mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 13:08:26 +00:00
bbcode: The generated HTML is now cleaned up every time (using the DOM) since it happened that bad html broke the network page.
628 lines
24 KiB
628 lines
24 KiB
function bb_cleanstyle($st) {
return "<span style=\"".cleancss($st[1]).";\">".$st[2]."</span>";
function bb_cleanclass($st) {
return "<span class=\"".cleancss($st[1])."\">".$st[2]."</span>";
function cleancss($input) {
$cleaned = "";
$input = strtolower($input);
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
$char = substr($input, $i, 1);
if (($char >= "a") and ($char <= "z"))
$cleaned .= $char;
if (!(strpos(" #;:0123456789", $char) === false))
$cleaned .= $char;
function stripcode_br_cb($s) {
return '[code]' . str_replace('<br />', '', $s[1]) . '[/code]';
function tryoembed($match){
$url = ((count($match)==2)?$match[1]:$match[2]);
// logger("tryoembed: $url");
$o = oembed_fetch_url($url);
//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($match, $url, $o); killme();
if ($o->type=="error") return $match[0];
$html = oembed_format_object($o);
return $html; //oembed_iframe($html,$o->width,$o->height);
// [noparse][i]italic[/i][/noparse] turns into
// [noparse][ i ]italic[ /i ][/noparse],
// to hide them from parser.
function bb_spacefy($st) {
$whole_match = $st[0];
$captured = $st[1];
$spacefied = preg_replace("/\[(.*?)\]/", "[ $1 ]", $captured);
$new_str = str_replace($captured, $spacefied, $whole_match);
return $new_str;
// The previously spacefied [noparse][ i ]italic[ /i ][/noparse],
// now turns back and the [noparse] tags are trimed
// returning [i]italic[/i]
function bb_unspacefy_and_trim($st) {
$whole_match = $st[0];
$captured = $st[1];
$unspacefied = preg_replace("/\[ (.*?)\ ]/", "[$1]", $captured);
return $unspacefied;
function bb_find_open_close($s, $open, $close, $occurance = 1) {
if($occurance < 1)
$occurance = 1;
$start_pos = -1;
for($i = 1; $i <= $occurance; $i++) {
if( $start_pos !== false)
$start_pos = strpos($s, $open, $start_pos + 1);
if( $start_pos === false)
return false;
$end_pos = strpos($s, $close, $start_pos);
if( $end_pos === false)
return false;
$res = array( 'start' => $start_pos, 'end' => $end_pos );
return $res;
function get_bb_tag_pos($s, $name, $occurance = 1) {
if($occurance < 1)
$occurance = 1;
$start_open = -1;
for($i = 1; $i <= $occurance; $i++) {
if( $start_open !== false)
$start_open = strpos($s, '[' . $name, $start_open + 1); // allow [name= type tags
if( $start_open === false)
return false;
$start_equal = strpos($s, '=', $start_open);
$start_close = strpos($s, ']', $start_open);
if( $start_close === false)
return false;
$end_open = strpos($s, '[/' . $name . ']', $start_close);
if( $end_open === false)
return false;
$res = array( 'start' => array('open' => $start_open, 'close' => $start_close),
'end' => array('open' => $end_open, 'close' => $end_open + strlen('[/' . $name . ']')) );
if( $start_equal !== false)
$res['start']['equal'] = $start_equal + 1;
return $res;
function bb_tag_preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $name, $s) {
$string = $s;
$occurance = 1;
$pos = get_bb_tag_pos($string, $name, $occurance);
while($pos !== false && $occurance < 1000) {
$start = substr($string, 0, $pos['start']['open']);
$subject = substr($string, $pos['start']['open'], $pos['end']['close'] - $pos['start']['open']);
$end = substr($string, $pos['end']['close']);
if($end === false)
$end = '';
$subject = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $subject);
$string = $start . $subject . $end;
$pos = get_bb_tag_pos($string, $name, $occurance);
return $string;
if(! function_exists('bb_extract_images')) {
function bb_extract_images($body) {
$saved_image = array();
$orig_body = $body;
$new_body = '';
$cnt = 0;
$img_start = strpos($orig_body, '[img');
$img_st_close = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), ']') : false);
$img_end = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), '[/img]') : false);
while(($img_st_close !== false) && ($img_end !== false)) {
$img_st_close++; // make it point to AFTER the closing bracket
$img_end += $img_start;
if(! strcmp(substr($orig_body, $img_start + $img_st_close, 5), 'data:')) {
// This is an embedded image
$saved_image[$cnt] = substr($orig_body, $img_start + $img_st_close, $img_end - ($img_start + $img_st_close));
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $img_start) . '[$#saved_image' . $cnt . '#$]';
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $img_end + strlen('[/img]'));
$orig_body = substr($orig_body, $img_end + strlen('[/img]'));
