2022-06-18 18:41:16 +02:00

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* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2022, the Friendica project
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Friendica\Model;
use Friendica\Core\Cache\Enum\Duration;
use Friendica\Core\Logger;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\Database\DBStructure;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Core\Storage\Type\ExternalResource;
use Friendica\Core\Storage\Exception\InvalidClassStorageException;
use Friendica\Core\Storage\Exception\ReferenceStorageException;
use Friendica\Core\Storage\Exception\StorageException;
use Friendica\Core\Storage\Type\SystemResource;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientAccept;
use Friendica\Object\Image;
use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat;
use Friendica\Util\Images;
use Friendica\Security\Security;
use Friendica\Util\Proxy;
use Friendica\Util\Strings;
* Class to handle photo dabatase table
class Photo
const CONTACT_PHOTOS = 'Contact Photos';
const PROFILE_PHOTOS = 'Profile Photos';
const BANNER_PHOTOS = 'Banner Photos';
const DEFAULT = 0;
const USER_AVATAR = 10;
const USER_BANNER = 11;
const CONTACT_AVATAR = 20;
const CONTACT_BANNER = 21;
* Select rows from the photo table and returns them as array
* @param array $fields Array of selected fields, empty for all
* @param array $conditions Array of fields for conditions
* @param array $params Array of several parameters
* @return boolean|array
* @throws \Exception
* @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::selectToArray
public static function selectToArray(array $fields = [], array $conditions = [], array $params = [])
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = self::getFields();
return DBA::selectToArray('photo', $fields, $conditions, $params);
* Retrieve a single record from the photo table
* @param array $fields Array of selected fields, empty for all
* @param array $conditions Array of fields for conditions
* @param array $params Array of several parameters
* @return bool|array
* @throws \Exception
* @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::select
public static function selectFirst(array $fields = [], array $conditions = [], array $params = [])
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = self::getFields();
return DBA::selectFirst('photo', $fields, $conditions, $params);
* Get photos for user id
* @param integer $uid User id
* @param string $resourceid Rescource ID of the photo
* @param array $conditions Array of fields for conditions
* @param array $params Array of several parameters
* @return bool|array
* @throws \Exception
* @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::select
public static function getPhotosForUser(int $uid, string $resourceid, array $conditions = [], array $params = [])
$conditions['resource-id'] = $resourceid;
$conditions['uid'] = $uid;
return self::selectToArray([], $conditions, $params);
* Get a photo for user id
* @param integer $uid User id
* @param string $resourceid Rescource ID of the photo
* @param integer $scale Scale of the photo. Defaults to 0
* @param array $conditions Array of fields for conditions
* @param array $params Array of several parameters
* @return bool|array
* @throws \Exception
* @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::select
public static function getPhotoForUser(int $uid, $resourceid, $scale = 0, array $conditions = [], array $params = [])
$conditions['resource-id'] = $resourceid;
$conditions['uid'] = $uid;
$conditions['scale'] = $scale;
return self::selectFirst([], $conditions, $params);
* Get a single photo given resource id and scale
* This method checks for permissions. Returns associative array
* on success, "no sign" image info, if user has no permission,
* false if photo does not exists
* @param string $resourceid Rescource ID of the photo
* @param integer $scale Scale of the photo. Defaults to 0
* @return boolean|array
* @throws \Exception
public static function getPhoto(string $resourceid, int $scale = 0)
$r = self::selectFirst(['uid'], ['resource-id' => $resourceid]);
if (!DBA::isResult($r)) {
return false;
$uid = $r['uid'];
$accessible = $uid ? (bool)DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'system', 'accessible-photos', false) : false;
$sql_acl = Security::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($uid, $accessible);
$conditions = ['`resource-id` = ? AND `scale` <= ? ' . $sql_acl, $resourceid, $scale];
$params = ['order' => ['scale' => true]];
$photo = self::selectFirst([], $conditions, $params);
return $photo;
* Check if photo with given conditions exists
* @param array $conditions Array of extra conditions
* @return boolean
* @throws \Exception
public static function exists(array $conditions): bool
return DBA::exists('photo', $conditions);
* Get Image data for given row id. null if row id does not exist
* @param array $photo Photo data. Needs at least 'id', 'type', 'backend-class', 'backend-ref'
* @return \Friendica\Object\Image|null Image object or null on error
public static function getImageDataForPhoto(array $photo)
if (!empty($photo['data'])) {
return $photo['data'];
try {
$backendClass = DI::storageManager()->getByName($photo['backend-class'] ?? '');
/// @todo refactoring this returning, because the storage returns a "string" which is casted in different ways - a check "instanceof Image" will fail!
