maxload_reached()) { logger('Pre check: maximum load reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // We now start the process. This is done after the load check since this could increase the load. $a->start_process(); // Kill stale processes every 5 minutes $last_cleanup = Config::get('system', 'poller_last_cleaned', 0); if (time() > ($last_cleanup + 300)) { Config::set('system', 'poller_last_cleaned', time()); self::killStaleWorkers(); } // Count active workers and compare them with a maximum value that depends on the load if (self::tooMuchWorkers()) { logger('Pre check: Active worker limit reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // Do we have too few memory? if ($a->min_memory_reached()) { logger('Pre check: Memory limit reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // Possibly there are too much database connections if (self::maxConnectionsReached()) { logger('Pre check: maximum connections reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // Possibly there are too much database processes that block the system if ($a->max_processes_reached()) { logger('Pre check: maximum processes reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // Now we start additional cron processes if we should do so if ($run_cron) { self::runCron(); } $starttime = time(); // We fetch the next queue entry that is about to be executed while ($r = self::workerProcess($passing_slow)) { // When we are processing jobs with a lower priority, we don't refetch new jobs // Otherwise fast jobs could wait behind slow ones and could be blocked. $refetched = $passing_slow; foreach ($r as $entry) { // Assure that the priority is an integer value $entry['priority'] = (int)$entry['priority']; // The work will be done if (!self::execute($entry)) { logger('Process execution failed, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // If possible we will fetch new jobs for this worker if (!$refetched && Lock::set('poller_worker_process', 0)) { $stamp = (float)microtime(true); $refetched = self::findWorkerProcesses($passing_slow); self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp); Lock::remove('poller_worker_process'); } } // To avoid the quitting of multiple workers only one worker at a time will execute the check if (Lock::set('poller_worker', 0)) { $stamp = (float)microtime(true); // Count active workers and compare them with a maximum value that depends on the load if (self::tooMuchWorkers()) { logger('Active worker limit reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } // Check free memory if ($a->min_memory_reached()) { logger('Memory limit reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } Lock::remove('poller_worker'); self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp); } // Quit the worker once every 5 minutes if (time() > ($starttime + 300)) { logger('Process lifetime reached, quitting.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } } logger("Couldn't select a workerqueue entry, quitting.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } /** * @brief Returns the number of non executed entries in the worker queue * * @return integer Number of non executed entries in the worker queue */ private static function totalEntries() { $s = dba::fetch_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `executed` <= ? AND NOT `done`", NULL_DATE); if (DBM::is_result($s)) { return $s["total"]; } else { return 0; } } /** * @brief Returns the highest priority in the worker queue that isn't executed * * @return integer Number of active worker processes */ private static function highestPriority() { $condition = array("`executed` <= ? AND NOT `done`", NULL_DATE); $s = dba::selectOne('workerqueue', ['priority'], $condition, ['order' => ['priority']]); if (DBM::is_result($s)) { return $s["priority"]; } else { return 0; } } /** * @brief Returns if a process with the given priority is running * * @param integer $priority The priority that should be checked * * @return integer Is there a process running with that priority? */ private static function processWithPriorityActive($priority) { $condition = array("`priority` <= ? AND `executed` > ? AND NOT `done`", $priority, NULL_DATE); return dba::exists('workerqueue', $condition); } /** * @brief Execute a worker entry * * @param array $queue Workerqueue entry * * @return boolean "true" if further processing should be stopped */ public static function execute($queue) { $a = get_app(); $mypid = getmypid(); // Quit when in maintenance if (Config::get('system', 'maintenance', true)) { logger("Maintenance mode - quit process ".