
1186 lines
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// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen, by O.Halligon https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen
import Foundation
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command
// swiftlint:disable file_length
// MARK: - Strings
// swiftlint:disable function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length type_body_length
internal enum VectorL10n {
/// Accept
internal static let accept = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "accept")
/// Logout all accounts
internal static let accountLogoutAll = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "account_logout_all")
/// Active Call
internal static let activeCall = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "active_call")
/// Active Call (%@)
internal static func activeCallDetails(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "active_call_details", p1)
/// Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:
internal static let authAcceptPolicies = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_accept_policies")
/// Add an email address and a phone number to your account to let users discover you. Email address will also let you reset your password.
internal static let authAddEmailAndPhoneMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_add_email_and_phone_message")
/// Registration with email and phone number at once is not supported yet until the api exists. Only the phone number will be taken into account. You may add your email to your profile in settings.
internal static let authAddEmailAndPhoneWarning = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_add_email_and_phone_warning")
/// Add an email address to your account to let users discover you, and let you reset password.
internal static let authAddEmailMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_add_email_message")
/// Add an email address and/or a phone number to your account to let users discover you. Email address will also let you reset your password.
internal static let authAddEmailPhoneMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_add_email_phone_message")
/// Add a phone number to your account to let users discover you.
internal static let authAddPhoneMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_add_phone_message")
/// This email address is already in use
internal static let authEmailInUse = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_email_in_use")
/// Failed to send email: This email address was not found
internal static let authEmailNotFound = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_email_not_found")
/// Email address
internal static let authEmailPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_email_placeholder")
/// Please check your email to continue registration
internal static let authEmailValidationMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_email_validation_message")
/// Forgot password?
internal static let authForgotPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_forgot_password")
/// URL (e.g. https://matrix.org)
internal static let authHomeServerPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_home_server_placeholder")
/// URL (e.g. https://matrix.org)
internal static let authIdentityServerPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_identity_server_placeholder")
/// This doesn't look like a valid email address
internal static let authInvalidEmail = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_invalid_email")
/// Incorrect username and/or password
internal static let authInvalidLoginParam = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_invalid_login_param")
/// Password too short (min 6)
internal static let authInvalidPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_invalid_password")
/// This doesn't look like a valid phone number
internal static let authInvalidPhone = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_invalid_phone")
/// User names may only contain letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores
internal static let authInvalidUserName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_invalid_user_name")
/// Log in
internal static let authLogin = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_login")
/// Missing email address
internal static let authMissingEmail = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_missing_email")
/// Missing email address or phone number
internal static let authMissingEmailOrPhone = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_missing_email_or_phone")
/// Missing password
internal static let authMissingPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_missing_password")
/// Missing phone number
internal static let authMissingPhone = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_missing_phone")
/// Unable to verify phone number.
internal static let authMsisdnValidationError = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_msisdn_validation_error")
/// We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below.
internal static let authMsisdnValidationMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_msisdn_validation_message")
/// Verification Pending
internal static let authMsisdnValidationTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_msisdn_validation_title")
/// New password
internal static let authNewPasswordPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_new_password_placeholder")
/// Email address (optional)
internal static let authOptionalEmailPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_optional_email_placeholder")
/// Phone number (optional)
internal static let authOptionalPhonePlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_optional_phone_placeholder")
/// Passwords don't match
internal static let authPasswordDontMatch = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_password_dont_match")
/// Password
internal static let authPasswordPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_password_placeholder")
/// This phone number is already in use
internal static let authPhoneInUse = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_phone_in_use")
/// Phone number
internal static let authPhonePlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_phone_placeholder")
/// This Home Server would like to make sure you are not a robot
internal static let authRecaptchaMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_recaptcha_message")
/// Register
internal static let authRegister = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_register")
/// Confirm your new password
internal static let authRepeatNewPasswordPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_repeat_new_password_placeholder")
/// Repeat password
internal static let authRepeatPasswordPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_repeat_password_placeholder")
/// An email has been sent to %@. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.
internal static func authResetPasswordEmailValidationMessage(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_email_validation_message", p1)
/// Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.
internal static let authResetPasswordErrorNotFound = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_error_not_found")
/// Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email
internal static let authResetPasswordErrorUnauthorized = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized")
/// To reset your password, enter the email address linked to your account:
internal static let authResetPasswordMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_message")
/// The email address linked to your account must be entered.
internal static let authResetPasswordMissingEmail = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_missing_email")
/// A new password must be entered.
internal static let authResetPasswordMissingPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_missing_password")
/// I have verified my email address
internal static let authResetPasswordNextStepButton = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_next_step_button")
/// Your password has been reset.\n\nYou have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.
internal static let authResetPasswordSuccessMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_reset_password_success_message")
/// Return to login screen
internal static let authReturnToLogin = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_return_to_login")
/// Send Reset Email
internal static let authSendResetEmail = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_send_reset_email")
/// Skip
internal static let authSkip = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_skip")
/// Submit
internal static let authSubmit = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_submit")
/// The identity server is not trusted
internal static let authUntrustedIdServer = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_untrusted_id_server")
/// Use custom server options (advanced)
internal static let authUseServerOptions = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_use_server_options")
/// Email or user name
internal static let authUserIdPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_user_id_placeholder")
/// User name
internal static let authUserNamePlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_user_name_placeholder")
/// Username in use
internal static let authUsernameInUse = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "auth_username_in_use")
/// Back
internal static let back = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "back")
/// Please describe what you did before the crash:
internal static let bugCrashReportDescription = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_crash_report_description")
/// Crash Report
internal static let bugCrashReportTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_crash_report_title")
/// Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened?
