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synced 2025-03-24 20:04:03 +00:00
currently network module has been updated to use it for display, other modules to follow with whatever special case code they require.
350 lines
12 KiB
350 lines
12 KiB
function conversation(&$a,$r, $mode, $update) {
// find all the authors involved in remote conversations
// We will use a local profile photo if they are one of our contacts
// otherwise we have to get the photo from the item owner's site
$author_contacts = extract_item_authors($r,local_user());
$cmnt_tpl = load_view_file('view/comment_item.tpl');
$like_tpl = load_view_file('view/like.tpl');
$noshare_tpl = load_view_file('view/like_noshare.tpl');
$tpl = load_view_file('view/wall_item.tpl');
$wallwall = load_view_file('view/wallwall_item.tpl');
$alike = array();
$dlike = array();
if(count($r)) {
if($mode === 'network-new') {
// "New Item View" - just loop through the items and format them minimally for display
$tpl = load_view_file('view/search_item.tpl');
$droptpl = load_view_file('view/wall_fake_drop.tpl');
foreach($r as $item) {
$comment = '';
$owner_url = '';
$owner_photo = '';
$owner_name = '';
$sparkle = '';
$profile_name = ((strlen($item['author-name'])) ? $item['author-name'] : $item['name']);
$profile_avatar = ((strlen($item['author-avatar'])) ? $item['author-avatar'] : $item['thumb']);
$profile_link = ((strlen($item['author-link'])) ? $item['author-link'] : $item['url']);
$redirect_url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $item['cid'] ;
if(strlen($item['author-link'])) {
if(link_compare($item['author-link'],$item['url']) && ($item['network'] === 'dfrn') && (! $item['self'])) {
$profile_link = $redirect_url;
$sparkle = ' sparkle';
elseif(isset($author_contacts[$item['author-link']])) {
$profile_link = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $author_contacts[$item['author-link']];
$sparkle = ' sparkle';
$location = (($item['location']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['location'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['location']) . '">' . $item['location'] . '</a>' : '');
$coord = (($item['coord']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['coord'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['coord']) . '">' . $item['coord'] . '</a>' : '');
if($coord) {
$location .= '<br /><span class="smalltext">(' . $coord . ')</span>';
$location = '<span class="smalltext">' . $coord . '</span>';
$drop = replace_macros($droptpl,array('$id' => $item['id']));
$lock = '<div class="wall-item-lock"></div>';
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$id' => $item['item_id'],
'$linktitle' => sprintf( t('View %s\s profile'), $profile_name),
'$profile_url' => $profile_link,
'$item_photo_menu' => item_photo_menu($item),
'$name' => $profile_name,
'$sparkle' => $sparkle,
'$lock' => $lock,
'$thumb' => $profile_avatar,
'$title' => $item['title'],
'$body' => smilies(bbcode($item['body'])),
'$ago' => relative_date($item['created']),
'$location' => $location,
'$indent' => '',
'$owner_url' => $owner_url,
'$owner_photo' => $owner_photo,
'$owner_name' => $owner_name,
'$drop' => $drop,
'$conv' => '<a href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $a->user['nickname'] . '/' . $item['id'] . '">' . t('View in context') . '</a>'
return $o;
// Normal View
// Figure out how many comments each parent has
// (Comments all have gravity of 6)
// Store the result in the $comments array
$comments = array();
foreach($r as $rr) {
if(intval($rr['gravity']) == 6) {
if(! x($comments,$rr['parent']))
$comments[$rr['parent']] = 1;
$comments[$rr['parent']] += 1;
// map all the like/dislike activities for each parent item
// Store these in the $alike and $dlike arrays
foreach($r as $item) {
$comments_collapsed = false;
$blowhard = 0;
$blowhard_count = 0;
foreach($r as $item) {
$comment = '';
$template = $tpl;
$commentww = '';
$sparkle = '';
$owner_url = $owner_photo = $owner_name = '';
// We've already parsed out like/dislike for special treatment. We can ignore them now
|| (activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)))
&& ($item['id'] != $item['parent']))
// Take care of author collapsing and comment collapsing
// If a single author has more than 3 consecutive top-level posts, squash the remaining ones.