$mypid, LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } // Constantly check the number of parallel database processes if ($a->max_processes_reached()) { logger("Max processes reached for process ".$mypid, LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } // Constantly check the number of available database connections to let the frontend be accessible at any time if (self::maxConnectionsReached()) { logger("Max connection reached for process ".$mypid, LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $argv = json_decode($queue["parameter"]); // Check for existance and validity of the include file $include = $argv[0]; if (method_exists(sprintf('Friendica\Worker\%s', $include), 'execute')) { // We constantly update the "executed" date every minute to avoid being killed too soon if (!isset(self::$last_update)) { self::$last_update = strtotime($queue["executed"]); } $age = (time() - self::$last_update) / 60; self::$last_update = time(); if ($age > 1) { $stamp = (float)microtime(true); dba::update('workerqueue', array('executed' => datetime_convert()), array('pid' => $mypid, 'done' => false)); self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp); } array_shift($argv); self::execFunction($queue, $include, $argv, true); $stamp = (float)microtime(true); if (dba::update('workerqueue', array('done' => true), array('id' => $queue["id"]))) { Config::set('system', 'last_poller_execution', datetime_convert()); } self::$db_duration = (microtime(true) - $stamp); return true; } // The script could be provided as full path or only with the function name if ($include == basename($include)) { $include = "include/".$include.".php"; } if (!validate_include($include)) { logger("Include file ".$argv[0]." is not valid!"); dba::delete('workerqueue', array('id' => $queue["id"])); return true; } require_once $include; $funcname = str_replace(".php", "", basename($argv[0]))."_run"; if (function_exists($funcname)) { // We constantly update the "executed" date every minute to avoid being killed too soon if (!isset(self::$last_update)) { self::$last_update = strtotime($queue["executed"]); } $age = (time() - self::$last_update) / 60; self::$last_update = time(); if ($age > 1) { $stamp = (float)microtime(true); dba::update('workerqueue', array('executed' => datetime_convert()), array('pid' => $mypid, 'done' => false)); self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp); } self::execFunction($queue, $funcname, $argv, false); $stamp = (float)microtime(true); if (dba::update('workerqueue', array('done' => true), array('id' => $queue["id"]))) { Config::set('system', 'last_poller_execution', datetime_convert()); } self::$db_duration = (microtime(true) - $stamp); } else { logger("Function ".$funcname." does not exist"); dba::delete('workerqueue', array('id' => $queue["id"])); } return true; } /** * @brief Execute a function from the queue * * @param array $queue Workerqueue entry * @param string $funcname name of the function * @param array $argv Array of values to be passed to the function * @param boolean $method_call boolean * @return void */ private static function execFunction($queue, $funcname, $argv, $method_call) { $a = get_app(); $mypid = getmypid(); $argc = count($argv); $new_process_id = uniqid("wrk", true); logger("Process ".$mypid." - Prio ".$queue["priority"]." - ID ".$queue["id"].": ".$funcname." ".$queue["parameter"]." - Process PID: ".$new_process_id); $stamp = (float)microtime(true); // We use the callstack here to analyze the performance of executed worker entries. // For this reason the variables have to be initialized. if (Config::get("system", "profiler")) { $a->performance["start"] = microtime(true); $a->performance["database"] = 0; $a->performance["database_write"] = 0; $a->performance["network"] = 0; $a->performance["file"] = 0; $a->performance["rendering"] = 0; $a->performance["parser"] = 0; $a->performance["marktime"] = 0; $a->performance["markstart"] = microtime(true); $a->callstack = array(); } // For better logging create a new process id for every worker call // But preserve the old one for the worker $old_process_id = $a->process_id; $a->process_id = $new_process_id; $a->queue = $queue; $up_duration = number_format(microtime(true) - self::$up_start, 3); // Reset global data to avoid