getAll(); $fields = array_keys($allfields['attach']['fields']); array_splice($fields, array_search('data', $fields), 1); return $fields; } /** * Select rows from the attach table and return them as array * * @param array $fields Array of selected fields, empty for all * @param array $conditions Array of fields for conditions * @param array $params Array of several parameters * * @return array|bool * * @throws \Exception * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::selectToArray */ public static function selectToArray(array $fields = [], array $conditions = [], array $params = []) { if (empty($fields)) { $fields = self::getFields(); } return DBA::selectToArray('attach', $fields, $conditions, $params); } /** * Retrieve a single record from the attach table * * @param array $fields Array of selected fields, empty for all * @param array $conditions Array of fields for conditions * @param array $params Array of several parameters * * @return bool|array * * @throws \Exception * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::select */ public static function selectFirst(array $fields = [], array $conditions = [], array $params = []) { if (empty($fields)) { $fields = self::getFields(); } return DBA::selectFirst('attach', $fields, $conditions, $params); } /** * Check if attachment with given conditions exists * * @param array $conditions Array of extra conditions * * @return boolean * @throws \Exception */ public static function exists(array $conditions): bool { return DBA::exists('attach', $conditions); } /** * Retrieve a single record given the ID * * @param int $id Row id of the record * @param int $uid User-Id * * @return bool|array * * @throws \Exception * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::select */ public static function getById(int $id, int $uid) { return self::selectFirst([], ['id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid]); } /** * Retrieve a single record given the ID * * @param int $id Row id of the record * * @return bool|array * * @throws \Exception * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::select */ public static function getByIdWithPermission(int $id) { $r = self::selectFirst(['uid'], ['id' => $id]); if ($r === false) { return false; } $sql_acl = Security::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($r['uid']); $conditions = [ '`id` = ?' . $sql_acl, $id ]; $item = self::selectFirst([], $conditions); return $item; } /** * Get file data for given row id. null if row id does not exist * * @param array $item Attachment data. Needs at least 'id', 'backend-class', 'backend-ref' * * @return string|null file data or null on failure * @throws \Exception */ public static function getData(array $item) { if (!empty($item['data'])) { return $item['data']; } try { $backendClass = DI::storageManager()->getByName($item['backend-class'] ?? ''); $backendRef = $item['backend-ref']; return $backendClass->get($backendRef); } catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) { // legacy data storage in 'data' column $i = self::selectFirst(['data'], ['id' => $item['id']]); if ($i === false) { return null; } return $i['data']; } catch (ReferenceStorageException $referenceStorageException) { DI::logger()->debug('No data found for item', ['item' => $item, 'exception' => $referenceStorageException]); return ''; } } /** * Store new file metadata in db and binary in default backend * * @param string $data Binary data * @param integer $uid User ID * @param string $filename Filename * @param string $filetype Mimetype. optional, default = '' * @param integer $filesize File size in bytes. optional, default = null * @param string $allow_cid Permissions, allowed contacts. optional, default = '' * @param string $allow_gid Permissions, allowed circles. optional, default = '' * @param string $deny_cid Permissions, denied contacts. optional, default = '' * @param string $deny_gid Permissions, denied circle. optional, default = '' * * @return boolean|integer Row id on success, False on errors * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function store(string $data, int $uid, string $filename, string $filetype = '', int $filesize = null, string $allow_cid = '', string $allow_gid = '', string $deny_cid = '', string $deny_gid = '') { if ($filetype === '') { $filetype = Mimetype::getContentType($filename); } if (is_null($filesize)) { $filesize = strlen($data); } $backend_ref = DI::storage()->put($data); $data = ''; $hash = System::createGUID(64); $created = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); $fields = [ 'uid' => $uid, 'hash' => $hash, 'filename' => $filename, 'filetype' => $filetype, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'data' => $data, 'created' => $created, 'edited' => $created, 'allow_cid' => $allow_cid, 'allow_gid' => $allow_gid, 'deny_cid' => $deny_cid, 'deny_gid' => $deny_gid, 'backend-class' => (string)DI::storage(), 'backend-ref' => $backend_ref ]; $r = DBA::insert('attach', $fields); if ($r === true) { return DBA::lastInsertId(); } return $r; } /** * Store