2012-06-17 19:49:05 +02:00

618 lines
15 KiB

* parseHTML is a HTML parser which works with PHP 4 and above.
* It tries to handle invalid HTML to some degree.
* @version 1.0 beta
* @author Milian Wolff (,
* @license LGPL, see LICENSE_LGPL.txt and the summary below
* @copyright (C) 2007 Milian Wolff
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
class parseHTML {
* tags which are always empty (<br /> etc.)
* @var array<string>
var $emptyTags = array(
* tags with preformatted text
* whitespaces wont be touched in them
* @var array<string>
var $preformattedTags = array(
* supress HTML tags inside preformatted tags (see above)
* @var bool
var $noTagsInCode = false;
* html to be parsed
* @var string
var $html = '';
* node type:
* - tag (see isStartTag)
* - text (includes cdata)
* - comment
* - doctype
* - pi (processing instruction)
* @var string
var $nodeType = '';
* current node content, i.e. either a
* simple string (text node), or something like
* <tag attrib="value"...>
* @var string
var $node = '';
* wether current node is an opening tag (<a>) or not (</a>)
* set to NULL if current node is not a tag
* NOTE: empty tags (<br />) set this to true as well!
* @var bool | null
var $isStartTag = null;
* wether current node is an empty tag (<br />) or not (<a></a>)
* @var bool | null
var $isEmptyTag = null;
* tag name
* @var string | null
var $tagName = '';
* attributes of current tag
* @var array (attribName=>value) | null
var $tagAttributes = null;
* wether the current tag is a block element
* @var bool | null
var $isBlockElement = null;
* keep whitespace
* @var int
var $keepWhitespace = 0;
* list of open tags
* count this to get current depth
* @var array
var $openTags = array();
* list of block elements
* @var array
* TODO: what shall we do with <del> and <ins> ?!
var $blockElements = array (
# tag name => <bool> is block
# block elements
'address' => true,
'blockquote' => true,
'center' => true,
'del' => true,
'dir' => true,
'div' => true,
'dl' => true,
'fieldset' => true,
'form' => true,
'h1' => true,
'h2' => true,
'h3' => true,
'h4' => true,
'h5' => true,
'h6' => true,
'hr' => true,
'ins' => true,
'isindex' => true,
'menu' => true,
'noframes' => true,
'noscript' => true,
'ol' => true,
'p' => true,
'pre' => true,
'table' => true,
'ul' => true,
# set table elements and list items to block as well
'thead' => true,
'tbody' => true,
'tfoot' => true,
'td' => true,
'tr' => true,
'th' => true,
'li' => true,
'dd' => true,
'dt' => true,
# header items and html / body as well
'html' => true,
'body' => true,
'head' => true,
'meta' => true,
'link' => true,
'style' => true,
'title' => true,
# unfancy media tags, when indented should be rendered as block
'map' => true,
'object' => true,
'param' => true,
'embed' => true,
'area' => true,
# inline elements
'a' => false,
'abbr' => false,
'acronym' => false,
'applet' => false,
'b' => false,
'basefont' => false,
'bdo' => false,
'big' => false,
'br' => false,
'button' => false,
'cite' => false,
'code' => false,
'del' => false,
'dfn' => false,
'em' => false,
'font' => false,
'i' => false,
'img' => false,
'ins' => false,
'input' => false,
'iframe' => false,
'kbd' => false,
'label' => false,
'q' => false,
'samp' => false,
'script' => false,
'select' => false,
'small' => false,
'span' => false,
'strong' => false,
'sub' => false,
'sup' => false,
'textarea' => false,
'tt' => false,
'var' => false,
* get next node, set $this->html prior!
