<?php /** * @file include/ostatus.php */ require_once("include/Contact.php"); require_once("include/threads.php"); require_once("include/html2bbcode.php"); require_once("include/bbcode.php"); require_once("include/items.php"); require_once("mod/share.php"); require_once("include/enotify.php"); require_once("include/socgraph.php"); require_once("include/Photo.php"); require_once("include/Scrape.php"); require_once("include/follow.php"); require_once("include/api.php"); require_once("mod/proxy.php"); require_once("include/xml.php"); /** * @brief This class contain functions for the OStatus protocol * */ class ostatus { const OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = 30; // given in minutes const OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEFRAME = 1440; // given in minutes const OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEFRAME_MENTIONS = 14400; // given in minutes /** * @brief Fetches author data * * @param object $xpath The xpath object * @param object $context The xml context of the author detals * @param array $importer user record of the importing user * @param array $contact Called by reference, will contain the fetched contact * @param bool $onlyfetch Only fetch the header without updating the contact entries * * @return array Array of author related entries for the item */ private function fetchauthor($xpath, $context, $importer, &$contact, $onlyfetch) { $author = array(); $author["author-link"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/atom:uri/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/atom:name/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; // Preserve the value $authorlink = $author["author-link"]; $alternate = $xpath->query("atom:author/atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $context)->item(0)->attributes; if (is_object($alternate)) foreach($alternate AS $attributes) if ($attributes->name == "href") $author["author-link"] = $attributes->textContent; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `network` != '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc(normalise_link($author["author-link"])), dbesc(normalise_link($authorlink)), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET)); if ($r) { $contact = $r[0]; $author["contact-id"] = $r[0]["id"]; } else $author["contact-id"] = $contact["id"]; $avatarlist = array(); $avatars = $xpath->query("atom:author/atom:link[@rel='avatar']", $context); foreach($avatars AS $avatar) { $href = ""; $width = 0; foreach($avatar->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "href") $href = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "width") $width = $attributes->textContent; } if (($width > 0) AND ($href != "")) $avatarlist[$width] = $href; } if (count($avatarlist) > 0) { krsort($avatarlist); $author["author-avatar"] = current($avatarlist); } $displayname = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:displayName/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($displayname != "") $author["author-name"] = $displayname; $author["owner-name"] = $author["author-name"]; $author["owner-link"] = $author["author-link"]; $author["owner-avatar"] = $author["author-avatar"]; // Only update the contacts if it is an OStatus contact if ($r AND !$onlyfetch AND ($contact["network"] == NETWORK_OSTATUS)) { // Update contact data $value = $xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='salmon']", $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["notify"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/uri/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["alias"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:displayName/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["name"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:preferredUsername/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["nick"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:note/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["about"] = html2bbcode($value); $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:address/poco:formatted/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["location"] = $value; if (($contact["name"] != $r[0]["name"]) OR ($contact["nick"] != $r[0]["nick"]) OR ($contact["about"] != $r[0]["about"]) OR ($contact["location"] != $r[0]["location"])) { logger("Update contact data for contact ".$contact["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); q("UPDATE `contact` SET `name` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `name-date` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc($contact["name"]), dbesc($contact["nick"]), dbesc($contact["about"]), dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($contact["id"])); poco_check($contact["url"], $contact["name"], $contact["network"], $author["author-avatar"], $contact["about"], $contact["location"], "", "", "", datetime_convert(), 2, $contact["id"], $contact["uid"]); } if (isset($author["author-avatar"]) AND ($author["author-avatar"] != $r[0]['avatar'])) { logger("Update profile picture for contact ".$contact["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); update_contact_avatar($author["author-avatar"], $importer["uid"], $contact["id"]); } $contact["generation"] = 2; $contact["photo"] = $author["author-avatar"]; update_gcontact($contact); } return($author); } /** * @brief Fetches author data from a given XML string * * @param string $xml The XML * @param array $importer user record of the importing user * * @return array Array of author related entries for the item */ public static function salmon_author($xml, $importer) { if ($xml == "") return; $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadXML($xml); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', NAMESPACE_ATOM1); $xpath->registerNamespace('thr', NAMESPACE_THREAD); $xpath->registerNamespace('georss', NAMESPACE_GEORSS); $xpath->registerNamespace('activity', NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY); $xpath->registerNamespace('media', NAMESPACE_MEDIA); $xpath->registerNamespace('poco', NAMESPACE_POCO); $xpath->registerNamespace('ostatus', NAMESPACE_OSTATUS); $xpath->registerNamespace('statusnet', NAMESPACE_STATUSNET); $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:entry'); foreach ($entries AS $entry) { // fetch the author $author = self::fetchauthor($xpath, $entry, $importer, $contact, true); return $author; } } /** * @brief Imports an XML string containing OStatus elements * * @param string $xml The XML * @param array $importer user record of the importing user * @param $contact * @param array $hub Called by reference, returns the fetched hub data */ public static function import($xml,$importer,&$contact, &$hub) { /// @todo this function is too long. It has to be split in many parts logger("Import OStatus message", LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($xml == "") return; //$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), "import"); //file_put_contents($tempfile, $xml); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadXML($xml); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', NAMESPACE_ATOM1); $xpath->registerNamespace('thr', NAMESPACE_THREAD); $xpath->registerNamespace('georss', NAMESPACE_GEORSS); $xpath->registerNamespace('activity', NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY); $xpath->registerNamespace('media', NAMESPACE_MEDIA); $xpath->registerNamespace('poco', NAMESPACE_POCO); $xpath->registerNamespace('ostatus', NAMESPACE_OSTATUS); $xpath->registerNamespace('statusnet', NAMESPACE_STATUSNET); $gub = ""; $hub_attributes = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='hub']")->item(0)->attributes; if (is_object($hub_attributes)) foreach($hub_attributes AS $hub_attribute) if ($hub_attribute->name == "href") { $hub = $hub_attribute->textContent; logger("Found hub ".