mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 16:41:25 +00:00

This is done with the help of textcomplete and jsmart.js. There is annoying bug inside. If the screensize is to small, the browser freezes. It is traced back to the "media-body" class (and its css attributes) which we use in the template.
3433 lines
107 KiB
3433 lines
107 KiB
* jSmart Javascript template engine
* https://github.com/umakantp/jsmart
* Copyright 2011-2015, Max Miroshnikov <miroshnikov at gmail dot com>
* Umakant Patil <me at umakantpatil dot.com>
* jSmart is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0
(function() {
merges two or more objects into one
shallow copy for objects
function obMerge(ob1, ob2 /*, ...*/)
for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; ++i)
for (var nm in arguments[i])
ob1[nm] = arguments[i][nm];
return ob1;
@return number of own properties in ob
function countProperties(ob)
var count = 0;
for (var nm in ob)
if (ob.hasOwnProperty(nm))
return count;
IE workaround
function findInArray(a, v)
if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
return a.indexOf(v);
for (var i=0; i < a.length; ++i)
if (a[i] === v)
return i;
return -1;
function evalString(s)
return s.replace(/\\t/,'\t').replace(/\\n/,'\n').replace(/\\(['"\\])/g,'$1');
@return s trimmed and without quotes
function trimQuotes(s)
return evalString(s.replace(/^['"](.*)['"]$/,'$1')).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
finds first {tag} in string
@param re string with regular expression or an empty string to find any tag
@return null or s.match(re) result object where
[0] - full tag matched with delimiters (and whitespaces at the begin and the end): { tag }
[1] - found part from passed re
[index] - position of tag starting { in s
function findTag(re,s)
var openCount = 0;
var offset = 0;
var ldelim = jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter;
var rdelim = jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter;
var skipInWS = jSmart.prototype.auto_literal;
var reAny = /^\s*(.+)\s*$/i;
var reTag = re ? new RegExp('^\\s*('+re+')\\s*$','i') : reAny;
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
if (s.substr(i,ldelim.length) == ldelim)
if (skipInWS && i+1 < s.length && s.substr(i+1,1).match(/\s/))
if (!openCount)
s = s.slice(i);
offset += parseInt(i);
i = 0;
else if (s.substr(i,rdelim.length) == rdelim)
if (skipInWS && i-1 >= 0 && s.substr(i-1,1).match(/\s/))
if (!--openCount)
var sTag = s.slice(ldelim.length,i).replace(/[\r\n]/g, ' ');
var found = sTag.match(reTag);
if (found)
found.index = offset;
found[0] = s.slice(0,i+rdelim.length);
return found;
if (openCount < 0) //ignore any number of unmatched right delimiters
openCount = 0;
return null;
function findCloseTag(reClose,reOpen,s)
var sInner = '';
var closeTag = null;
var openTag = null;
var findIndex = 0;
if (closeTag)
findIndex += closeTag[0].length;
closeTag = findTag(reClose,s);
if (!closeTag)
throw new Error('Unclosed {'+reOpen+'}');
sInner += s.slice(0,closeTag.index);
findIndex += closeTag.index;
s = s.slice(closeTag.index+closeTag[0].length);
openTag = findTag(reOpen,sInner);
if (openTag)
sInner = sInner.slice(openTag.index+openTag[0].length);
while (openTag);
closeTag.index = findIndex;
return closeTag;
function findElseTag(reOpen, reClose, reElse, s)
var offset = 0;
for (var elseTag=findTag(reElse,s); elseTag; elseTag=findTag(reElse,s))
var openTag = findTag(reOpen,s);
if (!openTag || openTag.index > elseTag.index)
elseTag.index += offset;
return elseTag;
s = s.slice(openTag.index+openTag[0].length);
offset += openTag.index+openTag[0].length;
var closeTag = findCloseTag(reClose,reOpen,s);
s = s.slice(closeTag.index + closeTag[0].length);
offset += closeTag.index + closeTag[0].length;
return null;
function execute(code, data)
if (typeof(code) == 'string')
with ({'__code':code})
with (modifiers)
with (data)
try {
return eval(__code);
throw new Error(e.message + ' in \n' + code);
return code;
* Execute function when we have a object.
* @param object obj Object of the function to be called.
* @param array args Arguments to pass to a function.
* @return
* @throws Error If function obj does not exists.
function executeByFuncObject(obj, args) {
try {
return obj.apply(this, args);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e.message);
function assignVar(nm, val, data)
if (nm.match(/\[\]$/)) //ar[] =
data[ nm.replace(/\[\]$/,'') ].push(val);
data[nm] = val;
var buildInFunctions =
parse: function(s, tree)
var e = parseExpression(s);
type: 'build-in',
name: 'expression',
expression: e.tree,
params: parseParams(s.slice(e.value.length).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''))
return e.tree;
process: function(node, data)
var params = getActualParamValues(node.params, data);
var res = process([node.expression],data);
if (findInArray(params, 'nofilter') < 0)
for (var i=0; i<default_modifiers.length; ++i)
var m = default_modifiers[i];
m.params.__parsed[0] = {type:'text', data:res};
res = process([m],data);
if (escape_html)
res = modifiers.escape(res);
res = applyFilters(varFilters,res);
if (tpl_modifiers.length) {
__t = function(){ return res; }
res = process(tpl_modifiers,data);
return res;
process: function(node, data)
var params = getActualParamValues(node.params, data);
var arg1 = params[0];
if (node.optype == 'binary')
var arg2 = params[1];
if (node.op == '=')
getVarValue(node.params.__parsed[0], data, arg2);
return '';
else if (node.op.match(/(\+=|-=|\*=|\/=|%=)/))
arg1 = getVarValue(node.params.__parsed[0], data);
switch (node.op)
case '+=': arg1+=arg2; break;
case '-=': arg1-=arg2; break;
case '*=': arg1*=arg2; break;
case '/=': arg1/=arg2; break;
case '%=': arg1%=arg2; break;
return getVarValue(node.params.__parsed[0], data, arg1);
else if (node.op.match(/div/))
return (node.op!='div')^(arg1%arg2==0);
else if (node.op.match(/even/))
return (node.op!='even')^((arg1/arg2)%2==0);
else if (node.op.match(/xor/))
return (arg1||arg2) && !(arg1&&arg2);
switch (node.op)
case '==': return arg1==arg2;
case '!=': return arg1!=arg2;
case '+': return Number(arg1)+Number(arg2);
case '-': return Number(arg1)-Number(arg2);
case '*': return Number(arg1)*Number(arg2);
case '/': return Number(arg1)/Number(arg2);
case '%': return Number(arg1)%Number(arg2);
case '&&': return arg1&&arg2;
case '||': return arg1||arg2;
case '<': return arg1<arg2;
case '<=': return arg1<=arg2;
case '>': return arg1>arg2;
case '>=': return arg1>=arg2;
case '===': return arg1===arg2;
case '!==': return arg1!==arg2;
else if (node.op == '!')
