. * */ namespace Friendica\Content; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Util\Strings; /** * This class contains functions to handle smiles */ class Smilies { /** * Replaces/adds the emoticon list * * This function should be used whenever emoticons are added * * @param array $b Array of emoticons * @param string $smiley The text smilie * @param string $representation The replacement * @return void */ public static function add(array &$b, string $smiley, string $representation) { $found = array_search($smiley, $b['texts']); if (!is_int($found)) { $b['texts'][] = $smiley; $b['icons'][] = $representation; } else { $b['icons'][$found] = $representation; } } /** * Function to list all smilies * * Get an array of all smilies, both internal and from addons. * * @return array * 'texts' => smilie shortcut * 'icons' => icon in html * * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @hook smilie ('texts' => smilies texts array, 'icons' => smilies html array) */ public static function getList(): array { $texts = [ '<3', '</3', '<\\3', ':-)', ';-)', ':-(', ':-P', ':-p', ':-"', ':-"', ':-x', ':-X', ':-D', '8-|', '8-O', ':-O', '\\o/', 'o.O', 'O.o', 'o_O', 'O_o', ":'(", ":-!", ":-/", ":-[", "8-)", ':beer', ':homebrew', ':coffee', ':facepalm', ':like', ':dislike', '~friendica', 'red#', 'red#matrix' ]; $baseUrl = (string)DI::baseUrl(); $icons = [ '<3', '</3', '<\\3', ':-)', ';-)', ':-(', ':-P', ':-p', ':-\', ':-\', ':-x', ':-X', ':-D', '8-|', '8-O', ':-O', '\\o/', 'o.O', 'O.o', 'o_O', 'O_o', ':\'(', ':-!', ':-/', ':-[', '8-)', ':beer', ':homebrew', ':coffee', ':facepalm', ':like', ':dislike', '~friendica ~friendica', 'redred#matrix', 'redred#matrixmatrix' ]; $params = ['texts' => $texts, 'icons' => $icons]; Hook::callAll('smilie', $params); return $params; } /** * Finds all used smilies (denoted by quoting colons like :heart:) in the provided text and normalizes their usages. * * @param string $text that might contain smiley usages * @return array with smilie codes (colon included) as the keys, their image urls as values; * the normalized string is put under the '' (empty string) key */ public static function extractUsedSmilies(string $text, string &$normalized = null): array { $emojis = []; $normalized = BBCode::performWithEscapedTags($text, ['code'], function ($text) use (&$emojis) { return BBCode::performWithEscapedTags($text, ['noparse', 'nobb', 'pre'], function ($text) use (&$emojis) { if (strpos($text, '[nosmile]') !== false || self::noSmilies()) { return $text; } $smilies = self::getList(); $normalized = []; return self::performForEachWordMatch( array_combine($smilies['texts'], $smilies['icons']), $text, function (string $name, string $image) use($normalized, &$emojis) { if (array_key_exists($name, $normalized)) { return $normalized[$name]; } if (preg_match('/src="(.+?)"/', $image, $match)) { $url = $match[1]; // Image smilies, which should be normalized instead of being embedded for some protocols like ActivityPub. // Normalize name $norm = preg_replace('/[\s\-:#~]/', '', $name); if (!ctype_alnum($norm)) { if (preg_match('#/smiley-(\w+)\.gif#', $url, $match)) { $norm = $match[1]; } else { $norm = 'smiley' . count($normalized); } } $shortcode = ':' . $norm . ':'; $normalized[$name] = $shortcode; $emojis[$norm] = $url; return $shortcode; } else { $normalized[$name] = $image; // Probably text-substitution smilies (e.g., Unicode ones). return $image; } }, ); }); }); return $emojis; } /** * Similar to strtr but matches only whole words and replaces texts with $callback. * * @param array $words * @param string $subject * @param callable $callback ($offset, $value) * @return string */ private static function performForEachWordMatch(array $words, string $subject, callable $callback): string { $ord1_bitset = 0; $ord2_bitset = 0; $prefixes = []; foreach ($words as $word => $_) { if (strlen($word) < 2) { continue; } $ord1 = ord($word[0]); $ord2 = ord($word[1]); // A smiley shortcode must not begin or end with whitespaces. if (ctype_space($word[0]) || ctype_space($word[strlen($word) - 1])) { continue; } $ord1_bitset |= 1 << ($ord1 & 31); $ord2_bitset |= 1 << ($ord2 & 31); if (!array_key_exists($word[0], $prefixes)) { $prefixes[$word[0]] = []; } $prefixes[$word[0]][] = $word; } $slength = strlen($subject); $result = ''; // $processed is used to delay string concatenation since appending a char every loop is inefficient. $processed = 0; // Find possible starting points for smilies. // For built-in smilies, the two bitsets should make attempts quite efficient. // However, presuming custom smilies follow the format of ":shortcode" or ":shortcode:", // if the user adds more smilies (with addons), the second bitset may eventually become useless. for ($i = 0; $i < $slength - 1; $i++) { $c = $subject[$i]; $d = $subject[$i + 1]; if (($ord1_bitset & (1 << (ord($c) & 31))) && ($ord2_bitset & (1 << (ord($d) & 31))) && array_key_exists($c, $prefixes)) { foreach ($prefixes[$c] as $word) { $wlength = strlen($word); if (substr($subject, $i, $wlength) === $word) { // Check for boundaries if (($i === 0 || ctype_space($subject[$i - 1]) || ctype_punct($subject[$i - 1])) && ($i + $wlength >= $slength || ctype_space($subject[$i + $wlength]) || ctype_punct($subject[$i + $wlength]))) { $result .= substr($subject, $processed, $i - $processed); $result .= call_user_func($callback, $word, $words[$word]); $i += $wlength; $processed = $i; $i--; break; } } } } } if ($processed < $slength) { $result .= substr($subject, $processed); } return $result; } /** * Copied from http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-replace.php#88569 * Modified for camel caps: renamed stro_replace -> strOrigReplace * * When using str_replace(...), values that did not exist in the original string (but were put there by previous * replacements) will be replaced continuously. This string replacement function is designed to replace the values * in $search with those in $replace while not factoring in prior replacements. Note that this function will * always look for the longest possible match first and then work its way down to individual characters. * * @param array $search list of strings or characters that need to be replaced * @param array $replace list of strings or characters that will replace the corresponding values in $search * @param string $subject the string on which this operation is being performed * * @return string $subject with all substrings in the $search array replaced by the values in the $replace array */ private static function strOrigReplace(array $search, array $replace, string $subject): string { return self::performForEachWordMatch( array_combine($search, $replace), $subject, function (string $_, string $value) { return $value; } ); } /** * Replaces text emoticons with graphical images * * It is expected that this function will be called using HTML text. * We will escape text between HTML pre and code blocks from being * processed. * * At a higher level, the bbcode [nosmile] tag can be used to prevent this * function from being executed by the prepare_text() routine when preparing * bbcode source for HTML display * * @param string $s Text that should be replaced * @param boolean $no_images Only replace emoticons without images * * @return string HTML Output of the Smilie * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function replace(string $s, bool $no_images = false): string { $smilies = self::getList(); $s = self::replaceFromArray($s, $smilies, $no_images); return $s; } private static function noSmilies(): bool { return (intval(DI::config()->get('system', 'no_smilies')) || (DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId() && intval(DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'system', 'no_smilies')))); } /** * Replaces emoji shortcodes in a string from a structured array of searches and replaces. * * Depends on system.no_smilies config value, skips
 and  tags.
	 * @param string $text      An HTML string
	 * @param array  $smilies   An string replacement array with the following structure: ['texts' => [], 'icons' => []]
	 * @param bool   $no_images Only replace shortcodes without image replacement (e.g. Unicode characters)
	 * @return string
	 * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
	public static function replaceFromArray(string $text, array $smilies, bool $no_images = false): string
		if (self::noSmilies()) {
			return $text;