interferences unset($_SESSION); if ($method_call) { call_user_func_array(sprintf('Friendica\Worker\%s::execute', $funcname), $argv); } else { $funcname($argv, $argc); } $a->process_id = $old_process_id; unset($a->queue); $duration = number_format(microtime(true) - $stamp, 3); self::$up_start = microtime(true); /* With these values we can analyze how effective the worker is. * The database and rest time should be low since this is the unproductive time. * The execution time is the productive time. * By changing parameters like the maximum number of workers we can check the effectivness. */ logger( 'DB: '.number_format(self::$db_duration, 2). ' - Lock: '.number_format(self::$lock_duration, 2). ' - Rest: '.number_format($up_duration - self::$db_duration - self::$lock_duration, 2). ' - Execution: '.number_format($duration, 2), LOGGER_DEBUG ); self::$lock_duration = 0; if ($duration > 3600) { logger("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 1 hour (".round($duration/60, 3).")", LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif ($duration > 600) { logger("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 10 minutes (".round($duration/60, 3).")", LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif ($duration > 300) { logger("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 5 minutes (".round($duration/60, 3).")", LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif ($duration > 120) { logger("Prio ".$queue["priority"].": ".$queue["parameter"]." - longer than 2 minutes (".round($duration/60, 3).")", LOGGER_DEBUG); } logger("Process ".$mypid." - Prio ".$queue["priority"]." - ID ".$queue["id"].": ".$funcname." - done in ".$duration." seconds. Process PID: ".$new_process_id); // Write down the performance values into the log if (Config::get("system", "profiler")) { $duration = microtime(true)-$a->performance["start"]; if (Config::get("rendertime", "callstack")) { if (isset($a->callstack["database"])) { $o = "\nDatabase Read:\n"; foreach ($a->callstack["database"] as $func => $time) { $time = round($time, 3); if ($time > 0) { $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n"; } } } if (isset($a->callstack["database_write"])) { $o .= "\nDatabase Write:\n"; foreach ($a->callstack["database_write"] as $func => $time) { $time = round($time, 3); if ($time > 0) { $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n"; } } } if (isset($a->callstack["network"])) { $o .= "\nNetwork:\n"; foreach ($a->callstack["network"] as $func => $time) { $time = round($time, 3); if ($time > 0) { $o .= $func.": ".$time."\n"; } } } } else { $o = ''; } logger( "ID ".$queue["id"].": ".$funcname.": ".sprintf( "DB: %s/%s, Net: %s, I/O: %s, Other: %s, Total: %s".$o, number_format($a->performance["database"] - $a->performance["database_write"], 2), number_format($a->performance["database_write"], 2), number_format($a->performance["network"], 2), number_format($a->performance["file"], 2), number_format($duration - ($a->performance["database"] + $a->performance["network"] + $a->performance["file"]), 2), number_format($duration, 2) ), LOGGER_DEBUG ); } $cooldown = Config::get("system", "worker_cooldown", 0); if ($cooldown > 0) { logger("Process ".$mypid." - Prio ".$queue["priority"]." - ID ".$queue["id"].": ".$funcname." - in cooldown for ".$cooldown." seconds"); sleep($cooldown); } } /** * @brief Checks if the number of database connections has reached a critical limit. * * @return bool Are more than 3/4 of the maximum connections used? */ private static function maxConnectionsReached() { // Fetch the max value from the config. This is needed when the system cannot detect the correct value by itself. $max = Config::get("system", "max_connections"); // Fetch the percentage level where the worker will get active $maxlevel = Config::get("system", "max_connections_level", 75); if ($max == 0) { // the maximum number of possible user connections can be a system variable $r = dba::fetch_first("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE `variable_name` = 'max_user_connections'"); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $max = $r["Value"]; } // Or it can be granted. This overrides the system variable $r = dba::p('SHOW GRANTS'); while ($grants = dba::fetch($r)) { $grant = array_pop($grants); if (stristr($grant, "GRANT USAGE ON")) { if (preg_match("/WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS (\d*)/", $grant, $match)) { $max = $match[1]; } } } dba::close($r); } // If $max is set we will use the processlist to determine the current number of connections // The processlist only shows entries of the current user if ($max != 0) { $r = dba::p('SHOW PROCESSLIST'); $used = dba::num_rows($r); dba::close($r); logger("Connection usage (user values): ".