$hub, LOGGER_DEBUG); } $header = array(); $header["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $header["network"] = NETWORK_OSTATUS; $header["type"] = "remote"; $header["wall"] = 0; $header["origin"] = 0; $header["gravity"] = GRAVITY_PARENT; // it could either be a received post or a post we fetched by ourselves // depending on that, the first node is different $first_child = $doc->firstChild->tagName; if ($first_child == "feed") $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry'); else $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:entry'); $conversation = ""; $conversationlist = array(); $item_id = 0; // Reverse the order of the entries $entrylist = array(); foreach ($entries AS $entry) $entrylist[] = $entry; foreach (array_reverse($entrylist) AS $entry) { $mention = false; // fetch the author if ($first_child == "feed") $author = self::fetchauthor($xpath, $doc->firstChild, $importer, $contact, false); else $author = self::fetchauthor($xpath, $entry, $importer, $contact, false); $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:preferredUsername/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $nickname = $value; else $nickname = $author["author-name"]; $item = array_merge($header, $author); // Now get the item $item["uri"] = $xpath->query('atom:id/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["uri"])); if ($r) { logger("Item with uri ".$item["uri"]." for user ".$importer["uid"]." already existed under id ".$r[0]["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } $item["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($xpath->query('atom:content/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue)); $item["object-type"] = $xpath->query('activity:object-type/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK) OR ($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT)) { $item["title"] = $xpath->query('atom:title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["body"] = $xpath->query('atom:summary/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; } elseif ($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_QUESTION) $item["title"] = $xpath->query('atom:title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["object"] = $xml; $item["verb"] = $xpath->query('activity:verb/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; /// @TODO /// Delete a message if ($item["verb"] == "qvitter-delete-notice") { // ignore "Delete" messages (by now) logger("Ignore delete message ".print_r($item, true)); continue; } if ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_JOIN) { // ignore "Join" messages logger("Ignore join message ".print_r($item, true)); continue; } if ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_FOLLOW) { new_follower($importer, $contact, $item, $nickname); continue; } if ($item["verb"] == NAMESPACE_OSTATUS."/unfollow") { lose_follower($importer, $contact, $item, $dummy); continue; } if ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_FAVORITE) { $orig_uri = $xpath->query("activity:object/atom:id", $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; logger("Favorite ".$orig_uri." ".print_r($item, true)); $item["verb"] = ACTIVITY_LIKE; $item["parent-uri"] = $orig_uri; $item["gravity"] = GRAVITY_LIKE; } if ($item["verb"] == NAMESPACE_OSTATUS."/unfavorite") { // Ignore "Unfavorite" message logger("Ignore unfavorite message ".print_r($item, true)); continue; } // http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/rsvp-yes if (!in_array($item["verb"], array(ACTIVITY_POST, ACTIVITY_LIKE, ACTIVITY_SHARE))) logger("Unhandled verb ".$item["verb"]." ".print_r($item, true)); $item["created"] = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["edited"] = $xpath->query('atom:updated/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $conversation = $xpath->query('ostatus:conversation/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $related = ""; $inreplyto = $xpath->query('thr:in-reply-to', $entry); if (is_object($inreplyto->item(0))) { foreach($inreplyto->item(0)->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "ref") $item["parent-uri"] = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "href") $related = $attributes->textContent; } } $georsspoint = $xpath->query('georss:point', $entry); if ($georsspoint) $item["coord"] = $georsspoint->item(0)->nodeValue; $categories = $xpath->query('atom:category', $entry); if ($categories) { foreach ($categories AS $category) { foreach($category->attributes AS $attributes) if ($attributes->name == "term") { $term = $attributes->textContent; if(strlen($item["tag"])) $item["tag"] .= ','; $item["tag"] .= "#[url=".App::get_baseurl()."/search?tag=".$term."]".$term."[/url]"; } } } $self = ""; $enclosure = ""; $links = $xpath->query('atom:link', $entry); if ($links) { $rel = ""; $href = ""; $type = ""; $length = "0"; $title = ""; foreach ($links AS $link) { foreach($link->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "href") $href = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "rel") $rel = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "type") $type = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "length") $length = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "title") $title = $attributes->textContent; } if (($rel != "") AND ($href != "")) switch($rel) { case "alternate": $item["plink"] = $href; if (($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_QUESTION) OR ($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT)) $item["body"] .= add_page_info($href); break; case "ostatus:conversation": $conversation = $href; break; case "enclosure": $enclosure = $href; if(strlen($item["attach"])) $item["attach"] .= ','; $item["attach"] .= '[attach]href="'.$href.'" length="'.$length.'" type="'.$type.'" title="'.$title.'"[/attach]'; break; case "related": if ($item["object-type"] != ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK) { if (!isset($item["parent-uri"])) $item["parent-uri"] = $href; if ($related == "") $related = $href; } else $item["body"] .= add_page_info($href); break; case "self": $self = $href; break; case "mentioned": // Notification check if ($importer["nurl"] == normalise_link($href)) $mention = true; break; } } } $local_id = ""; $repeat_of = ""; $notice_info = $xpath->query('statusnet:notice_info', $entry); if ($notice_info AND ($notice_info->length > 0)) { foreach($notice_info->item(0)->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "source") $item["app"] = strip_tags($attributes->textContent); if ($attributes->name == "local_id") $local_id = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "repeat_of") $repeat_of = $attributes->textContent; } } // Is it a repeated post? if ($repeat_of != "") { $activityobjects = $xpath->query('activity:object', $entry)->item(0); if (is_object($activityobjects)) { $orig_uri = $xpath->query("activity:object/atom:id", $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!isset($orig_uri)) $orig_uri = $xpath->query('atom:id/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $orig_links = $xpath->query("activity:object/atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $activityobjects); if ($orig_links AND ($orig_links->length > 0)) foreach($orig_links->item(0)->attributes AS $attributes) if ($attributes->name == "href") $orig_link = $attributes->textContent; if (!isset($orig_link)) $orig_link = $xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!isset($orig_link)) $orig_link = self::convert_href($orig_uri); $orig_body = $xpath->query('activity:object/atom:content/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!isset($orig_body)) $orig_body = $xpath->query('atom:content/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $orig_created = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $orig_contact = $contact; $orig_author = self::fetchauthor($xpath, $activityobjects, $importer, $orig_contact, false); $item["author-name"] = $orig_author["author-name"]; $item["author-link"] = $orig_author["author-link"]; $item["author-avatar"] = $orig_author["author-avatar"]; $item["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($orig_body)); $item["created"] = $orig_created; $item["uri"] = $orig_uri; $item["plink"] = $orig_link; $item["verb"] = $xpath->query('activity:verb/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["object-type"] = $xpath->query('activity:object/activity:object-type/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!isset($item["object-type"])) $item["object-type"] = $xpath->query('activity:object-type/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; } } //if ($enclosure != "") // $item["body"] .= add_page_info($enclosure); if (isset($item["parent-uri"])) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["parent-uri"])); if (!