internal static let bugReportDescription = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_description")
/// In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick:
internal static let bugReportLogsDescription = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_logs_description")
/// Uploading report
internal static let bugReportProgressUploading = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_progress_uploading")
/// Collecting logs
internal static let bugReportProgressZipping = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_progress_zipping")
/// The application has crashed last time. Would you like to submit a crash report?
internal static let bugReportPrompt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_prompt")
/// Send
internal static let bugReportSend = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_send")
/// Send logs
internal static let bugReportSendLogs = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_send_logs")
/// Send screenshot
internal static let bugReportSendScreenshot = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_send_screenshot")
/// Bug Report
internal static let bugReportTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "bug_report_title")
/// There is already a call in progress.
internal static let callAlreadyDisplayed = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "call_already_displayed")
/// Incoming video call...
internal static let callIncomingVideo = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "call_incoming_video")
/// Incoming video call from %@
internal static func callIncomingVideoPrompt(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "call_incoming_video_prompt", p1)
/// Incoming call...
internal static let callIncomingVoice = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "call_incoming_voice")
/// Incoming voice call from %@
internal static func callIncomingVoicePrompt(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "call_incoming_voice_prompt", p1)
/// Failed to join the conference call.
internal static let callJitsiError = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "call_jitsi_error")
/// Camera
internal static let camera = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "camera")
/// %@ doesn't have permission to use Camera, please change privacy settings
internal static func cameraAccessNotGranted(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "camera_access_not_granted", p1)
/// Cancel
internal static let cancel = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "cancel")
/// collapse
internal static let collapse = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "collapse")
/// Matrix users only
internal static let contactsAddressBookMatrixUsersToggle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_address_book_matrix_users_toggle")
/// No local contacts
internal static let contactsAddressBookNoContact = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_address_book_no_contact")
/// You didn't allow Riot to access your local contacts
internal static let contactsAddressBookPermissionDenied = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_address_book_permission_denied")
/// Permission required to access local contacts
internal static let contactsAddressBookPermissionRequired = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_address_book_permission_required")
internal static let contactsAddressBookSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_address_book_section")
/// USER DIRECTORY (offline)
internal static let contactsUserDirectoryOfflineSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_user_directory_offline_section")
internal static let contactsUserDirectorySection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "contacts_user_directory_section")
/// Continue
internal static let `continue` = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "continue")
/// Create
internal static let create = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "create")
/// Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (
internal static let deactivateAccountForgetMessagesInformationPart1 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part1")
/// Warning
internal static let deactivateAccountForgetMessagesInformationPart2Emphasize = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part2_emphasize")
/// : this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations)
internal static let deactivateAccountForgetMessagesInformationPart3 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part3")
/// This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server.
internal static let deactivateAccountInformationsPart1 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_informations_part1")
/// This action is irreversible.
internal static let deactivateAccountInformationsPart2Emphasize = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_informations_part2_emphasize")
/// \n\nDeactivating your account
internal static let deactivateAccountInformationsPart3 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_informations_part3")
/// does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent.
internal static let deactivateAccountInformationsPart4Emphasize = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_informations_part4_emphasize")
/// If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below\n\nMessage visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
internal static let deactivateAccountInformationsPart5 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_informations_part5")
/// To continue, please enter your password
internal static let deactivateAccountPasswordAlertMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_password_alert_message")
/// Deactivate Account
internal static let deactivateAccountPasswordAlertTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_password_alert_title")
/// Deactivate Account
internal static let deactivateAccountTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_title")
/// Deactivate account
internal static let deactivateAccountValidateAction = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "deactivate_account_validate_action")
/// Decline
internal static let decline = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "decline")
/// %tu rooms
internal static func directoryCellDescription(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_cell_description", p1)
/// Browse directory
internal static let directoryCellTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_cell_title")
/// Failed to fetch data
internal static let directorySearchFail = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_search_fail")
/// %tu results found for %@
internal static func directorySearchResults(_ p1: Int, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_search_results", p1, p2)
/// >%tu results found for %@
internal static func directorySearchResultsMoreThan(_ p1: Int, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_search_results_more_than", p1, p2)
/// Browse directory results
internal static let directorySearchResultsTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_search_results_title")
/// Searching directory
internal static let directorySearchingTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_searching_title")
/// All native Matrix rooms
internal static let directoryServerAllNativeRooms = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_server_all_native_rooms")
/// All rooms on %@ server
internal static func directoryServerAllRooms(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_server_all_rooms", p1)
/// Select a directory
internal static let directoryServerPickerTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_server_picker_title")
/// matrix.org
internal static let directoryServerPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_server_placeholder")
/// Type a homeserver to list public rooms from
internal static let directoryServerTypeHomeserver = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_server_type_homeserver")
/// Directory
internal static let directoryTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "directory_title")
/// Do not ask again
internal static let doNotAskAgain = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "do_not_ask_again")
/// Riot now supports end-to-end encryption but you need to log in again to enable it.\n\nYou can do it now or later from the application settings.