if($orig_body === false) // in case the body ends on a closing image tag
$orig_body = '';
$img_start = strpos($orig_body, '[img');
$img_st_close = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), ']') : false);
$img_end = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), '[/img]') : false);
$new_body = $new_body . $orig_body;
return array('body' => $new_body, 'images' => $saved_image);
if(! function_exists('bb_replace_images')) {
function bb_replace_images($body, $images) {
$newbody = $body;
$cnt = 0;
foreach($images as $image) {
// We're depending on the property of 'foreach' (specified on the PHP website) that
// it loops over the array starting from the first element and going sequentially
// to the last element
$newbody = str_replace('[$#saved_image' . $cnt . '#$]', '<img src="' . $image .'" alt="' . t('Image/photo') . '" />', $newbody);
return $newbody;
function bb_ShareAttributes($match) {
$attributes = $match[1];
$author = "";
preg_match("/author='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$author = html_entity_decode($matches[1],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
preg_match('/author="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$author = $matches[1];
$link = "";
preg_match("/link='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$link = $matches[1];
preg_match('/link="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$link = $matches[1];
$avatar = "";
preg_match("/avatar='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$avatar = $matches[1];
preg_match('/avatar="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$avatar = $matches[1];
$profile = "";
preg_match("/profile='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$profile = $matches[1];
preg_match('/profile="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != "")
$profile = $matches[1];
$headline = '<div class="shared_header">';
if ($avatar != "")
$headline .= '<img src="'.$avatar.'" height="32" width="32" >';
$headline .= sprintf(t('<span><a href="%s" target="external-link">%s</a> wrote the following <a href="%s" target="external-link">post</a>:</span>'), $profile, $author, $link);
$headline .= "</div>";
$text = $headline.'<blockquote class="shared_content">'.trim($match[2])."</blockquote>";
// BBcode 2 HTML was written by WAY2WEB.net
// extended to work with Mistpark/Friendica - Mike Macgirvin
function bbcode($Text,$preserve_nl = false, $tryoembed = true) {
$a = get_app();
// Hide all [noparse] contained bbtags by spacefying them
// POSSIBLE BUG --> Will the 'preg' functions crash if there's an embedded image?
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[noparse\](.*?)\[\/noparse\]/ism", 'bb_spacefy',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[nobb\](.*?)\[\/nobb\]/ism", 'bb_spacefy',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/ism", 'bb_spacefy',$Text);
// Move all spaces out of the tags
$Text = preg_replace("/\[(\w*)\](\s*)/ism", '$2[$1]', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/(\s*)\[\/(\w*)\]/ism", '[/$2]$1', $Text);
// Extract the private images which use data url's since preg has issues with
// large data sizes. Stash them away while we do bbcode conversion, and then put them back
// in after we've done all the regex matching. We cannot use any preg functions to do this.
$extracted = bb_extract_images($Text);
$Text = $extracted['body'];
$saved_image = $extracted['images'];
// If we find any event code, turn it into an event.
// After we're finished processing the bbcode we'll
// replace all of the event code with a reformatted version.
$ev = bbtoevent($Text);
// Replace any html brackets with HTML Entities to prevent executing HTML or script
// Don't use strip_tags here because it breaks [url] search by replacing & with amp
$Text = str_replace("<", "<", $Text);
$Text = str_replace(">", ">", $Text);
// remove some newlines before the general conversion
$Text = preg_replace("/\s?\[share(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism","[share$1]$2[/share]",$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\s?\[quote(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/quote\]\s?/ism","[quote$1]$2[/quote]",$Text);
// when the content is meant exporting to other systems then remove the avatar picture since this doesn't really look good on these systems
if (!$tryoembed)
$Text = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)avatar\s?=\s?'.*?'\s?(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism","\n[share$1$2]$3[/share]",$Text);
// Convert new line chars to html <br /> tags
// nlbr seems to be hopelessly messed up
// $Text = nl2br($Text);
// We'll emulate it.
