$file]); continue; } $fullfile = $path."/".$file; // We don't care about directories either if (filetype($fullfile) != "file") { Logger::info('Spool file is no file', ['file' => $file]); continue; } // We can't read or write the file? So we don't care about it. if (!is_writable($fullfile) || !is_readable($fullfile)) { Logger::warning('Spool file has insufficent permissions', ['file' => $file, 'writable' => is_writable($fullfile), 'readable' => is_readable($fullfile)]); continue; } $arr = json_decode(file_get_contents($fullfile), true); // If it isn't an array then it is no spool file if (!is_array($arr)) { Logger::notice('Spool file is no array', ['file' => $file]); continue; } // Skip if it doesn't seem to be an item array if (!isset($arr['uid']) && !isset($arr['uri']) && !isset($arr['network'])) { Logger::warning('Spool file does not contain the needed fields', ['file' => $file]); continue; } $result = Item::insert($arr); Logger::info('Spool file is stored', ['file' => $file, 'result' => $result]); unlink($fullfile); } closedir($dh); } } } }