$used."/".$max, LOGGER_DEBUG); $level = ($used / $max) * 100; if ($level >= $maxlevel) { logger("Maximum level (".$maxlevel."%) of user connections reached: ".$used."/".$max); return true; } } // We will now check for the system values. // This limit could be reached although the user limits are fine. $r = dba::fetch_first("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE `variable_name` = 'max_connections'"); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return false; } $max = intval($r["Value"]); if ($max == 0) { return false; } $r = dba::fetch_first("SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected'"); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return false; } $used = intval($r["Value"]); if ($used == 0) { return false; } logger("Connection usage (system values): ".$used."/".$max, LOGGER_DEBUG); $level = $used / $max * 100; if ($level < $maxlevel) { return false; } logger("Maximum level (".$level."%) of system connections reached: ".$used."/".$max); return true; } /** * @brief fix the queue entry if the worker process died * @return void */ private static function killStaleWorkers() { $entries = dba::select( 'workerqueue', array('id', 'pid', 'executed', 'priority', 'parameter'), array('`executed` > ? AND NOT `done` AND `pid` != 0', NULL_DATE), array('order' => array('priority', 'created')) ); while ($entry = dba::fetch($entries)) { if (!posix_kill($entry["pid"], 0)) { dba::update( 'workerqueue', array('executed' => NULL_DATE, 'pid' => 0), array('id' => $entry["id"]) ); } else { // Kill long running processes // Check if the priority is in a valid range if (!in_array($entry["priority"], array(PRIORITY_CRITICAL, PRIORITY_HIGH, PRIORITY_MEDIUM, PRIORITY_LOW, PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE))) { $entry["priority"] = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; } // Define the maximum durations $max_duration_defaults = array(PRIORITY_CRITICAL => 720, PRIORITY_HIGH => 10, PRIORITY_MEDIUM => 60, PRIORITY_LOW => 180, PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE => 720); $max_duration = $max_duration_defaults[$entry["priority"]]; $argv = json_decode($entry["parameter"]); $argv[0] = basename($argv[0]); // How long is the process already running? $duration = (time() - strtotime($entry["executed"])) / 60; if ($duration > $max_duration) { logger("Worker process ".$entry["pid"]." (".implode(" ", $argv).") took more than ".$max_duration." minutes. It will be killed now."); posix_kill($entry["pid"], SIGTERM); // We killed the stale process. // To avoid a blocking situation we reschedule the process at the beginning of the queue. // Additionally we are lowering the priority. (But not PRIORITY_CRITICAL) if ($entry["priority"] == PRIORITY_HIGH) { $new_priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; } elseif ($entry["priority"] == PRIORITY_MEDIUM) { $new_priority = PRIORITY_LOW; } elseif ($entry["priority"] != PRIORITY_CRITICAL) { $new_priority = PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE; } dba::update( 'workerqueue', array('executed' => NULL_DATE, 'created' => datetime_convert(), 'priority' => $new_priority, 'pid' => 0), array('id' => $entry["id"]) ); } else { logger("Worker process ".$entry["pid"]." (".implode(" ", $argv).") now runs for ".round($duration)." of ".$max_duration." allowed minutes. That's okay.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } } } } /** * @brief Checks if the number of active workers exceeds the given limits * * @return bool Are there too much workers running? */ public static function tooMuchWorkers() { $queues = Config::get("system", "worker_queues", 4); $maxqueues = $queues; $active = self::activeWorkers(); // Decrease the number of workers at higher load $load = current_load(); if ($load) { $maxsysload = intval(Config::get("system", "maxloadavg", 50)); $maxworkers = $queues; // Some magical mathemathics to reduce the workers $exponent = 3; $slope = $maxworkers / pow($maxsysload, $exponent); $queues = ceil($slope * pow(max(0, $maxsysload - $load), $exponent)); $processlist = ''; if (Config::get('system', 'worker_debug')) { // Create a list of queue entries grouped by their priority $listitem = array(); // Adding all processes with no workerqueue entry $processes = dba::p( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `running` FROM `process` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `workerqueue`.