = 0; if (($command == "checkcontact") && Config::get('system', 'poco_completion')) { self::discoverUsers(); } elseif ($command == "server") { $server_url = $param1; if ($server_url == "") { return; } $server_url = filter_var($server_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); if (substr(Strings::normaliseLink($server_url), 0, 7) != "http://") { return; } $result = "Checking server ".$server_url." - "; $ret = GServer::check($server_url); if ($ret) { $result .= "success"; } else { $result .= "failed"; } Logger::log($result, Logger::DEBUG); } elseif ($command == "update_server") { self::updateServer(); } elseif ($command == "load") { if (!empty($param4)) { $url = $param4; } else { $url = ''; } PortableContact::load(intval($param1), intval($param2), intval($param3), $url); } elseif ($command !== "") { Logger::log("Unknown or missing parameter ".$command."\n"); return; } Logger::log('start '.$search); if (($mode == 0) && ($search == "") && (Config::get('system', 'poco_discovery') != PortableContact::DISABLED)) { // Query Friendica and Hubzilla servers for their users PortableContact::discover(); // Query GNU Social servers for their users ("statistics" addon has to be enabled on the GS server) if (!Config::get('system', 'ostatus_disabled')) { GContact::discoverGsUsers(); } } Logger::log('end '.$search); return; } /** * @brief Updates the first 250 servers * */ private static function updateServer() { $r = q("SELECT `url`, `created`, `last_failure`, `last_contact` FROM `gserver` ORDER BY rand()"); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { return; } $updated = 0; foreach ($r AS $server) { if (!PortableContact::updateNeeded($server["created"], "", $server["last_failure"], $server["last_contact"])) { continue; } Logger::log('Update server status for server '.$server["url"], Logger::DEBUG); Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, "DiscoverPoCo", "server", $server["url"]); if (++$updated > 250) { return; } } } private static function discoverUsers() { Logger::log("Discover users", Logger::DEBUG); $starttime = time(); $users = q("SELECT `url`, `created`, `updated`, `last_failure`, `last_contact`, `server_url`, `network` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `last_contact` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND `last_failure` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '') ORDER BY rand()", DBA::escape(Protocol::DFRN), DBA::escape(Protocol::DIASPORA), DBA::escape(Protocol::OSTATUS), DBA::escape(Protocol::FEED)); if (!$users) { return; } $checked = 0; foreach ($users AS $user) { $urlparts = parse_url($user["url"]); if (!isset($urlparts["scheme"])) { DBA::update('gcontact', ['network' => Protocol::PHANTOM], ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($user["url"])]); continue; } if (in_array($urlparts["host"], ["twitter.com", "identi.ca"])) { $networks = ["twitter.com" => Protocol::TWITTER, "identi.ca" => Protocol::PUMPIO]; DBA::update('gcontact', ['network' => $networks[$urlparts["host"]]], ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($user["url"])]); continue; } $server_url = Contact::getBasepath($user["url"]); $force_update = false; if ($user["server_url"] != "") { $force_update = (Strings::normaliseLink($user["server_url"]) != Strings::normaliseLink($server_url)); $server_url = $user["server_url"]; } if ((($server_url == "") && ($user["network"] == Protocol::FEED)) || $force_update || GServer::check($server_url, $user["network"])) { Logger::log('Check profile '.$user["url"]); Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateGContact', $user['url'], 'force'); if (++$checked > 100) { return; } } else { DBA::update('gcontact', ['last_failure' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($user["url"])]); } // Quit the loop after 3 minutes if (time() > ($starttime + 180)) { return; } } } }