
625 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2010-2024, the Friendica project
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2024 the Friendica project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Friendica\Test\src\Core\Config;
use DMS\PHPUnitExtensions\ArraySubset\ArraySubsetAsserts;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Model\DatabaseConfig;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Model\ReadOnlyFileConfig;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Util\ConfigFileManager;
use Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache;
use Friendica\Test\DatabaseTestCase;
use Friendica\Test\Util\CreateDatabaseTrait;
use Friendica\Test\Util\VFSTrait;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
class ConfigTest extends DatabaseTestCase
use ArraySubsetAsserts;
use VFSTrait;
use CreateDatabaseTrait;
/** @var Cache */
protected $configCache;
/** @var ConfigFileManager */
protected $configFileManager;
/** @var IManageConfigValues */
protected $testedConfig;
* Assert a config tree
* @param string $cat The category to assert
* @param array $data The result data array
protected function assertConfig(string $cat, array $data)
$result = $this->testedConfig->getCache()->getAll();
self::assertArrayHasKey($cat, $result);
self::assertArraySubset($data, $result[$cat]);
protected function setUp(): void
$this->configCache = new Cache();
$this->configFileManager = new ConfigFileManager($this->root->url(), $this->root->url() . '/config/', $this->root->url() . '/static/');
* @return IManageConfigValues
public function getInstance()
return new DatabaseConfig($this->getDbInstance(), $this->configCache);
public function dataTests()
return [
'string' => ['data' => 'it'],
'boolTrue' => ['data' => true],
'boolFalse' => ['data' => false],
'integer' => ['data' => 235],
'decimal' => ['data' => 2.456],
'array' => ['data' => ['1', 2, '3', true, false]],
'boolIntTrue' => ['data' => 1],
'boolIntFalse' => ['Data' => 0],
public function dataConfigLoad()
$data = [
'system' => [
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key3' => 'value3',
'config' => [
'key1' => 'value1a',
'key4' => 'value4',
'other' => [
'key5' => 'value5',
'key6' => 'value6',
return [
'system' => [
'data' => $data,
'possibleCats' => [
'load' => [
'other' => [
'data' => $data,
'possibleCats' => [
'load' => [
'config' => [
'data' => $data,
'possibleCats' => [
'load' => [
'all' => [
'data' => $data,
'possibleCats' => [
'load' => [
public function configToDbArray(array $config): array
$dbarray = [];
foreach ($config as $category => $data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$dbarray[] = [
'cat' => $category,
'k' => $key,
'v' => $value,
return ['config' => $dbarray];
* Test the configuration initialization
* @dataProvider dataConfigLoad
public function testSetUp(array $data)
$this->loadDirectFixture($this->configToDbArray($data) , $this->getDbInstance());
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
// assert config is loaded everytime
self::assertConfig('config', $data['config']);
* Test the configuration reload() method
* @param array $data
* @param array $load
* @dataProvider dataConfigLoad
public function testReload(array $data, array $load)
$this->loadDirectFixture($this->configToDbArray($data), $this->getDbInstance());
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
// Assert at least loaded cats are loaded
foreach ($load as $loadedCats) {
self::assertConfig($loadedCats, $data[$loadedCats]);
public function dataDoubleLoad()
return [
'config' => [
'data1' => [
'config' => [
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'data2' => [
'config' => [
'key1' => 'overwritten!',
'key3' => 'value3',
'expect' => [
'config' => [
// load should overwrite values everytime!
'key1' => 'overwritten!',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key3' => 'value3',
'other' => [
'data1' => [
'config' => [
'key12' => 'data4',
'key45' => 7,
'other' => [
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'data2' => [
'other' => [
'key1' => 'overwritten!',
'key3' => 'value3',
'config' => [
'key45' => 45,
'key52' => true,
'expect' => [
'other' => [
// load should overwrite values everytime!