`pid` = `process`.`pid` AND NOT `done` AND `pid` != ?)", getmypid() ); if ($process = dba::fetch($processes)) { $listitem[0] = "0:".$process["running"]; } dba::close($processes); // Now adding all processes with workerqueue entries $entries = dba::p("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `entries`, `priority` FROM `workerqueue` WHERE NOT `done` GROUP BY `priority`"); while ($entry = dba::fetch($entries)) { $processes = dba::p("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `running` FROM `process` INNER JOIN `workerqueue` ON `workerqueue`.`pid` = `process`.`pid` AND NOT `done` WHERE `priority` = ?", $entry["priority"]); if ($process = dba::fetch($processes)) { $listitem[$entry["priority"]] = $entry["priority"].":".$process["running"]."/".$entry["entries"]; } dba::close($processes); } dba::close($entries); $intervals = array(1, 10, 60); $jobs_per_minute = array(); foreach ($intervals as $interval) { $jobs = dba::p("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `jobs` FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` AND `executed` > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL ".intval($interval)." MINUTE"); if ($job = dba::fetch($jobs)) { $jobs_per_minute[$interval] = number_format($job['jobs'] / $interval, 0); } dba::close($jobs); } $processlist = ' - jpm: '.implode('/', $jobs_per_minute).' ('.implode(', ', $listitem).')'; } $entries = self::totalEntries(); if (Config::get("system", "worker_fastlane", false) && ($queues > 0) && ($entries > 0) && ($active >= $queues)) { $top_priority = self::highestPriority(); $high_running = self::processWithPriorityActive($top_priority); if (!$high_running && ($top_priority > PRIORITY_UNDEFINED) && ($top_priority < PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE)) { logger("There are jobs with priority ".$top_priority." waiting but none is executed. Open a fastlane.", LOGGER_DEBUG); $queues = $active + 1; } } logger("Load: ".$load."/".$maxsysload." - processes: ".$active."/".$entries.$processlist." - maximum: ".$queues."/".$maxqueues, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Are there fewer workers running as possible? Then fork a new one. if (!Config::get("system", "worker_dont_fork") && ($queues > ($active + 1)) && ($entries > 1)) { logger("Active workers: ".$active."/".$queues." Fork a new worker.", LOGGER_DEBUG); self::spawnWorker(); } } return $active >= $queues; } /** * @brief Returns the number of active worker processes * * @return integer Number of active worker processes */ private static function activeWorkers() { $workers = dba::fetch_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `processes` FROM `process` WHERE `command` = 'Worker.php'"); return $workers["processes"]; } /** * @brief Check if we should pass some slow processes * * When the active processes of the highest priority are using more than 2/3 * of all processes, we let pass slower processes. * * @param string $highest_priority Returns the currently highest priority * @return bool We let pass a slower process than $highest_priority */ private static function passingSlow(&$highest_priority) { $highest_priority = 0; $r = dba::p( "SELECT `priority` FROM `process` INNER JOIN `workerqueue` ON `workerqueue`.`pid` = `process`.`pid` AND NOT `done`" ); // No active processes at all? Fine if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return false; } $priorities = array(); while ($line = dba::fetch($r)) { $priorities[] = $line["priority"]; } dba::close($r); // Should not happen if (count($priorities) == 0) { return false; } $highest_priority = min($priorities); // The highest process is already the slowest one? // Then we quit if ($highest_priority == PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE) { return false; } $high = 0; foreach ($priorities as $priority) { if ($priority == $highest_priority) { ++$high; } } logger("Highest priority: ".$highest_priority." Total processes: ".count($priorities)." Count high priority processes: ".$high, LOGGER_DEBUG); $passing_slow = (($high/count($priorities)) > (2/3)); if ($passing_slow) { logger("Passing slower processes than priority ".