$r AND ($related != "")) { $reply_path = str_replace("/notice/", "/api/statuses/show/", $related).".atom"; if ($reply_path != $related) { logger("Fetching related items for user ".$importer["uid"]." from ".$reply_path, LOGGER_DEBUG); $reply_xml = fetch_url($reply_path); $reply_contact = $contact; self::import($reply_xml,$importer,$reply_contact, $reply_hub); // After the import try to fetch the parent item again $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["parent-uri"])); } } if ($r) { $item["type"] = 'remote-comment'; $item["gravity"] = GRAVITY_COMMENT; } } else $item["parent-uri"] = $item["uri"]; $item_id = self::completion($conversation, $importer["uid"], $item, $self); if (!$item_id) { logger("Error storing item", LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } logger("Item was stored with id ".$item_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } } /** * @brief Create an url out of an uri * * @param string $href URI in the format "parameter1:parameter1:..." * * @return string URL in the format http(s)://.... */ public static function convert_href($href) { $elements = explode(":",$href); if ((count($elements) <= 2) OR ($elements[0] != "tag")) return $href; $server = explode(",", $elements[1]); $conversation = explode("=", $elements[2]); if ((count($elements) == 4) AND ($elements[2] == "post")) return "http://".$server[0]."/notice/".$elements[3]; if ((count($conversation) != 2) OR ($conversation[1] =="")) return $href; if ($elements[3] == "objectType=thread") return "http://".$server[0]."/conversation/".$conversation[1]; else return "http://".$server[0]."/notice/".$conversation[1]; return $href; } /** * @brief Checks if there are entries in conversations that aren't present on our side * * @param bool $mentions Fetch conversations where we are mentioned * @param bool $override Override the interval setting */ public static function check_conversations($mentions = false, $override = false) { $last = get_config('system','ostatus_last_poll'); $poll_interval = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_interval')); if(! $poll_interval) $poll_interval = OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL; // Don't poll if the interval is set negative if (($poll_interval < 0) AND !$override) return; if (!$mentions) { $poll_timeframe = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_timeframe')); if (!$poll_timeframe) $poll_timeframe = OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEFRAME; } else { $poll_timeframe = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_timeframe')); if (!$poll_timeframe) $poll_timeframe = OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEFRAME_MENTIONS; } if ($last AND !$override) { $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60); if ($next > time()) { logger('poll interval not reached'); return; } } logger('cron_start'); $start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - ($poll_timeframe * 60)); if ($mentions) $conversations = q("SELECT `term`.`oid`, `term`.`url`, `term`.`uid` FROM `term` STRAIGHT_JOIN `thread` ON `thread`.`iid` = `term`.`oid` AND `thread`.`uid` = `term`.`uid` WHERE `term`.`type` = 7 AND `term`.`term` > '%s' AND `thread`.`mention` GROUP BY `term`.`url`, `term`.`uid` ORDER BY `term`.`term` DESC", dbesc($start)); else $conversations = q("SELECT `oid`, `url`, `uid` FROM `term` WHERE `type` = 7 AND `term` > '%s' GROUP BY `url`, `uid` ORDER BY `term` DESC", dbesc($start)); foreach ($conversations AS $conversation) { self::completion($conversation['url'], $conversation['uid']); } logger('cron_end'); set_config('system','ostatus_last_poll', time()); } /** * @brief Updates the gcontact table with actor data from the conversation * * @param object $actor The actor object that contains the contact data */ private function conv_fetch_actor($actor) { // We set the generation to "3" since the data here is not as reliable as the data we get on other occasions $contact = array("network" => NETWORK_OSTATUS, "generation" => 3); if (isset($actor->url)) $contact["url"] = $actor->url; if (isset($actor->displayName)) $contact["name"] = $actor->displayName; if (isset($actor->portablecontacts_net->displayName)) $contact["name"] = $actor->portablecontacts_net->displayName; if (isset($actor->portablecontacts_net->preferredUsername)) $contact["nick"] = $actor->portablecontacts_net->preferredUsername; if (isset($actor->id)) $contact["alias"] = $actor->id; if (isset($actor->summary)) $contact["about"] = $actor->summary; if (isset($actor->portablecontacts_net->note)) $contact["about"] = $actor->portablecontacts_net->note; if (isset($actor->portablecontacts_net->addresses->formatted)) $contact["location"] = $actor->portablecontacts_net->addresses->formatted; if (isset($actor->image->url)) $contact["photo"] = $actor->image->url; if (isset($actor->image->width)) $avatarwidth = $actor->image->width; if (is_array($actor->status_net->avatarLinks)) foreach ($actor->status_net->avatarLinks AS $avatar) { if ($avatarsize < $avatar->width) { $contact["photo"] = $avatar->url; $avatarsize = $avatar->width; } } update_gcontact($contact); } /** * @brief Fetches the conversation url for a given item link or conversation id * * @param string $self The link to the posting * @param string $conversation_id The conversation id * * @return string The conversation url */ private function fetch_conversation($self, $conversation_id = "") { if ($conversation_id != "") { $elements = explode(":", $conversation_id); if ((count($elements) <= 2) OR ($elements[0] != "tag")) return $conversation_id; } if ($self == "") return ""; $json = str_replace(".atom", ".json", $self); $raw = fetch_url($json); if ($raw == "") return ""; $data = json_decode($raw); if (!is_object($data)) return ""; $conversation_id = $data->statusnet_conversation_id; $pos = strpos($self, "/api/statuses/show/"); $base_url = substr($self, 0, $pos); return $base_url."/conversation/".$conversation_id; } /** * @brief Fetches actor details of a given actor and user id * * @param string $actor The actor url * @param int $uid The user id * @param int $contact_id The default contact-id * * @return array Array with actor details */ private function get_actor_details($actor, $uid, $contact_id) { $details = array(); $contact = q("SELECT `id`, `rel`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s' AND `network` != '%s'", $uid, normalise_link($actor), NETWORK_STATUSNET); if (!$contact) $contact = q("SELECT `id`, `rel`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `alias` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `network` != '%s'", $uid, $actor, normalise_link($actor), NETWORK_STATUSNET); if ($contact) { logger("Found contact for url ".$actor, LOGGER_DEBUG); $details["contact_id"] = $contact[0]["id"]; $details["network"] = $contact[0]["network"]; $details["not_following"] = !in_array($contact[0]["rel"], array(CONTACT_IS_SHARING, CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); } else { logger("No contact found for user ".$uid." and url ".$actor, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Adding a global contact /// @TODO Use this data for the post $details["global_contact_id"] = get_contact($actor, 0); logger("Global contact ".$global_contact_id." found for url ".$actor, LOGGER_DEBUG); $details["contact_id"] = $contact_id; $details["network"] = NETWORK_OSTATUS; $details["not_following"] = true; } return $details; } /** * @brief Stores an item and completes the thread * * @param string $conversation_url The URI of the conversation * @param integer $uid The user id * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * * @return integer The item id of the posted item array */ private function completion($conversation_url, $uid, $item = array(), $self = "") { /// @todo This function is totally ugly and has to be rewritten totally $item_stored = -1; $conversation_url = self::fetch_conversation($self, $conversation_url); // If the thread shouldn't be completed then store the item and go away // Don't do a completion on liked content if (((intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_interval')) == -2) AND (count($item) > 0)) OR ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_LIKE) OR ($conversation_url == "")) { $item_stored = item_store($item, true); return($item_stored); } // Get the parent $parents = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `url` = '%s'))", intval($uid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION), dbesc($conversation_url)); if ($parents) $parent = $parents[0]; elseif (count($item) > 0) { $parent = $item; $parent["type"] = "remote"; $parent["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST; $parent["visible"] = 1; } else { // Preset the parent $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `self` AND `uid`=%d", $uid); if (!