return !arg1;
var isVar = node.params.__parsed[0].type == 'var';
if (isVar)
arg1 = getVarValue(node.params.__parsed[0], data);
var v = arg1;
if (node.optype == 'pre-unary')
switch (node.op)
case '-': v=-arg1; break;
case '++': v=++arg1; break;
case '--': v=--arg1; break;
if (isVar)
getVarValue(node.params.__parsed[0], data, arg1);
switch (node.op)
case '++': arg1++; break;
case '--': arg1--; break;
getVarValue(node.params.__parsed[0], data, arg1);
return v;
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
var subTree = [];
var subTreeElse = [];
type: 'build-in',
name: 'section',
params: params,
subTree: subTree,
subTreeElse: subTreeElse
var findElse = findElseTag('section [^}]+', '\/section', 'sectionelse', content);
if (findElse)
parse(content.slice(findElse.index+findElse[0].length).replace(/^[\r\n]/,''), subTreeElse);
parse(content, subTree);
process: function(node, data)
var params = getActualParamValues(node.params, data);
var props = {};
data.smarty.section[params.__get('name',null,0)] = props;
var show = params.__get('show',true);
props.show = show;
if (!show)
return process(node.subTreeElse, data);
var from = parseInt(params.__get('start',0));
var to = (params.loop instanceof Object) ? countProperties(params.loop) : isNaN(params.loop) ? 0 : parseInt(params.loop);
var step = parseInt(params.__get('step',1));
var max = parseInt(params.__get('max'));
if (isNaN(max))
max = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (from < 0)
from += to;
if (from < 0)
from = 0;
else if (from >= to)
from = to ? to-1 : 0;
var count = 0;
var loop = 0;
var i = from;
for (; i>=0 && i<to && count<max; i+=step,++count)
loop = i;
props.total = count;
props.loop = count; //? - because it is so in Smarty
count = 0;
var s = '';
for (i=from; i>=0 && i<to && count<max; i+=step,++count)
if (data.smarty['break'])
props.first = (i==from);
props.last = ((i+step)<0 || (i+step)>=to);
props.index = i;
props.index_prev = i-step;
props.index_next = i+step;
props.iteration = props.rownum = count+1;
s += process(node.subTree, data);
data.smarty['continue'] = false;
data.smarty['break'] = false;
if (count)
return s;
return process(node.subTreeElse, data);
type: 'block',
parseParams: function(paramStr)
return [parseExpression('__t()|' + paramStr).tree];
parse: function(params, tree, content)
type: 'build-in',
name: 'setfilter',
params: params,
subTree: parse(content,[])
process: function(node, data)
tpl_modifiers = node.params;
var s = process(node.subTree, data);
tpl_modifiers = [];
return s;
type: 'block',
parseParams: function(paramStr)
var res = paramStr.match(/^\s*\$(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\s]+)\s*to\s*([^\s]+)\s*(?:step\s*([^\s]+))?\s*(.*)$/);
if (!res)
throw new Error('Invalid {for} parameters: '+paramStr);
return parseParams("varName='"+res[1]+"' from="+res[2]+" to="+res[3]+" step="+(res[4]?res[4]:'1')+" "+res[5]);
parse: function(params, tree, content)
var subTree = [];
var subTreeElse = [];
type: 'build-in',
name: 'for',
params: params,
subTree: subTree,
subTreeElse: subTreeElse
var findElse = findElseTag('for\\s[^}]+', '\/for', 'forelse', content);
if (findElse)
parse(content.slice(findElse.index+findElse[0].length), subTreeElse);
parse(content, subTree);
process: function(node, data)
var params = getActualParamValues(node.params, data);
var from = parseInt(params.__get('from'));
var to = parseInt(params.__get('to'));
var step = parseInt(params.__get('step'));
if (isNaN(step))
step = 1;
var max = parseInt(params.__get('max'));
if (isNaN(max))
max = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var count = 0;
var s = '';
var total = Math.min( Math.ceil( ((step > 0 ? to-from : from-to)+1) / Math.abs(step) ), max);
for (var i=parseInt(params.from); count<total; i+=step,++count)
if (data.smarty['break'])
data[params.varName] = i;
s += process(node.subTree, data);
data.smarty['continue'] = false;
data.smarty['break'] = false;
if (!count)
s = process(node.subTreeElse, data);
return s;
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
var subTreeIf = [];
var subTreeElse = [];
type: 'build-in',
name: 'if',
params: params,
subTreeIf: subTreeIf,
subTreeElse: subTreeElse
var findElse = findElseTag('if\\s+[^}]+', '\/if', 'else[^}]*', content);
if (findElse)
content = content.slice(findElse.index+findElse[0].length);
var findElseIf = findElse[1].match(/^else\s*if(.*)/);
if (findElseIf)
buildInFunctions['if'].parse(parseParams(findElseIf[1]), subTreeElse, content.replace(/^\n/,''));
parse(content.replace(/^\n/,''), subTreeElse);
parse(content, subTreeIf);
process: function(node, data) {
var value = getActualParamValues(node.params,data)[0];
// Zero length arrays or empty associative arrays are false in PHP.
if (value && !((value instanceof Array && value.length == 0)
|| (typeof value == 'object' && isEmptyObject(value)))
) {
return process(node.subTreeIf, data);
} else {
return process(node.subTreeElse, data);
type: 'block',
parseParams: function(paramStr)
var params = {};
var res = paramStr.match(/^\s*([$].+)\s*as\s*[$](\w+)\s*(=>\s*[$](\w+))?\s*$/i);
if (res) //Smarty 3.x syntax => Smarty 2.x syntax
paramStr = 'from='+res[1] + ' item='+(res[4]||res[2]);
if (res[4])
paramStr += ' key='+res[2];
return parseParams(paramStr);
parse: function(params, tree, content)
var subTree = [];
var subTreeElse = [];
type: 'build-in',
name: 'foreach',
params: params,
subTree: subTree,
subTreeElse: subTreeElse
var findElse = findElseTag('foreach\\s[^}]+', '\/foreach', 'foreachelse', content);
if (findElse)
parse(content.slice(findElse.index+findElse[0].length).replace(/^[\r\n]/,''), subTreeElse);
parse(content, subTree);
process: function(node, data)
var params = getActualParamValues(node.params, data);
var a = params.from;
if (!(a instanceof Object))
a = [a];
var total = countProperties(a);
data[params.item+'__total'] = total;
if ('name' in params)
data.smarty.foreach[params.name] = {};
data.smarty.foreach[params.name].total = total;
var s = '';
var i=0;
for (var key in a)
if (!a.hasOwnProperty(key))
if (data.smarty['break'])
data[params.item+'__key'] = isNaN(key) ? key : parseInt(key);
if ('key' in params)
data[params.key] = data[params.item+'__key'];
data[params.item] = a[key];
data[params.item+'__index'] = parseInt(i);
data[params.item+'__iteration'] = parseInt(i+1);
data[params.item+'__first'] = (i===0);
data[params.item+'__last'] = (i==total-1);
if ('name' in params)
data.smarty.foreach[params.name].index = parseInt(i);
data.smarty.foreach[params.name].iteration = parseInt(i+1);
data.smarty.foreach[params.name].first = (i===0) ? 1 : '';
data.smarty.foreach[params.name].last = (i==total-1) ? 1 : '';
s += process(node.subTree, data);
data.smarty['continue'] = false;
data.smarty['break'] = false;
data[params.item+'__show'] = (i>0);
if (params.name)
data.smarty.foreach[params.name].show = (i>0) ? 1 : '';
if (i>0)
return s;
return process(node.subTreeElse, data);
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
var subTree = [];
plugins[trimQuotes(params.name?params.name:params[0])] =
type: 'function',
subTree: subTree,
defautParams: params,
process: function(params, data)
var defaults = getActualParamValues(this.defautParams,data);
delete defaults.name;
return process(this.subTree, obMerge({},data,defaults,params));
parse(content, subTree);
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content) {}
type: 'function',