$highest_priority, LOGGER_DEBUG); } return $passing_slow; } /** * @brief Find and claim the next worker process for us * * @param boolean $passing_slow Returns if we had passed low priority processes * @return boolean Have we found something? */ private static function findWorkerProcesses(&$passing_slow) { $mypid = getmypid(); // Check if we should pass some low priority process $highest_priority = 0; $found = false; $passing_slow = false; // The higher the number of parallel workers, the more we prefetch to prevent concurring access // We decrease the limit with the number of entries left in the queue $worker_queues = Config::get("system", "worker_queues", 4); $queue_length = Config::get('system', 'worker_fetch_limit', 1); $lower_job_limit = $worker_queues * $queue_length * 2; $jobs = self::totalEntries(); // Now do some magic $exponent = 2; $slope = $queue_length / pow($lower_job_limit, $exponent); $limit = min($queue_length, ceil($slope * pow($jobs, $exponent))); logger('Total: '.$jobs.' - Maximum: '.$queue_length.' - jobs per queue: '.$limit, LOGGER_DEBUG); if (self::passingSlow($highest_priority)) { // Are there waiting processes with a higher priority than the currently highest? $result = dba::select( 'workerqueue', ['id'], ["`executed` <= ? AND `priority` < ? AND NOT `done`", NULL_DATE, $highest_priority], ['limit' => $limit, 'order' => ['priority', 'created']] ); while ($id = dba::fetch($result)) { $ids[] = $id["id"]; } dba::close($result); $found = (count($ids) > 0); if (!$found) { // Give slower processes some processing time $result = dba::select( 'workerqueue', ['id'], ["`executed` <= ? AND `priority` > ? AND NOT `done`", NULL_DATE, $highest_priority], ['limit' => $limit, 'order' => ['priority', 'created']] ); while ($id = dba::fetch($result)) { $ids[] = $id["id"]; } dba::close($result); $found = (count($ids) > 0); $passing_slow = $found; } } // If there is no result (or we shouldn't pass lower processes) we check without priority limit if (!$found) { $result = dba::select( 'workerqueue', ['id'], ["`executed` <= ? AND NOT `done`", NULL_DATE], ['limit' => $limit, 'order' => ['priority', 'created']] ); while ($id = dba::fetch($result)) { $ids[] = $id["id"]; } dba::close($result); $found = (count($ids) > 0); } if ($found) { $condition = "`id` IN (".substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($ids)), 0, -2).") AND `pid` = 0 AND NOT `done`"; array_unshift($ids, $condition); dba::update('workerqueue', array('executed' => datetime_convert(), 'pid' => $mypid), $ids); } return $found; } /** * @brief Returns the next worker process * * @param boolean $passing_slow Returns if we had passed low priority processes * @return string SQL statement */ public static function workerProcess(&$passing_slow) { $stamp = (float)microtime(true); // There can already be jobs for us in the queue. $r = dba::select('workerqueue', array(), array('pid' => getmypid(), 'done' => false)); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp); return dba::inArray($r); } dba::close($r); $stamp = (float)microtime(true); if (!Lock::set('poller_worker_process')) { return false; } self::$lock_duration = (microtime(true) - $stamp); $stamp = (float)microtime(true); $found = self::findWorkerProcesses($passing_slow); self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp); Lock::remove('poller_worker_process'); if ($found) { $r = dba::select('workerqueue', array(), array('pid' => getmypid(), 'done' => false)); return dba::inArray($r); } return false; } /** * @brief Removes a workerqueue entry from the current process * @return void */ public static function unclaimProcess() { $mypid = getmypid(); dba::update('workerqueue', array('executed' => NULL_DATE, 'pid' => 0), array('pid' => $mypid, 'done' => false)); } /** * @brief Call the front end worker * @return void */ public static function callWorker() { if (!Config::get("system", "frontend_worker")) { return; } $url = System::baseUrl()."