internal static let e2eEnablingOnAppUpdate = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_enabling_on_app_update")
/// You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this device and submit the public key to your homeserver.\nThis is a once off; sorry for the inconvenience.
internal static let e2eNeedLogInAgain = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_need_log_in_again")
/// Ignore request
internal static let e2eRoomKeyRequestIgnoreRequest = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_room_key_request_ignore_request")
/// Your unverified device '%@' is requesting encryption keys.
internal static func e2eRoomKeyRequestMessage(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_room_key_request_message", p1)
/// You added a new device '%@', which is requesting encryption keys.
internal static func e2eRoomKeyRequestMessageNewDevice(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_room_key_request_message_new_device", p1)
/// Share without verifying
internal static let e2eRoomKeyRequestShareWithoutVerifying = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_room_key_request_share_without_verifying")
/// Start verification...
internal static let e2eRoomKeyRequestStartVerification = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_room_key_request_start_verification")
/// Encryption key request
internal static let e2eRoomKeyRequestTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "e2e_room_key_request_title")
/// Send an encrypted message
internal static let encryptedRoomMessagePlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "encrypted_room_message_placeholder")
/// Send an encrypted reply
internal static let encryptedRoomMessageReplyToPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "encrypted_room_message_reply_to_placeholder")
/// VoIP conference added by %@
internal static func eventFormatterJitsiWidgetAdded(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added", p1)
/// VoIP conference removed by %@
internal static func eventFormatterJitsiWidgetRemoved(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed", p1)
/// %tu membership changes
internal static func eventFormatterMemberUpdates(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_member_updates", p1)
/// Re-request encryption keys
internal static let eventFormatterRerequestKeysPart1Link = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part1_link")
/// from your other devices.
internal static let eventFormatterRerequestKeysPart2 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part2")
/// %@ widget added by %@
internal static func eventFormatterWidgetAdded(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_widget_added", p1, p2)
/// %@ widget removed by %@
internal static func eventFormatterWidgetRemoved(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "event_formatter_widget_removed", p1, p2)
/// To continue using the %@ homeserver you must review and agree to the terms and conditions.
internal static func gdprConsentNotGivenAlertMessage(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "gdpr_consent_not_given_alert_message", p1)
/// Review now
internal static let gdprConsentNotGivenAlertReviewNowAction = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "gdpr_consent_not_given_alert_review_now_action")
/// Would you like to help improve %@ by automatically reporting anonymous crash reports and usage data?
internal static func googleAnalyticsUsePrompt(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "google_analytics_use_prompt", p1)
/// Home
internal static let groupDetailsHome = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_details_home")
/// People
internal static let groupDetailsPeople = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_details_people")
/// Rooms
internal static let groupDetailsRooms = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_details_rooms")
/// Community Details
internal static let groupDetailsTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_details_title")
/// %tu members
internal static func groupHomeMultiMembersFormat(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_home_multi_members_format", p1)
/// %tu rooms
internal static func groupHomeMultiRoomsFormat(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_home_multi_rooms_format", p1)
/// 1 member
internal static let groupHomeOneMemberFormat = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_home_one_member_format")
/// 1 room
internal static let groupHomeOneRoomFormat = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_home_one_room_format")
/// %@ has invited you to join this community
internal static func groupInvitationFormat(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_invitation_format", p1)
internal static let groupInviteSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_invite_section")
/// Add participant
internal static let groupParticipantsAddParticipant = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_add_participant")
/// Filter community members
internal static let groupParticipantsFilterMembers = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_filter_members")
/// Search / invite by User ID or Name
internal static let groupParticipantsInviteAnotherUser = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_invite_another_user")
/// Malformed ID. Should be a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain'
internal static let groupParticipantsInviteMalformedId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_invite_malformed_id")
/// Invite Error
internal static let groupParticipantsInviteMalformedIdTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_invite_malformed_id_title")
/// Are you sure you want to invite %@ to this group?
internal static func groupParticipantsInvitePromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_invite_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Confirmation
internal static let groupParticipantsInvitePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_invite_prompt_title")
internal static let groupParticipantsInvitedSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_invited_section")
/// Are you sure you want to leave the group?
internal static let groupParticipantsLeavePromptMsg = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_leave_prompt_msg")
/// Leave group
internal static let groupParticipantsLeavePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_leave_prompt_title")
/// Are you sure you want to remove %@ from this group?
internal static func groupParticipantsRemovePromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_remove_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Confirmation
internal static let groupParticipantsRemovePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_participants_remove_prompt_title")
/// Filter community rooms
internal static let groupRoomsFilterRooms = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_rooms_filter_rooms")
internal static let groupSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "group_section")
/// Could not connect to the homeserver.
internal static let homeserverConnectionLost = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "homeserver_connection_lost")
/// Invite
internal static let invite = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "invite")
/// Join
internal static let join = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "join")
/// %.1fK
internal static func largeBadgeValueKFormat(_ p1: Float) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "large_badge_value_k_format", p1)
/// Later
internal static let later = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "later")
/// Leave
internal static let leave = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "leave")
/// Library
internal static let mediaPickerLibrary = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "media_picker_library")
/// Select
internal static let mediaPickerSelect = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "media_picker_select")
/// The Internet connection appears to be offline.
