container = $container; } public function processRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request, float $start_time): void { $this->setupContainerForAddons(); $this->setupContainerForLogger(LogChannel::DEFAULT); $this->container = $this->container->addRule(Mode::class, [ 'call' => [ ['determineRunMode', [false, $request->getServerParams()], Dice::CHAIN_CALL], ], ]); $this->setupLegacyServerLocator(); $this->registerErrorHandler(); $this->requestId = $this->container->create(Request::class)->getRequestId(); $this->auth = $this->container->create(Authentication::class); $this->config = $this->container->create(IManageConfigValues::class); $this->mode = $this->container->create(Mode::class); $this->baseURL = $this->container->create(BaseURL::class); $this->logger = $this->container->create(LoggerInterface::class); $this->profiler = $this->container->create(Profiler::class); $this->l10n = $this->container->create(L10n::class); $this->args = $this->container->create(Arguments::class); $this->session = $this->container->create(IHandleUserSessions::class); $this->appHelper = $this->container->create(AppHelper::class); $this->load( $this->container->create(DbaDefinition::class), $this->container->create(ViewDefinition::class), ); $this->mode->setExecutor(Mode::INDEX); $this->runFrontend( $this->container->create(Router::class), $this->container->create(IManagePersonalConfigValues::class), $this->container->create(Page::class), $this->container->create(Nav::class), $this->container->create(ModuleHTTPException::class), new HTTPInputData($request->getServerParams()), $start_time, $request->getServerParams() ); } public function processEjabberd(): void { $this->setupContainerForAddons(); $this->setupContainerForLogger(LogChannel::AUTH_JABBERED); $this->setupLegacyServerLocator(); $this->registerErrorHandler(); // Check the database structure and possibly fixes it \Friendica\Core\Update::check(\Friendica\DI::basePath(), true); $appMode = $this->container->create(Mode::class); if ($appMode->isNormal()) { /** @var ExAuth $oAuth */ $oAuth = $this->container->create(ExAuth::class); $oAuth->readStdin(); } } public function processConsole(array $argv): void { $this->setupContainerForAddons(); $this->setupContainerForLogger(LogChannel::CONSOLE); $this->setupLegacyServerLocator(); $this->registerErrorHandler(); Core\Renderer::registerTemplateEngine('Friendica\Render\FriendicaSmartyEngine'); (new \Friendica\Core\Console($this->container, $argv))->execute(); } private function setupContainerForAddons(): void { /** @var \Friendica\Core\Addon\Capability\ICanLoadAddons $addonLoader */ $addonLoader = $this->container->create(\Friendica\Core\Addon\Capability\ICanLoadAddons::class); $this->container = $this->container->addRules($addonLoader->getActiveAddonConfig('dependencies')); } private function setupContainerForLogger(string $logChannel): void { $this->container = $this->container->addRule(LoggerInterface::class, [ 'constructParams' => [$logChannel], ]); } private function setupLegacyServerLocator(): void { \Friendica\DI::init($this->container); } private function registerErrorHandler(): void { \Friendica\Core\Logger\Handler\ErrorHandler::register($this->container->create(LoggerInterface::class)); } /** * Load the whole app instance */ private function load(DbaDefinition $dbaDefinition, ViewDefinition $viewDefinition) { if ($this->config->get('system', 'ini_max_execution_time') !== false) { set_time_limit((int)$this->config->get('system', 'ini_max_execution_time')); } if ($this->config->get('system', 'ini_pcre_backtrack_limit') !== false) { ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', (int)$this->config->get('system', 'ini_pcre_backtrack_limit')); } // Normally this constant is defined - but not if "pcntl" isn't installed if (!defined('SIGTERM')) { define('SIGTERM', 15); } // Ensure that all "strtotime" operations do run timezone independent date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $this->profiler->reset(); if ($this->mode->has(Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) { Core\Hook::loadHooks(); $loader = (new Config())->createConfigFileManager($this->appHelper->getBasePath(), $_SERVER); Core\Hook::callAll('load_config', $loader); // Hooks are now working, reload the whole definitions with hook enabled $dbaDefinition->load(true); $viewDefinition->load(true); } $this->loadDefaultTimezone(); // Register template engines Core\Renderer::registerTemplateEngine('Friendica\Render\FriendicaSmartyEngine'); } /** * Loads the default timezone * * Include support for