. * */ namespace Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Content\PageInfo; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\ItemURI; use Friendica\Model\Photo; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientAccept; use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientOptions; use Friendica\Util\Images; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Util\ParseUrl; use Friendica\Util\Proxy; use Friendica\Util\Strings; /** * Class Media * * This Model class handles media interactions. * This tables stores medias (images, videos, audio files) related to posts. */ class Media { const UNKNOWN = 0; const IMAGE = 1; const VIDEO = 2; const AUDIO = 3; const TEXT = 4; const APPLICATION = 5; const TORRENT = 16; const HTML = 17; const XML = 18; const PLAIN = 19; const ACTIVITY = 20; const ACCOUNT = 21; const DOCUMENT = 128; /** * Insert a post-media record * * @param array $media * @param bool $force * @return bool */ public static function insert(array $media, bool $force = false): bool { if (empty($media['url']) || empty($media['uri-id']) || !isset($media['type'])) { Logger::warning('Incomplete media data', ['media' => $media]); return false; } if (DBA::exists('post-media', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'preview' => $media['url']])) { Logger::info('Media already exists as preview', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url']]); return false; } // "document" has got the lowest priority. So when the same file is both attached as document // and embedded as picture then we only store the picture or replace the document $found = DBA::selectFirst('post-media', ['type'], ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url']]); if (!$force && !empty($found) && (($found['type'] != self::DOCUMENT) || ($media['type'] == self::DOCUMENT))) { Logger::info('Media already exists', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url']]); return false; } if (!ItemURI::exists($media['uri-id'])) { Logger::info('Media referenced URI ID not found', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url']]); return false; } $media = self::unsetEmptyFields($media); $media = DI::dbaDefinition()->truncateFieldsForTable('post-media', $media); // We are storing as fast as possible to avoid duplicated network requests // when fetching additional information for pictures and other content. $result = DBA::insert('post-media', $media, Database::INSERT_UPDATE); Logger::info('Stored media', ['result' => $result, 'media' => $media]); $stored = $media; $media = self::fetchAdditionalData($media); $media = self::unsetEmptyFields($media); $media = DI::dbaDefinition()->truncateFieldsForTable('post-media', $media); if (array_diff_assoc($media, $stored)) { $result = DBA::insert('post-media', $media, Database::INSERT_UPDATE); Logger::info('Updated media', ['result' => $result, 'media' => $media]); } else { Logger::info('Nothing to update', ['media' => $media]); } return $result; } /** * Remove empty media fields * * @param array $media * @return array cleaned media array */ private static function unsetEmptyFields(array $media): array { $fields = ['mimetype', 'height', 'width', 'size', 'preview', 'preview-height', 'preview-width', 'blurhash', 'description']; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (empty($media[$field])) { unset($media[$field]); } } return $media; } /** * Copy attachments from one uri-id to another * * @param integer $from_uri_id * @param integer $to_uri_id * @return void */ public static function copy(int $from_uri_id, int $to_uri_id) { $attachments = self::getByURIId($from_uri_id); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $attachment['uri-id'] = $to_uri_id; self::insert($attachment); } } /** * Creates the "[attach]" element from the given attributes * * @param string $href * @param integer $length * @param string $type * @param string $title * @return string "[attach]" element */ public static function getAttachElement(string $href, int $length, string $type, string $title = ''): string { $media = self::fetchAdditionalData([ 'type' => self::DOCUMENT, 'url' => $href, 'size' => $length, 'mimetype' => $type, 'description' => $title ]); return '[attach]href="' . $media['url'] . '" length="' . $media['size'] . '" type="' . $media['mimetype'] . '" title="' . $media['description'] . '"[/attach]'; } /** * Fetch additional data for the provided media array * * @param array $media * @return array media array with additional data */ public static function fetchAdditionalData(array $media): array { if (Network::isLocalLink($media['url'])) { $media = self::fetchLocalData($media); } // Fetch the mimetype or size if missing. if (Network::isValidHttpUrl($media['url']) && (empty($media['mimetype']) || empty($media['size']))) { $timeout = DI::config()->get('system', 'xrd_timeout'); $curlResult = DI::httpClient()->head($media['url'], [HttpClientOptions::TIMEOUT => $timeout]); // Workaround for systems that can't handle a HEAD request if (!