internal static let networkOfflinePrompt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "network_offline_prompt")
/// Next
internal static let next = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "next")
/// %@ is calling you but %@ does not support calls yet.\nYou can ignore this notification and answer the call from another device or you can reject it.
internal static func noVoip(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "no_voip", p1, p2)
/// Incoming call
internal static let noVoipTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "no_voip_title")
/// Off
internal static let off = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "off")
/// On
internal static let on = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "on")
/// or
internal static let or = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "or")
internal static let peopleConversationSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "people_conversation_section")
internal static let peopleInvitesSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "people_invites_section")
/// No conversations
internal static let peopleNoConversation = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "people_no_conversation")
/// Preview
internal static let preview = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "preview")
/// Public Rooms (at %@):
internal static func publicRoomSectionTitle(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "public_room_section_title", p1)
/// You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to submit a bug report?
internal static let rageShakePrompt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "rage_shake_prompt")
/// Read Receipts List
internal static let readReceiptsList = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "read_receipts_list")
/// Read:
internal static let receiptStatusRead = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "receipt_status_read")
/// Remove
internal static let remove = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "remove")
/// Rename
internal static let rename = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "rename")
/// Please launch Riot on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this device.
internal static let rerequestKeysAlertMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "rerequest_keys_alert_message")
/// Request Sent
internal static let rerequestKeysAlertTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "rerequest_keys_alert_title")
/// Retry
internal static let retry = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "retry")
/// Send photo or video
internal static let roomActionSendPhotoOrVideo = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_action_send_photo_or_video")
/// Send sticker
internal static let roomActionSendSticker = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_action_send_sticker")
/// You need permission to manage conference call in this room
internal static let roomConferenceCallNoPower = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_conference_call_no_power")
/// Account
internal static let roomCreationAccount = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_account")
/// Appearance
internal static let roomCreationAppearance = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_appearance")
/// Name
internal static let roomCreationAppearanceName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_appearance_name")
/// Chat picture (optional)
internal static let roomCreationAppearancePicture = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_appearance_picture")
/// Search / invite by User ID, Name or email
internal static let roomCreationInviteAnotherUser = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_invite_another_user")
/// Keep private
internal static let roomCreationKeepPrivate = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_keep_private")
/// Make private
internal static let roomCreationMakePrivate = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_make_private")
/// Make public
internal static let roomCreationMakePublic = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_make_public")
/// Are you sure you want to make this chat public? Anyone can read your messages and join the chat.
internal static let roomCreationMakePublicPromptMsg = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_make_public_prompt_msg")
/// Make this chat public?
internal static let roomCreationMakePublicPromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_make_public_prompt_title")
/// Privacy
internal static let roomCreationPrivacy = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_privacy")
/// This chat is private
internal static let roomCreationPrivateRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_private_room")
/// This chat is public
internal static let roomCreationPublicRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_public_room")
/// New Chat
internal static let roomCreationTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_title")
/// A room is already being created. Please wait.
internal static let roomCreationWaitForCreation = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_creation_wait_for_creation")
/// Delete unsent messages
internal static let roomDeleteUnsentMessages = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_delete_unsent_messages")
/// Who can access this room?
internal static let roomDetailsAccessSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_access_section")
/// Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests
internal static let roomDetailsAccessSectionAnyone = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_access_section_anyone")
/// Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests
internal static let roomDetailsAccessSectionAnyoneApartFromGuest = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_access_section_anyone_apart_from_guest")
/// List this room in room directory
internal static let roomDetailsAccessSectionDirectoryToggle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_access_section_directory_toggle")
/// Only people who have been invited
internal static let roomDetailsAccessSectionInvitedOnly = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_access_section_invited_only")
/// To link to a room it must have an address
internal static let roomDetailsAccessSectionNoAddressWarning = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_access_section_no_address_warning")
/// You will have no main address specified. The default main address for this room will be picked randomly
internal static let roomDetailsAddressesDisableMainAddressPromptMsg = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_addresses_disable_main_address_prompt_msg")
/// Main address warning
internal static let roomDetailsAddressesDisableMainAddressPromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_addresses_disable_main_address_prompt_title")
/// %@ is not a valid format for an alias
internal static func roomDetailsAddressesInvalidAddressPromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_addresses_invalid_address_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Invalid alias format
internal static let roomDetailsAddressesInvalidAddressPromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_addresses_invalid_address_prompt_title")
/// Addresses
internal static let roomDetailsAddressesSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_addresses_section")
/// Encrypt to verified devices only
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedE2eEncryptionBlacklistUnverifiedDevices = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_blacklist_unverified_devices")
/// Encryption is not enabled in this room.
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedE2eEncryptionDisabled = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_disabled")
/// Encryption is enabled in this room
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedE2eEncryptionEnabled = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_enabled")
/// End-to-end encryption is experimental and may not be reliable.\n\nYou should not yet trust it to secure data.\n\nDevices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room.\n\nOnce encryption is enabled for a room it cannot be turned off again (for now).\n\nEncrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption.
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedE2eEncryptionPromptMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_e2e_encryption_prompt_message")
/// Enable encryption (warning: cannot be disabled again!)