return $backendClass->get($photo['backend-ref'] ?? '');
} catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) {
try {
// legacy data storage in "data" column
$i = self::selectFirst(['data'], ['id' => $photo['id']]);
if ($i !== false) {
return $i['data'];
} else {
DI::logger()->info('Stored legacy data is empty', ['photo' => $photo]);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
DI::logger()->info('Unexpected database exception', ['photo' => $photo, 'exception' => $exception]);
} catch (ReferenceStorageException $referenceStorageException) {
DI::logger()->debug('Invalid reference for photo', ['photo' => $photo, 'exception' => $referenceStorageException]);
} catch (StorageException $storageException) {
DI::logger()->info('Unexpected storage exception', ['photo' => $photo, 'exception' => $storageException]);
} catch (\ImagickException $imagickException) {
DI::logger()->info('Unexpected imagick exception', ['photo' => $photo, 'exception' => $imagickException]);
return null;
* Get Image object for given row id. null if row id does not exist
* @param array $photo Photo data. Needs at least 'id', 'type', 'backend-class', 'backend-ref'
* @return \Friendica\Object\Image
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
public static function getImageForPhoto(array $photo): Image
return new Image(self::getImageDataForPhoto($photo), $photo['type']);
* Return a list of fields that are associated with the photo table
* @return array field list
* @throws \Exception
private static function getFields(): array
$allfields = DBStructure::definition(DI::app()->getBasePath(), false);
$fields = array_keys($allfields['photo']['fields']);
array_splice($fields, array_search('data', $fields), 1);
return $fields;
* Construct a photo array for a system resource image
* @param string $filename Image file name relative to code root
* @param string $mimetype Image mime type. Is guessed by file name when empty.
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public static function createPhotoForSystemResource(string $filename, string $mimetype = ''): array
if (empty($mimetype)) {
$mimetype = Images::guessTypeByExtension($filename);
$fields = self::getFields();
$values = array_fill(0, count($fields), '');
$photo = array_combine($fields, $values);
$photo['backend-class'] = SystemResource::NAME;
$photo['backend-ref'] = $filename;
$photo['type'] = $mimetype;
$photo['cacheable'] = false;
return $photo;
* Construct a photo array for an external resource image
* @param string $url Image URL
* @param int $uid User ID of the requesting person
* @param string $mimetype Image mime type. Is guessed by file name when empty.
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public static function createPhotoForExternalResource(string $url, int $uid = 0, string $mimetype = ''): array
if (empty($mimetype)) {
$mimetype = Images::guessTypeByExtension($url);
$fields = self::getFields();
$values = array_fill(0, count($fields), '');
$photo = array_combine($fields, $values);
$photo['backend-class'] = ExternalResource::NAME;
$photo['backend-ref'] = json_encode(['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid]);
$photo['type'] = $mimetype;
$photo['cacheable'] = true;
return $photo;
* store photo metadata in db and binary in default backend
* @param Image $image Image object with data
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @param integer $cid Contact ID
* @param string $rid Resource ID
* @param string $filename Filename
* @param string $album Album name
* @param integer $scale Scale
* @param integer $type Photo type, optional, default: Photo::DEFAULT
* @param string $allow_cid Permissions, allowed contacts. optional, default = ""
* @param string $allow_gid Permissions, allowed groups. optional, default = ""
* @param string $deny_cid Permissions, denied contacts.optional, default = ""
* @param string $deny_gid Permissions, denied greoup.optional, default = ""
* @param string $desc Photo caption. optional, default = ""
* @return boolean True on success
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function store(Image $image, int $uid, int $cid, string $rid, string $filename, string $album, int $scale, int $type = self::DEFAULT, string $allow_cid = '', string $allow_gid = '', string $deny_cid = '', string $deny_gid = '', string $desc = ''): bool
$photo = self::selectFirst(['guid'], ['`resource-id` = ? AND `guid` != ?', $rid, '']);
if (DBA::isResult($photo)) {
$guid = $photo['guid'];
} else {
$guid = System::createGUID();
$existing_photo = self::selectFirst(['id', 'created', 'backend-class', 'backend-ref'], ['resource-id' => $rid, 'uid' => $uid, 'contact-id' => $cid, 'scale' => $scale]);
$created = DateTimeFormat::utcNow();
if (DBA::isResult($existing_photo)) {
$created = $existing_photo['created'];
// Get defined storage backend.