parse: function(params, tree)
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
type: 'build-in',
name: 'block',
params: params
params.append = findInArray(params,'append') >= 0;
params.prepend = findInArray(params,'prepend') >= 0;
params.hide = findInArray(params,'hide') >= 0;
params.hasChild = params.hasParent = false;
onParseVar = function(nm)
if (nm.match(/^\s*[$]smarty.block.child\s*$/))
params.hasChild = true;
if (nm.match(/^\s*[$]smarty.block.parent\s*$/))
params.hasParent = true;
var tree = parse(content, []);
onParseVar = function(nm) {}
var blockName = trimQuotes(params.name?params.name:params[0]);
if (!(blockName in blocks))
blocks[blockName] = [];
blocks[blockName].push({tree:tree, params:params});
process: function(node, data)
data.smarty.block.parent = data.smarty.block.child = '';
var blockName = trimQuotes(node.params.name?node.params.name:node.params[0]);
this.processBlocks(blocks[blockName], blocks[blockName].length-1, data);
return data.smarty.block.child;
processBlocks: function(blockAncestry, i, data)
if (!i && blockAncestry[i].params.hide) {
data.smarty.block.child = '';
var append = true;
var prepend = false;
for (; i>=0; --i)
if (blockAncestry[i].params.hasParent)
var tmpChild = data.smarty.block.child;
data.smarty.block.child = '';
this.processBlocks(blockAncestry, i-1, data);
data.smarty.block.parent = data.smarty.block.child;
data.smarty.block.child = tmpChild;
var tmpChild = data.smarty.block.child;
var s = process(blockAncestry[i].tree, data);
data.smarty.block.child = tmpChild;
if (blockAncestry[i].params.hasChild)
data.smarty.block.child = s;
else if (append)
data.smarty.block.child = s + data.smarty.block.child;
else if (prepend)
data.smarty.block.child += s;
append = blockAncestry[i].params.append;
prepend = blockAncestry[i].params.prepend;
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
parse(content.replace(/[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*/g, ''), tree);
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
parseText(content, tree);
type: 'function',
parse: function(params, tree)
parseText(jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter, tree);
type: 'function',
parse: function(params, tree)
parseText(jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter, tree);
type: 'block',
parse: function(params, tree, content)
type: 'build-in',
name: 'while',
params: params,
subTree: parse(content, [])
process: function(node, data)
var s = '';
while (getActualParamValues(node.params,data)[0])
if (data.smarty['break'])
s += process(node.subTree, data);
data.smarty['continue'] = false;
data.smarty['break'] = false;
return s;
var plugins = {};
var modifiers = {};
var files = {};
var blocks = null;
var scripts = null;
var tpl_modifiers = [];
function parse(s, tree)
for (var openTag=findTag('',s); openTag; openTag=findTag('',s))
if (openTag.index)
s = s.slice(openTag.index + openTag[0].length);
var res = openTag[1].match(/^\s*(\w+)(.*)$/);
if (res) //function
var nm = res[1];
var paramStr = (res.length>2) ? res[2].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'') : '';
if (nm in buildInFunctions)
var buildIn = buildInFunctions[nm];
var params = ('parseParams' in buildIn ? buildIn.parseParams : parseParams)(paramStr);
if (buildIn.type == 'block')
s = s.replace(/^\n/,''); //remove new line after block open tag (like in Smarty)
var closeTag = findCloseTag('\/'+nm, nm+' +[^}]*', s);
buildIn.parse(params, tree, s.slice(0,closeTag.index));
s = s.slice(closeTag.index+closeTag[0].length);
buildIn.parse(params, tree);
if (nm == 'extends')
tree = []; //throw away further parsing except for {block}
s = s.replace(/^\n/,'');
else if (nm in plugins)
var plugin = plugins[nm];
if (plugin.type == 'block')
var closeTag = findCloseTag('\/'+nm, nm+' +[^}]*', s);
parsePluginBlock(nm, parseParams(paramStr), tree, s.slice(0,closeTag.index));
s = s.slice(closeTag.index+closeTag[0].length);
else if (plugin.type == 'function')
parsePluginFunc(nm, parseParams(paramStr), tree);
if (nm=='append' || nm=='assign' || nm=='capture' || nm=='eval' || nm=='include')
s = s.replace(/^\n/,'');
else //variable
else //variable
var node = buildInFunctions.expression.parse(openTag[1],tree);
if (node.type=='build-in' && node.name=='operator' && node.op == '=')
s = s.replace(/^\n/,'');
if (s)
parseText(s, tree);
return tree;
function parseText(text, tree)
if (parseText.parseEmbeddedVars)
var re = /([$][\w@]+)|`([^`]*)`/;
for (var found=re.exec(text); found; found=re.exec(text))
tree.push({type: 'text', data: text.slice(0,found.index)});
tree.push( parseExpression(found[1] ? found[1] : found[2]).tree );
text = text.slice(found.index + found[0].length);
tree.push({type: 'text', data: text});
return tree;
function parseFunc(name, params, tree)
params.__parsed.name = parseText(name,[])[0];
type: 'plugin',
name: '__func',
params: params
return tree;
function parseOperator(op, type, precedence, tree)
type: 'build-in',
name: 'operator',
op: op,
optype: type,
precedence: precedence,
params: {}
function parseVar(s, e, nm)
var rootName = e.token;
var parts = [{type:'text', data:nm.replace(/^(\w+)@(key|index|iteration|first|last|show|total)/gi, "$1__$2")}];
var re = /^(?:\.|\s*->\s*|\[\s*)/;
for (var op=s.match(re); op; op=s.match(re))
e.token += op[0];
s = s.slice(op[0].length);
var eProp = {value:'', tree:[]};
if (op[0].match(/\[/))
eProp = parseExpression(s);
if (eProp)
e.token += eProp.value;
parts.push( eProp.tree );
s = s.slice(eProp.value.length);
var closeOp = s.match(/\s*\]/);
if (closeOp)
e.token += closeOp[0];
s = s.slice(closeOp[0].length);
var parseMod = parseModifiers.stop;
parseModifiers.stop = true;
if (lookUp(s,eProp))
e.token += eProp.value;
var part = eProp.tree[0];
if (part.type == 'plugin' && part.name == '__func')
part.hasOwner = true;
parts.push( part );
s = s.slice(eProp.value.length);
eProp = false;
parseModifiers.stop = parseMod;
if (!eProp)
parts.push({type:'text', data:''});
e.tree.push({type: 'var', parts: parts});
e.value += e.token.substr(rootName.length);
return s;
function onParseVar(nm) {}
var tokens =
re: /^\$([\w@]+)/, //var
parse: function(e, s)
parseModifiers(parseVar(s, e, RegExp.$1), e);
re: /^(true|false)/i, //bool
parse: function(e, s)
parseText(e.token.match(/true/i) ? '1' : '', e.tree);
re: /^'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/, //single quotes
parse: function(e, s)
parseText(evalString(RegExp.$1), e.tree);
parseModifiers(s, e);
re: /^"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/, //double quotes
parse: function(e, s)
var v = evalString(RegExp.$1);
var isVar = v.match(tokens[0].re);
if (isVar)
var eVar = {token:isVar[0], tree:[]};
parseVar(v, eVar, isVar[1]);
if (eVar.token.length == v.length)
e.tree.push( eVar.tree[0] );
parseText.parseEmbeddedVars = true;
type: 'plugin',
name: '__quoted',
params: {__parsed: parse(v,[])}
parseText.parseEmbeddedVars = false;
parseModifiers(s, e);
re: /^(\w+)\s*[(]([)]?)/, //func()
parse: function(e, s)
var fnm = RegExp.$1;
var noArgs = RegExp.$2;
var params = parseParams(noArgs?'':s,/^\s*,\s*/);
parseFunc(fnm, params, e.tree);
e.value += params.toString();
parseModifiers(s.slice(params.toString().length), e);
re: /^\s*\(\s*/, //expression in parentheses
parse: function(e, s)
var parens = [];
parens.parent = e.tree;
e.tree = parens;
re: /^\s*\)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