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedEnableE2eEncryption = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_enable_e2e_encryption")
/// Room ID:
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedRoomId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_room_id")
/// Advanced
internal static let roomDetailsAdvancedSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_advanced_section")
/// Banned users
internal static let roomDetailsBannedUsersSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_banned_users_section")
/// Copy Room Address
internal static let roomDetailsCopyRoomAddress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_copy_room_address")
/// Copy Room ID
internal static let roomDetailsCopyRoomId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_copy_room_id")
/// Copy Room URL
internal static let roomDetailsCopyRoomUrl = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_copy_room_url")
/// Direct Chat
internal static let roomDetailsDirectChat = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_direct_chat")
/// Fail to add the new room addresses
internal static let roomDetailsFailToAddRoomAliases = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_add_room_aliases")
/// Fail to enable encryption in this room
internal static let roomDetailsFailToEnableEncryption = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_enable_encryption")
/// Fail to remove the room addresses
internal static let roomDetailsFailToRemoveRoomAliases = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_remove_room_aliases")
/// Fail to update the room photo
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateAvatar = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_avatar")
/// Fail to update the history visibility
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateHistoryVisibility = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_history_visibility")
/// Fail to update the main address
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomCanonicalAlias = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_canonical_alias")
/// Fail to update the related communities
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomCommunities = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_communities")
/// Fail to update the direct flag of this room
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomDirect = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_direct")
/// Fail to update the room directory visibility
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomDirectoryVisibility = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_directory_visibility")
/// Fail to update the room guest access
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomGuestAccess = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_guest_access")
/// Fail to update the join rule
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomJoinRule = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_join_rule")
/// Fail to update the room name
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateRoomName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_room_name")
/// Fail to update the topic
internal static let roomDetailsFailToUpdateTopic = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_fail_to_update_topic")
/// Favourite
internal static let roomDetailsFavouriteTag = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_favourite_tag")
/// Files
internal static let roomDetailsFiles = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_files")
/// %@ is not a valid identifier for a community
internal static func roomDetailsFlairInvalidIdPromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_flair_invalid_id_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Invalid format
internal static let roomDetailsFlairInvalidIdPromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_flair_invalid_id_prompt_title")
/// Show flair for communities
internal static let roomDetailsFlairSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_flair_section")
/// Who can read history?
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section")
/// Anyone
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySectionAnyone = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section_anyone")
/// Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySectionMembersOnly = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section_members_only")
/// Members only (since they were invited)
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySectionMembersOnlySinceInvited = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section_members_only_since_invited")
/// Members only (since they joined)
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySectionMembersOnlySinceJoined = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section_members_only_since_joined")
/// Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySectionPromptMsg = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section_prompt_msg")
/// Privacy warning
internal static let roomDetailsHistorySectionPromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_history_section_prompt_title")
/// Low priority
internal static let roomDetailsLowPriorityTag = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_low_priority_tag")
/// Mute notifications
internal static let roomDetailsMuteNotifs = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_mute_notifs")
/// Add new address
internal static let roomDetailsNewAddress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_new_address")
/// Add new address (e.g. #foo%@)
internal static func roomDetailsNewAddressPlaceholder(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_new_address_placeholder", p1)
/// Add new community ID (e.g. +foo%@)
internal static func roomDetailsNewFlairPlaceholder(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_new_flair_placeholder", p1)
/// This room has no local addresses
internal static let roomDetailsNoLocalAddresses = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_no_local_addresses")
/// Members
internal static let roomDetailsPeople = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_people")
/// Room Photo
internal static let roomDetailsPhoto = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_photo")
/// Room Name
internal static let roomDetailsRoomName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_room_name")
/// Do you want to save changes?
internal static let roomDetailsSaveChangesPrompt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_save_changes_prompt")
/// Set as Main Address
internal static let roomDetailsSetMainAddress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_set_main_address")
/// Settings
internal static let roomDetailsSettings = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_settings")
/// Room Details
internal static let roomDetailsTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_title")
/// Topic
internal static let roomDetailsTopic = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_topic")
/// Unset as Main Address
internal static let roomDetailsUnsetMainAddress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_details_unset_main_address")
/// No public rooms available
internal static let roomDirectoryNoPublicRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_directory_no_public_room")
/// You do not have permission to post to this room
internal static let roomDoNotHavePermissionToPost = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_do_not_have_permission_to_post")
/// Reason for banning this user
internal static let roomEventActionBanPromptReason = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_ban_prompt_reason")
/// Cancel Download
internal static let roomEventActionCancelDownload = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_cancel_download")
/// Cancel Send
internal static let roomEventActionCancelSend = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_cancel_send")
/// Copy
internal static let roomEventActionCopy = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_copy")
/// Delete
internal static let roomEventActionDelete = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_delete")
/// Reason for kicking this user
internal static let roomEventActionKickPromptReason = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_kick_prompt_reason")
/// More
internal static let roomEventActionMore = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_more")
/// Permalink
internal static let roomEventActionPermalink = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_permalink")
/// Quote
internal static let roomEventActionQuote = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_quote")
/// Redact
internal static let roomEventActionRedact = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_redact")
/// Report content
internal static let roomEventActionReport = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_report")
/// Do you want to hide all messages from this user?