// if no storage backend, we use old "data" column in photo table.
// if is an existing photo, reuse same backend
$data = '';
$backend_ref = '';
$storage = '';
try {
if (DBA::isResult($existing_photo)) {
$backend_ref = (string)$existing_photo['backend-ref'];
$storage = DI::storageManager()->getWritableStorageByName($existing_photo['backend-class'] ?? '');
} else {
$storage = DI::storage();
$backend_ref = $storage->put($image->asString(), $backend_ref);
} catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) {
$data = $image->asString();
$fields = [
'uid' => $uid,
'contact-id' => $cid,
'guid' => $guid,
'resource-id' => $rid,
'hash' => md5($image->asString()),
'created' => $created,
'edited' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
'filename' => basename($filename),
'type' => $image->getType(),
'album' => $album,
'height' => $image->getHeight(),
'width' => $image->getWidth(),
'datasize' => strlen($image->asString()),
'data' => $data,
'scale' => $scale,
'photo-type' => $type,
'profile' => false,
'allow_cid' => $allow_cid,
'allow_gid' => $allow_gid,
'deny_cid' => $deny_cid,
'deny_gid' => $deny_gid,
'desc' => $desc,
'backend-class' => (string)$storage,
'backend-ref' => $backend_ref
if (DBA::isResult($existing_photo)) {
$r = DBA::update('photo', $fields, ['id' => $existing_photo['id']]);
} else {
$r = DBA::insert('photo', $fields);
return $r;
* Delete info from table and data from storage
* @param array $conditions Field condition(s)
* @param array $options Options array, Optional
* @return boolean
* @throws \Exception
* @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::delete
public static function delete(array $conditions, array $options = []): bool
// get photo to delete data info
$photos = DBA::select('photo', ['id', 'backend-class', 'backend-ref'], $conditions);
while ($photo = DBA::fetch($photos)) {
try {
$backend_class = DI::storageManager()->getWritableStorageByName($photo['backend-class'] ?? '');
$backend_class->delete($photo['backend-ref'] ?? '');
// Delete the photos after they had been deleted successfully
DBA::delete('photo', ['id' => $photo['id']]);
} catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) {
DI::logger()->debug('Storage class not found.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $storageException]);
} catch (ReferenceStorageException $referenceStorageException) {
DI::logger()->debug('Photo doesn\'t exist.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $referenceStorageException]);
return DBA::delete('photo', $conditions, $options);
* Update a photo
* @param array $fields Contains the fields that are updated
* @param array $conditions Condition array with the key values
* @param Image $image Image to update. Optional, default null.
* @param array $old_fields Array with the old field values that are about to be replaced (true = update on duplicate)
* @return boolean Was the update successfull?
