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// Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import PostHog
import AnalyticsEvents
/// A class responsible for managing an analytics client
/// and sending events through this client.
@objcMembers class Analytics: NSObject {
// MARK: - Properties
/// The singleton instance to be used within the Riot target.
static let shared = Analytics()
/// The analytics client to send events with.
private var client = PostHogAnalyticsClient()
/// Whether or not the object is enabled and sending events to the server.
var isRunning: Bool { client.isRunning }
/// Whether the user has yet to opt in or out of analytics collection.
var shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt: Bool {
// Show an analytics prompt when the user hasn't seen the PostHog prompt before.
/// Indicates whether the user previously accepted Matomo analytics and should be shown the upgrade prompt.
var promptShouldDisplayUpgradeMessage: Bool {
// MARK: - Public
/// Opts in to analytics tracking with the supplied session.
/// - Parameter session: The session to use to when reading/generating the analytics ID.
func optIn(with session: MXSession?) {
guard let session = session else { return }
RiotSettings.shared.enableAnalytics = true
var settings = AnalyticsSettings(session: session)
if settings.id == nil {
session.setAccountData(settings.dictionary, forType: AnalyticsSettings.eventType) {
MXLog.debug("[Analytics] Successfully updated analytics settings in account data.")
} failure: { error in
MXLog.error("[Analytics] Failed to update analytics settings.")
if !RiotSettings.shared.isIdentifiedForAnalytics {
identify(with: settings)
/// Opts out of analytics tracking and calls `reset` to clear any IDs and event queues.
func optOut() {
RiotSettings.shared.enableAnalytics = false
/// Starts the analytics client if the user has opted in, otherwise does nothing.
func startIfEnabled() {
guard RiotSettings.shared.enableAnalytics, !isRunning else { return }
// Sanity check in case something went wrong.
guard client.isRunning else { return }
MXLog.debug("[Analytics] Started.")
// Catch and log crashes
/// Resets the any IDs and event queues in the analytics client. This method
/// can be called on sign-out to remember opt-in status, but ensure the next
/// account used isn't associated with the previous one.
func reset() {
guard isRunning else { return }
MXLog.debug("[Analytics] Stopped and reset.")
RiotSettings.shared.isIdentifiedForAnalytics = false
// Stop collecting crash logs
/// Flushes the event queue in the analytics client, uploading all pending events.
/// Normally events are sent in batches. Call this method when you need an event
/// to be sent immediately.
func forceUpload() {
// MARK: - Private
/// Identify (pseudonymously) any future events with the ID from the analytics account data settings.
/// - Parameter settings: The settings to use for identification. The ID must be set *before* calling this method.
private func identify(with settings: AnalyticsSettings) {
guard let id = settings.id else {
MXLog.warning("[Analytics] identify(with:) called before an ID has been generated.")
client.identify(id: id)
MXLog.debug("[Analytics] Identified.")
RiotSettings.shared.isIdentifiedForAnalytics = true
/// Capture an event in the `client`.
/// - Parameter event: The event to capture.
private func capture(event: AnalyticsEventProtocol) {
// MARK: - Public tracking methods
// The following methods are exposed for compatibility with Objective-C as
// the `capture` method and the generated events cannot be bridged from Swift.
extension Analytics {
/// Track the presentation of a screen
/// - Parameters:
/// - screen: The screen that was shown.
/// - milliseconds: An optional value representing how long the screen was shown for in milliseconds.
func trackScreen(_ screen: AnalyticsScreen, duration milliseconds: Int?) {
let event = AnalyticsEvent.Screen(durationMs: milliseconds, screenName: screen.screenName)
/// Track an E2EE error that occurred
/// - Parameters:
/// - reason: The error that occurred.
/// - count: The number of times that error occurred.
func trackE2EEError(_ reason: DecryptionFailureReason, count: Int) {
for _ in 0..<count {
let event = AnalyticsEvent.Error(context: nil, domain: .E2EE, name: reason.errorName)
capture(event: event)
/// Track whether the user accepted or declined the terms to an identity server.
/// **Note** This method isn't currently implemented.
/// - Parameter accepted: Whether the terms were accepted.
func trackIdentityServerAccepted(_ accepted: Bool) {
// Do we still want to track this?
/// Track whether the user granted or rejected access to the device contacts.
/// **Note** This method isn't currently implemented.
/// - Parameter granted: Whether access was granted.
func trackContactsAccessGranted(_ granted: Bool) {
// Do we still want to track this?
// MARK: - MXAnalyticsDelegate
extension Analytics: MXAnalyticsDelegate {
func trackDuration(_ milliseconds: Int, name: MXTaskProfileName, units: UInt) {
guard let analyticsName = name.analyticsName else {
MXLog.warning("[Analytics] Attempt to capture unknown profile task: \(name.rawValue)")
let event = AnalyticsEvent.PerformanceTimer(context: nil, itemCount: Int(units), name: analyticsName, timeMs: milliseconds)
capture(event: event)
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func trackCallStarted(withVideo isVideo: Bool, numberOfParticipants: Int, incoming isIncoming: Bool) {
let event = AnalyticsEvent.CallStarted(isVideo: isVideo, numParticipants: numberOfParticipants, placed: !isIncoming)
capture(event: event)
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func trackCallEnded(withDuration duration: Int, video isVideo: Bool, numberOfParticipants: Int, incoming isIncoming: Bool) {
let event = AnalyticsEvent.CallEnded(durationMs: duration, isVideo: isVideo, numParticipants: numberOfParticipants, placed: !isIncoming)
capture(event: event)
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func trackCallError(with reason: __MXCallHangupReason, video isVideo: Bool, numberOfParticipants: Int, incoming isIncoming: Bool) {
let callEvent = AnalyticsEvent.CallError(isVideo: isVideo, numParticipants: numberOfParticipants, placed: !isIncoming)
let event = AnalyticsEvent.Error(context: nil, domain: .VOIP, name: reason.errorName)
capture(event: callEvent)
capture(event: event)
func trackCreatedRoom(asDM isDM: Bool) {
let event = AnalyticsEvent.CreatedRoom(isDM: isDM)
capture(event: event)
func trackJoinedRoom(asDM isDM: Bool, memberCount: UInt) {
guard let roomSize = AnalyticsEvent.JoinedRoom.RoomSize(memberCount: memberCount) else {
MXLog.warning("[Analytics] Attempt to capture joined room with invalid member count: \(memberCount)")
let event = AnalyticsEvent.JoinedRoom(isDM: isDM, roomSize: roomSize)
capture(event: event)