* @param void
* @return bool
function nextNode() {
if (empty($this->html)) {
# we are done with parsing the html string
return false;
static $skipWhitespace = true;
if ($this->isStartTag && !$this->isEmptyTag) {
array_push($this->openTags, $this->tagName);
if (in_array($this->tagName, $this->preformattedTags)) {
# dont truncate whitespaces for <code> or <pre> contents
if ($this->html[0] == '<') {
$token = substr($this->html, 0, 9);
if (substr($token, 0, 2) == '<?') {
# xml prolog or other pi's
/** TODO **/
#trigger_error('this might need some work', E_USER_NOTICE);
$pos = strpos($this->html, '>');
$this->setNode('pi', $pos + 1);
return true;
if (substr($token, 0, 4) == '<!--') {
# comment
$pos = strpos($this->html, '-->');
if ($pos === false) {
# could not find a closing -->, use next gt instead
# this is firefox' behaviour
$pos = strpos($this->html, '>') + 1;
} else {
$pos += 3;
$this->setNode('comment', $pos);
$skipWhitespace = true;
return true;
if ($token == '<!DOCTYPE') {
# doctype
$this->setNode('doctype', strpos($this->html, '>')+1);
$skipWhitespace = true;
return true;
if ($token == '<![CDATA[') {
# cdata, use text node
# remove leading <![CDATA[
$this->html = substr($this->html, 9);
$this->setNode('text', strpos($this->html, ']]>')+3);
# remove trailing ]]> and trim
$this->node = substr($this->node, 0, -3);
$skipWhitespace = true;
return true;
if ($this->parseTag()) {
# seems to be a tag
# handle whitespaces
if ($this->isBlockElement) {
$skipWhitespace = true;
} else {
$skipWhitespace = false;
return true;
if ($this->keepWhitespace) {
$skipWhitespace = false;
# when we get here it seems to be a text node
$pos = strpos($this->html, '<');
if ($pos === false) {
$pos = strlen($this->html);
$this->setNode('text', $pos);
if ($skipWhitespace && $this->node == ' ') {
return $this->nextNode();
$skipWhitespace = false;
return true;
* parse tag, set tag name and attributes, see if it's a closing tag and so forth...
* @param void
* @return bool
function parseTag() {
static $a_ord, $z_ord, $special_ords;
if (!isset($a_ord)) {
$a_ord = ord('a');
$z_ord = ord('z');
$special_ords = array(
ord(':'), // for xml:lang
ord('-'), // for http-equiv
$tagName = '';
$pos = 1;
$isStartTag = $this->html[$pos] != '/';
if (!$isStartTag) {
# get tagName
while (isset($this->html[$pos])) {
$pos_ord = ord(strtolower($this->html[$pos]));
if (($pos_ord >= $a_ord && $pos_ord <= $z_ord) || (!empty($tagName) && is_numeric($this->html[$pos]))) {
$tagName .= $this->html[$pos];
} else {
$tagName = strtolower($tagName);
if (empty($tagName) || !isset($this->blockElements[$tagName])) {
# something went wrong => invalid tag
return false;
if ($this->noTagsInCode && end($this->openTags) == 'code' && !($tagName == 'code' && !$isStartTag)) {
# we supress all HTML tags inside code tags
return false;
# get tag attributes
/** TODO: in html 4 attributes do not need to be quoted **/
$isEmptyTag = false;
$attributes = array();
$currAttrib = '';
while (isset($this->html[$pos+1])) {
# close tag
if ($this->html[$pos] == '>' || $this->html[$pos].$this->html[$pos+1] == '/>') {
if ($this->html[$pos] == '/') {
$isEmptyTag = true;
$pos_ord = ord(strtolower($this->html[$pos]));
if ( ($pos_ord >= $a_ord && $pos_ord <= $z_ord) || in_array($pos_ord, $special_ords)) {
# attribute name
$currAttrib .= $this->html[$pos];
} elseif (in_array($this->html[$pos], array(' ', "\t", "\n"))) {
# drop whitespace
} elseif (in_array($this->html[$pos].$this->html[$pos+1], array('="', "='"))) {
# get attribute value
$await = $this->html[$pos]; # single or double quote
$value = '';
while (isset($this->html[$pos]) && $this->html[$pos] != $await) {
$value .= $this->html[$pos];
$attributes[$currAttrib] = $value;
$currAttrib = '';
} else {
return false;
if ($this->html[$pos] != '>') {
return false;
if (!empty($currAttrib)) {
# html 4 allows something like <option selected> instead of <option selected="selected">
$attributes[$currAttrib] = $currAttrib;
if (!$isStartTag) {
if (!empty($attributes) || $tagName != end($this->openTags)) {
# end tags must not contain any attributes
# or maybe we did not expect a different tag to be closed
return false;
if (in_array($tagName, $this->preformattedTags)) {
$this->node = substr($this->html, 0, $pos);
$this->html = substr($this->html, $pos);
$this->tagName = $tagName;
$this->tagAttributes = $attributes;
$this->isStartTag = $isStartTag;
$this->isEmptyTag = $isEmptyTag || in_array($tagName, $this->emptyTags);
if ($this->isEmptyTag) {
# might be not well formed
$this->node = preg_replace('# */? *>$#', ' />', $this->node);
$this->nodeType = 'tag';
$this->isBlockElement = $this->blockElements[$tagName];
return true;
* handle invalid tags
* @param void
* @return void
function invalidTag() {
$this->html = substr_replace($this->html, '&lt;', 0, 1);
* update all vars and make $this->html shorter
* @param string $type see description for $this->nodeType
* @param int $pos to which position shall we cut?
