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2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
// File created from ScreenTemplate
// $ createScreen.sh Onboarding Authentication
Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import UIKit
import MatrixSDK
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
struct AuthenticationCoordinatorParameters {
let navigationRouter: NavigationRouterType
/// The screen that should be shown when starting the flow.
let initialScreen: AuthenticationCoordinator.EntryPoint
/// Whether or not the coordinator should show the loading spinner, key verification etc.
let canPresentAdditionalScreens: Bool
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
/// A coordinator that handles authentication, verification and setting a PIN.
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
final class AuthenticationCoordinator: NSObject, AuthenticationCoordinatorProtocol {
enum EntryPoint {
case registration
case selectServerForRegistration
case login
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// MARK: - Properties
// MARK: Private
private let navigationRouter: NavigationRouterType
private let authenticationService = AuthenticationService.shared
private let initialScreen: EntryPoint
private var canPresentAdditionalScreens: Bool
private var isWaitingToPresentCompleteSecurity = false
private let crossSigningService = CrossSigningService()
/// The password entered, for use when setting up cross-signing.
private var password: String?
/// The session created when successfully authenticated.
private var session: MXSession?
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// MARK: Public
// Must be used only internally
var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = []
var completion: ((AuthenticationCoordinatorResult) -> Void)?
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// MARK: - Setup
init(parameters: AuthenticationCoordinatorParameters) {
self.navigationRouter = parameters.navigationRouter
self.initialScreen = parameters.initialScreen
self.canPresentAdditionalScreens = parameters.canPresentAdditionalScreens
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
// MARK: - Public
func start() {
Task {
#warning("Catch any errors and handle them")
let (loginFlowResult, registrationResult) = try await authenticationService.refreshServer(homeserverAddress: authenticationService.homeserverAddress)
if case let .success(session) = registrationResult {
onSessionCreated(session: session, isAccountCreated: true)
await MainActor.run {
switch initialScreen {
case .registration:
showRegistrationScreen(registrationResult: registrationResult, loginFlowResult: loginFlowResult)
case .selectServerForRegistration:
case .login:
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
func toPresentable() -> UIViewController {
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
func presentPendingScreensIfNecessary() {
canPresentAdditionalScreens = true
if isWaitingToPresentCompleteSecurity {
isWaitingToPresentCompleteSecurity = false
// MARK: - Registration
/// Pushes the server selection screen into the flow (other screens may also present it modally later).
@MainActor private func showServerSelectionScreen() {
MXLog.debug("[AuthenticationCoordinator] showServerSelectionScreen")
let parameters = AuthenticationServerSelectionCoordinatorParameters(authenticationService: authenticationService,
hasModalPresentation: false)
let coordinator = AuthenticationServerSelectionCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.serverSelectionCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: result)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
if navigationRouter.modules.isEmpty {
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, popCompletion: nil)
} else {
navigationRouter.push(coordinator, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
/// Shows the next screen in the flow after the server selection screen.
@MainActor private func serverSelectionCoordinator(_ coordinator: AuthenticationServerSelectionCoordinator,
didCompleteWith result: AuthenticationServerSelectionCoordinatorResult) {
switch result {
case .updated(let loginFlow, let registrationResult):
showRegistrationScreen(registrationResult: registrationResult, loginFlowResult: loginFlow)
case .dismiss:
MXLog.failure("[AuthenticationCoordinator] AuthenticationServerSelectionScreen is requesting dismiss when part of a stack.")
/// Shows the registration screen.
@MainActor private func showRegistrationScreen(registrationResult: RegistrationResult, loginFlowResult: LoginFlowResult) {
MXLog.debug("[AuthenticationCoordinator] showRegistrationScreen")
let parameters = AuthenticationRegistrationCoordinatorParameters(navigationRouter: navigationRouter,
authenticationService: authenticationService,
registrationResult: registrationResult,
loginFlowResult: loginFlowResult)
let coordinator = AuthenticationRegistrationCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.registrationCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: result)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
if navigationRouter.modules.isEmpty {
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, popCompletion: nil)
} else {
navigationRouter.push(coordinator, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the registration screen.
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
@MainActor private func registrationCoordinator(_ coordinator: AuthenticationRegistrationCoordinator, didCompleteWith result: AuthenticationRegistrationCoordinatorResult) {
switch result {
case .selectServer:
case .flowResponse(let flowResult):
showNextScreen(for: flowResult)
case .sessionCreated(let session, let isAccountCreated):
onSessionCreated(session: session, isAccountCreated: isAccountCreated)
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
/// Shows the login screen.
@MainActor private func showLoginScreen() {
MXLog.debug("[AuthenticationCoordinator] showLoginScreen")
// MARK: - Registration Handlers
/// Determines the next screen to show from the flow result and pushes it.
func showNextScreen(for flowResult: FlowResult) {
/// Handles the creation of a new session following on from a successful authentication.
func onSessionCreated(session: MXSession, isAccountCreated: Bool) {
registerSessionStateChangeNotification(for: session)
self.session = session
// self.password = password
if canPresentAdditionalScreens {
completion?(.didLogin(session: session, authenticationType: isAccountCreated ? .register : .login))
// MARK: - Additional Screens
/// Replace the contents of the navigation router with a loading animation.
private func showLoadingAnimation() {
let loadingViewController = LaunchLoadingViewController()
loadingViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
// Replace the navigation stack with the loading animation
// as there is nothing to navigate back to.