if (e.tree.parent) //it may be the end of func() or (expr)
e.tree = e.tree.parent;
re: /^\s*(\+\+|--)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
if (e.tree.length && e.tree[e.tree.length-1].type == 'var')
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'post-unary', 1, e.tree);
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'pre-unary', 1, e.tree);
re: /^\s*(===|!==|==|!=)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'binary', 6, e.tree);
re: /^\s+(eq|ne|neq)\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
var op = RegExp.$1.replace(/ne(q)?/,'!=').replace(/eq/,'==');
parseOperator(op, 'binary', 6, e.tree);
re: /^\s*!\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator('!', 'pre-unary', 2, e.tree);
re: /^\s+not\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator('!', 'pre-unary', 2, e.tree);
re: /^\s*(=|\+=|-=|\*=|\/=|%=)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'binary', 10, e.tree);
re: /^\s*(\*|\/|%)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'binary', 3, e.tree);
re: /^\s+mod\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator('%', 'binary', 3, e.tree);
re: /^\s*(\+|-)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
if (!e.tree.length || e.tree[e.tree.length-1].name == 'operator')
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'pre-unary', 4, e.tree);
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'binary', 4, e.tree);
re: /^\s*(<=|>=|<>|<|>)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$1.replace(/<>/,'!='), 'binary', 5, e.tree);
re: /^\s+(lt|lte|le|gt|gte|ge)\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
var op = RegExp.$1.replace(/lt/,'<').replace(/l(t)?e/,'<=').replace(/gt/,'>').replace(/g(t)?e/,'>=');
parseOperator(op, 'binary', 5, e.tree);
re: /^\s+(is\s+(not\s+)?div\s+by)\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$2?'div_not':'div', 'binary', 7, e.tree);
re: /^\s+is\s+(not\s+)?(even|odd)(\s+by\s+)?\s*/i,
parse: function(e, s)
var op = RegExp.$1 ? ((RegExp.$2=='odd')?'even':'even_not') : ((RegExp.$2=='odd')?'even_not':'even');
parseOperator(op, 'binary', 7, e.tree);
if (!RegExp.$3)
parseText('1', e.tree);
re: /^\s*(&&)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'binary', 8, e.tree);
re: /^\s*(\|\|)\s*/,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator(RegExp.$1, 'binary', 9, e.tree);
re: /^\s+and\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator('&&', 'binary', 11, e.tree);
re: /^\s+xor\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator('xor', 'binary', 12, e.tree);
re: /^\s+or\s+/i,
parse: function(e, s)
parseOperator('||', 'binary', 13, e.tree);
re: /^#(\w+)#/, //config variable
parse: function(e, s)
var eVar = {token:'$smarty',tree:[]};
parseVar('.config.'+RegExp.$1, eVar, 'smarty');
e.tree.push( eVar.tree[0] );
parseModifiers(s, e);
re: /^\s*\[\s*/, //array
parse: function(e, s)
var params = parseParams(s, /^\s*,\s*/, /^('[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'|"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"|\w+)\s*=>\s*/);
e.value += params.toString();
var paren = s.slice(params.toString().length).match(/\s*\]/);
if (paren)
e.value += paren[0];
re: /^[\d.]+/, //number
parse: function(e, s)
if (e.token.indexOf('.') > -1) {
e.token = parseFloat(e.token);
} else {
e.token = parseInt(e.token, 10);
parseText(e.token, e.tree);
parseModifiers(s, e);
re: /^\w+/, //static
parse: function(e, s)
parseText(e.token, e.tree);
parseModifiers(s, e);
function parseModifiers(s, e)
if (parseModifiers.stop)
var modifier = s.match(/^\|(\w+)/);
if (!modifier)
e.value += modifier[0];
var fnm = modifier[1]=='default' ? 'defaultValue' : modifier[1];
s = s.slice(modifier[0].length).replace(/^\s+/,'');
parseModifiers.stop = true;
var params = [];
for (var colon=s.match(/^\s*:\s*/); colon; colon=s.match(/^\s*:\s*/))
e.value += s.slice(0,colon[0].length);
s = s.slice(colon[0].length);
var param = {value:'', tree:[]};
if (lookUp(s, param))
e.value += param.value;
s = s.slice(param.value.length);
parseModifiers.stop = false;
params.unshift(e.tree.pop()); //modifiers have the highest priority
parseModifiers(s, e); //modifiers can be combined
function lookUp(s,e)
if (!s)
return false;
if (s.substr(0,jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter.length)==jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter)
var tag = findTag('',s);
if (tag)
e.token = tag[0];
e.value += tag[0];
parse(tag[0], e.tree);
parseModifiers(s.slice(e.value.length), e);
return true;
for (var i=0; i<tokens.length; ++i)
if (s.match(tokens[i].re))
e.token = RegExp.lastMatch;
e.value += RegExp.lastMatch;
tokens[i].parse(e, s.slice(e.token.length));
return true;
return false;
function bundleOp(i, tree, precedence)
var op = tree[i];
if (op.name == 'operator' && op.precedence == precedence && !op.params.__parsed)
if (op.optype == 'binary')
op.params.__parsed = [tree[i-1],tree[i+1]];
return true;
else if (op.optype == 'post-unary')
op.params.__parsed = [tree[i-1]];
return true;
op.params.__parsed = [tree[i+1]];
return false;
function composeExpression(tree)
var i = 0;
for (i=0; i<tree.length; ++i)
if (tree[i] instanceof Array)
tree[i] = composeExpression(tree[i])
for (var precedence=1; precedence<14; ++precedence)
if (precedence==2 || precedence==10)
for (i=tree.length; i>0; --i)
i -= bundleOp(i-1, tree, precedence);
for (i=0; i<tree.length; ++i)
i -= bundleOp(i, tree, precedence);
return tree[0]; //only one node must be left
function parseExpression(s)
var e = { value:'', tree:[] };
while (lookUp(s.slice(e.value.length), e)){}
if (!e.tree.length)
return false;
e.tree = composeExpression(e.tree);
return e;
function parseParams(paramsStr, reDelim, reName)
var s = paramsStr.replace(/\n/g,' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
var params = [];
params.__parsed = [];
var paramsStr = '';
if (!s)
return params;
if (!reDelim)
reDelim = /^\s+/;
reName = /^(\w+)\s*=\s*/;
while (s)
var nm = null;
if (reName)
var foundName = s.match(reName);
if (foundName)
nm = trimQuotes(foundName[1]);
paramsStr += s.slice(0,foundName[0].length);
s = s.slice(foundName[0].length);
var param = parseExpression(s);
if (!param)
if (nm)
params[nm] = param.value;
params.__parsed[nm] = param.tree;
paramsStr += s.slice(0,param.value.length);
s = s.slice(param.value.length);
var foundDelim = s.match(reDelim);
if (foundDelim)
paramsStr += s.slice(0,foundDelim[0].length);
s = s.slice(foundDelim[0].length);
params.toString = function() { return paramsStr; }
return params;
function parsePluginBlock(name, params, tree, content)
type: 'plugin',
name: name,
params: params,
subTree: parse(content,[])
function parsePluginFunc(name, params, tree)
type: 'plugin',
name: name,
params: params
function getActualParamValues(params,data)
var actualParams = [];
for (var nm in params.__parsed)
if (params.__parsed.hasOwnProperty(nm))
var v = process([params.__parsed[nm]], data);
actualParams[nm] = v;
actualParams.__get = function(nm,defVal,id)
if (nm in actualParams && typeof(actualParams[nm]) != 'undefined')
return actualParams[nm];
if (typeof(id)!='undefined' && typeof(actualParams[id]) != 'undefined')
return actualParams[id];
if (defVal === null)
throw new Error("The required attribute '"+nm+"' is missing");
return defVal;
return actualParams;
* Returns boolean true if object is empty otherwise false.
* @param object hash Object you are testing against.