* @return void
function setNode($type, $pos) {
if ($this->nodeType == 'tag') {
# set tag specific vars to null
# $type == tag should not be called here
# see this::parseTag() for more
$this->tagName = null;
$this->tagAttributes = null;
$this->isStartTag = null;
$this->isEmptyTag = null;
$this->isBlockElement = null;
$this->nodeType = $type;
$this->node = substr($this->html, 0, $pos);
$this->html = substr($this->html, $pos);
* check if $this->html begins with $str
* @param string $str
* @return bool
function match($str) {
return substr($this->html, 0, strlen($str)) == $str;
* truncate whitespaces
* @param void
* @return void
function handleWhitespaces() {
if ($this->keepWhitespace) {
# <pre> or <code> before...
# truncate multiple whitespaces to a single one
$this->node = preg_replace('#\s+#s', ' ', $this->node);
* normalize self::node
* @param void
* @return void
function normalizeNode() {
$this->node = '<';
if (!$this->isStartTag) {
$this->node .= '/'.$this->tagName.'>';
$this->node .= $this->tagName;
foreach ($this->tagAttributes as $name => $value) {
$this->node .= ' '.$name.'="'.str_replace('"', '&quot;', $value).'"';
if ($this->isEmptyTag) {
$this->node .= ' /';
$this->node .= '>';
* indent a HTML string properly
* @param string $html
* @param string $indent optional
* @return string
function indentHTML($html, $indent = " ", $noTagsInCode = false) {
$parser = new parseHTML;
$parser->noTagsInCode = $noTagsInCode;
$parser->html = $html;
$html = '';
$last = true; # last tag was block elem
$indent_a = array();
while($parser->nextNode()) {
if ($parser->nodeType == 'tag') {
if ($parser->nodeType == 'tag' && $parser->isBlockElement) {
$isPreOrCode = in_array($parser->tagName, array('code', 'pre'));
if (!$parser->keepWhitespace && !$last && !$isPreOrCode) {
$html = rtrim($html)."\n";
if ($parser->isStartTag) {
$html .= implode($indent_a);
if (!$parser->isEmptyTag) {
array_push($indent_a, $indent);
} else {
if (!$isPreOrCode) {
$html .= implode($indent_a);
$html .= $parser->node;
if (!$parser->keepWhitespace && !($isPreOrCode && $parser->isStartTag)) {
$html .= "\n";
$last = true;
} else {
if ($parser->nodeType == 'tag' && $parser->tagName == 'br') {
$html .= $parser->node."\n";
$last = true;
} elseif ($last && !$parser->keepWhitespace) {
$html .= implode($indent_a);
$parser->node = ltrim($parser->node);
$html .= $parser->node;
if (in_array($parser->nodeType, array('comment', 'pi', 'doctype'))) {
$html .= "\n";
} else {
$last = false;
return $html;
# testcase / example
$html = '<p>Simple block on one line:</p>
<p>And nested without indentation:</p>
<div style=">"/>
<p>And with attributes:</p>
<div id="foo">
<p>This was broken in 1.0.2b7:</p>
<div class="inlinepage">
<div class="toggleableend">
#$html = '<a href="asdfasdf" title=\'asdf\' foo="bar">asdf</a>';
echo indentHTML($html);