#!/usr/bin/env node const process = require('process'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const fsPromises = require('fs').promises; const { https } = require('follow-redirects'); const child_process = require('child_process'); const tar = require('tar'); const asar = require('asar'); const riotDesktopPackageJson = require('../package.json'); const PUB_KEY_URL = "https://packages.riot.im/riot-release-key.asc"; const PACKAGE_URL_PREFIX = "https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/releases/download/"; const ASAR_PATH = 'webapp.asar'; async function downloadToFile(url, filename) { console.log("Downloading " + url + "..."); const outStream = await fs.createWriteStream(filename); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { https.get(url, (resp) => { if (resp.statusCode / 100 !== 2) { reject("Download failed: " + resp.statusCode); return; } resp.on('data', (chunk) => { outStream.write(chunk); }); resp.on('end', (chunk) => { outStream.end(); resolve(); }); }); }).catch(async (e) => { outStream.end(); await fsPromises.unlink(filename); throw e; }); } async function verifyFile(filename) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const gpgProc = child_process.execFile('gpg', ['--verify', filename + '.asc', filename], (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } async function main() { let verify = true; let importkey = false; let pkgDir = 'packages'; let deployDir = 'deploys'; let targetVersion; while (process.argv.length > 2) { switch (process.argv[2]) { case '--noverify': verify = false; break; case '--importkey': importkey = true; break; case '--packages': process.argv.shift(); pkgDir = process.argv[2]; break; case '--deploys': process.argv.shift(); deployDir = process.argv[2]; break; default: targetVersion = process.argv[2]; } process.argv.shift(); } if (targetVersion === undefined) { targetVersion = 'v' + riotDesktopPackageJson.version; } const haveGpg = await new Promise((resolve) => { child_process.execFile('gpg', ['--version'], (error) => { resolve(!error); }); }); if (importkey) { if (!haveGpg) { console.log("Can't import key without working GPG binary: install GPG and try again"); return 1; } await new Promise((resolve) => { const gpgProc = child_process.execFile('gpg', ['--import'], (error) => { if (error) { console.log("Failed to import key", error); } else { console.log("Key imported!"); } resolve(!error); }); https.get(PUB_KEY_URL, (resp) => { resp.on('data', (chunk) => { gpgProc.stdin.write(chunk); }); resp.on('end', (chunk) => { gpgProc.stdin.end(); }); }); }); return 0; } if (verify && !haveGpg) { console.log("No working GPG binary: install GPG or pass --noverify to skip verification"); return 1; } const haveDeploy = false; const expectedDeployDir = path.join(deployDir, 'riot-' + targetVersion); try { const webappDir = await fs.opendir(expectedDeployDir); console.log(expectedDeployDir + "already exists"); haveDeploy = true; } catch (e) { } if (!haveDeploy) { const filename = 'riot-' + targetVersion + '.tar.gz'; const outPath = path.join(pkgDir, filename); const url = PACKAGE_URL_PREFIX + targetVersion + '/' + filename; try { await fsPromises.stat(outPath); console.log("Already have " + filename + ": not redownloading"); } catch (e) { try { await downloadToFile(url, outPath); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to download " + url, e); return 1; } } if (verify) { try { await fsPromises.stat(outPath+'.asc'); console.log("Already have " + filename + ".asc: not redownloading"); } catch (e) { try { await downloadToFile(url + '.asc', outPath + '.asc'); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to download " + url, e); return 1; } } try { await verifyFile(outPath); console.log(outPath + " downloaded and verified"); } catch (e) { console.log("Signature verification failed!", e); return 1; } } else { console.log(outPath + " downloaded but NOT verified"); } await tar.x({ file: outPath, cwd: deployDir, }); } try { await fsPromises.stat(ASAR_PATH); console.log(ASAR_PATH + " already present: removing"); await fsPromises.unlink(ASAR_PATH); } catch (e) { } console.log("Pack " + expectedDeployDir + " -> " + ASAR_PATH); await asar.createPackage(expectedDeployDir, ASAR_PATH); console.log("Done!"); } main().then((ret) => process.exit(ret));