$Text = trim($Text);
$Text = str_replace("\r\n","\n", $Text);
// removing multiplicated newlines
$search = array("\n\n\n", "\n ", " \n", "[/quote]\n\n", "\n[/quote]");
$replace = array("\n\n", "\n", "\n", "[/quote]\n", "[/quote]");
do {
$oldtext = $Text;
$Text = str_replace($search, $replace, $Text);
} while ($oldtext != $Text);
$Text = str_replace(array("\r","\n"), array('<br />','<br />'), $Text);
$Text = str_replace(array("\n","\r"), array('',''),$Text);
// Set up the parameters for a URL search string
$URLSearchString = "^\[\]";
// Set up the parameters for a MAIL search string
$MAILSearchString = $URLSearchString;
// Perform URL Search
$Text = preg_replace("/([^\]\='".'"'."]|^)(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism", '$1<a href="$2" target="external-link">$2</a>', $Text);
if ($tryoembed)
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\].*?\[\/bookmark\]/ism",'tryoembed',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/ism",'[url=$1]$2[/url]',$Text);
if ($tryoembed)
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[url\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\]/ism",'tryoembed',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[url\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1" target="external-link">$1</a>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1" target="external-link">$2</a>', $Text);
//$Text = preg_replace("/\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$2</a>', $Text);
// we may need to restrict this further if it picks up too many strays
// link acct:user@host to a webfinger profile redirector
$Text = preg_replace('/acct:(.*?)@(.*?)([ ,])/', '<a href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/acctlink?addr=' . "$1@$2"
. '" target="extlink" >acct:' . "$1@$2$3" . '</a>',$Text);
// Perform MAIL Search
$Text = preg_replace("/\[mail\]([$MAILSearchString]*)\[\/mail\]/", '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[mail\=([$MAILSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/mail\]/", '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>', $Text);
// Check for bold text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\])ism",'<strong>$1</strong>',$Text);
// Check for Italics text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\])ism",'<em>$1</em>',$Text);
// Check for Underline text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\])ism",'<u>$1</u>',$Text);
// Check for strike-through text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\])ism",'<strike>$1</strike>',$Text);
// Check for over-line text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[o\](.*?)\[\/o\])ism",'<span class="overline">$1</span>',$Text);
// Check for colored text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\])ism","<span style=\"color: $1;\">$2</span>",$Text);
// Check for sized text
// [size=50] --> font-size: 50px (with the unit).
$Text = preg_replace("(\[size=(\d*?)\](.*?)\[\/size\])ism","<span style=\"font-size: $1px;\">$2</span>",$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("(\[size=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/size\])ism","<span style=\"font-size: $1;\">$2</span>",$Text);
// Check for centered text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[center\](.*?)\[\/center\])ism","<div style=\"text-align:center;\">$1</div>",$Text);
// Check for list text
$Text = str_replace("[*]", "<li>", $Text);
// Check for style sheet commands
$Text = preg_replace_callback("(\[style=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/style\])ism","bb_cleanstyle",$Text);
// Check for CSS classes
$Text = preg_replace_callback("(\[class=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/class\])ism","bb_cleanclass",$Text);
// handle nested lists
$endlessloop = 0;
while ((((strpos($Text, "[/list]") !== false) && (strpos($Text, "[list") !== false)) ||
((strpos($Text, "[/ol]") !== false) && (strpos($Text, "[ol]") !== false)) ||
((strpos($Text, "[/ul]") !== false) && (strpos($Text, "[ul]") !== false)) ||
((strpos($Text, "[/li]") !== false) && (strpos($Text, "[li]") !== false))) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listbullet" style="list-style-type: circle;">$1</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list=\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listnone" style="list-style-type: none;">$1</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listdecimal" style="list-style-type: decimal;">$1</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list=((?-i)i)\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism",'<ul class="listlowerroman" style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">$2</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list=((?-i)I)\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listupperroman" style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">$2</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list=((?-i)a)\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listloweralpha" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">$2</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[list=((?-i)A)\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listupperalpha" style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;">$2</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[ul\](.*?)\[\/ul\]/ism", '<ul class="listbullet" style="list-style-type: circle;">$1</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[ol\](.