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// UTI.swift
// fseventstool
// Created by Matthias Keiser on 09.01.17.
// Copyright © 2017 Tristan Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
#if os(iOS) || os(watchOS)
import MobileCoreServices
#elseif os(macOS)
import CoreServices
/// Instances of the UTI class represent a specific Universal Type Identifier, e.g. kUTTypeMPEG4.
public class UTI: RawRepresentable, Equatable {
The TagClass enum represents the supported tag classes.
- fileExtension: kUTTagClassFilenameExtension
- mimeType: kUTTagClassMIMEType
- pbType: kUTTagClassNSPboardType
- osType: kUTTagClassOSType
public enum TagClass: String {
/// Equivalent to kUTTagClassFilenameExtension
case fileExtension = "public.filename-extension"
/// Equivalent to kUTTagClassMIMEType
case mimeType = "public.mime-type"
#if os (macOS)
/// Equivalent to kUTTagClassNSPboardType
case pbType = "com.apple.nspboard-type"
/// Equivalent to kUTTagClassOSType
case osType = "com.apple.ostype"
/// Convenience variable for internal use.
fileprivate var rawCFValue: CFString {
return self.rawValue as CFString
public typealias RawValue = String
public let rawValue: String
/// Convenience variable for internal use.
private var rawCFValue: CFString {
return self.rawValue as CFString
// MARK: Initialization
This is the designated initializer of the UTI class.
- Parameters:
- rawValue: A string that is a Universal Type Identifier, i.e. "com.foobar.baz" or a constant like kUTTypeMP3.
- Returns:
An UTI instance representing the specified rawValue.
- Note:
You should rarely use this method. The preferred way to initialize a known UTI is to use its static variable (i.e. UTI.pdf). You should make an extension to make your own types available as static variables.
public required init(rawValue: UTI.RawValue) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
Initialize an UTI with a tag of a specified class.
- Parameters:
- tagClass: The class of the tag.
- value: The value of the tag.
- conformingTo: If specified, the returned UTI must conform to this UTI. If nil is specified, this parameter is ignored. The default is nil.
- Returns:
An UTI instance representing the specified rawValue. If no known UTI with the specified tags is found, a dynamic UTI is created.
- Note:
You should rarely need this method. It's usually simpler to use one of the specialized initialzers like
```convenience init?(withExtension fileExtension: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil)```
public convenience init(withTagClass tagClass: TagClass, value: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil) {
let unmanagedIdentifier = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(tagClass.rawCFValue, value as CFString, conforming?.rawCFValue)
// UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag only returns nil if the tag class is unknwown, which can't happen to us since we use an
// enum of known values. Hence we can force-cast the result.
let identifier = (unmanagedIdentifier?.takeRetainedValue() as String?)!
self.init(rawValue: identifier)
Initialize an UTI with a file extension.
- Parameters:
- withExtension: The file extension (e.g. "txt").
- conformingTo: If specified, the returned UTI must conform to this UTI. If nil is specified, this parameter is ignored. The default is nil.
- Returns:
An UTI corresponding to the specified values.
public convenience init(withExtension fileExtension: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil) {
self.init(withTagClass:.fileExtension, value: fileExtension, conformingTo: conforming)
Initialize an UTI with a MIME type.
- Parameters:
- mimeType: The MIME type (e.g. "text/plain").
- conformingTo: If specified, the returned UTI must conform to this UTI. If nil is specified, this parameter is ignored. The default is nil.
- Returns:
An UTI corresponding to the specified values.
public convenience init(withMimeType mimeType: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil) {
self.init(withTagClass:.mimeType, value: mimeType, conformingTo: conforming)
#if os(macOS)
Initialize an UTI with a pasteboard type.
- Important: **This function is de-facto deprecated!** The old cocoa pasteboard types ( `NSStringPboardType`, `NSPDFPboardType`, etc) have been deprecated in favour of actual UTIs, and the constants are not available anymore in Swift. This function only works correctly with the values of these old constants, but _not_ with the replacement values (like `NSPasteboardTypeString` etc), since these already are UTIs.