internal static let roomEventActionReportPromptIgnoreUser = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_report_prompt_ignore_user")
/// Reason for reporting this content
internal static let roomEventActionReportPromptReason = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_report_prompt_reason")
/// Resend
internal static let roomEventActionResend = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_resend")
/// Save
internal static let roomEventActionSave = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_save")
/// Share
internal static let roomEventActionShare = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_share")
/// View Decrypted Source
internal static let roomEventActionViewDecryptedSource = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_view_decrypted_source")
/// Encryption Information
internal static let roomEventActionViewEncryption = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_view_encryption")
/// View Source
internal static let roomEventActionViewSource = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_action_view_source")
/// Failed to send
internal static let roomEventFailedToSend = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_event_failed_to_send")
/// Jump to first unread message
internal static let roomJumpToFirstUnread = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_jump_to_first_unread")
/// %@, %@ & others are typing
internal static func roomManyUsersAreTyping(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_many_users_are_typing", p1, p2)
/// Send a message (unencrypted)
internal static let roomMessagePlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_message_placeholder")
/// Send a reply (unencrypted)
internal static let roomMessageReplyToPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_message_reply_to_placeholder")
/// Send a reply
internal static let roomMessageReplyToShortPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_message_reply_to_short_placeholder")
/// Send a message
internal static let roomMessageShortPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_message_short_placeholder")
/// %d new message
internal static func roomNewMessageNotification(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_new_message_notification", p1)
/// %d new messages
internal static func roomNewMessagesNotification(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_new_messages_notification", p1)
/// Connectivity to the server has been lost.
internal static let roomOfflineNotification = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_offline_notification")
/// %@ is typing
internal static func roomOneUserIsTyping(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_one_user_is_typing", p1)
/// Ongoing conference call. Join as %@ or %@.
internal static func roomOngoingConferenceCall(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_ongoing_conference_call", p1, p2)
/// Close
internal static let roomOngoingConferenceCallClose = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_ongoing_conference_call_close")
/// Ongoing conference call. Join as %@ or %@. %@ it.
internal static func roomOngoingConferenceCallWithClose(_ p1: String, _ p2: String, _ p3: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_ongoing_conference_call_with_close", p1, p2, p3)
/// Ban from this room
internal static let roomParticipantsActionBan = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_ban")
/// Hide all messages from this user
internal static let roomParticipantsActionIgnore = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_ignore")
/// Invite
internal static let roomParticipantsActionInvite = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_invite")
/// Leave this room
internal static let roomParticipantsActionLeave = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_leave")
/// Mention
internal static let roomParticipantsActionMention = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_mention")
/// Remove from this room
internal static let roomParticipantsActionRemove = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_remove")
/// Admin tools
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSectionAdminTools = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_section_admin_tools")
/// Devices
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSectionDevices = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_section_devices")
/// Direct chats
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSectionDirectChats = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_section_direct_chats")
/// Other
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSectionOther = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_section_other")
/// Make admin
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSetAdmin = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_set_admin")
/// Reset to normal user
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSetDefaultPowerLevel = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_set_default_power_level")
/// Make moderator
internal static let roomParticipantsActionSetModerator = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_set_moderator")
/// Start new chat
internal static let roomParticipantsActionStartNewChat = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_start_new_chat")
/// Start video call
internal static let roomParticipantsActionStartVideoCall = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_start_video_call")
/// Start voice call
internal static let roomParticipantsActionStartVoiceCall = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_start_voice_call")
/// Unban
internal static let roomParticipantsActionUnban = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_unban")
/// Show all messages from this user
internal static let roomParticipantsActionUnignore = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_action_unignore")
/// Add participant
internal static let roomParticipantsAddParticipant = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_add_participant")
/// ago
internal static let roomParticipantsAgo = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_ago")
/// Filter room members
internal static let roomParticipantsFilterRoomMembers = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_filter_room_members")
/// Idle
internal static let roomParticipantsIdle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_idle")
/// Search / invite by User ID, Name or email
internal static let roomParticipantsInviteAnotherUser = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_invite_another_user")
/// Malformed ID. Should be an email address or a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain'
internal static let roomParticipantsInviteMalformedId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_invite_malformed_id")
/// Invite Error
internal static let roomParticipantsInviteMalformedIdTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_invite_malformed_id_title")
/// Are you sure you want to invite %@ to this chat?
internal static func roomParticipantsInvitePromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_invite_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Confirmation
internal static let roomParticipantsInvitePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_invite_prompt_title")
internal static let roomParticipantsInvitedSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_invited_section")
/// Are you sure you want to leave the room?
internal static let roomParticipantsLeavePromptMsg = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_leave_prompt_msg")
/// Leave room
internal static let roomParticipantsLeavePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_leave_prompt_title")
/// %d participants
internal static func roomParticipantsMultiParticipants(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_multi_participants", p1)
/// now
internal static let roomParticipantsNow = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_now")
/// Offline
internal static let roomParticipantsOffline = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_offline")
/// 1 participant
internal static let roomParticipantsOneParticipant = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_one_participant")
/// Online
internal static let roomParticipantsOnline = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_online")
/// Are you sure you want to remove %@ from this chat?