*?)\[\/ol\]/ism", '<ul class="listdecimal" style="list-style-type: decimal;">$1</ul>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[li\](.*?)\[\/li\]/ism", '<li>$1</li>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[th\](.*?)\[\/th\]/sm", '<th>$1</th>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[td\](.*?)\[\/td\]/sm", '<td>$1</td>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[tr\](.*?)\[\/tr\]/sm", '<tr>$1</tr>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[table\](.*?)\[\/table\]/sm", '<table>$1</table>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[table border=1\](.*?)\[\/table\]/sm", '<table border="1" >$1</table>' ,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[table border=0\](.*?)\[\/table\]/sm", '<table border="0" >$1</table>' ,$Text);
$Text = str_replace('[hr]','<hr />', $Text);
// This is actually executed in prepare_body()
$Text = str_replace('[nosmile]','',$Text);
// Check for font change text
$Text = preg_replace("/\[font=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/font\]/sm","<span style=\"font-family: $1;\">$2</span>",$Text);
// Declare the format for [code] layout
// $Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/ism",'stripcode_br_cb',$Text);
$CodeLayout = '<code>$1</code>';
// Check for [code] text
$Text = preg_replace("/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/ism","$CodeLayout", $Text);
// Declare the format for [spoiler] layout
$SpoilerLayout = '<blockquote class="spoiler">$1</blockquote>';
// Check for [spoiler] text
// handle nested quotes
$endlessloop = 0;
while ((strpos($Text, "[/spoiler]") !== false) and (strpos($Text, "[spoiler]") !== false) and (++$endlessloop < 20))
$Text = preg_replace("/\[spoiler\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/ism","$SpoilerLayout", $Text);
// Check for [spoiler=Author] text
$t_wrote = t('$1 wrote:');
// handle nested quotes
$endlessloop = 0;
while ((strpos($Text, "[/spoiler]")!== false) and (strpos($Text, "[spoiler=") !== false) and (++$endlessloop < 20))
$Text = preg_replace("/\[spoiler=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/ism",
"<br /><strong class=".'"spoiler"'.">" . $t_wrote . "</strong><blockquote class=".'"spoiler"'.">$2</blockquote>",
// Declare the format for [quote] layout
$QuoteLayout = '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>';
// Check for [quote] text
// handle nested quotes
$endlessloop = 0;
while ((strpos($Text, "[/quote]") !== false) and (strpos($Text, "[quote]") !== false) and (++$endlessloop < 20))
$Text = preg_replace("/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism","$QuoteLayout", $Text);
// Check for [quote=Author] text
$t_wrote = t('$1 wrote:');
// handle nested quotes
$endlessloop = 0;
while ((strpos($Text, "[/quote]")!== false) and (strpos($Text, "[quote=") !== false) and (++$endlessloop < 20))
$Text = preg_replace("/\[quote=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism",
"<br /><strong class=".'"author"'.">" . $t_wrote . "</strong><blockquote>$2</blockquote>",
// [img=widthxheight]image source[/img]
//$Text = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '<img src="$3" style="height: $2px; width: $1px;" >', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '<img src="$3" style="width: $1px;" >', $Text);
// Images
// [img]pathtoimage[/img]
$Text = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '<img src="$1" alt="' . t('Image/photo') . '" />', $Text);
// Shared content
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[share(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/share\]/ism","bb_ShareAttributes",$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[crypt\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism",'<br/><img src="' .$a->get_baseurl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br />', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[crypt=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism",'<br/><img src="' .$a->get_baseurl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . '$1' . ' ' . t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br />', $Text);
// Try to Oembed
if ($tryoembed) {
$Text = preg_replace("/\[video\](.*?\.(ogg|ogv|oga|ogm|webm|mp4))\[\/video\]/ism", '<video src="$1" controls="controls" width="' . $a->videowidth . '" height="' . $a->videoheight . '"><a href="$1">$1</a></video>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[audio\](.*?\.(ogg|ogv|oga|ogm|webm|mp4|mp3))\[\/audio\]/ism", '<audio src="$1" controls="controls"><a href="$1">$1</a></audio>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism", 'tryoembed', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/ism", 'tryoembed', $Text);
} else {
$Text = preg_replace("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/", '$1', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/", '$1', $Text);
// html5 video and audio
if ($tryoembed)
$Text = preg_replace("/\[iframe\](.*?)\[\/iframe\]/ism", '<iframe src="$1" width="' . $a->videowidth . '" height="' . $a->videoheight . '"><a href="$1">$1</a></iframe>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[iframe\](.*?)\[\/iframe\]/ism", '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $Text);
// Youtube extensions
if ($tryoembed) {