* @return boolean
function isEmptyObject(hash) {
for (var i in hash) {
if (hash.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
return false;
return true;
function getVarValue(node, data, val)
var v = data;
var nm = '';
for (var i=0; i<node.parts.length; ++i)
var part = node.parts[i];
if (part.type == 'plugin' && part.name == '__func' && part.hasOwner)
data.__owner = v;
v = process([node.parts[i]],data);
delete data.__owner;
nm = process([part],data);
//section name
if (nm in data.smarty.section && part.type=='text' && process([node.parts[0]],data)!='smarty')
nm = data.smarty.section[nm].index;
//add to array
if (!nm && typeof val != 'undefined' && v instanceof Array)
nm = v.length;
//set new value
if (typeof val != 'undefined' && i==node.parts.length-1)
v[nm] = val;
if (typeof v == 'object' && v !== null && nm in v)
v = v[nm];
if (typeof val == 'undefined')
return val;
v[nm] = {};
v = v[nm];
return v;
function process(tree, data)
var res = '';
for (var i=0; i<tree.length; ++i)
var s = '';
var node = tree[i];
if (node.type == 'text')
s = node.data;
else if (node.type == 'var')
s = getVarValue(node,data);
else if (node.type == 'build-in')
s = buildInFunctions[node.name].process(node,data);
else if (node.type == 'plugin')
var plugin = plugins[node.name];
if (plugin.type == 'block')
var repeat = {value:true};
plugin.process(getActualParamValues(node.params,data), '', data, repeat);
while (repeat.value)
repeat.value = false;
s += plugin.process(
process(node.subTree, data),
else if (plugin.type == 'function')
s = plugin.process(getActualParamValues(node.params,data), data);
if (typeof s == 'boolean')
s = s ? '1' : '';
if (tree.length == 1)
return s;
res += s;
if (data.smarty['continue'] || data.smarty['break'])
return res;
return res;
function getTemplate(name, tree, nocache)
if (nocache || !(name in files))
var tpl = jSmart.prototype.getTemplate(name);
if (typeof(tpl) != 'string')
throw new Error('No template for '+ name);
parse(applyFilters(jSmart.prototype.filters_global.pre, stripComments(tpl.replace(/\r\n/g,'\n'))), tree);
files[name] = tree;
tree = files[name];
return tree;
function stripComments(s)
var sRes = '';
for (var openTag=s.match(/{\*/); openTag; openTag=s.match(/{\*/))
sRes += s.slice(0,openTag.index);
s = s.slice(openTag.index+openTag[0].length);
var closeTag = s.match(/\*}/);
if (!closeTag)
throw new Error('Unclosed {*');
s = s.slice(closeTag.index+closeTag[0].length);
return sRes + s;
function applyFilters(filters, s)
for (var i=0; i<filters.length; ++i)
s = filters[i](s);
return s;
jSmart = function(tpl)
this.tree = [];
this.tree.blocks = {};
this.scripts = {};
this.default_modifiers = [];
this.filters = {'variable':[], 'post':[]};
this.smarty = {
'smarty': {
block: {},
'break': false,
capture: {},
'continue': false,
counter: {},
cycle: {},
foreach: {},
section: {},
now: Math.floor( (new Date()).getTime()/1000 ),
'const': {},
config: {},
current_dir: '/',
template: '',
ldelim: jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter,
rdelim: jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter,
version: '2.15.0'
blocks = this.tree.blocks;
applyFilters(jSmart.prototype.filters_global.pre, stripComments((new String(tpl?tpl:'')).replace(/\r\n/g,'\n'))),
jSmart.prototype.fetch = function(data)
blocks = this.tree.blocks;
scripts = this.scripts;
escape_html = this.escape_html;
default_modifiers = jSmart.prototype.default_modifiers_global.concat(this.default_modifiers);
this.data = obMerge((typeof data == 'object') ? data : {}, this.smarty);
varFilters = jSmart.prototype.filters_global.variable.concat(this.filters.variable);
var res = process(this.tree, this.data);
if (jSmart.prototype.debugging)
return applyFilters(jSmart.prototype.filters_global.post.concat(this.filters.post), res);
jSmart.prototype.escape_html = false;
@param type valid values are 'function', 'block', 'modifier'
@param callback func(params,data) or block(params,content,data,repeat)
jSmart.prototype.registerPlugin = function(type, name, callback)
if (type == 'modifier')
modifiers[name] = callback;
plugins[name] = {'type': type, 'process': callback};
@param type valid values are 'pre', 'variable', 'post'
@param callback function(textValue) { ... }
jSmart.prototype.registerFilter = function(type, callback)
(this.tree ? this.filters : jSmart.prototype.filters_global)[type=='output'?'post':type].push(callback);
jSmart.prototype.filters_global = {'pre':[],'variable':[],'post':[]};
jSmart.prototype.configLoad = function(confValues, section, data)
data = data ? data : this.data;
var s = confValues.replace(/\r\n/g,'\n').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
var re = /^\s*(?:\[([^\]]+)\]|(?:(\w+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*("""|'[^'\\\n]*(?:\\.[^'\\\n]*)*'|"[^"\\\n]*(?:\\.[^"\\\n]*)*"|[^\n]*)))/m;
var currSect = '';
for (var f=s.match(re); f; f=s.match(re))
s = s.slice(f.index+f[0].length);
if (f[1])
currSect = f[1];
else if ((!currSect || currSect == section) && currSect.substr(0,1) != '.')
if (f[3] == '"""')
var triple = s.match(/"""/);
if (triple)
data.smarty.config[f[2]] = s.slice(0,triple.index);
s = s.slice(triple.index + triple[0].length);
data.smarty.config[f[2]] = trimQuotes(f[3]);
var newln = s.match(/\n+/);
if (newln)
s = s.slice(newln.index + newln[0].length);
jSmart.prototype.clearConfig = function(varName)
if (varName)
delete this.data.smarty.config[varName];
this.data.smarty.config = {};
add modifier to implicitly apply to every variable in a template
@param modifiers single string (e.g. "replace:'from':'to'")
or array of strings (e.g. ['escape:"htmlall"', "replace:'from':'to'"])
jSmart.prototype.addDefaultModifier = function(modifiers)
if (!(modifiers instanceof Array))
modifiers = [modifiers];
for (var i=0; i<modifiers.length; ++i)
var e = { value:'', tree:[0] };
parseModifiers('|'+modifiers[i], e);
(this.tree ? this.default_modifiers : this.default_modifiers_global).push( e.tree[0] );
jSmart.prototype.default_modifiers_global = [];
override this function
@param name value of 'file' parameter in {include} and {extends}
@return template text
jSmart.prototype.getTemplate = function(name)
throw new Error('No template for ' + name);
override this function
@param name value of 'file' parameter in {fetch}
@return file content
jSmart.prototype.getFile = function(name)
throw new Error('No file for ' + name);
override this function
@param name value of 'file' parameter in {include_php} and {include_javascript}
or value of 'script' parameter in {insert}
@return Javascript script
jSmart.prototype.getJavascript = function(name)
throw new Error('No Javascript for ' + name);
override this function
@param name value of 'file' parameter in {config_load}
@return config file content
jSmart.prototype.getConfig = function(name)
throw new Error('No config for ' + name);
whether to skip tags in open brace { followed by white space(s) and close brace } with white space(s) before
jSmart.prototype.auto_literal = true;
jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter = '{';
jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter = '}';
/** enables the debugging console */
jSmart.prototype.debugging = false;
jSmart.prototype.PHPJS = function(fnm, modifier)
if (eval('typeof '+fnm) == 'function')
return (typeof window == 'object') ? window : global;
else if (typeof(PHP_JS) == 'function')
return new PHP_JS();
throw new Error("Modifier '" + modifier + "' uses JavaScript port of PHP function '" + fnm + "'. You can find one at http://phpjs.org");
jSmart.prototype.makeTimeStamp = function(s)
if (!s)
return Math.floor( (new Date()).getTime()/1000 );
if (isNaN(s))
var tm = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('strtotime','date_format').strtotime(s);
if (tm == -1 || tm === false) {
return Math.floor( (new Date()).getTime()/1000 );