$r) return(-2); $parent = array(); $parent["id"] = 0; $parent["parent"] = 0; $parent["uri"] = ""; $parent["contact-id"] = $r[0]["id"]; $parent["type"] = "remote"; $parent["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST; $parent["visible"] = 1; } $conv = str_replace("/conversation/", "/api/statusnet/conversation/", $conversation_url).".as"; $pageno = 1; $items = array(); logger('fetching conversation url '.$conv.' (Self: '.$self.') for user '.$uid); do { $conv_arr = z_fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno); // If it is a non-ssl site and there is an error, then try ssl or vice versa if (!$conv_arr["success"] AND (substr($conv, 0, 7) == "http://")) { $conv = str_replace("http://", "https://", $conv); $conv_as = fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno); } elseif (!$conv_arr["success"] AND (substr($conv, 0, 8) == "https://")) { $conv = str_replace("https://", "http://", $conv); $conv_as = fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno); } else $conv_as = $conv_arr["body"]; $conv_as = str_replace(',"statusnet:notice_info":', ',"statusnet_notice_info":', $conv_as); $conv_as = json_decode($conv_as); $no_of_items = sizeof($items); if (@is_array($conv_as->items)) foreach ($conv_as->items AS $single_item) $items[$single_item->id] = $single_item; if ($no_of_items == sizeof($items)) break; $pageno++; } while (true); logger('fetching conversation done. Found '.count($items).' items'); if (!sizeof($items)) { if (count($item) > 0) { $item_stored = item_store($item, true); if ($item_stored) { logger("Conversation ".$conversation_url." couldn't be fetched. Item uri ".$item["uri"]." stored: ".$item_stored, LOGGER_DEBUG); self::store_conversation($item_id, $conversation_url); } return($item_stored); } else return(-3); } $items = array_reverse($items); $r = q("SELECT `nurl` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self`", intval($uid)); $importer = $r[0]; $new_parent = true; foreach ($items as $single_conv) { // Update the gcontact table self::conv_fetch_actor($single_conv->actor); // Test - remove before flight //$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), "conversation"); //file_put_contents($tempfile, json_encode($single_conv)); $mention = false; if (isset($single_conv->object->id)) $single_conv->id = $single_conv->object->id; $plink = self::convert_href($single_conv->id); if (isset($single_conv->object->url)) $plink = self::convert_href($single_conv->object->url); if (@!$single_conv->id) continue; logger("Got id ".$single_conv->id, LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($first_id == "") { $first_id = $single_conv->id; // The first post of the conversation isn't our first post. There are three options: // 1. Our conversation hasn't the "real" thread starter // 2. This first post is a post inside our thread // 3. This first post is a post inside another thread if (($first_id != $parent["uri"]) AND ($parent["uri"] != "")) { $new_parent = true; $new_parents = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s')) LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($first_id), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN)); if ($new_parents) { if ($new_parents[0]["parent"] == $parent["parent"]) { // Option 2: This post is already present inside our thread - but not as thread starter logger("Option 2: uri present in our thread: ".$first_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); $first_id = $parent["uri"]; } else { // Option 3: Not so good. We have mixed parents. We have to see how to clean this up. // For now just take the new parent. $parent = $new_parents[0]; $first_id = $parent["uri"]; logger("Option 3: mixed parents for uri ".$first_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } } else { // Option 1: We hadn't got the real thread starter // We have to clean up our existing messages. $parent["id"] = 0; $parent["uri"] = $first_id; logger("Option 1: we have a new parent: ".$first_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } } elseif ($parent["uri"] == "") { $parent["id"] = 0; $parent["uri"] = $first_id; } } $parent_uri = $parent["uri"]; // "context" only seems to exist on older servers if (isset($single_conv->context->inReplyTo->id)) { $parent_exists = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($single_conv->context->inReplyTo->id), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN)); if ($parent_exists) $parent_uri = $single_conv->context->inReplyTo->id; } // This is the current way if (isset($single_conv->object->inReplyTo->id)) { $parent_exists = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($single_conv->object->inReplyTo->id), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN)); if ($parent_exists) $parent_uri = $single_conv->object->inReplyTo->id; } $message_exists = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($single_conv->id), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN)); if ($message_exists) { logger("Message ".$single_conv->id." already existed on the system", LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($parent["id"] != 0) { $existing_message = $message_exists[0]; // We improved the way we fetch OStatus messages, this shouldn't happen very often now /// @TODO We have to change the shadow copies as well. This way here is really ugly. if ($existing_message["parent"] != $parent["id"]) { logger('updating id '.$existing_message["id"].' with parent '.$existing_message["parent"].' to parent '.$parent["id"].' uri '.$parent["uri"].' thread '.$parent_uri, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Update the parent id of the selected item $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d, `parent-uri` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", intval($parent["id"]), dbesc($parent["uri"]), intval($existing_message["id"])); // Update the parent uri in the thread - but only if it points to itself $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `thr-parent` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uri` = `thr-parent`", dbesc($parent_uri), intval($existing_message["id"])); // try to change all items of the same parent $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d, `parent-uri` = '%s' WHERE `parent` = %d", intval($parent["id"]), dbesc($parent["uri"]), intval($existing_message["parent"])); // Update the parent uri in the thread - but only if it points to itself $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `thr-parent` = '%s' WHERE (`parent` = %d) AND (`uri` = `thr-parent`)", dbesc($parent["uri"]), intval($existing_message["parent"])); // Now delete the thread delete_thread($existing_message["parent"]); } } // The item we are having on the system is the one that we wanted to store via the item array if (isset($item["uri"]) AND ($item["uri"] == $existing_message["uri"])) { $item = array(); $item_stored = 0; } continue; } if (is_array($single_conv->to)) foreach($single_conv->to AS $to) if ($importer["nurl"] == normalise_link($to->id)) $mention = true; $actor = $single_conv->actor->id; if (isset($single_conv->actor->url)) $actor = $single_conv->actor->url; $details = self::get_actor_details($actor, $uid, $parent["contact-id"]); // Do we only want to import threads that were started by our contacts? if ($details["not_following"] AND $new_parent AND get_config('system','ostatus_full_threads')) { logger("Don't import uri ".$first_id." because user ".$uid." doesn't follow the person ".