$curlResult->isSuccess() && ($curlResult->getReturnCode() == 405)) { $curlResult = DI::httpClient()->get($media['url'], HttpClientAccept::DEFAULT, [HttpClientOptions::TIMEOUT => $timeout]); } if ($curlResult->isSuccess()) { if (empty($media['mimetype'])) { $media['mimetype'] = $curlResult->getHeader('Content-Type')[0] ?? ''; } if (empty($media['size'])) { $media['size'] = (int)($curlResult->getHeader('Content-Length')[0] ?? 0); } } else { Logger::notice('Could not fetch head', ['media' => $media]); } } $filetype = !empty($media['mimetype']) ? strtolower(current(explode('/', $media['mimetype']))) : ''; if (($media['type'] == self::IMAGE) || ($filetype == 'image')) { $imagedata = Images::getInfoFromURLCached($media['url']); if ($imagedata) { $media['mimetype'] = $imagedata['mime']; $media['size'] = $imagedata['size']; $media['width'] = $imagedata[0]; $media['height'] = $imagedata[1]; $media['blurhash'] = $imagedata['blurhash'] ?? null; } else { Logger::notice('No image data', ['media' => $media]); } if (!empty($media['preview'])) { $imagedata = Images::getInfoFromURLCached($media['preview']); if ($imagedata) { $media['preview-width'] = $imagedata[0]; $media['preview-height'] = $imagedata[1]; } } } if ($media['type'] != self::DOCUMENT) { $media = self::addType($media); } if (in_array($media['type'], [self::TEXT, self::APPLICATION, self::HTML, self::XML, self::PLAIN])) { $media = self::addActivity($media); } if (in_array($media['type'], [self::TEXT, self::APPLICATION, self::HTML, self::XML, self::PLAIN])) { $media = self::addAccount($media); } if ($media['type'] == self::HTML) { $media = self::addPage($media); } return $media; } /** * Adds the activity type if the media entry is linked to an activity * * @param array $media * @return array */ private static function addActivity(array $media): array { $id = Item::fetchByLink($media['url']); if (empty($id)) { return $media; } $item = Post::selectFirst([], ['id' => $id, 'network' => Protocol::FEDERATED]); if (empty($item['id'])) { Logger::debug('Not a federated activity', ['id' => $id, 'uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url']]); return $media; } if ($item['uri-id'] == $media['uri-id']) { Logger::info('Media-Uri-Id is identical to Uri-Id', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id']]); return $media; } if ( !empty($item['plink']) && Strings::compareLink($item['plink'], $media['url']) && parse_url($item['plink'], PHP_URL_HOST) != parse_url($item['uri'], PHP_URL_HOST) ) { Logger::debug('Not a link to an activity', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url'], 'plink' => $item['plink'], 'uri' => $item['uri']]); return $media; } if (in_array($item['network'], [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::DFRN])) { $media['mimetype'] = 'application/activity+json'; } elseif ($item['network'] == Protocol::DIASPORA) { $media['mimetype'] = 'application/xml'; } $contact = Contact::getById($item['author-id'], ['avatar', 'gsid']); if (!empty($contact['gsid'])) { $gserver = DBA::selectFirst('gserver', ['url', 'site_name'], ['id' => $contact['gsid']]); } $media['type'] = self::ACTIVITY; $media['media-uri-id'] = $item['uri-id']; $media['height'] = null; $media['width'] = null; $media['preview'] = null; $media['preview-height'] = null; $media['preview-width'] = null; $media['blurhash'] = null; $media['description'] = $item['body']; $media['name'] = $item['title']; $media['author-url'] = $item['author-link']; $media['author-name'] = $item['author-name']; $media['author-image'] = $contact['avatar'] ?? $item['author-avatar']; $media['publisher-url'] = $gserver['url'] ?? null; $media['publisher-name'] = $gserver['site_name'] ?? null; $media['publisher-image'] = null; Logger::debug('Activity detected', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url'], 'plink' => $item['plink'], 