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::update
public static function update(array $fields, array $conditions, Image $image = null, array $old_fields = []): bool
if (!is_null($image)) {
// get photo to update
$photos = self::selectToArray(['backend-class', 'backend-ref'], $conditions);
foreach($photos as $photo) {
try {
$backend_class = DI::storageManager()->getWritableStorageByName($photo['backend-class'] ?? '');
$fields['backend-ref'] = $backend_class->put($image->asString(), $photo['backend-ref']);
} catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) {
$fields['data'] = $image->asString();
$fields['updated'] = DateTimeFormat::utcNow();
$fields['edited'] = DateTimeFormat::utcNow();
return DBA::update('photo', $fields, $conditions, $old_fields);
* @param string $image_url Remote URL
* @param integer $uid user id
* @param integer $cid contact id
* @param boolean $quit_on_error optional, default false
* @return array|bool Array on success, false on error
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
public static function importProfilePhoto(string $image_url, int $uid, int $cid, bool $quit_on_error = false)
$thumb = '';
$micro = '';
$photo = DBA::selectFirst(
'photo', ['resource-id'], ['uid' => $uid, 'contact-id' => $cid, 'scale' => 4, 'photo-type' => self::CONTACT_AVATAR]
if (!empty($photo['resource-id'])) {
$resource_id = $photo['resource-id'];
} else {
$resource_id = self::newResource();
$photo_failure = false;
$filename = basename($image_url);
if (!empty($image_url)) {
$ret = DI::httpClient()->get($image_url, HttpClientAccept::IMAGE);
Logger::debug('Got picture', ['Content-Type' => $ret->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'url' => $image_url]);
$img_str = $ret->getBody();
$type = $ret->getContentType();
} else {
$img_str = '';
$type = '';
if ($quit_on_error && ($img_str == '')) {
return false;
$type = Images::getMimeTypeByData($img_str, $image_url, $type);
$image = new Image($img_str, $type);
if ($image->isValid()) {
$filesize = strlen($image->asString());
$maximagesize = DI::config()->get('system', 'maximagesize');
if (!empty($maximagesize) && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) {
Logger::info('Avatar exceeds image limit', ['uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cid, 'maximagesize' => $maximagesize, 'size' => $filesize, 'type' => $image->getType()]);
if ($image->getType() == 'image/gif') {
$image = new Image($image->asString(), 'image/png');
$filesize = strlen($image->asString());
Logger::info('Converted gif to a static png', ['uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cid, 'size' => $filesize, 'type' => $image->getType()]);
if ($filesize > $maximagesize) {
foreach ([160, 80] as $pixels) {
if ($filesize > $maximagesize) {
Logger::info('Resize', ['uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cid, 'size' => $filesize, 'max' => $maximagesize, 'pixels' => $pixels, 'type' => $image->getType()]);
$filesize = strlen($image->asString());
Logger::info('Avatar is resized', ['uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cid, 'size' => $filesize, 'type' => $image->getType()]);
$r = self::store($image, $uid, $cid, $resource_id, $filename, self::CONTACT_PHOTOS, 4, self::CONTACT_AVATAR);
if ($r === false) {
$photo_failure = true;
$r = self::store($image, $uid, $cid, $resource_id, $filename, self::CONTACT_PHOTOS, 5, self::CONTACT_AVATAR);
if ($r === false) {
$photo_failure = true;
$r = self::store($image, $uid, $cid, $resource_id, $filename, self::CONTACT_PHOTOS, 6, self::CONTACT_AVATAR);
if ($r === false) {
$photo_failure = true;
$suffix = '?ts=' . time();
$image_url = DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/' . $resource_id . '-4.' . $image->getExt() . $suffix;
$thumb = DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/' . $resource_id . '-5.' . $image->getExt() . $suffix;
$micro = DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/' . $resource_id . '-6.' . $image->getExt() . $suffix;
} else {
$photo_failure = true;
if ($photo_failure && $quit_on_error) {
return false;
if ($photo_failure) {
$contact = Contact::getById($cid) ?: [];
$image_url = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_SMALL);
$thumb = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_THUMB);
$micro = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO);
return [$image_url, $thumb, $micro];
* @param array $exifCoord coordinate
* @param string $hemi hemi
* @return float
public static function getGps(array $exifCoord, strinf $hemi): float
$degrees = count($exifCoord) > 0 ? self::gps2Num($exifCoord[0]) : 0;
$minutes = count($exifCoord) > 1 ? self::gps2Num($exifCoord[1]) : 0;
$seconds = count($exifCoord) > 2 ? self::gps2Num($exifCoord[2]) : 0;
$flip = ($hemi == 'W' || $hemi == 'S') ? -1 : 1;
return floatval($flip * ($degrees + ($minutes / 60) + ($seconds / 3600)));
* Change GPS to float number
* @param string $coordPart coordPart
* @return float
private static function gps2Num(string $coordPart): float
$parts = explode('/', $coordPart);
if (count($parts) <= 0) {
return 0;
if (count($parts) == 1) {
return (float)$parts[0];
return floatval($parts[0]) / floatval($parts[1]);
* Fetch the photo albums that are available for a viewer
* The query in this function is cost intensive, so it is cached.