legacy $default_timezone * * @global string $default_timezone */ private function loadDefaultTimezone() { if ($this->config->get('system', 'default_timezone')) { $timezone = $this->config->get('system', 'default_timezone', 'UTC'); } else { global $default_timezone; $timezone = $default_timezone ?? '' ?: 'UTC'; } $this->appHelper->setTimeZone($timezone); } /** * Frontend App script * * The App object behaves like a container and a dispatcher at the same time, including a representation of the * request and a representation of the response. * * This probably should change to limit the size of this monster method. * * @param Router $router * @param IManagePersonalConfigValues $pconfig * @param Page $page The Friendica page printing container * @param ModuleHTTPException $httpException The possible HTTP Exception container * @param HTTPInputData $httpInput A library for processing PHP input streams * @param float $start_time The start time of the overall script execution * @param array $server The $_SERVER array * * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ private function runFrontend( Router $router, IManagePersonalConfigValues $pconfig, Page $page, Nav $nav, ModuleHTTPException $httpException, HTTPInputData $httpInput, float $start_time, array $server ) { $requeststring = ($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? '') . ' ' . ($server['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '') . ' ' . ($server['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ?? ''); $this->logger->debug('Request received', ['address' => $server['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '', 'request' => $requeststring, 'referer' => $server['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', 'user-agent' => $server['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '']); $request_start = microtime(true); $request = $_REQUEST; $this->profiler->set($start_time, 'start'); $this->profiler->set(microtime(true), 'classinit'); $moduleName = $this->args->getModuleName(); $page->setLogging($this->args->getMethod(), $this->args->getModuleName(), $this->args->getCommand()); try { // Missing DB connection: ERROR if ($this->mode->has(Mode::LOCALCONFIGPRESENT) && !$this->mode->has(Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) { throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException($this->l10n->t('Apologies but the website is unavailable at the moment.')); } if (!$this->mode->isInstall()) { // Force SSL redirection if ($this->config->get('system', 'force_ssl') && (empty($server['HTTPS']) || $server['HTTPS'] === 'off') && (empty($server['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) || $server['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'http') && !empty($server['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $server['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { System::externalRedirect($this->baseURL . '/' . $this->args->getQueryString()); } Core\Hook::callAll('init_1'); } DID::routeRequest($this->args->getCommand(), $server); if ($this->mode->isNormal() && !$this->mode->isBackend()) { $requester = HTTPSignature::getSigner('', $server); if (!empty($requester)) { OpenWebAuth::addVisitorCookieForHandle($requester); } } // ZRL if (!empty($_GET['zrl']) && $this->mode->isNormal() && !$this->mode->isBackend() && !$this->session->getLocalUserId()) { // Only continue when the given profile link seems valid. // Valid profile links contain a path with "/profile/" and no query parameters if ((parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_QUERY) == '') && strpos(parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_PATH) ?? '', '/profile/') !== false) { $this->auth->setUnauthenticatedVisitor($_GET['zrl']); OpenWebAuth::zrlInit(); } else { // Someone came with an invalid parameter, maybe as a DDoS attempt // We simply stop processing here $this->logger->debug('Invalid ZRL parameter.', ['zrl' => $_GET['zrl']]); throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException(); } } if (!empty($_GET['owt']) && $this->mode->isNormal()) { $token = $_GET['owt']; OpenWebAuth::init($token); } if (!$this->mode->isBackend()) { $this->auth->withSession(); } if ($this->session->isUnauthenticated()) { header('X-Account-Management-Status: none'); } /* * check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically * update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if * any addons have been added or removed and reacts accordingly. */ // in install mode, any url loads install module // but we need "view" module for stylesheet if ($this->mode->isInstall() && $moduleName !