'uri' => $item['uri']]); return $media; } /** * Adds the account type if the media entry is linked to an account * * @param array $media * @return array */ private static function addAccount(array $media): array { $contact = Contact::getByURL($media['url'], false); if (empty($contact) || ($contact['network'] == Protocol::PHANTOM)) { return $media; } if (in_array($contact['network'], [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::DFRN])) { $media['mimetype'] = 'application/activity+json'; } if (!empty($contact['gsid'])) { $gserver = DBA::selectFirst('gserver', ['url', 'site_name'], ['id' => $contact['gsid']]); } $media['type'] = self::ACCOUNT; $media['media-uri-id'] = $contact['uri-id']; $media['height'] = null; $media['width'] = null; $media['preview'] = null; $media['preview-height'] = null; $media['preview-width'] = null; $media['blurhash'] = null; $media['description'] = $contact['about']; $media['name'] = $contact['name']; $media['author-url'] = $contact['url']; $media['author-name'] = $contact['name']; $media['author-image'] = $contact['avatar']; $media['publisher-url'] = $gserver['url'] ?? null; $media['publisher-name'] = $gserver['site_name'] ?? null; $media['publisher-image'] = null; Logger::debug('Account detected', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url'], 'uri' => $contact['url']]); return $media; } /** * Add page infos for HTML entries * * @param array $media * @return array */ private static function addPage(array $media): array { $data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfoCached($media['url'], false); $media['preview'] = $data['images'][0]['src'] ?? null; $media['preview-height'] = $data['images'][0]['height'] ?? null; $media['preview-width'] = $data['images'][0]['width'] ?? null; $media['blurhash'] = $data['images'][0]['blurhash'] ?? null; $media['description'] = $data['text'] ?? null; $media['name'] = $data['title'] ?? null; $media['author-url'] = $data['author_url'] ?? null; $media['author-name'] = $data['author_name'] ?? null; $media['author-image'] = $data['author_img'] ?? null; $media['publisher-url'] = $data['publisher_url'] ?? null; $media['publisher-name'] = $data['publisher_name'] ?? null; $media['publisher-image'] = $data['publisher_img'] ?? null; return $media; } /** * Fetch media data from local resources * @param array $media * @return array media with added data */ private static function fetchLocalData(array $media): array { if (!preg_match('|.*?/photo/(.*[a-fA-F0-9])\-(.*[0-9])\..*[\w]|', $media['url'] ?? '', $matches)) { return $media; } $photo = Photo::selectFirst([], ['resource-id' => $matches[1], 'scale' => $matches[2]]); if (!empty($photo)) { $media['mimetype'] = $photo['type']; $media['size'] = $photo['datasize']; $media['width'] = $photo['width']; $media['height'] = $photo['height']; $media['blurhash'] = $photo['blurhash']; } if (!preg_match('|.*?/photo/(.*[a-fA-F0-9])\-(.*[0-9])\..*[\w]|', $media['preview'] ?? '', $matches)) { return $media; } $photo = Photo::selectFirst([], ['resource-id' => $matches[1], 'scale' => $matches[2]]); if (!empty($photo)) { $media['preview-width'] = $photo['width']; $media['preview-height'] = $photo['height']; } return $media; } /** * Add the detected type to the media array * * @param array $data * @return array data array with the detected type */ public static function addType(array $data): array { if (empty($data['mimetype'])) { Logger::info('No MimeType provided', ['media' => $data]); return $data; } $type = explode('/', current(explode(';', $data['mimetype']))); if (count($type) < 2) { Logger::info('Unknown MimeType', ['type' => $type, 'media' => $data]); $data['type'] = self::UNKNOWN; return $data; } $filetype = strtolower($type[0]); $subtype = strtolower($type[1]); if ($filetype == 'image') { $data['type'] = self::IMAGE; } elseif ($filetype == 'video') { $data['type'] = self::VIDEO; } elseif ($filetype == 'audio') { $data['type'] = self::AUDIO; } elseif (($filetype == 'text') && ($subtype == 'html')) { $data['type'] = self::HTML; } elseif (($filetype == 'text') && ($subtype == 'xml')) { $data['type'] = self::XML; } elseif (($filetype == 'text') && ($subtype == 'plain')) { $data['type'] = self::PLAIN; } elseif ($filetype == 'text') { $data['type'] = self::TEXT; } elseif (($filetype == 'application') && ($subtype == 'x-bittorrent')) { $data['type'] = self::TORRENT; } elseif ($filetype == 'application') { $data['type'] = self::APPLICATION; } else { $data['type'] = self::UNKNOWN; Logger::info('Unknown type', ['filetype' => $filetype, 'subtype' => $subtype, 'media' => $data]); return $data; } Logger::debug('Detected type', ['filetype' => $filetype, 'subtype' => $subtype, 'media' => $data]); return $data; } /** * Tests for path patterns that are used for picture links in Friendica * * @param string $page Link to the image page * @param string $preview Preview picture * @return boolean */ private static function isLinkToPhoto(string $page, string $preview): bool { return preg_match('#/photo/.