* @param int $uid User id of the photos
* @param bool $update Update the cache
* @return array Returns array of the photo albums
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function getAlbums(int $uid, bool $update = false): array
$sql_extra = Security::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($uid);
$avatar_type = (local_user() && (local_user() == $uid)) ? self::USER_AVATAR : self::DEFAULT;
$banner_type = (local_user() && (local_user() == $uid)) ? self::USER_BANNER : self::DEFAULT;
$key = 'photo_albums:' . $uid . ':' . local_user() . ':' . remote_user();
$albums = DI::cache()->get($key);
if (is_null($albums) || $update) {
if (!DI::config()->get('system', 'no_count', false)) {
/// @todo This query needs to be renewed. It is really slow
// At this time we just store the data in the cache
$albums = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`
FROM `photo`
WHERE `uid` = ? AND `photo-type` IN (?, ?, ?) $sql_extra
GROUP BY `album` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
} else {
// This query doesn't do the count and is much faster
$albums = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SELECT DISTINCT(`album`), '' AS `total`
FROM `photo` USE INDEX (`uid_album_scale_created`)
WHERE `uid` = ? AND `photo-type` IN (?, ?, ?) $sql_extra",
DI::cache()->set($key, $albums, Duration::DAY);
return $albums;
* @param int $uid User id of the photos
* @return void
* @throws \Exception
public static function clearAlbumCache(int $uid)
$key = 'photo_albums:' . $uid . ':' . local_user() . ':' . remote_user();
DI::cache()->set($key, null, Duration::DAY);
* Generate a unique photo ID.
* @return string Resource GUID
* @throws \Exception
public static function newResource(): string
return System::createGUID(32, false);
* Extracts the rid from a local photo URI
* @param string $image_uri The URI of the photo
* @return string The rid of the photo, or an empty string if the URI is not local
public static function ridFromURI(string $image_uri): string
if (!stristr($image_uri, DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/')) {
return '';
$image_uri = substr($image_uri, strrpos($image_uri, '/') + 1);
$image_uri = substr($image_uri, 0, strpos($image_uri, '-'));
return trim($image_uri);
* Checks if the given URL is a local photo.
* Since it is meant for time critical occasions, the check is done without any database requests.
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public static function isPhotoURI(string $url): bool
return !empty(self::ridFromURI($url));
* Changes photo permissions that had been embedded in a post
* @todo This function currently does have some flaws:
* - Sharing a post with a forum will create a photo that only the forum can see.
* - Sharing a photo again that been shared non public before doesn't alter the permissions.
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public static function setPermissionFromBody($body, $uid, $original_contact_id, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny)
// Simplify image codes
$img_body = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '[img]$3[/img]', $body);
$img_body = preg_replace("/\[img\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '[img]$1[/img]', $img_body);
// Search for images
if (!preg_match_all("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/", $img_body, $match)) {
return false;
$images = $match[1];
if (empty($images)) {
return false;
foreach ($images as $image) {
$image_rid = self::ridFromURI($image);
if (empty($image_rid)) {
// Ensure to only modify photos that you own
$srch = '<' . intval($original_contact_id) . '>';
$condition = [
'allow_cid' => $srch, 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => '',
'resource-id' => $image_rid, 'uid' => $uid
if (!self::exists($condition)) {
$photo = self::selectFirst(['allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid', 'uid'], ['resource-id' => $image_rid]);
if (!DBA::isResult($photo)) {
Logger::info('Image not found', ['resource-id' => $image_rid]);
} else {
Logger::info('Mismatching permissions', ['condition' => $condition, 'photo' => $photo]);
* @todo Existing permissions need to be mixed with the new ones.