new file metadata in db and binary in default backend from existing file * * @param string $src Source file name * @param int $uid User id * @param string $filename Optional file name * @param string $filetype Optional file type * @param string $allow_cid * @param string $allow_gid * @param string $deny_cid * @param string $deny_gid * @return boolean|int Insert id or false on failure * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function storeFile(string $src, int $uid, string $filename = '', string $filetype = '', string $allow_cid = '', string $allow_gid = '', string $deny_cid = '', string $deny_gid = '') { if ($filename === '') { $filename = basename($src); } $data = @file_get_contents($src); return self::store($data, $uid, $filename, $filetype, null, $allow_cid, $allow_gid, $deny_cid, $deny_gid); } /** * Update an attached file * * @param array $fields Contains the fields that are updated * @param array $conditions Condition array with the key values * @param Image $img Image data to update. Optional, default null. * @param array|boolean $old_fields Array with the old field values that are about to be replaced (true = update on duplicate) * * @return boolean Was the update successful? * * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::update */ public static function update(array $fields, array $conditions, Image $img = null, array $old_fields = []): bool { if (!is_null($img)) { // get items to update $items = self::selectToArray(['backend-class', 'backend-ref'], $conditions); foreach ($items as $item) { try { $backend_class = DI::storageManager()->getWritableStorageByName($item['backend-class'] ?? ''); $fields['backend-ref'] = $backend_class->put($img->asString(), $item['backend-ref'] ?? ''); } catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) { DI::logger()->debug('Storage class not found.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $storageException]); } catch (ReferenceStorageException $referenceStorageException) { DI::logger()->debug('Item doesn\'t exist.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $referenceStorageException]); } } } $fields['edited'] = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); return DBA::update('attach', $fields, $conditions, $old_fields); } /** * Delete info from table and data from storage * * @param array $conditions Field condition(s) * @param array $options Options array, Optional * * @return boolean * * @throws \Exception * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::delete */ public static function delete(array $conditions, array $options = []): bool { // get items to delete data info $items = self::selectToArray(['backend-class', 'backend-ref'], $conditions); foreach ($items as $item) { try { $backend_class = DI::storageManager()->getWritableStorageByName($item['backend-class'] ?? ''); $backend_class->delete($item['backend-ref'] ?? ''); } catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) { DI::logger()->debug('Storage class not found.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $storageException]); } catch (ReferenceStorageException $referenceStorageException) { DI::logger()->debug('Item doesn\'t exist.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $referenceStorageException]); } } return DBA::delete('attach', $conditions, $options); } public static function setPermissionFromBody(array $post) { preg_match_all("/\[attachment\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]/ism", $post['body'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $attachment) { if (DI::baseUrl()->isLocalUrl($attachment[1]) && preg_match('|.*?/attach/(\d+)|', $attachment[1], $match)) { $fields = [ 'allow_cid' => $post['allow_cid'], 'allow_gid' => $post['allow_gid'], 'deny_cid' => $post['deny_cid'], 'deny_gid' => $post['deny_gid'] ]; self::update($fields, ['id' => $match[1], 'uid' => $post['uid']]); } } } public static function setPermissionForId(int $id, int $uid, string $str_contact_allow, string $str_circle_allow, string $str_contact_deny, string $str_circle_deny) { $fields = [ 'allow_cid' => $str_contact_allow, 'allow_gid' => $str_circle_allow, 'deny_cid' => $str_contact_deny, 'deny_gid' => $str_circle_deny, ]; self::update($fields, ['id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid]); } public static function addAttachmentToBody(string $body, int $uid): string { preg_match_all("/\[attachment\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]/ism", $body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $attachment) { if (DI::baseUrl()->isLocalUrl($attachment[1]) && preg_match('|.*?/attach/(\d+)|', $attachment[1], $match)) { $attach = self::getById($match[1], $uid); if (empty($attach)) { return $body; } $media = [ 'type' => Post\Media::DOCUMENT, 'url' => $attachment[1], 'size' => $attach['filesize'], 'mimetype' => $attach['filetype'], 'description' => $attach['filename'] ]; $media = Post\Media::addType($media); $body = str_replace($attachment[0], Post\Media::addAttachmentToBody($media, ''), $body); } } return $body; } }