*-0\.#ism', $page) && preg_match('#/photo/.*-[012]\.#ism', $preview); } /** * Tests for path patterns that are used for picture links in Friendica * * @param string $page Link to the image page * @param string $preview Preview picture * @return boolean */ private static function isLinkToImagePage(string $page, string $preview): bool { return preg_match('#/photos/.*/image/#ism', $page) && preg_match('#/photo/.*-[012]\.#ism', $preview); } /** * Replace the image link in Friendica image posts with a link to the image * * @param string $body * @return string */ public static function replaceImage(string $body): string { if (preg_match_all("#\[url=([^\]]+?)\]\s*\[img=([^\[\]]*)\]([^\[\]]*)\[\/img\]\s*\[/url\]#ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($pictures as $picture) { if (self::isLinkToImagePage($picture[1], $picture[2])) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], Images::getBBCodeByUrl(str_replace(['-1.', '-2.'], '-0.', $picture[2]), $picture[2], $picture[3]), $body); } } } if (preg_match_all("#\[url=([^\]]+?)\]\s*\[img\]([^\[]+?)\[/img\]\s*\[/url\]#ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($pictures as $picture) { if (self::isLinkToImagePage($picture[1], $picture[2])) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], Images::getBBCodeByUrl(str_replace(['-1.', '-2.'], '-0.', $picture[2]), $picture[2]), $body); } } } return $body; } /** * Add media links and remove them from the body * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $body * @param bool $endmatch * @param bool $removepicturelinks * @return string Body without media links */ public static function insertFromBody(int $uriid, string $body, bool $endmatch = false, bool $removepicturelinks = false): string { $endmatchpattern = $endmatch ? '\z' : ''; // Simplify image codes $unshared_body = $body = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]$endmatchpattern/ism", '[img]$3[/img]', $body); $attachments = []; if (preg_match_all("#\[url=([^\]]+?)\]\s*\[img=([^\[\]]*)\]([^\[\]]*)\[\/img\]\s*\[/url\]$endmatchpattern#ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($pictures as $picture) { if (self::isLinkToImagePage($picture[1], $picture[2])) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $image = str_replace(['-1.', '-2.'], '-0.', $picture[2]); $attachments[$image] = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $image, 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => $picture[3] ]; } elseif (self::isLinkToPhoto($picture[1], $picture[2])) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $attachments[$picture[1]] = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $picture[1], 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => $picture[3] ]; } elseif ($removepicturelinks) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $attachments[$picture[1]] = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::UNKNOWN, 'url' => $picture[1], 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => $picture[3] ]; } } } if (preg_match_all("/\[img=([^\[\]]*)\]([^\[\]]*)\[\/img\]$endmatchpattern/Usi", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($pictures as $picture) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $attachments[$picture[1]] = ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $picture[1], 'description' => $picture[2]]; } } if (preg_match_all("#\[url=([^\]]+?)\]\s*\[img\]([^\[]+?)