return tm;
s = new String(s);
if (s.length == 14) //mysql timestamp format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
return Math.floor( (new Date(s.substr(0,4),s.substr(4,2)-1,s.substr(6,2),s.substr(8,2),s.substr(10,2)).getTime()/1000 ) );
return parseInt(s);
register custom functions
function(params, data)
var a = [];
for (var nm in params)
if (params.hasOwnProperty(nm) && params[nm] && typeof params[nm] != 'function')
a[nm] = params[nm];
return a;
function(params, data) {
var paramNames = [], paramValues = {}, paramData = [];
for (var i=0; i<params.length; ++i) {
paramValues[params.name+'__p'+i] = params[i];
var fname, mergedParams = obMerge({}, data, paramValues);
if (('__owner' in data && params.name in data.__owner)) {
fname = '__owner.'+params.name;
return execute(fname + '(' + paramNames.join(',') + ')', mergedParams);
} else if (modifiers.hasOwnProperty(params.name)) {
fname = modifiers[params.name]
return executeByFuncObject(fname, paramData, mergedParams);
} else {
fname = params.name;
return execute(fname + '(' + paramNames.join(',') + ')', mergedParams);
function(params, data)
return params.join('');
function(params, data)
var varName = params.__get('var',null,0);
if (!(varName in data) || !(data[varName] instanceof Array))
data[varName] = [];
var index = params.__get('index',false);
var val = params.__get('value',null,1);
if (index === false)
data[varName][index] = val;
return '';
function(params, data)
assignVar(params.__get('var',null,0), params.__get('value',null,1), data);
return '';
function(params, data)
data.smarty['break'] = true;
return '';
function(params, data)
var fname = params.__get('name',null,0);
delete params.name;
var assignTo = params.__get('assign',false);
delete params.assign;
var s = plugins[fname].process(params, data);
if (assignTo)
assignVar(assignTo, s, data);
return '';
return s;
function(params, content, data, repeat)
if (content)
content = content.replace(/^\n/,'');
data.smarty.capture[params.__get('name','default',0)] = content;
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, content, data);
var append = params.__get('append',false);
if (append)
if (append in data)
if (data[append] instanceof Array)
data[append] = [content];
return '';
function(params, data)
data.smarty['continue'] = true;
return '';
function(params, data)
var name = params.__get('name','default');
if (name in data.smarty.counter)
var counter = data.smarty.counter[name];
if ('start' in params)
counter.value = parseInt(params['start']);
counter.value = parseInt(counter.value);
counter.skip = parseInt(counter.skip);
if ('down' == counter.direction)
counter.value -= counter.skip;
counter.value += counter.skip;
counter.skip = params.__get('skip',counter.skip);
counter.direction = params.__get('direction',counter.direction);
counter.assign = params.__get('assign',counter.assign);
data.smarty.counter[name] = {
value: parseInt(params.__get('start',1)),
skip: parseInt(params.__get('skip',1)),
direction: params.__get('direction','up'),
assign: params.__get('assign',false)
if (data.smarty.counter[name].assign)
data[data.smarty.counter[name].assign] = data.smarty.counter[name].value;
return '';
if (params.__get('print',true))
return data.smarty.counter[name].value;
return '';
function(params, data)
var name = params.__get('name','default');
var reset = params.__get('reset',false);
if (!(name in data.smarty.cycle))
data.smarty.cycle[name] = {arr: [''], delimiter: params.__get('delimiter',','), index: 0};
reset = true;
if (params.__get('delimiter',false))
data.smarty.cycle[name].delimiter = params.delimiter;
var values = params.__get('values',false);
if (values)
var arr = [];
if (values instanceof Object)
for (nm in values)
arr = values.split(data.smarty.cycle[name].delimiter);
if (arr.length != data.smarty.cycle[name].arr.length || arr[0] != data.smarty.cycle[name].arr[0])
data.smarty.cycle[name].arr = arr;
data.smarty.cycle[name].index = 0;
reset = true;
if (params.__get('advance','true'))
data.smarty.cycle[name].index += 1;
if (data.smarty.cycle[name].index >= data.smarty.cycle[name].arr.length || reset)
data.smarty.cycle[name].index = 0;
if (params.__get('assign',false))
assignVar(params.assign, data.smarty.cycle[name].arr[ data.smarty.cycle[name].index ], data);
return '';
if (params.__get('print',true))
return data.smarty.cycle[name].arr[ data.smarty.cycle[name].index ];
return '';
jSmart.prototype.print_r = function(v,indent)
if (v instanceof Object)
var s = ((v instanceof Array) ? 'Array['+v.length+']' : 'Object') + '<br>';
for (var nm in v)
if (v.hasOwnProperty(nm))
s += indent + ' <strong>' + nm + '</strong> : ' + jSmart.prototype.print_r(v[nm],indent+' ') + '<br>';
return s;
return v;
function(params, data)
if (typeof dbgWnd != 'undefined')
dbgWnd = window.open('','','width=680,height=600,resizable,scrollbars=yes');
var sVars = '';
var i=0;
for (var nm in data)
sVars += '<tr class=' + (++i%2?'odd':'even') + '><td><strong>' + nm + '</strong></td><td>' + jSmart.prototype.print_r(data[nm],'') + '</td></tr>';
dbgWnd.document.write(" \
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en'> \
<head> \
<title>jSmart Debug Console</title> \
<style type='text/css'> \
table {width: 100%;} \
td {vertical-align:top;width: 50%;} \
.even td {background-color: #fafafa;} \
</style> \
</head> \
<body> \
<h1>jSmart Debug Console</h1> \
<h2>assigned template variables</h2> \
<table>" + sVars + "</table> \
</body> \
</html> \
return '';
function(params, data)
var tree = [];
parse(params.__get('var','',0), tree);
var s = process(tree, data);
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, s, data);
return '';
return s;
function(params, data)
var s = jSmart.prototype.getFile(params.__get('file',null,0));
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, s, data);
return '';
return s;
function (params, data) {
var type = params.__get('type','checkbox'),
name = params.__get('name',type),
realName = params.__get('name',type),
values = params.__get('values',params.options),
output = params.__get('options',[]),
useName = ('options' in params),
selected = params.__get('selected',false),
separator = params.__get('separator',''),
labels = Boolean(params.__get('labels',true)),
label_ids = Boolean(params.__get('label_ids',false)),
res = [],
i = 0,
s = '',
if (type == 'checkbox') {
name += '[]';
if (!useName) {
for (p in params.output) {
for (p in values) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
value = (useName ? p : values[p]);
id = realName + '_' + value;
s = (labels ? ( label_ids ? '<label for="'+id+'">' : '<label>') : '');
s += '<input type="' + type + '" name="' + name + '" value="' + value + '" ';
if (label_ids) {
s += 'id="'+id+'" ';
if (selected == (useName ? p : values[p])) {
s += 'checked="checked" ';
s += '/>' + output[useName?p:i++];
s += (labels ? '</label>' : '');
s += separator;
if ('assign' in params) {
assignVar(params.assign, res, data);
return '';
return res.join('\n');
function (params, data) {
var url = params.__get('file', null),
width = params.__get('width', false),
height = params.__get('height', false),
alt = params.__get('alt', ''),
href = params.__get('href', params.__get('link', false)),
path_prefix = params.__get('path_prefix', ''),
paramNames = {file:1, width:1, height:1, alt:1, href:1, basedir:1, path_prefix:1, link:1},
s = '<img src="' + path_prefix + url + '"' + ' alt="'+alt+'"' + (width ? ' width="'+width+'"':'') + (height ? ' height="'+height+'"':''),
for (p in params) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty(p) && typeof(params[p]) == 'string') {
if (!(p in paramNames)) {
s += ' ' + p + '="' + params[p] + '"';
s += ' />';
return href ? '<a href="'+href+'">'+s+'</a>' : s;
function(params, data)
var values = params.__get('values',params.options);