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[youtube\](https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism", 'tryoembed', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[youtube\](www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism", 'tryoembed', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[youtube\](https?:\/\/youtu.be\/.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism",'tryoembed',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism",'[youtube]$1[/youtube]',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism",'[youtube]$1[/youtube]',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]https?:\/\/youtu.be\/(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism",'[youtube]$1[/youtube]',$Text);
if ($tryoembed)
$Text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism", '<iframe width="' . $a->videowidth . '" height="' . $a->videoheight . '" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/$1" frameborder="0" ></iframe>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism", "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1", $Text);
if ($tryoembed) {
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[vimeo\](https?:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/[0-9]+).*?\[\/vimeo\]/ism",'tryoembed',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[vimeo\](https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/[0-9]+).*?\[\/vimeo\]/ism",'tryoembed',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[vimeo\]https?:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism",'[vimeo]$1[/vimeo]',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[vimeo\]https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism",'[vimeo]$1[/vimeo]',$Text);
if ($tryoembed)
$Text = preg_replace("/\[vimeo\]([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism", '<iframe width="' . $a->videowidth . '" height="' . $a->videoheight . '" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/$1" frameborder="0" ></iframe>', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[vimeo\]([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism", "http://vimeo.com/$1", $Text);
// $Text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\](.*?)\[\/youtube\]/", '<object width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/$1" ><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/$1"></param><!--[if IE]><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/$1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" /><![endif]--></object>', $Text);
// oembed tag
$Text = oembed_bbcode2html($Text);
// Avoid triple linefeeds through oembed
$Text = str_replace("<br style='clear:left'></span><br /><br />", "<br style='clear:left'></span><br />", $Text);
// If we found an event earlier, strip out all the event code and replace with a reformatted version.
// Replace the event-start section with the entire formatted event. The other bbcode is stripped.
// Summary (e.g. title) is required, earlier revisions only required description (in addition to
// start which is always required). Allow desc with a missing summary for compatibility.
if((x($ev,'desc') || x($ev,'summary')) && x($ev,'start')) {
$sub = format_event_html($ev);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[event\-summary\](.*?)\[\/event\-summary\]/ism",'',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[event\-description\](.*?)\[\/event\-description\]/ism",'',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[event\-start\](.*?)\[\/event\-start\]/ism",$sub,$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[event\-finish\](.*?)\[\/event\-finish\]/ism",'',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[event\-location\](.*?)\[\/event\-location\]/ism",'',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[event\-adjust\](.*?)\[\/event\-adjust\]/ism",'',$Text);
// Unhide all [noparse] contained bbtags unspacefying them
// and triming the [noparse] tag.
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[noparse\](.*?)\[\/noparse\]/ism", 'bb_unspacefy_and_trim',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[nobb\](.*?)\[\/nobb\]/ism", 'bb_unspacefy_and_trim',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/ism", 'bb_unspacefy_and_trim',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\[\&\;([#a-z0-9]+)\;\]/','&$1;',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\&\#039\;/','\'',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\"\;/','"',$Text);
// fix any escaped ampersands that may have been converted into links
$Text = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=(.*?)\&\;(.*?)\>/ism",'<$1$2=$3&$4>',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=\"[^hfm](.*?)\>/ism",'<$1$2="">',$Text);
$Text = bb_replace_images($Text, $saved_image);
// Clean up the HTML by loading and saving the HTML with the DOM
// Only do it when it has to be done - for performance reasons
// Update: Now it is done every time - since bad structured html can break a whole page
//if (!$tryoembed) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$Text = mb_convert_encoding($Text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
$doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">';
$Text = $doc->saveHTML();
$Text = str_replace(array("<html><body>", "</body></html>", $doctype), array("", "", ""), $Text);
$Text = str_replace('<br></li>','</li>', $Text);
$Text = mb_convert_encoding($Text, "UTF-8", 'HTML-ENTITIES');
return $Text;