		$text = preg_replace_callback('/<(pre)>(.*?)<\/pre>/ism', [self::class, 'encode'], $text);
		$text = preg_replace_callback('/<(code)>(.*?)<\/code>/ism', [self::class, 'encode'], $text);

		if ($no_images) {
			$cleaned = ['texts' => [], 'icons' => []];
			$icons = $smilies['icons'];
			foreach ($icons as $key => $icon) {
				if (!strstr($icon, '(.*?)<\/code>/ism', [self::class, 'decode'], $text);
		$text = preg_replace_callback('/<(pre)>(.*?)<\/pre>/ism', [self::class, 'decode'], $text);

		return $text;

	 * Encodes smiley match array to BASE64 string
	 * @param array $m Match array
	 * @return string base64 encoded string
	private static function encode(array $m): string
		return '<' . $m[1] . '>' . Strings::base64UrlEncode($m[2]) . '';

	 * Decodes a previously BASE64-encoded match array to a string
	 * @param array $m Matches array
	 * @return string base64 decoded string
	 * @throws \Exception
	private static function decode(array $m): string
		return '<' . $m[1] . '>' . Strings::base64UrlDecode($m[2]) . '';

	 * expand <3333 to the correct number of hearts
	 * @param array $matches
	 * @return string HTML Output
	private static function heartReplaceCallback(array $matches): string
		return str_repeat('❤', strlen($matches[0]) - 4);

	 * Checks if the body doesn't contain any alphanumeric characters
	 * @param string $body Possibly-HTML post body
	 * @return boolean
	public static function isEmojiPost(string $body): bool
		// Strips all whitespace
		$conv = preg_replace('#\s#u', '', html_entity_decode($body));
		if (empty($conv)) {
			return false;

		if (!class_exists('IntlChar')) {
			// Most Emojis are 4 byte Unicode characters, so this is a good workaround, when IntlChar does not exist on the system
			return strlen($conv) / mb_strlen($conv) == 4;

		for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($conv); $i++) {
			$character = mb_substr($conv, $i, 1);

			if (\IntlChar::isalnum($character) || \IntlChar::ispunct($character) || \IntlChar::isgraph($character) && (strlen($character) <= 2)) {
				return false;
		return true;