'key1' => 'overwritten!',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key3' => 'value3',
'config' => [
'key12' => 'data4',
'key45' => 45,
'key52' => true,
* Test the configuration load() method with overwrite
* @dataProvider dataDoubleLoad
public function testCacheLoadDouble(array $data1, array $data2, array $expect = [])
$this->loadDirectFixture($this->configToDbArray($data1), $this->getDbInstance());
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
// Assert at least loaded cats are loaded
foreach ($data1 as $cat => $data) {
self::assertConfig($cat, $data);
$this->loadDirectFixture($this->configToDbArray($data2), $this->getDbInstance());
foreach ($data2 as $cat => $data) {
self::assertConfig($cat, $data);
* Test the configuration load without result
public function testLoadWrong()
$this->testedConfig = new ReadOnlyFileConfig(new Cache());
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
* Test the configuration get() and set() methods
* @dataProvider dataTests
public function testSetGet($data)
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
self::assertTrue($this->testedConfig->set('test', 'it', $data));
self::assertEquals($data, $this->testedConfig->get('test', 'it'));
self::assertEquals($data, $this->testedConfig->getCache()->get('test', 'it'));
* Test the configuration get() method with wrong value and no db
public function testGetWrongWithoutDB()
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
// without refresh
self::assertNull($this->testedConfig->get('test', 'it'));
/// beware that the cache returns '!<unset>!' and not null for a nonexistent value
self::assertNull($this->testedConfig->getCache()->get('test', 'it'));
// with default value
self::assertEquals('default', $this->testedConfig->get('test', 'it', 'default'));
// with default value and refresh
self::assertEquals('default', $this->testedConfig->get('test', 'it', 'default', true));
* Test the configuration delete() method without a model/db
* @dataProvider dataTests
public function testDelete($data)
$this->configCache->load(['test' => ['it' => $data]], Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
$this->testedConfig = new DatabaseConfig($this->getDbInstance(), $this->configCache);
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
self::assertEquals($data, $this->testedConfig->get('test', 'it'));
self::assertEquals($data, $this->testedConfig->getCache()->get('test', 'it'));
self::assertTrue($this->testedConfig->delete('test', 'it'));
self::assertNull($this->testedConfig->get('test', 'it'));
self::assertNull($this->testedConfig->getCache()->get('test', 'it'));
* Test the configuration get() and set() method where the db value has a higher prio than the config file
public function testSetGetHighPrio()
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
$this->testedConfig->getCache()->set('config', 'test', 'prio', Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
self::assertEquals('prio', $this->testedConfig->get('config', 'test'));
// now you have to get the new variable entry because of the new set the get refresh succeed as well
self::assertTrue($this->testedConfig->set('config', 'test', '123'));
self::assertEquals('123', $this->testedConfig->get('config', 'test', '', true));
* Test the configuration get() and set() method where the db value has a lower prio than the env
public function testSetGetLowPrio()
$this->loadDirectFixture(['config' => [['cat' => 'config', 'k' => 'test', 'v' => 'it']]], $this->getDbInstance());
$this->testedConfig = $this->getInstance();
self::assertInstanceOf(Cache::class, $this->testedConfig->getCache());
self::assertEquals('it', $this->testedConfig->get('config', 'test'));
$this->testedConfig->getCache()->set('config', 'test', 'prio', Cache::SOURCE_ENV);
// You can set a config value, but if there's a value with a higher priority (environment), this value will persist when retrieving
self::assertTrue($this->testedConfig->set('config', 'test', '123'));
self::assertEquals('prio', $this->testedConfig->get('config', 'test', '', true));
public function dataTestCat()
return [
'test_with_hashmap' => [
'data' => [
'test_with_hashmap' => [
'notifyall' => [