/worker"; fetch_url($url, false, $redirects, 1); } /** * @brief Call the front end worker if there aren't any active * @return void */ public static function executeIfIdle() { if (!Config::get("system", "frontend_worker")) { return; } // Do we have "proc_open"? Then we can fork the worker if (function_exists("proc_open")) { // When was the last time that we called the worker? // Less than one minute? Then we quit if ((time() - Config::get("system", "worker_started")) < 60) { return; } Config::set("system", "worker_started", time()); // Do we have enough running workers? Then we quit here. if (self::tooMuchWorkers()) { // Cleaning dead processes self::killStaleWorkers(); get_app()->remove_inactive_processes(); return; } self::runCron(); logger('Call worker', LOGGER_DEBUG); self::spawnWorker(); return; } // We cannot execute background processes. // We now run the processes from the frontend. // This won't work with long running processes. self::runCron(); self::clearProcesses(); $workers = dba::fetch_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `processes` FROM `process` WHERE `command` = 'worker.php'"); if ($workers["processes"] == 0) { self::callWorker(); } } /** * @brief Removes long running worker processes * @return void */ public static function clearProcesses() { $timeout = Config::get("system", "frontend_worker_timeout", 10); /// @todo We should clean up the corresponding workerqueue entries as well $condition = array("`created` < ? AND `command` = 'worker.php'", datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', "now - ".$timeout." minutes")); dba::delete('process', $condition); } /** * @brief Runs the cron processes * @return void */ private static function runCron() { logger('Add cron entries', LOGGER_DEBUG); // Check for spooled items self::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "SpoolPost"); // Run the cron job that calls all other jobs self::add(PRIORITY_MEDIUM, "Cron"); // Run the cronhooks job separately from cron for being able to use a different timing self::add(PRIORITY_MEDIUM, "CronHooks"); // Cleaning dead processes self::killStaleWorkers(); } /** * @return void */ public static function spawnWorker() { $args = array("scripts/worker.php", "no_cron"); get_app()->proc_run($args); } /** * @brief Adds tasks to the worker queue * * @param (integer|array) priority or parameter array, strings are deprecated and are ignored * * next args are passed as $cmd command line * or: Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", "drop", $drop_id); * or: Worker::add(array('priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'dont_fork' => true), "CreateShadowEntry", $post_id); * * @note $cmd and string args are surrounded with "" * * @hooks 'proc_run' * array $arr * * @return boolean "false" if proc_run couldn't be executed */ public static function add($cmd) { $proc_args = func_get_args(); $args = array(); if (!count($proc_args)) { return false; } // Preserve the first parameter // It could contain a command, the priority or an parameter array // If we use the parameter array we have to protect it from the following function $run_parameter = array_shift($proc_args); // expand any arrays foreach ($proc_args as $arg) { if (is_array($arg)) { foreach ($arg as $n) { $args[] = $n; } } else { $args[] = $arg; } } // Now we add the run parameters back to the array array_unshift($args, $run_parameter); $arr = array('args' => $args, 'run_cmd' => true); call_hooks("proc_run", $arr); if (!$arr['run_cmd'] || !count($args)) { return true; } $priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; $dont_fork = Config::get("system", "worker_dont_fork"); $created = datetime_convert(); if (is_int($run_parameter)) { $priority = $run_parameter; } elseif (is_array($run_parameter)) { if (isset($run_parameter['priority'])) { $priority = $run_parameter['priority']; } if (isset($run_parameter['created'])) { $created = $run_parameter['created']; } if (isset($run_parameter['dont_fork'])) { $dont_fork = $run_parameter['dont_fork']; } } $argv = $args; array_shift($argv); $parameters = json_encode($argv); $found = dba::exists('workerqueue', array('parameter' => $parameters, 'done' => false)); // Quit if there was a database error - a precaution for the update process to 3.5.3 if (dba::errorNo() != 0) { return false; } if (!$found) { dba::insert('workerqueue', array('parameter' => $parameters, 'created' => $created, 'priority' => $priority)); } // Should we quit and wait for the worker to be called as a cronjob? if ($dont_fork) { return true; } // If there is a lock then we don't have to check for too much worker if (!Lock::set('poller_worker', 0)) { return true; } // If there are already enough workers running, don't fork another one $quit = self::tooMuchWorkers(); Lock::remove('poller_worker'); if ($quit) { return true; } // Now call the worker to execute the jobs that we just added to the queue self::spawnWorker(); return true; } }