* Otherwise this creates problems with sharing the same picture multiple times
* Also check if $str_contact_allow does contain a public forum.
* Then set the permissions to public.
self::setPermissionForRessource($image_rid, $uid, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny);
return true;
* Add permissions to photo ressource
* @todo mix with previous photo permissions
* @param string $image_rid
* @param integer $uid
* @param string $str_contact_allow
* @param string $str_group_allow
* @param string $str_contact_deny
* @param string $str_group_deny
* @return void
public static function setPermissionForRessource(string $image_rid, int $uid, string $str_contact_allow, string $str_group_allow, string $str_contact_deny, string $str_group_deny)
$fields = ['allow_cid' => $str_contact_allow, 'allow_gid' => $str_group_allow,
'deny_cid' => $str_contact_deny, 'deny_gid' => $str_group_deny,
'accessible' => DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'system', 'accessible-photos', false)];
$condition = ['resource-id' => $image_rid, 'uid' => $uid];
Logger::info('Set permissions', ['condition' => $condition, 'permissions' => $fields]);
self::update($fields, $condition);
* Fetch the guid and scale from picture links
* @param string $name Picture link
* @return array
public static function getResourceData(string $name): array
$base = DI::baseUrl()->get();
$guid = str_replace([Strings::normaliseLink($base), '/photo/'], '', Strings::normaliseLink($name));
if (parse_url($guid, PHP_URL_SCHEME)) {
return [];
$guid = pathinfo($guid, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
if (substr($guid, -2, 1) != "-") {
return [];
$scale = intval(substr($guid, -1, 1));
if (!is_numeric($scale)) {
return [];
$guid = substr($guid, 0, -2);
return ['guid' => $guid, 'scale' => $scale];
* Tests if the picture link points to a locally stored picture
* @param string $name Picture link
* @return boolean
* @throws \Exception
public static function isLocal(string $name): bool
// @TODO Maybe a proper check here on true condition?
return (bool)self::getIdForName($name);
* Return the id of a local photo
* @param string $name Picture link
* @return int
public static function getIdForName(string $name): int
$data = self::getResourceData($name);
if (empty($data)) {
return 0;
$photo = DBA::selectFirst('photo', ['id'], ['resource-id' => $data['guid'], 'scale' => $data['scale']]);
if (!empty($photo['id'])) {
return $photo['id'];
return 0;
* Tests if the link points to a locally stored picture page
* @param string $name Page link
* @return boolean
* @throws \Exception
public static function isLocalPage(string $name): bool
$base = DI::baseUrl()->get();
$guid = str_replace(Strings::normaliseLink($base), '', Strings::normaliseLink($name));
$guid = preg_replace("=/photos/.*/image/(.*)=ism", '$1', $guid);
if (empty($guid)) {
return false;
return DBA::exists('photo', ['resource-id' => $guid]);
* Tries to resize image to wanted maximum size
* @param Image $image Image instance
* @return Image|null Image instance on success, null on error
private static function fitImageSize(Image $image)
$max_length = DI::config()->get('system', 'max_image_length');
if ($max_length > 0) {
Logger::info('File upload: Scaling picture to new size', ['max-length' => $max_length]);
$filesize = strlen($image->asString());
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
$maximagesize = DI::config()->get('system', 'maximagesize');
if (!empty($maximagesize) && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) {
// Scale down to multiples of 640 until the maximum size isn't exceeded anymore
foreach ([5120, 2560, 1280, 640] as $pixels) {
if (($filesize > $maximagesize) && (max($width, $height) > $pixels)) {
Logger::info('Resize', ['size' => $filesize, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'max' => $maximagesize, 'pixels' => $pixels]);
$filesize = strlen($image->asString());
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
if ($filesize > $maximagesize) {
Logger::notice('Image size is too big', ['size' => $filesize, 'max' => $maximagesize]);
return null;
return $image;
* Fetches image from URL and returns an array with instance and local file name