var output = params.__get('options',[]);
var useName = ('options' in params);
var p;
if (!useName)
for (p in params.output)
var selected = params.__get('selected',false);
var res = [];
var s = '';
var i = 0;
for (p in values)
if (values.hasOwnProperty(p))
s = '<option value="' + (useName ? p : values[p]) + '"';
if (selected == (useName ? p : values[p]))
s += ' selected="selected"';
s += '>' + output[useName ? p : i++] + '</option>';
var name = params.__get('name',false);
return (name ? ('<select name="' + name + '">\n' + res.join('\n') + '\n</select>') : res.join('\n')) + '\n';
function(params, data)
params.type = 'radio';
return plugins.html_checkboxes.process(params,data);
function(params, data)
var prefix = params.__get('prefix','Date_');
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
var s = '';
s += '<select name="'+prefix+'Month">\n';
var i=0;
for (i=0; i<months.length; ++i)
s += '<option value="' + i + '">' + months[i] + '</option>\n';
s += '</select>\n'
s += '<select name="'+prefix+'Day">\n';
for (i=0; i<31; ++i)
s += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>\n';
s += '</select>\n'
return s;
function(params, data)
var loop = [];
var p;
if (params.loop instanceof Array)
loop = params.loop
for (p in params.loop)
if (params.loop.hasOwnProperty(p))
loop.push( params.loop[p] );
var rows = params.__get('rows',false);
var cols = params.__get('cols',false);
if (!cols)
cols = rows ? Math.ceil(loop.length/rows) : 3;
var colNames = [];
if (isNaN(cols))
if (typeof cols == 'object')
for (p in cols)
if (cols.hasOwnProperty(p))
colNames = cols.split(/\s*,\s*/);
cols = colNames.length;
rows = rows ? rows : Math.ceil(loop.length/cols);
var inner = params.__get('inner','cols');
var caption = params.__get('caption','');
var table_attr = params.__get('table_attr','border="1"');
var th_attr = params.__get('th_attr',false);
if (th_attr && typeof th_attr != 'object')
th_attr = [th_attr];
var tr_attr = params.__get('tr_attr',false);
if (tr_attr && typeof tr_attr != 'object')
tr_attr = [tr_attr];
var td_attr = params.__get('td_attr',false);
if (td_attr && typeof td_attr != 'object')
td_attr = [td_attr];
var trailpad = params.__get('trailpad',' ');
var hdir = params.__get('hdir','right');
var vdir = params.__get('vdir','down');
var s = '';
for (var row=0; row<rows; ++row)
s += '<tr' + (tr_attr ? ' '+tr_attr[row%tr_attr.length] : '') + '>\n';
for (var col=0; col<cols; ++col)
var idx = (inner=='cols') ? ((vdir=='down'?row:rows-1-row) * cols + (hdir=='right'?col:cols-1-col)) : ((hdir=='right'?col:cols-1-col) * rows + (vdir=='down'?row:rows-1-row));
s += '<td' + (td_attr ? ' '+td_attr[col%td_attr.length] : '') + '>' + (idx < loop.length ? loop[idx] : trailpad) + '</td>\n';
s += '</tr>\n';
var sHead = '';
if (colNames.length)
sHead = '\n<thead><tr>';
for (var i=0; i<colNames.length; ++i)
sHead += '\n<th' + (th_attr ? ' '+th_attr[i%th_attr.length] : '') + '>' + colNames[hdir=='right'?i:colNames.length-1-i] + '</th>';
sHead += '\n</tr></thead>';
return '<table ' + table_attr + '>' + (caption?'\n<caption>'+caption+'</caption>':'') + sHead + '\n<tbody>\n' + s + '</tbody>\n</table>\n';
function(params, data)
var file = params.__get('file',null,0);
var incData = obMerge({},data,params);
incData.smarty.template = file;
var s = process(getTemplate(file,[],findInArray(params,'nocache')>=0), incData);
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, s, data);
return '';
return s;
function(params, data)
var file = params.__get('file',null,0);
if (params.__get('once',true) && file in scripts)
return '';
scripts[file] = true;
var s = execute(jSmart.prototype.getJavascript(file), {'$this':data});
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, s, data);
return '';
return s;
function(params, data)
return plugins['include_javascript'].process(params,data);
function(params, data)
var fparams = {};
for (var nm in params)
if (params.hasOwnProperty(nm) && isNaN(nm) && params[nm] && typeof params[nm] == 'string' && nm != 'name' && nm != 'assign' && nm != 'script')
fparams[nm] = params[nm];
var prefix = 'insert_';
if ('script' in params)
prefix = 'smarty_insert_';
var func = eval(prefix+params.__get('name',null,0));
var s = func(fparams, data);
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, s, data);
return '';
return s;
function(params, content, data, repeat)
data['$this'] = data;
delete data['$this'];
return '';
function(params, data)
jSmart.prototype.configLoad(jSmart.prototype.getConfig(params.__get('file',null,0)), params.__get('section','',1), data);
return '';
function(params, data)
var address = params.__get('address',null);
var encode = params.__get('encode','none');
var text = params.__get('text',address);
var cc = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','mailto').rawurlencode(params.__get('cc','')).replace('%40','@');
var bcc = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','mailto').rawurlencode(params.__get('bcc','')).replace('%40','@');
var followupto = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','mailto').rawurlencode(params.__get('followupto','')).replace('%40','@');
var subject = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','mailto').rawurlencode( params.__get('subject','') );
var newsgroups = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','mailto').rawurlencode(params.__get('newsgroups',''));
var extra = params.__get('extra','');
address += (cc?'?cc='+cc:'');
address += (bcc?(cc?'&':'?')+'bcc='+bcc:'');
address += (subject ? ((cc||bcc)?'&':'?') + 'subject='+subject : '');
address += (newsgroups ? ((cc||bcc||subject)?'&':'?') + 'newsgroups='+newsgroups : '');
address += (followupto ? ((cc||bcc||subject||newsgroups)?'&':'?') + 'followupto='+followupto : '');
s = '<a href="mailto:' + address + '" ' + extra + '>' + text + '</a>';
if (encode == 'javascript')
s = "document.write('" + s + "');";
var sEncoded = '';
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
sEncoded += '%' + jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('bin2hex','mailto').bin2hex(s.substr(i,1));
return '<script type="text/javascript">eval(unescape(\'' + sEncoded + "'))</script>";
else if (encode == 'javascript_charcode')
var codes = [];
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
return '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">\n<!--\n{document.write(String.fromCharCode('
+ codes.join(',') + '))}\n//-->\n</script>\n';
else if (encode == 'hex')
if (address.match(/^.+\?.+$/))
throw new Error('mailto: hex encoding does not work with extra attributes. Try javascript.');
var aEncoded = '';
for (var i=0; i<address.length; ++i)
if (address.substr(i,1).match(/\w/))
aEncoded += '%' + jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('bin2hex','mailto').bin2hex(address.substr(i,1));
aEncoded += address.substr(i,1);
var tEncoded = '';
for (var i=0; i<text.length; ++i)
tEncoded += '&#x' + jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('bin2hex','mailto').bin2hex(text.substr(i,1)) + ';';
return '<a href="mailto:' + aEncoded + '" ' + extra + '>' + tEncoded + '</a>';
return s;
function(params, data)
with (Math)
with (params)
var res = eval(params.__get('equation',null).replace(/pi\(\s*\)/g,'PI'));
if ('format' in params)
res = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('sprintf','math').sprintf(params.format,res);
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, res, data);
return '';
return res;
function(params, content, data, repeat)
return content;
function(params, content, data, repeat)
if (!content) {
return '';
var wrap = params.__get('wrap',80);
var wrap_char = params.__get('wrap_char','\n');
var wrap_cut = params.__get('wrap_cut',false);
var indent_char = params.__get('indent_char',' ');
var indent = params.__get('indent',0);
var indentStr = (new Array(indent+1)).join(indent_char);