/// Present the key verification screen modally.
private func presentCompleteSecurity() {
guard let session = session else {
MXLog.error("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] presentCompleteSecurity: Unable to present security due to missing session.")
let isNewSignIn = true
let cancellable = !session.vc_homeserverConfiguration().encryption.isSecureBackupRequired
let keyVerificationCoordinator = KeyVerificationCoordinator(session: session, flow: .completeSecurity(isNewSignIn), cancellable: cancellable)
keyVerificationCoordinator.delegate = self
let presentable = keyVerificationCoordinator.toPresentable()
presentable.presentationController?.delegate = self
navigationRouter.present(presentable, animated: true)
add(childCoordinator: keyVerificationCoordinator)
/// Complete the authentication flow.
private func authenticationDidComplete() {
private func registerSessionStateChangeNotification(for session: MXSession) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(sessionStateDidChange), name: .mxSessionStateDidChange, object: session)
private func unregisterSessionStateChangeNotification() {
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .mxSessionStateDidChange, object: nil)
@objc private func sessionStateDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let session = notification.object as? MXSession else {
MXLog.error("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Missing session in the notification")
if session.state == .storeDataReady {
if let crypto = session.crypto, crypto.crossSigning != nil {
// Do not make key share requests while the "Complete security" is not complete.
// If the device is self-verified, the SDK will restore the existing key backup.
// Then, it will re-enable outgoing key share requests
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(false, onComplete: nil)
} else if session.state == .running {
if let crypto = session.crypto, let crossSigning = crypto.crossSigning {
crossSigning.refreshState { [weak self] stateUpdated in
guard let self = self else { return }
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: crossSigning.state: \(crossSigning.state)")
switch crossSigning.state {
case .notBootstrapped:
// TODO: This is still not sure we want to disable the automatic cross-signing bootstrap
// if the admin disabled e2e by default.
// Do like riot-web for the moment
if session.vc_homeserverConfiguration().encryption.isE2EEByDefaultEnabled {
// Bootstrap cross-signing on user's account
// We do it for both registration and new login as long as cross-signing does not exist yet
if let password = self.password, !password.isEmpty {
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Bootstrap with password")
crossSigning.setup(withPassword: password) {
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Bootstrap succeeded")
} failure: { error in
MXLog.error("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Bootstrap failed. Error: \(error)")
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(true, onComplete: nil)
} else {
// Try to setup cross-signing without authentication parameters in case if a grace period is enabled
self.crossSigningService.setupCrossSigningWithoutAuthentication(for: session) {
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Bootstrap succeeded without credentials")
} failure: { error in
MXLog.error("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Do not know how to bootstrap cross-signing. Skip it.")
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(true, onComplete: nil)
} else {
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(true, onComplete: nil)
case .crossSigningExists:
guard self.canPresentAdditionalScreens else {
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Delaying presentCompleteSecurity during onboarding.")
self.isWaitingToPresentCompleteSecurity = true
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Complete security")
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Nothing to do")
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(true, onComplete: nil)
} failure: { [weak self] error in
MXLog.error("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator] sessionStateDidChange: Fail to refresh crypto state with error: \(error)")
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(true, onComplete: nil)
} else {
2022-01-12 17:11:29 +00:00
// MARK: - KeyVerificationCoordinatorDelegate
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
extension AuthenticationCoordinator: KeyVerificationCoordinatorDelegate {
func keyVerificationCoordinatorDidComplete(_ coordinator: KeyVerificationCoordinatorType, otherUserId: String, otherDeviceId: String) {
if let crypto = session?.crypto,
!crypto.backup.hasPrivateKeyInCryptoStore || !crypto.backup.enabled {
MXLog.debug("[LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator][MXKeyVerification] requestAllPrivateKeys: Request key backup private keys")
crypto.setOutgoingKeyRequestsEnabled(true, onComplete: nil)
navigationRouter.dismissModule(animated: true) { [weak self] in
func keyVerificationCoordinatorDidCancel(_ coordinator: KeyVerificationCoordinatorType) {
navigationRouter.dismissModule(animated: true) { [weak self] in
// MARK: - UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
extension AuthenticationCoordinator: UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate {
func presentationControllerShouldDismiss(_ presentationController: UIPresentationController) -> Bool {
// Prevent Key Verification from using swipe to dismiss
return false
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// MARK: - Unused conformances
@available(iOS 14.0, *)
extension AuthenticationCoordinator {
var customServerFieldsVisible: Bool {
get { false }
set { /* no-op */ }
func update(authenticationType: MXKAuthenticationType) {
// unused
func update(externalRegistrationParameters: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
// unused
func update(softLogoutCredentials: MXCredentials) {
// unused
func updateHomeserver(_ homeserver: String?, andIdentityServer identityServer: String?) {
// unused
func continueSSOLogin(withToken loginToken: String, transactionID: String) -> Bool {
#warning("To be implemented elsewhere")
return false