\[/img\]\s*\[/url\]$endmatchpattern#ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($pictures as $picture) { if (self::isLinkToImagePage($picture[1], $picture[2])) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $image = str_replace(['-1.', '-2.'], '-0.', $picture[2]); $attachments[$image] = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $image, 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => null ]; } elseif (self::isLinkToPhoto($picture[1], $picture[2])) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $attachments[$picture[1]] = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $picture[1], 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => null ]; } elseif ($removepicturelinks) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $attachments[$picture[1]] = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::UNKNOWN, 'url' => $picture[1], 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => null ]; } } } if (preg_match_all("/\[img\]([^\[\]]*)\[\/img\]$endmatchpattern/ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($pictures as $picture) { $body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body); $attachments[$picture[1]] = ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $picture[1]]; } } if (preg_match_all("/\[audio\]([^\[\]]*)\[\/audio\]$endmatchpattern/ism", $body, $audios, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($audios as $audio) { $body = str_replace($audio[0], '', $body); $attachments[$audio[1]] = ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::AUDIO, 'url' => $audio[1]]; } } if (preg_match_all("/\[video\]([^\[\]]*)\[\/video\]$endmatchpattern/ism", $body, $videos, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($videos as $video) { $body = str_replace($video[0], '', $body); $attachments[$video[1]] = ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::VIDEO, 'url' => $video[1]]; } } if ($uriid != 0) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if (Post\Link::exists($uriid, $attachment['preview'] ?? $attachment['url'])) { continue; } // Only store attachments that are part of the unshared body if (Item::containsLink($unshared_body, $attachment['preview'] ?? $attachment['url'], $attachment['type'])) { self::insert($attachment); } } } return trim($body); } /** * Remove media that is at the end of the body * * @param string $body * @return string */ public static function removeFromEndOfBody(string $body): string { do { $prebody = $body; $body = self::insertFromBody(0, $body, true); } while ($prebody != $body); return $body; } /** * Remove media from the body * * @param string $body * @return string */ public static function removeFromBody(string $body): string { do { $prebody = $body; $body = self::insertFromBody(0, $body, false, true); } while ($prebody != $body); return $body; } /** * Add media links from a relevant url in the body * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $body * @return void */ public static function insertFromRelevantUrl(int $uriid, string $body, string $fullbody, string $network) { // Remove all hashtags and mentions $body = preg_replace("/([#@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '', $body); // Search for pure links if (preg_match_all("/\[url\](https?:.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", $body, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $url) { Logger::info('Got page url (link without description)', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); $result = self::insert(['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::UNKNOWN, 'url' => $url], false, $network); if ($result && !in_array($network, [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::OSTATUS, Protocol::DIASPORA])) { self::revertHTMLType($uriid, $url, $fullbody); Logger::debug('Revert HTML type', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); } elseif ($result) { Logger::debug('Media had been added', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); } else { Logger::debug('Media had not been added', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); } } } // Search for links with descriptions if (preg_match_all("/\[url\=(https?:.*?)