* @param string $image_url URL to image
* @return array With: 'image' and 'filename' fields or empty array on error
private static function loadImageFromURL(string $image_url): array
$filename = basename($image_url);
if (!empty($image_url)) {
$ret = DI::httpClient()->get($image_url, HttpClientAccept::IMAGE);
Logger::debug('Got picture', ['Content-Type' => $ret->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'url' => $image_url]);
$img_str = $ret->getBody();
$type = $ret->getContentType();
} else {
$img_str = '';
$type = '';
if (empty($img_str)) {
Logger::notice('Empty content');
return [];
$type = Images::getMimeTypeByData($img_str, $image_url, $type);
$image = new Image($img_str, $type);
$image = self::fitImageSize($image);
if (empty($image)) {
return [];
return ['image' => $image, 'filename' => $filename];
* Inserts uploaded image into database and removes local temporary file
* @param array $files File array
* @return array With 'image' for Image instance and 'filename' for local file name or empty array on error
private static function uploadImage(array $files): array
Logger::info('starting new upload');
if (empty($files)) {
Logger::notice('Empty upload file');
return [];
if (!empty($files['tmp_name'])) {
if (is_array($files['tmp_name'])) {
$src = $files['tmp_name'][0];
} else {
$src = $files['tmp_name'];
} else {
$src = '';
if (!empty($files['name'])) {
if (is_array($files['name'])) {
$filename = basename($files['name'][0]);
} else {
$filename = basename($files['name']);
} else {
$filename = '';
if (!empty($files['size'])) {
if (is_array($files['size'])) {
$filesize = intval($files['size'][0]);
} else {
$filesize = intval($files['size']);
} else {
$filesize = 0;
if (!empty($files['type'])) {
if (is_array($files['type'])) {
$filetype = $files['type'][0];
} else {
$filetype = $files['type'];
} else {
$filetype = '';
if (empty($src)) {
Logger::notice('No source file name', ['files' => $files]);
return [];
$filetype = Images::getMimeTypeBySource($src, $filename, $filetype);
Logger::info('File upload', ['src' => $src, 'filename' => $filename, 'size' => $filesize, 'type' => $filetype]);
$imagedata = @file_get_contents($src);
$image = new Image($imagedata, $filetype);
if (!$image->isValid()) {
Logger::notice('Image is unvalid', ['files' => $files]);
return [];
$image = self::fitImageSize($image);
if (empty($image)) {
return [];
return ['image' => $image, 'filename' => $filename];
* Handles uploaded image and assigns it to given user id
* @param int $uid User ID
* @param array $files uploaded file array
* @param string $album Album name (optional)
* @param string|null $allow_cid
* @param string|null $allow_gid
* @param string $deny_cid
* @param string $deny_gid
* @param string $desc Description (optional)
* @param string $resource_id GUID (optional)
* @return array photo record or empty array on error
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function upload(int $uid, array $files, string $album = '', string $allow_cid = null, string $allow_gid = null, string $deny_cid = '', string $deny_gid = '', string $desc = '', string $resource_id = ''): array
$user = User::getOwnerDataById($uid);
if (empty($user)) {
Logger::notice('User not found', ['uid' => $uid]);
return [];
$data = self::uploadImage($files);
if (empty($data)) {
Logger::info('upload failed');
return [];
$image = $data['image'];
$filename = $data['filename'];
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
$resource_id = $resource_id ?: self::newResource();
$album = $album ?: DI::l10n()->t('Wall Photos');
if (is_null($allow_cid) && is_null($allow_gid)) {
$allow_cid = '<' . $user['id'] . '>';
$allow_gid = '';
$smallest = 0;
$r = self::store($image, $user['uid'], 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 0, self::DEFAULT, $allow_cid, $allow_gid, $deny_cid, $deny_gid, $desc);
if (!$r) {
Logger::notice('Photo could not be stored');
return [];
if ($width > 640 || $height > 640) {
$r = self::store($image, $user['uid'], 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 1, self::DEFAULT, $allow_cid, $allow_gid, $deny_cid, $deny_gid, $desc);
if ($r) {
$smallest = 1;
if ($width > 320 || $height > 320) {