internal static func roomParticipantsRemovePromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_remove_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Confirmation
internal static let roomParticipantsRemovePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_remove_prompt_title")
/// Remove third-party invite is not supported yet until the api exists
internal static let roomParticipantsRemoveThirdPartyInviteMsg = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_remove_third_party_invite_msg")
/// Participants
internal static let roomParticipantsTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_title")
/// Unknown
internal static let roomParticipantsUnknown = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_participants_unknown")
/// This room is a continuation of another conversation.
internal static let roomPredecessorInformation = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_predecessor_information")
/// Click here to see older messages.
internal static let roomPredecessorLink = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_predecessor_link")
/// You have been invited to join this room by %@
internal static func roomPreviewInvitationFormat(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_preview_invitation_format", p1)
/// This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled.
internal static let roomPreviewSubtitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_preview_subtitle")
/// You are trying to access %@. Would you like to join in order to participate in the discussion?
internal static func roomPreviewTryJoinAnUnknownRoom(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room", p1)
/// a room
internal static let roomPreviewTryJoinAnUnknownRoomDefault = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_preview_try_join_an_unknown_room_default")
/// This invitation was sent to %@, which is not associated with this account. You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to your this account.
internal static func roomPreviewUnlinkedEmailWarning(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_preview_unlinked_email_warning", p1)
/// cancel all
internal static let roomPromptCancel = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_prompt_cancel")
/// Resend all
internal static let roomPromptResend = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_prompt_resend")
internal static let roomRecentsConversationsSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_conversations_section")
/// Create room
internal static let roomRecentsCreateEmptyRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_create_empty_room")
internal static let roomRecentsDirectorySection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_directory_section")
/// Network
internal static let roomRecentsDirectorySectionNetwork = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_directory_section_network")
internal static let roomRecentsFavouritesSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_favourites_section")
internal static let roomRecentsInvitesSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_invites_section")
/// Join room
internal static let roomRecentsJoinRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_join_room")
/// Type a room id or a room alias
internal static let roomRecentsJoinRoomPrompt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_join_room_prompt")
/// Join a room
internal static let roomRecentsJoinRoomTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_join_room_title")
internal static let roomRecentsLowPrioritySection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_low_priority_section")
/// No rooms
internal static let roomRecentsNoConversation = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_no_conversation")
internal static let roomRecentsPeopleSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_people_section")
internal static let roomRecentsServerNoticeSection = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_server_notice_section")
/// Start chat
internal static let roomRecentsStartChatWith = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_recents_start_chat_with")
/// This room has been replaced and is no longer active.
internal static let roomReplacementInformation = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_replacement_information")
/// The conversation continues here.
internal static let roomReplacementLink = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_replacement_link")
/// Resend unsent messages
internal static let roomResendUnsentMessages = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resend_unsent_messages")
/// Please
internal static let roomResourceLimitExceededMessageContact1 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_1")
/// contact your service administrator
internal static let roomResourceLimitExceededMessageContact2Link = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_2_link")
/// to continue using this service.
internal static let roomResourceLimitExceededMessageContact3 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_3")
/// This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so
internal static let roomResourceUsageLimitReachedMessage1Default = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_default")
/// This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so
internal static let roomResourceUsageLimitReachedMessage1MonthlyActiveUser = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_monthly_active_user")
/// some users will not be able to log in.
internal static let roomResourceUsageLimitReachedMessage2 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_2")
/// to get this limit increased.
internal static let roomResourceUsageLimitReachedMessageContact3 = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_contact_3")
/// Invite members
internal static let roomTitleInviteMembers = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_title_invite_members")
/// %@ members
internal static func roomTitleMembers(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_title_members", p1)
/// %@/%@ active members
internal static func roomTitleMultipleActiveMembers(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_title_multiple_active_members", p1, p2)
/// New room
internal static let roomTitleNewRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_title_new_room")
/// %@/%@ active member
internal static func roomTitleOneActiveMember(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_title_one_active_member", p1, p2)
/// 1 member
internal static let roomTitleOneMember = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_title_one_member")
/// %@ & %@ are typing
internal static func roomTwoUsersAreTyping(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_two_users_are_typing", p1, p2)
/// Messages not sent. %@ or %@ now?
internal static func roomUnsentMessagesNotification(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_unsent_messages_notification", p1, p2)
/// Message not sent due to unknown devices being present. %@ or %@ now?
internal static func roomUnsentMessagesUnknownDevicesNotification(_ p1: String, _ p2: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_unsent_messages_unknown_devices_notification", p1, p2)
/// End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable.\n\nYou should not yet trust it to secure data.\n\nDevices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room.\n\nEncrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption.
internal static let roomWarningAboutEncryption = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "room_warning_about_encryption")
/// Save
internal static let save = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "save")
/// Search
internal static let searchDefaultPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_default_placeholder")
/// Files
internal static let searchFiles = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_files")
/// Searching
internal static let searchInProgress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_in_progress")
/// Messages
internal static let searchMessages = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_messages")
/// No results
internal static let searchNoResult = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_no_result")
/// People
internal static let searchPeople = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_people")
/// Search by User ID, Name or email
internal static let searchPeoplePlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_people_placeholder")
/// Rooms
internal static let searchRooms = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "search_rooms")
/// Send to %@
internal static func sendTo(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "send_to", p1)
/// Sending
internal static let sending = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "sending")
/// Add email address
internal static let settingsAddEmailAddress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_add_email_address")
/// Add phone number
internal static let settingsAddPhoneNumber = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_add_phone_number")
internal static let settingsAdvanced = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_advanced")
/// Receive incoming calls on your lock screen. See your Riot calls in the system's call history. If iCloud is enabled, this call history will be shared with Apple.