$actor, LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } $arr = array(); $arr["network"] = $details["network"]; $arr["uri"] = $single_conv->id; $arr["plink"] = $plink; $arr["uid"] = $uid; $arr["contact-id"] = $details["contact_id"]; $arr["parent-uri"] = $parent_uri; $arr["created"] = $single_conv->published; $arr["edited"] = $single_conv->published; $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->displayName; if ($arr["owner-name"] == '') $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->contact->displayName; if ($arr["owner-name"] == '') $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->portablecontacts_net->displayName; $arr["owner-link"] = $actor; $arr["owner-avatar"] = $single_conv->actor->image->url; $arr["author-name"] = $arr["owner-name"]; $arr["author-link"] = $actor; $arr["author-avatar"] = $single_conv->actor->image->url; $arr["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($single_conv->content)); if (isset($single_conv->status_net->notice_info->source)) $arr["app"] = strip_tags($single_conv->status_net->notice_info->source); elseif (isset($single_conv->statusnet->notice_info->source)) $arr["app"] = strip_tags($single_conv->statusnet->notice_info->source); elseif (isset($single_conv->statusnet_notice_info->source)) $arr["app"] = strip_tags($single_conv->statusnet_notice_info->source); elseif (isset($single_conv->provider->displayName)) $arr["app"] = $single_conv->provider->displayName; else $arr["app"] = "OStatus"; $arr["object"] = json_encode($single_conv); $arr["verb"] = $parent["verb"]; $arr["visible"] = $parent["visible"]; $arr["location"] = $single_conv->location->displayName; $arr["coord"] = trim($single_conv->location->lat." ".$single_conv->location->lon); // Is it a reshared item? if (isset($single_conv->verb) AND ($single_conv->verb == "share") AND isset($single_conv->object)) { if (is_array($single_conv->object)) $single_conv->object = $single_conv->object[0]; logger("Found reshared item ".$single_conv->object->id); // $single_conv->object->context->conversation; if (isset($single_conv->object->object->id)) $arr["uri"] = $single_conv->object->object->id; else $arr["uri"] = $single_conv->object->id; if (isset($single_conv->object->object->url)) $plink = self::convert_href($single_conv->object->object->url); else $plink = self::convert_href($single_conv->object->url); if (isset($single_conv->object->object->content)) $arr["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($single_conv->object->object->content)); else $arr["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($single_conv->object->content)); $arr["plink"] = $plink; $arr["created"] = $single_conv->object->published; $arr["edited"] = $single_conv->object->published; $arr["author-name"] = $single_conv->object->actor->displayName; if ($arr["owner-name"] == '') $arr["author-name"] = $single_conv->object->actor->contact->displayName; $arr["author-link"] = $single_conv->object->actor->url; $arr["author-avatar"] = $single_conv->object->actor->image->url; $arr["app"] = $single_conv->object->provider->displayName."#"; //$arr["verb"] = $single_conv->object->verb; $arr["location"] = $single_conv->object->location->displayName; $arr["coord"] = trim($single_conv->object->location->lat." ".$single_conv->object->location->lon); } if ($arr["location"] == "") unset($arr["location"]); if ($arr["coord"] == "") unset($arr["coord"]); // Copy fields from given item array if (isset($item["uri"]) AND (($item["uri"] == $arr["uri"]) OR ($item["uri"] == $single_conv->id))) { $copy_fields = array("owner-name", "owner-link", "owner-avatar", "author-name", "author-link", "author-avatar", "gravity", "body", "object-type", "object", "verb", "created", "edited", "coord", "tag", "title", "attach", "app", "type", "location", "contact-id", "uri"); foreach ($copy_fields AS $field) if (isset($item[$field])) $arr[$field] = $item[$field]; } $newitem = item_store($arr); if (!$newitem) { logger("Item wasn't stored ".print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } if (isset($item["uri"]) AND ($item["uri"] == $arr["uri"])) { $item = array(); $item_stored = $newitem; } logger('Stored new item '.$plink.' for parent '.$arr["parent-uri"].' under id '.$newitem, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Add the conversation entry (but don't fetch the whole conversation) self::store_conversation($newitem, $conversation_url); // If the newly created item is the top item then change the parent settings of the thread // This shouldn't happen anymore. This is supposed to be absolote. if ($arr["uri"] == $first_id) { logger('setting new parent to id '.$newitem); $new_parents = q("SELECT `id`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid), intval($newitem)); if ($new_parents) $parent = $new_parents[0]; } } if (($item_stored < 0) AND (count($item) > 0)) { if (get_config('system','ostatus_full_threads')) { $details = self::get_actor_details($item["owner-link"], $uid, $item["contact-id"]); if ($details["not_following"]) { logger("Don't import uri ".$item["uri"]." because user ".$uid." doesn't follow the person ".$item["owner-link"], LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } } $item_stored = item_store($item, true); if ($item_stored) { logger("Uri ".$item["uri"]." wasn't found in conversation ".$conversation_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); self::store_conversation($item_stored, $conversation_url); } } return($item_stored); } /** * @brief Stores conversation data into the database * * @param integer $itemid The id of the item * @param string $conversation_url The uri of the conversation */ private function store_conversation($itemid, $conversation_url) { $conversation_url = self::convert_href($conversation_url); $messages = q("SELECT `uid`, `parent`, `created`, `received`, `guid` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($itemid)); if (!$messages) return; $message = $messages[0]; // Store conversation url if not done before $conversation = q("SELECT `url` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `oid` = %d AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d", intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION)); if (!$conversation) { $r = q("INSERT INTO `term` (`uid`, `oid`, `otype`, `type`, `term`, `url`, `created`, `received`, `guid`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION), dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($conversation_url), dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($message["received"]), dbesc($message["guid"])); logger('Storing conversation url '.$conversation_url.' for id '.$itemid); } } /** * @brief Checks if the current post is a reshare * * @param array $item The item array of thw post * * @return string The guid if the post is a reshare */ private function get_reshared_guid($item) { $body = trim($item["body"]); // Skip if it isn't a pure repeated messages // Does it start with a share? if (strpos($body, "[share") > 0) return(""); // Does it end with a share? if (strlen($body) > (strrpos($body, "[/share]") + 8)) return(""); $attributes = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism","$1",$body); // Skip if there is no shared message in there if ($body == $attributes) return(false); $guid = ""; preg_match("/guid='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $guid = $matches[1]; preg_match('/guid="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $guid = $matches[1]; return $guid; } /** * @brief Cleans the body of a post if it contains picture links * * @param string $body The body * * @return string The cleaned body */ private function format_picture_post($body) { $siteinfo = get_attached_data($body); if (($siteinfo["type"] == "photo")) { if (isset($siteinfo["preview"])) $preview = $siteinfo["preview"]; else $preview = $siteinfo["image"]; // Is it a remote picture? Then make a smaller preview here $preview = proxy_url($preview, false, PROXY_SIZE_SMALL); // Is it a local picture? Then make it smaller here $preview = str_replace(array("-0.jpg", "-0.png"), array("-2.jpg", "-2.png"), $preview); $preview = str_replace(array("-1.jpg", "-1.png"), array("-2.jpg", "-2.png"), $preview); if (isset($siteinfo["url"])) $url = $siteinfo["url"]; else $url = $siteinfo["image"]; $body = trim($siteinfo["text"])." [url]".$url."[/url]\n[img]".$preview."