import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'globals.dart'; import 'screens/contacts_screen.dart'; import 'screens/editor.dart'; import 'screens/follow_request_adjudication_screen.dart'; import 'screens/home.dart'; import 'screens/notifications_screen.dart'; import 'screens/post_screen.dart'; import 'screens/profile_screen.dart'; import 'screens/sign_in.dart'; import 'screens/splash.dart'; import 'screens/user_posts_screen.dart'; import 'screens/user_profile_screen.dart'; import 'services/auth_service.dart'; class ScreenPaths { static String connectHandle = '/connect'; static String contacts = '/contacts'; static String splash = '/splash'; static String timelines = '/'; static String profile = '/profile'; static String notifications = '/notifications'; static String signin = '/signin'; static String signup = '/signup'; static String settings = '/settings'; static String userProfile = '/user_profile'; static String userPosts = '/user_posts'; } bool needAuthChangeInitialized = true; final _authService = getIt(); final allowedLoggedOut = [ ScreenPaths.splash, ScreenPaths.signin, ScreenPaths.signup ]; final appRouter = GoRouter( initialLocation: ScreenPaths.timelines, debugLogDiagnostics: true, refreshListenable: _authService, redirect: (context, state) async { print('redirect handler'); final loggedIn = _authService.loggedIn; print('$loggedIn ${state.location}'); if (!loggedIn && !allowedLoggedOut.contains(state.location)) { print('Redirecting to sign in'); return ScreenPaths.signin; } if (loggedIn && allowedLoggedOut.contains(state.location)) { print('Redirecting to home'); return ScreenPaths.timelines; } return null; }, routes: [ GoRoute( path: ScreenPaths.signin, name: ScreenPaths.signin, builder: (context, state) => SignInScreen(), ), GoRoute( path: ScreenPaths.contacts, name: ScreenPaths.contacts, pageBuilder: (context, state) => NoTransitionPage( name: ScreenPaths.contacts, child: ContactsScreen(), ), ), GoRoute( path: '/connect/:id', name: ScreenPaths.connectHandle, builder: (context, state) => FollowRequestAdjudicationScreen(userId: state.params['id']!), ), GoRoute( path: ScreenPaths.timelines, name: ScreenPaths.timelines, pageBuilder: (context, state) => NoTransitionPage( name: ScreenPaths.timelines, child: HomeScreen(), ), ), GoRoute( path: ScreenPaths.profile, name: ScreenPaths.profile, pageBuilder: (context, state) => NoTransitionPage( child: ProfileScreen(), ), ), GoRoute( path: ScreenPaths.notifications, name: ScreenPaths.notifications, pageBuilder: (context, state) => NoTransitionPage( child: NotificationsScreen(), ), ), GoRoute( path: ScreenPaths.splash, name: ScreenPaths.splash, builder: (context, state) => SplashScreen(), ), GoRoute( path: '/post', redirect: (context, state) { print('post state redirect'); if (state.location == '/post') { return '/post/new'; } return null; }, routes: [ GoRoute( path: 'new', builder: (context, state) => EditorScreen(), ), GoRoute( path: 'edit/:id', builder: (context, state) => EditorScreen(id: state.params['id'] ?? 'Not Found'), ), GoRoute( path: 'view/:id', builder: (context, state) => PostScreen(id: state.params['id'] ?? 'Not Found'), ), ]), GoRoute( path: '/comment', redirect: (context, state) { print('post state redirect'); if (state.location == '/comment') { return '/comment/new'; } return null; }, routes: [ GoRoute( path: 'new', builder: (context, state) => EditorScreen( parentId: state.queryParams['parent_id'] ?? '', ), ), GoRoute( path: 'edit/:id', builder: (context, state) => EditorScreen(id: state.params['id'] ?? 'Not Found'), ), ]), GoRoute( path: '/user_posts/:id', name: ScreenPaths.userPosts, builder: (context, state) => UserPostsScreen(userId: state.params['id']!), ), GoRoute( path: '/user_profile/:id', name: ScreenPaths.userProfile, builder: (context, state) => UserProfileScreen(userId: state.params['id']!), ), ]);