- Parameters:
- pbType: The pasteboard type (e.g. NSPDFPboardType).
- conformingTo: If specified, the returned UTI must conform to this UTI. If nil is specified, this parameter is ignored. The default is nil.
- Returns:
An UTI corresponding to the specified values.
public convenience init(withPBType pbType: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil) {
self.init(withTagClass:.pbType, value: pbType, conformingTo: conforming)
Initialize an UTI with a OSType.
- Parameters:
- osType: The OSType type as a string (e.g. "PDF ").
- conformingTo: If specified, the returned UTI must conform to this UTI. If nil is specified, this parameter is ignored. The default is nil.
- Returns:
An UTI corresponding to the specified values.
- Note:
You can use the variable ```OSType.string``` to get a string from an actual OSType.
public convenience init(withOSType osType: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil) {
self.init(withTagClass:.osType, value: osType, conformingTo: conforming)
// MARK: Accessing Tags
Returns the tag with the specified class.
- Parameters:
- tagClass: The tag class to return.
- Returns:
The requested tag, or nil if there is no tag of the specified class.
public func tag(with tagClass: TagClass) -> String? {
let unmanagedTag = UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass(self.rawCFValue, tagClass.rawCFValue)
guard let tag = unmanagedTag?.takeRetainedValue() as String? else {
return nil
return tag
/// Return the file extension that corresponds the the UTI. Returns nil if not available.
public var fileExtension: String? {
return self.tag(with: .fileExtension)
/// Return the MIME type that corresponds the the UTI. Returns nil if not available.
public var mimeType: String? {
return self.tag(with: .mimeType)
#if os(macOS)
/// Return the pasteboard type that corresponds the the UTI. Returns nil if not available.
public var pbType: String? {
return self.tag(with: .pbType)
/// Return the OSType as a string that corresponds the the UTI. Returns nil if not available.
/// - Note: you can use the ```init(with string: String)``` initializer to construct an actual OSType from the returnes string.
public var osType: String? {
return self.tag(with: .osType)
Returns all tags of the specified tag class.
- Parameters:
- tagClass: The class of the requested tags.
- Returns:
An array of all tags of the receiver of the specified class.
public func tags(with tagClass: TagClass) -> Array<String> {
let unmanagedTags = UTTypeCopyAllTagsWithClass(self.rawCFValue, tagClass.rawCFValue)
guard let tags = unmanagedTags?.takeRetainedValue() as? Array<CFString> else {
return []
return tags as Array<String>
// MARK: List all UTIs associated with a tag
Returns all UTIs that are associated with a specified tag.
- Parameters:
- tag: The class of the specified tag.
- value: The value of the tag.
- conforming: If specified, the returned UTIs must conform to this UTI. If nil is specified, this parameter is ignored. The default is nil.
- Returns:
An array of all UTIs that satisfy the specified parameters.
public static func utis(for tag: TagClass, value: String, conformingTo conforming: UTI? = nil) -> Array<UTI> {
let unmanagedIdentifiers = UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag(tag.rawCFValue, value as CFString, conforming?.rawCFValue)
guard let identifiers = unmanagedIdentifiers?.takeRetainedValue() as? Array<CFString> else {
return []
return identifiers.compactMap { UTI(rawValue: $0 as String) }
// MARK: Equality and Conformance to other UTIs
Checks if the receiver conforms to a specified UTI.
- Parameters:
- otherUTI: The UTI to which the receiver is compared.