[/img]"; } return $body; } /** * @brief Adds the header elements to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * * @return object header root element */ private function add_header($doc, $owner) { $a = get_app(); $root = $doc->createElementNS(NAMESPACE_ATOM1, 'feed'); $doc->appendChild($root); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:thr", NAMESPACE_THREAD); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:georss", NAMESPACE_GEORSS); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:activity", NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:media", NAMESPACE_MEDIA); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:poco", NAMESPACE_POCO); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:ostatus", NAMESPACE_OSTATUS); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:statusnet", NAMESPACE_STATUSNET); $attributes = array("uri" => "https://friendi.ca", "version" => FRIENDICA_VERSION."-".DB_UPDATE_VERSION); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "generator", FRIENDICA_PLATFORM, $attributes); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "id", App::get_baseurl()."/profile/".$owner["nick"]); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "title", sprintf("%s timeline", $owner["name"])); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "subtitle", sprintf("Updates from %s on %s", $owner["name"], $a->config["sitename"])); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "logo", $owner["photo"]); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "updated", datetime_convert("UTC", "UTC", "now", ATOM_TIME)); $author = self::add_author($doc, $owner); $root->appendChild($author); $attributes = array("href" => $owner["url"], "rel" => "alternate", "type" => "text/html"); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); /// @TODO We have to find out what this is /// $attributes = array("href" => App::get_baseurl()."/sup", /// "rel" => "http://api.friendfeed.com/2008/03#sup", /// "type" => "application/json"); /// xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); self::hublinks($doc, $root); $attributes = array("href" => App::get_baseurl()."/salmon/".$owner["nick"], "rel" => "salmon"); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); $attributes = array("href" => App::get_baseurl()."/salmon/".$owner["nick"], "rel" => "http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/salmon-replies"); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); $attributes = array("href" => App::get_baseurl()."/salmon/".$owner["nick"], "rel" => "http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/salmon-mention"); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); $attributes = array("href" => App::get_baseurl()."/api/statuses/user_timeline/".$owner["nick"].".atom", "rel" => "self", "type" => "application/atom+xml"); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); return $root; } /** * @brief Add the link to the push hubs to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param object $root XML root element where the hub links are added */ public static function hublinks($doc, $root) { $hub = get_config('system','huburl'); $hubxml = ''; if(strlen($hub)) { $hubs = explode(',', $hub); if(count($hubs)) { foreach($hubs as $h) { $h = trim($h); if(! strlen($h)) continue; if ($h === '[internal]') $h = App::get_baseurl() . '/pubsubhubbub'; xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", array("href" => $h, "rel" => "hub")); } } } } /** * @brief Adds attachement data to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param object $root XML root element where the hub links are added * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted */ private function get_attachment($doc, $root, $item) { $o = ""; $siteinfo = get_attached_data($item["body"]); switch($siteinfo["type"]) { case 'link': $attributes = array("rel" => "enclosure", "href" => $siteinfo["url"], "type" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "length" => "", "title" => $siteinfo["title"]); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); break; case 'photo': $imgdata = get_photo_info($siteinfo["image"]); $attributes = array("rel" => "enclosure", "href" => $siteinfo["image"], "type" => $imgdata["mime"], "length" => intval($imgdata["size"])); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); break; case 'video': $attributes = array("rel" => "enclosure", "href" => $siteinfo["url"], "type" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "length" => "", "title" => $siteinfo["title"]); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); break; default: break; } if (($siteinfo["type"] != "photo") AND isset($siteinfo["image"])) { $photodata = get_photo_info($siteinfo["image"]); $attributes = array("rel" => "preview", "href" => $siteinfo["image"], "media:width" => $photodata[0], "media:height" => $photodata[1]); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); } $arr = explode('[/attach],',$item['attach']); if(count($arr)) { foreach($arr as $r) { $matches = false; $cnt = preg_match('|\[attach\]href=\"(.*?)\" length=\"(.*?)\" type=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\"|',$r,$matches); if($cnt) { $attributes = array("rel" => "enclosure", "href" => $matches[1], "type" => $matches[3]); if(intval($matches[2])) $attributes["length"] = intval($matches[2]); if(trim($matches[4]) != "") $attributes["title"] = trim($matches[4]); xml::add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); } } } } /** * @brief Adds the author element to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * * @return object author element */ private function add_author($doc, $owner) { $r = q("SELECT `homepage` FROM `profile` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `is-default` LIMIT 1", intval($owner["uid"])); if ($r) $profile = $r[0]; $author = $doc->createElement("author"); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "activity:object-type", ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "uri", $owner["url"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "name", $owner["name"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "summary", bbcode($owner["about"], false, false, 7)); $attributes = array("rel" => "alternate", "type" => "text/html", "href" => $owner["url"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "link", "", $attributes); $attributes = array( "rel" => "avatar", "type" => "image/jpeg", // To-Do? "media:width" => 175, "media:height" => 175, "href" => $owner["photo"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "link", "", $attributes); if (isset($owner["thumb"])) { $attributes = array( "rel" => "avatar", "type" => "image/jpeg", // To-Do? "media:width" => 80, "media:height" => 80, "href" => $owner["thumb"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "link", "", $attributes); } xml::add_element($doc, $author, "poco:preferredUsername", $owner["nick"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "poco:displayName", $owner["name"]); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "poco:note", bbcode($owner["about"], false, false, 7)); if (trim($owner["location"]) != "") { $element = $doc->createElement("poco:address"); xml::add_element($doc, $element, "poco:formatted", $owner["location"]); $author->appendChild($element); } if (trim($profile["homepage"]) != "") { $urls = $doc->createElement("poco:urls"); xml::add_element($doc, $urls, "poco:type", "homepage"); xml::add_element($doc, $urls, "poco:value", $profile["homepage"]); xml::add_element($doc, $urls, "poco:primary", "true"); $author->appendChild($urls); } if (count($profile)) { xml::add_element($doc, $author, "followers", "", array("url" => App::get_baseurl()."/viewcontacts/".