// If there are more than two comments, squash all but the last 2.
if($item['id'] == $item['parent']) {
if($blowhard == $item['cid'] && (! $item['self'])) {
$blowhard_count ++;
if($blowhard_count == 3) {
$o .= '<div class="icollapse-wrapper fakelink" id="icollapse-wrapper-' . $item['parent'] . '" onclick="openClose(' . '\'icollapse-' . $item['parent'] . '\');" >' . t('See more posts like this') . '</div>' . '<div class="icollapse" id="icollapse-' . $item['parent'] . '" style="display: none;" >';
else {
$blowhard = $item['cid'];
if($blowhard_count >= 3)
$o .= '</div>';
$blowhard_count = 0;
$comments_seen = 0;
$comments_collapsed = false;
$comments_seen ++;
if(($comments[$item['parent']] > 2) && ($comments_seen <= ($comments[$item['parent']] - 2)) && ($item['gravity'] == 6)) {
if(! $comments_collapsed) {
$o .= '<div class="ccollapse-wrapper fakelink" id="ccollapse-wrapper-' . $item['parent'] . '" onclick="openClose(' . '\'ccollapse-' . $item['parent'] . '\');" >' . sprintf( t('See all %d comments'), $comments[$item['parent']]) . '</div>';
$o .= '<div class="ccollapse" id="ccollapse-' . $item['parent'] . '" style="display: none;" >';
$comments_collapsed = true;
if(($comments[$item['parent']] > 2) && ($comments_seen == ($comments[$item['parent']] - 1))) {
$o .= '</div>';
$redirect_url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $item['cid'] ;
$lock = ((($item['private']) || (($item['uid'] == local_user()) && (strlen($item['allow_cid']) || strlen($item['allow_gid'])
|| strlen($item['deny_cid']) || strlen($item['deny_gid']))))
? '<div class="wall-item-lock"><img src="images/lock_icon.gif" class="lockview" alt="' . t('Private Message') . '" onclick="lockview(event,' . $item['id'] . ');" /></div>'
: '<div class="wall-item-lock"></div>');
// Top-level wall post not written by the wall owner (wall-to-wall)
// First figure out who owns it.
$osparkle = '';
if(($item['parent'] == $item['item_id']) && (! $item['self'])) {
if($item['type'] === 'wall') {
// I do. Put me on the left of the wall-to-wall notice.
$owner_url = $a->contact['url'];
$owner_photo = $a->contact['thumb'];
$owner_name = $a->contact['name'];
$template = $wallwall;
$commentww = 'ww';
if(($item['type'] === 'remote') && (strlen($item['owner-link'])) && ($item['owner-link'] != $item['author-link'])) {
// Could be anybody.
$owner_url = $item['owner-link'];
$owner_photo = $item['owner-avatar'];
$owner_name = $item['owner-name'];
$template = $wallwall;
$commentww = 'ww';
// If it is our contact, use a friendly redirect link
&& ($item['network'] === 'dfrn')) {
$owner_url = $redirect_url;
$osparkle = ' sparkle';
$return_url = $_SESSION['return_url'];
$return_url = $_SESSION['return_url'] = $a->cmd;
$likebuttons = '';
if($item['id'] == $item['parent']) {
$likebuttons = replace_macros((($item['private']) ? $noshare_tpl : $like_tpl),array(
'$id' => $item['id'],
'$likethis' => t("I like this \x28toggle\x29"),
'$nolike' => t("I don't like this \x28toggle\x29"),
'$share' => t('Share'),
'$wait' => t('Please wait')
if($item['last-child']) {
$comment = replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array(
'$return_path' => '',
'$jsreload' => '', // $_SESSION['return_url'],
'$type' => 'net-comment',
'$id' => $item['item_id'],
'$parent' => $item['parent'],
'$profile_uid' => $_SESSION['uid'],
'$mylink' => $a->contact['url'],
'$mytitle' => t('This is you'),
'$myphoto' => $a->contact['thumb'],
'$comment' => t('Comment'),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$ww' => $commentww
$edpost = '';
if(($item['id'] == $item['parent']) && (intval($item['wall']) == 1))
$edpost = '<a class="editpost" href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/editpost/' . $item['id'] . '" title="' . t('Edit') . '"><img src="images/pencil.gif" /></a>';
$drop = replace_macros(load_view_file('view/wall_item_drop.tpl'), array('$id' => $item['id'], '$delete' => t('Delete')));
$photo = $item['photo'];
$thumb = $item['thumb'];
// Post was remotely authored.