- Returns:
```true``` if the receiver conforms to the specified UTI, ```false```otherwise.
public func conforms(to otherUTI: UTI) -> Bool {
return UTTypeConformsTo(self.rawCFValue, otherUTI.rawCFValue) as Bool
public static func ==(lhs: UTI, rhs: UTI) -> Bool {
return UTTypeEqual(lhs.rawCFValue, rhs.rawCFValue) as Bool
// MARK: Accessing Information about an UTI
/// Returns the localized, user-readable type description string associated with a uniform type identifier.
public var description: String? {
let unmanagedDescription = UTTypeCopyDescription(self.rawCFValue)
guard let description = unmanagedDescription?.takeRetainedValue() as String? else {
return nil
return description
/// Returns a uniform types declaration as a Dictionary, or nil if if no declaration for that type can be found.
public var declaration: [AnyHashable:Any]? {
let unmanagedDeclaration = UTTypeCopyDeclaration(self.rawCFValue)
guard let declaration = unmanagedDeclaration?.takeRetainedValue() as? [AnyHashable:Any] else {
return nil
return declaration
/// Returns the location of a bundle containing the declaration for a type, or nil if the bundle could not be located.
public var declaringBundleURL: URL? {
let unmanagedURL = UTTypeCopyDeclaringBundleURL(self.rawCFValue)
guard let url = unmanagedURL?.takeRetainedValue() as URL? else {
return nil
return url
/// Returns ```true``` if the receiver is a dynamic UTI.
public var isDynamic: Bool {
return UTTypeIsDynamic(self.rawCFValue)
// MARK: System defined UTIs
public extension UTI {
static let item = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeItem as String)
static let content = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeContent as String)
static let compositeContent = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCompositeContent as String)
static let message = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMessage as String)
static let contact = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeContact as String)
static let archive = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeArchive as String)
static let diskImage = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeDiskImage as String)
static let data = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeData as String)
static let directory = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeDirectory as String)
static let resolvable = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeResolvable as String)
static let symLink = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeSymLink as String)
static let executable = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeExecutable as String)
static let mountPoint = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMountPoint as String)
static let aliasFile = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAliasFile as String)
static let aliasRecord = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAliasRecord as String)
static let urlBookmarkData = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeURLBookmarkData as String)
static let url = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeURL as String)
static let fileURL = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeFileURL as String)
static let text = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeText as String)
static let plainText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePlainText as String)
static let utf8PlainText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeUTF8PlainText as String)
static let utf16ExternalPlainText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeUTF16ExternalPlainText as String)
static let utf16PlainText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeUTF16PlainText as String)
static let delimitedText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeDelimitedText as String)
static let commaSeparatedText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCommaSeparatedText as String)
static let tabSeparatedText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeTabSeparatedText as String)
static let utf8TabSeparatedText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeUTF8TabSeparatedText as String)
static let rtf = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeRTF as String)
static let html = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeHTML as String)
static let xml = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeXML as String)
static let sourceCode = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeSourceCode as String)
static let assemblyLanguageSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAssemblyLanguageSource as String)
static let cSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCSource as String)
static let objectiveCSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeObjectiveCSource as String)
@available( OSX 10.11, iOS 9.0, * )
static let swiftSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeSwiftSource as String)
static let cPlusPlusSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCPlusPlusSource as String)
static let objectiveCPlusPlusSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeObjectiveCPlusPlusSource as String)
static let cHeader = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCHeader as String)
static let cPlusPlusHeader = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCPlusPlusHeader as String)
static let javaSource = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJavaSource as String)
static let script = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeScript as String)
static let appleScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAppleScript as String)
static let osaScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeOSAScript as String)
static let osaScriptBundle = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeOSAScriptBundle as String)
static let javaScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJavaScript as String)
static let shellScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeShellScript as String)
static let perlScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePerlScript as String)
static let pythonScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePythonScript as String)
static let rubyScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeRubyScript as String)
static let phpScript = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePHPScript as String)
static let json = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJSON as String)
static let propertyList = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePropertyList as String)
static let xmlPropertyList = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeXMLPropertyList as String)
static let binaryPropertyList = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeBinaryPropertyList as String)
static let pdf = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePDF as String)
static let rtfd = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeRTFD as String)
static let flatRTFD = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeFlatRTFD as String)
static let txnTextAndMultimediaData = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeTXNTextAndMultimediaData as String)
static let webArchive = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeWebArchive as String)
static let image = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeImage as String)
static let jpeg = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJPEG as String)
static let jpeg2000 = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJPEG2000 as String)
static let tiff = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeTIFF as String)
static let pict = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePICT as String)
static let gif = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeGIF as String)
static let png = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePNG as String)
static let quickTimeImage = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeQuickTimeImage as String)
static let appleICNS = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAppleICNS as String)
static let bmp = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeBMP as String)
static let ico = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeICO as String)
static let rawImage = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeRawImage as String)
static let scalableVectorGraphics = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeScalableVectorGraphics as String)
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 9.1, watchOS 2.1, *)
static let livePhoto = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeLivePhoto as String)
@available(OSX 10.12, iOS 9.1, *)
static let audiovisualContent = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAudiovisualContent as String)
static let movie = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMovie as String)
static let video = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeVideo as String)
static let audio = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAudio as String)
static let quickTimeMovie = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeQuickTimeMovie as String)
static let mpeg = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMPEG as String)
static let mpeg2Video = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMPEG2Video as String)
static let mpeg2TransportStream = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMPEG2TransportStream as String)
static let mp3 = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMP3 as String)
static let mpeg4 = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMPEG4 as String)
static let mpeg4Audio = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMPEG4Audio as String)
static let appleProtectedMPEG4Audio = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Audio as String)
static let appleProtectedMPEG4Video = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Video as String)
static let aviMovie = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAVIMovie as String)
static let audioInterchangeFileFormat = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeAudioInterchangeFileFormat as String)
static let waveformAudio = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeWaveformAudio as String)
static let midiAudio = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeMIDIAudio as String)
static let playlist = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePlaylist as String)
static let m3UPlaylist = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeM3UPlaylist as String)
static let folder = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeFolder as String)
static let volume = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeVolume as String)
static let package = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePackage as String)
static let bundle = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeBundle as String)
static let pluginBundle = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePluginBundle as String)
static let spotlightImporter = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeSpotlightImporter as String)
static let quickLookGenerator = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeQuickLookGenerator as String)
static let xpcService = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeXPCService as String)
static let framework = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeFramework as String)
static let application = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeApplication as String)
static let applicationBundle = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeApplicationBundle as String)
static let applicationFile = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeApplicationFile as String)
static let unixExecutable = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeUnixExecutable as String)
static let windowsExecutable = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeWindowsExecutable as String)
static let javaClass = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJavaClass as String)
static let javaArchive = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeJavaArchive as String)
static let systemPreferencesPane = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeSystemPreferencesPane as String)
static let gnuZipArchive = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeGNUZipArchive as String)
static let bzip2Archive = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeBzip2Archive as String)
static let zipArchive = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeZipArchive as String)
static let spreadsheet = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeSpreadsheet as String)
static let presentation = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePresentation as String)
static let database = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeDatabase as String)
static let vCard = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeVCard as String)
static let toDoItem = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeToDoItem as String)
static let calendarEvent = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeCalendarEvent as String)
static let emailMessage = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeEmailMessage as String)
static let internetLocation = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeInternetLocation as String)
static let inkText = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeInkText as String)
static let font = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeFont as String)
static let bookmark = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeBookmark as String)
static let _3DContent = UTI(rawValue: kUTType3DContent as String)
static let pkcs12 = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypePKCS12 as String)
static let x509Certificate = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeX509Certificate as String)
static let electronicPublication = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeElectronicPublication as String)
static let log = UTI(rawValue: kUTTypeLog as String)
#if os(OSX)
extension OSType {
/// Returns the OSType encoded as a String.
var string: String {
let unmanagedString = UTCreateStringForOSType(self)
return unmanagedString.takeRetainedValue() as String
/// Initializes a OSType from a String.
/// - Parameter string: A String representing an OSType.
init(with string: String) {
self = UTGetOSTypeFromString(string as CFString)