$owner["nick"])); xml::add_element($doc, $author, "statusnet:profile_info", "", array("local_id" => $owner["uid"])); } return $author; } /** * @TODO Picture attachments should look like this: * <a href="https://status.pirati.ca/attachment/572819" title="https://status.pirati.ca/file/heluecht-20151202T222602-rd3u49p.gif" * class="attachment thumbnail" id="attachment-572819" rel="nofollow external">https://status.pirati.ca/attachment/572819</a> * */ /** * @brief Returns the given activity if present - otherwise returns the "post" activity * * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * * @return string activity */ function construct_verb($item) { if ($item['verb']) return $item['verb']; return ACTIVITY_POST; } /** * @brief Returns the given object type if present - otherwise returns the "note" object type * * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * * @return string Object type */ function construct_objecttype($item) { if (in_array($item['object-type'], array(ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE, ACTIVITY_OBJ_COMMENT))) return $item['object-type']; return ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; } /** * @brief Adds an entry element to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param bool $toplevel * * @return object Entry element */ private function entry($doc, $item, $owner, $toplevel = false) { $repeated_guid = self::get_reshared_guid($item); if ($repeated_guid != "") $xml = self::reshare_entry($doc, $item, $owner, $repeated_guid, $toplevel); if ($xml) return $xml; if ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_LIKE) return self::like_entry($doc, $item, $owner, $toplevel); else return self::note_entry($doc, $item, $owner, $toplevel); } /** * @brief Adds a source entry to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $contact Array of the contact that is added * * @return object Source element */ private function source_entry($doc, $contact) { $source = $doc->createElement("source"); xml::add_element($doc, $source, "id", $contact["poll"]); xml::add_element($doc, $source, "title", $contact["name"]); xml::add_element($doc, $source, "link", "", array("rel" => "alternate", "type" => "text/html", "href" => $contact["alias"])); xml::add_element($doc, $source, "link", "", array("rel" => "self", "type" => "application/atom+xml", "href" => $contact["poll"])); xml::add_element($doc, $source, "icon", $contact["photo"]); xml::add_element($doc, $source, "updated", datetime_convert("UTC","UTC",$contact["success_update"]."+00:00",ATOM_TIME)); return $source; } /** * @brief Fetches contact data from the contact or the gcontact table * * @param string $url URL of the contact * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * * @return array Contact array */ private function contact_entry($url, $owner) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` IN (0, %d) ORDER BY `uid` DESC LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($url)), intval($owner["uid"])); if ($r) { $contact = $r[0]; $contact["uid"] = -1; } if (!$r) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($url))); if ($r) { $contact = $r[0]; $contact["uid"] = -1; $contact["success_update"] = $contact["updated"]; } } if (!$r) $contact = owner; if (!isset($contact["poll"])) { $data = probe_url($url); $contact["alias"] = $data["alias"]; $contact["poll"] = $data["poll"]; } if (!isset($contact["alias"])) $contact["alias"] = $contact["url"]; return $contact; } /** * @brief Adds an entry element with reshared content * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param $repeated_guid * @param bool $toplevel Is it for en entry element (false) or a feed entry (true)? * * @return object Entry element */ private function reshare_entry($doc, $item, $owner, $repeated_guid, $toplevel) { if (($item["id"] != $item["parent"]) AND (normalise_link($item["author-link"]) != normalise_link($owner["url"]))) { logger("OStatus entry is from author ".$owner["url"]." - not from ".$item["author-link"].". Quitting.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } $title = self::entry_header($doc, $entry, $owner, $toplevel); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' AND NOT `private` AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s') LIMIT 1", intval($owner["uid"]), dbesc($repeated_guid), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS)); if ($r) $repeated_item = $r[0]; else return false; $contact = self::contact_entry($repeated_item['author-link'], $owner); $parent_item = (($item['thr-parent']) ? $item['thr-parent'] : $item['parent-uri']); $title = $owner["nick"]." repeated a notice by ".$contact["nick"]; self::entry_content($doc, $entry, $item, $owner, $title, ACTIVITY_SHARE, false); $as_object = $doc->createElement("activity:object"); xml::add_element($doc, $as_object, "activity:object-type", NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA."activity"); self::entry_content($doc, $as_object, $repeated_item, $owner, "", "", false); $author = self::add_author($doc, $contact); $as_object->appendChild($author); $as_object2 = $doc->createElement("activity:object"); xml::add_element($doc, $as_object2, "activity:object-type", self::construct_objecttype($repeated_item)); $title = sprintf("New comment by %s", $contact["nick"]); self::entry_content($doc, $as_object2, $repeated_item, $owner, $title); $as_object->appendChild($as_object2); self::entry_footer($doc, $as_object, $item, $owner, false); $source = self::source_entry($doc, $contact); $as_object->appendChild($source); $entry->appendChild($as_object); self::entry_footer($doc, $entry, $item, $owner); return $entry; } /** * @brief Adds an entry element with a "like" * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param bool $toplevel Is it for en entry element (false) or a feed entry (true)? * * @return object Entry element with "like" */ private function like_entry($doc, $item, $owner, $toplevel) { if (($item["id"] != $item["parent"]) AND (normalise_link($item["author-link"]) != normalise_link($owner["url"]))) { logger("OStatus entry is from author ".$owner["url"]." - not from ".$item["author-link"].". Quitting.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } $title = self::entry_header($doc, $entry, $owner, $toplevel); $verb = NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA."favorite"; self::entry_content($doc, $entry, $item, $owner, "Favorite", $verb, false); $as_object = $doc->createElement("activity:object"); $parent = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d", intval($item["parent"])); $parent_item = (($item['thr-parent']) ? $item['thr-parent'] : $item['parent-uri']); xml::add_element($doc, $as_object, "activity:object-type", self::construct_objecttype($parent[0])); self::entry_content($doc, $as_object, $parent[0], $owner, "New entry"); $entry->appendChild($as_object); self::entry_footer($doc, $entry, $item, $owner); return $entry; } /** * @brief Adds a regular entry element * * @param object $doc XML document * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param bool $toplevel Is it for en entry element (false) or a feed entry (true)? * * @return object Entry element */ private function note_entry($doc, $item, $owner, $toplevel) { if (($item["id"] != $item["parent"]) AND (normalise_link($item["author-link"]) != normalise_link($owner["url"]))) { logger("OStatus entry is from author ".$owner["url"]." - not from ".$item["author-link"].". Quitting.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } $title = self::entry_header($doc, $entry, $owner, $toplevel); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "activity:object-type", ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE); self::entry_content($doc, $entry, $item, $owner, $title); self::entry_footer($doc, $entry, $item, $owner); return $entry; } /** * @brief Adds a header element to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param object $entry The entry element where the elements are added * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param bool $toplevel Is it for en entry element (false) or a feed entry (true)? * * @return string The title for the element */ private function entry_header($doc, &$entry, $owner, $toplevel) { /// @todo Check if this title stuff is really needed (I guess not) if (!