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism", $body, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $url) { Logger::info('Got page url (link with description)', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); $result = self::insert(['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::UNKNOWN, 'url' => $url], false, $network); if ($result && !in_array($network, [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::OSTATUS, Protocol::DIASPORA])) { self::revertHTMLType($uriid, $url, $fullbody); Logger::debug('Revert HTML type', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); } elseif ($result) { Logger::debug('Media has been added', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); } else { Logger::debug('Media has not been added', ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'url' => $url]); } } } } /** * Revert the media type of links to UNKNOWN for DFRN posts when they aren't attached * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $url * @param string $body * @return void */ private static function revertHTMLType(int $uriid, string $url, string $body) { $attachment = BBCode::getAttachmentData($body); if (!empty($attachment['url']) && Network::getUrlMatch($attachment['url'], $url)) { return; } DBA::update('post-media', ['type' => self::UNKNOWN], ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::HTML, 'url' => $url]); } /** * Add media links from the attachment field * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $body * @return void */ public static function insertFromAttachmentData(int $uriid, string $body) { $data = BBCode::getAttachmentData($body); if (empty($data)) { return; } Logger::info('Adding attachment data', ['data' => $data]); $attachment = [ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::HTML, 'url' => $data['url'], 'preview' => $data['preview'] ?? null, 'description' => $data['description'] ?? null, 'name' => $data['title'] ?? null, 'author-url' => $data['author_url'] ?? null, 'author-name' => $data['author_name'] ?? null, 'publisher-url' => $data['provider_url'] ?? null, 'publisher-name' => $data['provider_name'] ?? null, ]; if (!empty($data['image'])) { $attachment['preview'] = $data['image']; } self::insert($attachment); } /** * Add media links from the attach field * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $attach * @return void */ public static function insertFromAttachment(int $uriid, string $attach) { if (!preg_match_all('|\[attach\]href=\"(.*?)\" length=\"(.*?)\" type=\"(.*?)\"(?: title=\"(.*?)\")?|', $attach, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { return; } foreach ($matches as $attachment) { $media['type'] = self::DOCUMENT; $media['uri-id'] = $uriid; $media['url'] = $attachment[1]; $media['size'] = $attachment[2]; $media['mimetype'] = $attachment[3]; $media['description'] = $attachment[4] ?? ''; self::insert($media); } } /** * Retrieves the media attachments associated with the provided item ID. * * @param int $uri_id URI id * @param array $types Media types * @return array|bool Array on success, false on error * @throws \Exception */ public static function getByURIId(int $uri_id, array $types = []) { $condition = ["`uri-id` = ? AND `type` != ?", $uri_id, self::UNKNOWN]; if (!empty($types)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['type' => $types]); } return DBA::selectToArray('post-media', [], $condition, ['order' => ['id']]); } public static function getByURL(int $uri_id, string $url, array $types = []) { $condition = ["`uri-id` = ? AND `url` = ? AND `type` != ?", $uri_id, $url, self::UNKNOWN]; if (!empty($types)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['type' => $types]); } return DBA::selectFirst('post-media', [], $condition); } /** * Retrieves the media attachment with the provided media id. * * @param int $id id * @return array|bool Array on success, false on error * @throws \Exception */ public static function getById(int $id) { return DBA::selectFirst('post-media', [], ['id' => $id]); } /** * Update post-media entries * * @param array $fields * @param int $id * @return bool */ public static function updateById(array $fields, int $id): bool { return DBA::update('post-media', $fields, ['id' => $id]); } /** * Checks if media attachments are associated with the provided item ID. * * @param int $uri_id URI id * @param array $types Media types * @return bool Whether media attachment exists * @throws \Exception */ public static function existsByURIId(int $uri_id, array $types = []): bool { $condition = ["`uri-id` = ? AND `type` != ?", $uri_id, self::UNKNOWN]; if (!empty($types)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['type' => $types]); } return DBA::exists('post-media', $condition); } /** * Delete media by uri-id and media type * * @param int $uri_id URI id * @param array $types Media types * @return bool result of deletion * @throws \Exception */ public static function deleteByURIId(int $uri_id, array $types = []): bool { $condition = ['uri-id' => $uri_id]; if (!empty($types)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['type' => $types]); } return DBA::delete('post-media', $condition); } /** * Delete media by id * * @param int $id media id * @return bool result of deletion * @throws \Exception */ public static function deleteById(int $id): bool { return DBA::delete('post-media', ['id' => $id]); } /** * Add media attachments to the body * * @param int $uriid * @param string $body * @param array $types * * @return string body */ public static function addAttachmentsToBody(int $uriid, string $body = '', array $types = [self::IMAGE, self::AUDIO, self::VIDEO]): string { if (empty($body)) { $item = Post::selectFirst(['body'], ['uri-id' => $uriid]); if (!DBA::isResult($item)) { return ''; } $body = $item['body']; } $original_body = $body; $body = BBCode::removeAttachment($body); foreach (self::getByURIId($uriid, $types) as $media) { if (Item::containsLink($body, $media['preview'] ?? $media['url'], $media['type'])) { continue; } if ($media['type'] == self::IMAGE) { $body .= "\n" . Images::getBBCodeByUrl($media['url'], $media['preview'], $media['description'] ?? ''); } elseif ($media['type'] == self::AUDIO) { $body .= "\n[audio]" . $media['url'] . "[/audio]\n"; } elseif ($media['type'] == self::VIDEO) { $body .= "\n[video]" . $media['url'] . "[/video]\n"; } } if (preg_match("/.*(\[attachment.*?\].*?\[\/attachment\]).*/ism", $original_body, $match)) { $body .= "\n" . $match[1]; } return $body; } /** * Add an [attachment] element to the body for a given uri-id with a HTML media element * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $body * @return string */ public static function addHTMLAttachmentToBody(int $uriid, string $body): string { if (preg_match("/.*(\[attachment.*?\].*?\[\/attachment\]).*/ism", $body, $match)) { return $body; } $links = self::getByURIId($uriid, [self::HTML]); if (empty($links)) { return $body; } $data = [ 'type' => 'link', 'url' => $links[0]['url'], 'title' => $links[0]['name'], 'text' => $links[0]['description'], 'publisher_name' => $links[0]['publisher-name'], 'publisher_url' => $links[0]['publisher-url'], 'publisher_img' => $links[0]['publisher-image'], 'author_name' => $links[0]['author-name'], 'author_url' => $links[0]['author-url'], 'author_img' => $links[0]['author-image'], 'images' => [[ 'src' => $links[0]['preview'], 'height' => $links[0]['preview-height'], 'width' => $links[0]['preview-width'], ]] ]; $body .= "\n" . PageInfo::getFooterFromData($data); return $body; } /** * Add a link to the body for a given uri-id with a HTML media element * * @param integer $uriid * @param string $body * @return string */ public static function addHTMLLinkToBody(int $uriid, string $body): string { $links = self::getByURIId($uriid, [self::HTML]); if (empty($links)) { return $body; } if (strpos($body, $links[0]['url'])) { return $body; } if (!empty($links[0]['name']) && ($links[0]['name'] != $links[0]['url'])) { return $body . "\n[url=" . $links[0]['url'] . ']' . $links[0]['name'] . "[/url]"; } else { return $body . "\n[url]" . $links[0]['url'] . "[/url]"; } } /** * Add an [attachment] element to the body and a link to raw-body for a given uri-id with a HTML media element * * @param array $item * @return array */ public static function addHTMLAttachmentToItem(array $item): array { if (($item['gravity'] == Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY) || empty($item['uri-id'])) { return $item; } $item['body'] = self::addHTMLAttachmentToBody($item['uri-id'], $item['body']); if (!empty($item['raw-body'])) { $item['raw-body'] = self::addHTMLLinkToBody($item['uri-id'], $item['raw-body']); } return $item; } /** * Get preview link for given media id * * @param integer $id media id * @param string $size One of the Proxy::SIZE_* constants * @return string preview link */ public static function getPreviewUrlForId(int $id, string $size = ''): string { return DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/preview/' . (Proxy::getPixelsFromSize($size) ? Proxy::getPixelsFromSize($size) . '/' : '') . $id; } /** * Get media link for given media id * * @param integer $id media id * @param string $size One of the Proxy::SIZE_* constants * @return string media link */ public static function getUrlForId(int $id, string $size = ''): string { return DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/media/' . (Proxy::getPixelsFromSize($size) ? Proxy::getPixelsFromSize($size) . '/' : '') . $id; } }