$diff_author = ((link_compare($item['url'],$item['author-link'])) ? false : true);
$profile_name = (((strlen($item['author-name'])) && $diff_author) ? $item['author-name'] : $item['name']);
$profile_avatar = (((strlen($item['author-avatar'])) && $diff_author) ? $item['author-avatar'] : $thumb);
if(strlen($item['author-link'])) {
$profile_link = $item['author-link'];
if(link_compare($item['author-link'],$item['url']) && ($item['network'] === 'dfrn') && (! $item['self'])) {
$profile_link = $redirect_url;
$sparkle = ' sparkle';
elseif(isset($author_contacts[$item['author-link']])) {
$profile_link = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $author_contacts[$item['author-link']];
$sparkle = ' sparkle';
$profile_link = $item['url'];
$like = ((x($alike,$item['id'])) ? format_like($alike[$item['id']],$alike[$item['id'] . '-l'],'like',$item['id']) : '');
$dislike = ((x($dlike,$item['id'])) ? format_like($dlike[$item['id']],$dlike[$item['id'] . '-l'],'dislike',$item['id']) : '');
$location = (($item['location']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['location'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['location']) . '">' . $item['location'] . '</a>' : '');
$coord = (($item['coord']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['coord'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['coord']) . '">' . $item['coord'] . '</a>' : '');
if($coord) {
$location .= '<br /><span class="smalltext">(' . $coord . ')</span>';
$location = '<span class="smalltext">' . $coord . '</span>';
$indent = (($item['parent'] != $item['item_id']) ? ' comment' : '');
if(strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$item['created']),datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 12 hours')) > 0)
$indent .= ' shiny';
// Build the HTML
$tmp_item = replace_macros($template,array(
'$id' => $item['item_id'],
'$linktitle' => t('View $name\'s profile'),
'$olinktitle' => t('View $owner_name\'s profile'),
'$to' => t('to'),
'$wall' => t('Wall-to-Wall'),
'$vwall' => t('via Wall-To-Wall:'),
'$profile_url' => $profile_link,
'$item_photo_menu' => item_photo_menu($item),
'$name' => $profile_name,
'$thumb' => $profile_avatar,
'$osparkle' => $osparkle,
'$sparkle' => $sparkle,
'$title' => $item['title'],
'$body' => smilies(bbcode($item['body'])),
'$ago' => relative_date($item['created']),
'$lock' => $lock,
'$location' => $location,
'$indent' => $indent,
'$owner_url' => $owner_url,
'$owner_photo' => $owner_photo,
'$owner_name' => $owner_name,
'$plink' => get_plink($item),
'$edpost' => $edpost,
'$drop' => $drop,
'$vote' => $likebuttons,
'$like' => $like,
'$dislike' => $dislike,
'$comment' => $comment
$arr = array('item' => $item, 'output' => $tmp_item);
call_hooks('display_item', $arr);
$o .= $arr['output'];
// if author collapsing is in force but didn't get closed, close it off now.
if($blowhard_count >= 3)
$o .= '</div>';
return $o;