var indent_first = params.__get('indent_first',0);
var indentFirstStr = (new Array(indent_first+1)).join(indent_char);
var style = params.__get('style','');
if (style == 'email') {
wrap = 72;
var paragraphs = content.split(/[\r\n]{2}/);
for (var i=0; i<paragraphs.length; ++i) {
var p = paragraphs[i];
if (!p) {
p = p.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,'').replace(/\s+/g,' ');
if (indent_first> 0 ) {
p = indentFirstStr + p;
p = modifiers.wordwrap(p, wrap-indent, wrap_char, wrap_cut);
if (indent > 0) {
p = p.replace(/^/mg, indentStr);
paragraphs[i] = p;
var s = paragraphs.join(wrap_char+wrap_char);
if ('assign' in params)
assignVar(params.assign, s, data);
return '';
return s;
register modifiers
function(s, upDigits, lcRest) {
var re = new RegExp(upDigits ? '[^a-zA-Z_\u00E0-\u00FC]+' : '[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u00E0-\u00FC]');
var found = null;
var res = '';
if (lcRest) {
s = s.toLowerCase();
for (found=s.match(re); found; found=s.match(re))
var word = s.slice(0,found.index);
if (word.match(/\d/))
res += word;
res += word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
res += s.slice(found.index, found.index+found[0].length);
s = s.slice(found.index+found[0].length);
if (s.match(/\d/))
return res + s;
return res + s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
function(s, value)
value = value ? value : '';
return s + value;
function(v, recursive)
if (v === null || typeof v === 'undefined') {
return 0;
} else if (v.constructor !== Array && v.constructor !== Object) {
return 1;
recursive = Boolean(recursive);
var k, cnt = 0;
for (k in v)
if (v.hasOwnProperty(k))
if (recursive && v[k] && (v[k].constructor === Array || v[k].constructor === Object)) {
cnt += modifiers.count(v[k], true);
return cnt;
function(s, includeWhitespaces)
return includeWhitespaces ? s.length : s.replace(/\s/g,'').length;
var found = s.match(/\n+/g);
if (found)
return found.length+1;
return 1;
var found = s.match(/[^\s]\.(?!\w)/g);
if (found)
return found.length;
return 0;
var found = s.match(/\w+/g);
if (found)
return found.length;
return 0;
function(s, fmt, defaultDate)
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('strftime','date_format').strftime(fmt?fmt:'%b %e, %Y', jSmart.prototype.makeTimeStamp(s?s:defaultDate));
function(s, value)
return (s && s!='null' && s!='undefined') ? s : (value ? value : '');
function(s, esc_type, char_set)
s = new String(s);
esc_type = esc_type || 'html';
char_set = char_set || 'UTF-8';
switch (esc_type)
case 'html':
return s.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/"/g,'"');
case 'entity':
case 'htmlall':
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('html_entity_decode','unescape').html_entity_decode(s, 0);
case 'url':
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurldecode','unescape').rawurldecode(s);
return s;
function(s, esc_type, char_set, double_encode)
s = new String(s);
esc_type = esc_type || 'html';
char_set = char_set || 'UTF-8';
double_encode = (typeof double_encode != 'undefined') ? Boolean(double_encode) : true;
switch (esc_type)
case 'html':
if (double_encode) {
s = s.replace(/&/g, '&');
return s.replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/'/g,''').replace(/"/g,'"');
case 'htmlall':
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('htmlentities','escape').htmlentities(s, 3, char_set);
case 'url':
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','escape').rawurlencode(s);
case 'urlpathinfo':
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('rawurlencode','escape').rawurlencode(s).replace(/%2F/g, '/');
case 'quotes':
return s.replace(/(^|[^\\])'/g, "$1\\'");
case 'hex':
var res = '';
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
res += '%' + jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('bin2hex','escape').bin2hex(s.substr(i,1));
return res;
case 'hexentity':
var res = '';
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i) {
res += '&#x' + jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('bin2hex','escape').bin2hex(s.substr(i,1)).toLowerCase() + ';';
return res;
case 'decentity':
var res = '';
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i) {
res += '&#' + jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('ord','escape').ord(s.substr(i,1)) + ';';
return res;
case 'mail':
return s.replace(/@/g,' [AT] ').replace(/[.]/g,' [DOT] ');
case 'nonstd':
var res = '';
for (var i=0; i<s.length; ++i)
var _ord = jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('ord','escape').ord(s.substr(i,1));
if (_ord >= 126) {
res += '&#' + _ord + ';';
} else {
res += s.substr(i, 1);
return res;
case 'javascript':
return s.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/"/g,'\\"').replace(/\r/g,'\\r').replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/<\//g,'<\/');
return s;
function(s, repeat, indentWith)
repeat = repeat ? repeat : 4;
indentWith = indentWith ? indentWith : ' ';
var indentStr = '';
while (repeat--)
indentStr += indentWith;
var tail = s.match(/\n+$/);
return indentStr + s.replace(/\n+$/,'').replace(/\n/g,'\n'+indentStr) + (tail ? tail[0] : '');
return s.toLowerCase();
return s.replace(/\n/g,'<br />\n');
only modifiers (flags) 'i' and 'm' are supported
backslashes should be escaped e.g. \\s
function(s, re, replaceWith)
var pattern = re.match(/^ *\/(.*)\/(.*) *$/);
return (new String(s)).replace(new RegExp(pattern[1],'g'+(pattern.length>1?pattern[2]:'')), replaceWith);
function(s, search, replaceWith)
if (!search)
return s;
s = new String(s);
search = new String(search);
replaceWith = new String(replaceWith);
var res = '';
var pos = -1;
for (pos=s.indexOf(search); pos>=0; pos=s.indexOf(search))
res += s.slice(0,pos) + replaceWith;
pos += search.length;
s = s.slice(pos);
return res + s;
function(s, space)
if (!space)
space = ' ';
return s.replace(/(\n|.)(?!$)/g,'$1'+space);
return '';
function(s, fmt)
return jSmart.prototype.PHPJS('sprintf','string_format').sprintf(fmt,s);
function(s, replaceWith)
replaceWith = replaceWith ? replaceWith : ' ';
return (new String(s)).replace(/[\s]+/g, replaceWith);
function(s, addSpace)
addSpace = (addSpace==null) ? true : addSpace;
return (new String(s)).replace(/<[^>]*?>/g, addSpace ? ' ' : '');
function(s, length, etc, breakWords, middle)
length = length ? length : 80;
etc = (etc!=null) ? etc : '...';
if (s.length <= length)
return s;
length -= Math.min(length,etc.length);
if (middle)
//one of floor()'s should be replaced with ceil() but it so in Smarty
return s.slice(0,Math.floor(length/2)) + etc + s.slice(s.length-Math.floor(length/2));
if (!breakWords)
s = s.slice(0,length+1).replace(/\s+?(\S+)?$/,'');
return s.slice(0,length) + etc;
return s.toUpperCase();
function(s, width, wrapWith, breakWords)
width = width || 80;
wrapWith = wrapWith || '\n';
var lines = s.split('\n');
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i)
var line = lines[i];
var parts = ''
while (line.length > width)
var pos = 0;
var found = line.slice(pos).match(/\s+/);
for (;found && (pos+found.index)<=width; found=line.slice(pos).match(/\s+/))
pos += found.index + found[0].length;
pos = pos || (breakWords ? width : (found ? found.index+found[0].length : line.length));
parts += line.slice(0,pos).replace(/\s+$/,'');// + wrapWith;
if (pos < line.length)
parts += wrapWith;
line = line.slice(pos);
lines[i] = parts + line;
return lines.join('\n');
String.prototype.fetch = function(data)
var tpl = new jSmart(this);
return tpl.fetch(data);
if (typeof module === "object" && module && typeof module.exports === "object") {
module.exports = jSmart;
} else {
if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
global.jSmart = jSmart;
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define("jSmart", [], function () { return jSmart; });