== 'install') { $this->baseURL->redirect('install'); } else { Core\Update::check($this->appHelper->getBasePath(), false); Core\Addon::loadAddons(); Core\Hook::loadHooks(); } // Compatibility with Hubzilla if ($moduleName == 'rpost') { $this->baseURL->redirect('compose'); } // Compatibility with the Android Diaspora client if ($moduleName == 'stream') { $this->baseURL->redirect('network?order=post'); } if ($moduleName == 'conversations') { $this->baseURL->redirect('message'); } if ($moduleName == 'commented') { $this->baseURL->redirect('network?order=comment'); } if ($moduleName == 'liked') { $this->baseURL->redirect('network?order=comment'); } if ($moduleName == 'activity') { $this->baseURL->redirect('network?conv=1'); } if (($moduleName == 'status_messages') && ($this->args->getCommand() == 'status_messages/new')) { $this->baseURL->redirect('bookmarklet'); } if (($moduleName == 'user') && ($this->args->getCommand() == 'user/edit')) { $this->baseURL->redirect('settings'); } if (($moduleName == 'tag_followings') && ($this->args->getCommand() == 'tag_followings/manage')) { $this->baseURL->redirect('search'); } // Initialize module that can set the current theme in the init() method, either directly or via App->setProfileOwner $page['page_title'] = $moduleName; // The "view" module is required to show the theme CSS if (!$this->mode->isInstall() && !$this->mode->has(Mode::MAINTENANCEDISABLED) && $moduleName !== 'view') { $module = $router->getModule(Maintenance::class); } else { // determine the module class and save it to the module instance // @todo there's an implicit dependency due SESSION::start(), so it has to be called here (yet) $module = $router->getModule(); } // Display can change depending on the requested language, so it shouldn't be cached whole header('Vary: Accept-Language', false); // Processes data from GET requests $httpinput = $httpInput->process(); $input = array_merge($httpinput['variables'], $httpinput['files'], $request); // Let the module run its internal process (init, get, post, ...) $timestamp = microtime(true); $response = $module->run($httpException, $input); $this->profiler->set(microtime(true) - $timestamp, 'content'); // Wrapping HTML responses in the theme template if ($response->getHeaderLine(ICanCreateResponses::X_HEADER) === ICanCreateResponses::TYPE_HTML) { $response = $page->run($this->appHelper, $this->session, $this->baseURL, $this->args, $this->mode, $response, $this->l10n, $this->profiler, $this->config, $pconfig, $nav, $this->session->getLocalUserId()); } $this->logger->debug('Request processed sucessfully', ['response' => $response->getStatusCode(), 'address' => $server['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '', 'request' => $requeststring, 'referer' => $server['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', 'user-agent' => $server['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '', 'duration' => number_format(microtime(true) - $request_start, 3)]); $this->logSlowCalls(microtime(true) - $request_start, $response->getStatusCode(), $requeststring, $server['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? ''); System::echoResponse($response); } catch (HTTPException $e) { $this->logger->debug('Request processed with exception', ['response' => $e->getCode(), 'address' => $server['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '', 'request' => $requeststring, 'referer' => $server['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', 'user-agent' => $server['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '', 'duration' => number_format(microtime(true) - $request_start, 3)]); $this->logSlowCalls(microtime(true) - $request_start, $e->getCode(), $requeststring, $server['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? ''); $httpException->rawContent($e); } $page->logRuntime($this->config, 'runFrontend'); } /** * Log slow page executions * * @param float $duration * @param integer $code * @param string $request * @param string $agent * @return void */ private function logSlowCalls(float $duration, int $code, string $request, string $agent) { $logfile = $this->config->get('system', 'page_execution_logfile'); $loglimit = $this->config->get('system', 'page_execution_log_limit'); if (empty($logfile) || empty($loglimit) || ($duration < $loglimit)) { return; } @file_put_contents( $logfile, DateTimeFormat::utcNow() . "\t" . round($duration, 3) . "\t" . $this->requestId . "\t" . $code . "\t" . $request . "\t" . $agent . "\n", FILE_APPEND ); } }