'last_update' => 1671051565,
'admin' => true,
'blockbot' => [
'last_update' => 1658952852,
'admin' => true,
'config' => [
'register_policy' => 2,
'register_text' => '',
'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23',
'hostname' => 'friendica.local',
'private_addons' => false,
'system' => [
'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90,
'cat' => 'test_with_hashmap',
'assertion' => [
'notifyall' => [
'last_update' => 1671051565,
'admin' => true,
'blockbot' => [
'last_update' => 1658952852,
'admin' => true,
'test_with_keys' => [
'data' => [
'test_with_keys' => [
'last_update' => 1671051565,
'admin' => true,
'last_update' => 1658952852,
'admin' => true,
'config' => [
'register_policy' => 2,
'register_text' => '',
'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23',
'hostname' => 'friendica.local',
'private_addons' => false,
'system' => [
'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90,
'cat' => 'test_with_keys',
'assertion' => [
'last_update' => 1671051565,
'admin' => true,
'last_update' => 1658952852,
'admin' => true,
'test_with_inner_array' => [
'data' => [
'test_with_inner_array' => [
'notifyall' => [
'last_update' => 1671051565,
'admin' => [
'yes' => true,
'no' => 1.5,
'blogbot' => [
'last_update' => 1658952852,
'admin' => true,
'config' => [
'register_policy' => 2,
'register_text' => '',
'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23',
'hostname' => 'friendica.local',
'private_addons' => false,
'system' => [
'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90,
'cat' => 'test_with_inner_array',
'assertion' => [
'notifyall' => [
'last_update' => 1671051565,
'admin' => [
'yes' => true,
'no' => 1.5,
'blogbot' => [
'last_update' => 1658952852,
'admin' => true,
* @dataProvider dataTestCat
public function testGetCategory(array $data, string $category, array $assertion)
$this->configCache = new Cache($data);
$config = new ReadOnlyFileConfig($this->configCache);
self::assertEquals($assertion, $config->get($category));
public function dataSerialized(): array
return [
'default' => [
'value' => ['test' => ['array']],
'assertion' => ['test' => ['array']],
'issue-12803' => [
'value' => 's:48:"s:40:"s:32:"";";";',
'assertion' => '',
'double-serialized-array' => [
'value' => 's:53:"a:1:{s:9:"testArray";a:1:{s:4:"with";s:7:"entries";}}";',
'assertion' => ['testArray' => ['with' => 'entries']],
* @dataProvider dataSerialized
public function testSerializedValues($value, $assertion)
$config = $this->getInstance();
$config->set('test', 'it', $value);
self:self::assertEquals($assertion, $config->get('test', 'it'));
public function dataEnv(): array
$data = [
'config' => [
'admin_email' => 'value1',
'timezone' => 'value2',
'language' => 'value3',
'sitename' => 'value',
'system' => [
'url' => 'value1a',
'debugging' => true,
'logfile' => 'value4',
'loglevel' => 'notice',
'proflier' => true,
'proxy' => [
'trusted_proxies' => 'value5',
return [
'empty' => [
'data' => $data,
'server' => [],
'assertDisabled' => [],
'mixed' => [
'data' => $data,
'server' => [
'FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL' => 'test@friendica.local',
'assertDisabled' => [
'config' => [
'admin_email' => true,
'system' => [
'debugging' => true,
* Tests if environment variables can change the permission to write a config key
* @dataProvider dataEnv
public function testIsWritable(array $data, array $server, array $assertDisabled)
$this->setConfigFile('static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'env.config.php', true);
$this->loadDirectFixture($this->configToDbArray($data), $this->getDbInstance());
$configFileManager = new ConfigFileManager($this->root->url(), $this->root->url() . '/config/', $this->root->url() . '/static/', $server);
$config = new DatabaseConfig($this->getDbInstance(), $this->configCache);
foreach ($data as $category => $keyvalues) {
foreach ($keyvalues as $key => $value) {
if (empty($assertDisabled[$category][$key])) {
static::assertTrue($config->isWritable($category, $key), sprintf('%s.%s is not true', $category, $key));
} else {
static::assertFalse($config->isWritable($category, $key), sprintf('%s.%s is not false', $category, $key));