$toplevel) { $entry = $doc->createElement("entry"); $title = sprintf("New note by %s", $owner["nick"]); } else { $entry = $doc->createElementNS(NAMESPACE_ATOM1, "entry"); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:thr", NAMESPACE_THREAD); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:georss", NAMESPACE_GEORSS); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:activity", NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:media", NAMESPACE_MEDIA); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:poco", NAMESPACE_POCO); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:ostatus", NAMESPACE_OSTATUS); $entry->setAttribute("xmlns:statusnet", NAMESPACE_STATUSNET); $author = self::add_author($doc, $owner); $entry->appendChild($author); $title = sprintf("New comment by %s", $owner["nick"]); } return $title; } /** * @brief Adds elements to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param object $entry Entry element where the content is added * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param string $title Title for the post * @param string $verb The activity verb * @param bool $complete Add the "status_net" element? */ private function entry_content($doc, $entry, $item, $owner, $title, $verb = "", $complete = true) { if ($verb == "") $verb = self::construct_verb($item); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "id", $item["uri"]); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "title", $title); $body = self::format_picture_post($item['body']); if ($item['title'] != "") $body = "[b]".$item['title']."[/b]\n\n".$body; $body = bbcode($body, false, false, 7); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "content", $body, array("type" => "html")); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", array("rel" => "alternate", "type" => "text/html", "href" => App::get_baseurl()."/display/".$item["guid"])); if ($complete) xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "status_net", "", array("notice_id" => $item["id"])); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "activity:verb", $verb); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "published", datetime_convert("UTC","UTC",$item["created"]."+00:00",ATOM_TIME)); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "updated", datetime_convert("UTC","UTC",$item["edited"]."+00:00",ATOM_TIME)); } /** * @brief Adds the elements at the foot of an entry to the XML document * * @param object $doc XML document * @param object $entry The entry element where the elements are added * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * @param $complete */ private function entry_footer($doc, $entry, $item, $owner, $complete = true) { $mentioned = array(); if (($item['parent'] != $item['id']) || ($item['parent-uri'] !== $item['uri']) || (($item['thr-parent'] !== '') && ($item['thr-parent'] !== $item['uri']))) { $parent = q("SELECT `guid`, `author-link`, `owner-link` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d", intval($item["parent"])); $parent_item = (($item['thr-parent']) ? $item['thr-parent'] : $item['parent-uri']); $attributes = array( "ref" => $parent_item, "type" => "text/html", "href" => App::get_baseurl()."/display/".$parent[0]["guid"]); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "thr:in-reply-to", "", $attributes); $attributes = array( "rel" => "related", "href" => App::get_baseurl()."/display/".$parent[0]["guid"]); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", $attributes); $mentioned[$parent[0]["author-link"]] = $parent[0]["author-link"]; $mentioned[$parent[0]["owner-link"]] = $parent[0]["owner-link"]; $thrparent = q("SELECT `guid`, `author-link`, `owner-link` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($owner["uid"]), dbesc($parent_item)); if ($thrparent) { $mentioned[$thrparent[0]["author-link"]] = $thrparent[0]["author-link"]; $mentioned[$thrparent[0]["owner-link"]] = $thrparent[0]["owner-link"]; } } xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", array("rel" => "ostatus:conversation", "href" => App::get_baseurl()."/display/".$owner["nick"]."/".$item["parent"])); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "ostatus:conversation", App::get_baseurl()."/display/".$owner["nick"]."/".$item["parent"]); $tags = item_getfeedtags($item); if(count($tags)) foreach($tags as $t) if ($t[0] == "@") $mentioned[$t[1]] = $t[1]; // Make sure that mentions are accepted (GNU Social has problems with mixing HTTP and HTTPS) $newmentions = array(); foreach ($mentioned AS $mention) { $newmentions[str_replace("http://", "https://", $mention)] = str_replace("http://", "https://", $mention); $newmentions[str_replace("https://", "http://", $mention)] = str_replace("https://", "http://", $mention); } $mentioned = $newmentions; foreach ($mentioned AS $mention) { $r = q("SELECT `forum`, `prv` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s'", intval($owner["uid"]), dbesc(normalise_link($mention))); if ($r[0]["forum"] OR $r[0]["prv"]) xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", array("rel" => "mentioned", "ostatus:object-type" => ACTIVITY_OBJ_GROUP, "href" => $mention)); else xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", array("rel" => "mentioned", "ostatus:object-type" => ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON, "href" => $mention)); } if (!$item["private"]) { xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", array("rel" => "ostatus:attention", "href" => "http://activityschema.org/collection/public")); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "link", "", array("rel" => "mentioned", "ostatus:object-type" => "http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/collection", "href" => "http://activityschema.org/collection/public")); } if(count($tags)) foreach($tags as $t) if ($t[0] != "@") xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "category", "", array("term" => $t[2])); self::get_attachment($doc, $entry, $item); if ($complete) { $app = $item["app"]; if ($app == "") $app = "web"; $attributes = array("local_id" => $item["id"], "source" => $app); if (isset($parent["id"])) $attributes["repeat_of"] = $parent["id"]; if ($item["coord"] != "") xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "georss:point", $item["coord"]); xml::add_element($doc, $entry, "statusnet:notice_info", "", $attributes); } } /** * @brief Creates the XML feed for a given nickname * * @param app $a The application class * @param string $owner_nick Nickname of the feed owner * @param string $last_update Date of the last update * * @return string XML feed */ public static function feed(&$a, $owner_nick, $last_update) { $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`timezone`, `user`.`page-flags` FROM `contact` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`self` AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($owner_nick)); if (!$r) return; $owner = $r[0]; if(!strlen($last_update)) $last_update = 'now -30 days'; $check_date = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$last_update,'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $items = q("SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `thread` ON `thread`.`iid` = `item`.`parent` LEFT JOIN `item` AS `thritem` ON `thritem`.`uri`=`item`.`thr-parent` AND `thritem`.`uid`=`item`.`uid` WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`received` > '%s' AND NOT `item`.`private` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND `item`.`allow_cid` = '' AND `item`.`allow_gid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_cid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_gid` = '' AND ((`item`.`wall` AND (`item`.`parent` = `item`.`id`)) OR (`item`.`network` = '%s' AND ((`thread`.`network` IN ('%s', '%s')) OR (`thritem`.`network` IN ('%s', '%s')))) AND `thread`.`mention`) AND ((`item`.`owner-link` IN ('%s', '%s') AND (`item`.`parent` = `item`.`id`)) OR (`item`.`author-link` IN ('%s', '%s'))) ORDER BY `item`.`received` DESC LIMIT 0, 300", intval($owner["uid"]), dbesc($check_date), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), //dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), //dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc($owner["nurl"]), dbesc(str_replace("http://", "https://", $owner["nurl"])), dbesc($owner["nurl"]), dbesc(str_replace("http://", "https://", $owner["nurl"])) ); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->formatOutput = true; $root = self::add_header($doc, $owner); foreach ($items AS $item) { $entry = self::entry($doc, $item, $owner); $root->appendChild($entry); } return(trim($doc->saveXML())); } /** * @brief Creates the XML for a salmon message * * @param array $item Data of the item that is to be posted * @param array $owner Contact data of the poster * * @return string XML for the salmon */ public static function salmon($item,$owner) { $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->formatOutput = true; $entry = self::entry($doc, $item, $owner, true); $doc->appendChild($entry); return(trim($doc->saveXML())); } } ?>