$r = self::store($image, $user['uid'], 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 2, self::DEFAULT, $allow_cid, $allow_gid, $deny_cid, $deny_gid, $desc);
if ($r && ($smallest == 0)) {
$smallest = 2;
$condition = ['resource-id' => $resource_id];
$photo = self::selectFirst(['id', 'datasize', 'width', 'height', 'type'], $condition, ['order' => ['width' => true]]);
if (empty($photo)) {
Logger::notice('Photo not found', ['condition' => $condition]);
return [];
$picture = [];
$picture['id'] = $photo['id'];
$picture['resource_id'] = $resource_id;
$picture['size'] = $photo['datasize'];
$picture['width'] = $photo['width'];
$picture['height'] = $photo['height'];
$picture['type'] = $photo['type'];
$picture['albumpage'] = DI::baseUrl() . '/photos/' . $user['nickname'] . '/image/' . $resource_id;
$picture['picture'] = DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/{$resource_id}-0.' . $image->getExt();
$picture['preview'] = DI::baseUrl() . '/photo/{$resource_id}-{$smallest}.' . $image->getExt();
Logger::info('upload done', ['picture' => $picture]);
return $picture;
* Upload a user avatar
* @param int $uid User ID
* @param array $files uploaded file array
* @param string $url External image url
* @return string avatar resource
public static function uploadAvatar(int $uid, array $files, string $url = ''): string
if (!empty($files)) {
$data = self::uploadImage($files);
if (empty($data)) {
Logger::info('upload failed');
return '';
} elseif (!empty($url)) {
$data = self::loadImageFromURL($url);
if (empty($data)) {
Logger::info('loading from external url failed');
return '';
} else {
Logger::info('Neither files nor url provided');
return '';
$image = $data['image'];
$filename = $data['filename'];
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
$resource_id = self::newResource();
$album = DI::l10n()->t(self::PROFILE_PHOTOS);
// upload profile image (scales 4, 5, 6)
logger::info('starting new profile image upload');
if ($width > 300 || $height > 300) {
$r = self::store($image, $uid, 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 4, self::USER_AVATAR);
if (!$r) {
logger::notice('profile image upload with scale 4 (300) failed');
if ($width > 80 || $height > 80) {
$r = self::store($image, $uid, 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 5, self::USER_AVATAR);
if (!$r) {
logger::notice('profile image upload with scale 5 (80) failed');
if ($width > 48 || $height > 48) {
$r = self::store($image, $uid, 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 6, self::USER_AVATAR);
if (!$r) {
logger::notice('profile image upload with scale 6 (48) failed');
logger::info('new profile image upload ended');
$condition = ["`profile` AND `resource-id` != ? AND `uid` = ?", $resource_id, $uid];
self::update(['profile' => false, 'photo-type' => self::DEFAULT], $condition);
Contact::updateSelfFromUserID($uid, true);
// Update global directory in background
return $resource_id;
* Upload a user banner
* @param int $uid User ID
* @param array $files uploaded file array
* @param string $url External image url
* @return string avatar resource
public static function uploadBanner(int $uid, array $files = [], string $url = ''): string
if (!empty($files)) {
$data = self::uploadImage($files);
if (empty($data)) {
Logger::info('upload failed');
return '';
} elseif (!empty($url)) {
$data = self::loadImageFromURL($url);
if (empty($data)) {
Logger::info('loading from external url failed');
return '';
} else {
Logger::info('Neither files nor url provided');
return '';
$image = $data['image'];
$filename = $data['filename'];
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
$resource_id = self::newResource();
$album = DI::l10n()->t(self::BANNER_PHOTOS);
if ($width > 960) {
$r = self::store($image, $uid, 0, $resource_id, $filename, $album, 3, self::USER_BANNER);
if (!$r) {
logger::notice('profile banner upload with scale 3 (960) failed');
logger::info('new profile banner upload ended');
$condition = ["`photo-type` = ? AND `resource-id` != ? AND `uid` = ?", self::USER_BANNER, $resource_id, $uid];
self::update(['photo-type' => self::DEFAULT], $condition);
Contact::updateSelfFromUserID($uid, true);
// Update global directory in background
return $resource_id;