internal static let settingsCallkitInfo = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_callkit_info")
internal static let settingsCallsSettings = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_calls_settings")
/// Change password
internal static let settingsChangePassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_change_password")
/// Clear cache
internal static let settingsClearCache = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_clear_cache")
/// Home server is %@
internal static func settingsConfigHomeServer(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_config_home_server", p1)
/// Identity server is %@
internal static func settingsConfigIdentityServer(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_config_identity_server", p1)
/// No build info
internal static let settingsConfigNoBuildInfo = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_config_no_build_info")
/// Logged in as %@
internal static func settingsConfigUserId(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_config_user_id", p1)
/// confirm password
internal static let settingsConfirmPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_confirm_password")
internal static let settingsContacts = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_contacts")
/// Use emails and phone numbers to discover users
internal static let settingsContactsDiscoverMatrixUsers = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_contacts_discover_matrix_users")
/// Phonebook country
internal static let settingsContactsPhonebookCountry = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_contacts_phonebook_country")
/// Copyright
internal static let settingsCopyright = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_copyright")
/// https://riot.im/copyright
internal static let settingsCopyrightUrl = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_copyright_url")
/// Encrypt to verified devices only
internal static let settingsCryptoBlacklistUnverifiedDevices = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_crypto_blacklist_unverified_devices")
/// \nDevice ID:
internal static let settingsCryptoDeviceId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_crypto_device_id")
/// \nDevice key:
internal static let settingsCryptoDeviceKey = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_crypto_device_key")
/// Device name:
internal static let settingsCryptoDeviceName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_crypto_device_name")
/// Export keys
internal static let settingsCryptoExport = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_crypto_export")
internal static let settingsCryptography = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_cryptography")
internal static let settingsDeactivateAccount = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_deactivate_account")
/// Deactivate my account
internal static let settingsDeactivateMyAccount = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_deactivate_my_account")
internal static let settingsDevices = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_devices")
/// Display Name
internal static let settingsDisplayName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_display_name")
/// Email
internal static let settingsEmailAddress = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_email_address")
/// Enter your email address
internal static let settingsEmailAddressPlaceholder = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_email_address_placeholder")
/// Integrated calling
internal static let settingsEnableCallkit = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_enable_callkit")
/// Notifications on this device
internal static let settingsEnablePushNotif = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_enable_push_notif")
/// Rage shake to report bug
internal static let settingsEnableRageshake = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_enable_rageshake")
/// Fail to update password
internal static let settingsFailToUpdatePassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_fail_to_update_password")
/// Fail to update profile
internal static let settingsFailToUpdateProfile = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_fail_to_update_profile")
/// First Name
internal static let settingsFirstName = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_first_name")
/// Show flair where allowed
internal static let settingsFlair = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_flair")
/// Global notification settings are available on your %@ web client
internal static func settingsGlobalSettingsInfo(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_global_settings_info", p1)
internal static let settingsIgnoredUsers = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ignored_users")
/// LABS
internal static let settingsLabs = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_labs")
/// Create conference calls with jitsi
internal static let settingsLabsCreateConferenceWithJitsi = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_labs_create_conference_with_jitsi")
/// End-to-End Encryption
internal static let settingsLabsE2eEncryption = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_labs_e2e_encryption")
/// To finish setting up encryption you must log in again.
internal static let settingsLabsE2eEncryptionPromptMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_labs_e2e_encryption_prompt_message")
/// Lazy load rooms members
internal static let settingsLabsRoomMembersLazyLoading = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_labs_room_members_lazy_loading")
/// Your homeserver does not support lazy loading of room members yet. Try later.
internal static let settingsLabsRoomMembersLazyLoadingErrorMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_labs_room_members_lazy_loading_error_message")
/// Mark all messages as read
internal static let settingsMarkAllAsRead = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_mark_all_as_read")
/// new password
internal static let settingsNewPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_new_password")
/// Night Mode
internal static let settingsNightMode = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_night_mode")
internal static let settingsNotificationsSettings = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_notifications_settings")
/// old password
internal static let settingsOldPassword = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_old_password")
/// Olm Version %@
internal static func settingsOlmVersion(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_olm_version", p1)
/// Notifications are denied for %@, please allow them in your device settings
internal static func settingsOnDeniedNotification(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_on_denied_notification", p1)
internal static let settingsOther = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_other")
/// Your password has been updated
internal static let settingsPasswordUpdated = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_password_updated")
/// Phone
internal static let settingsPhoneNumber = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_phone_number")
/// Pin rooms with missed notifications
internal static let settingsPinRoomsWithMissedNotif = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_pin_rooms_with_missed_notif")
/// Pin rooms with unread messages
internal static let settingsPinRoomsWithUnread = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_pin_rooms_with_unread")
/// Privacy Policy
internal static let settingsPrivacyPolicy = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_privacy_policy")
/// https://riot.im/privacy
internal static let settingsPrivacyPolicyUrl = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_privacy_policy_url")
/// Profile Picture
internal static let settingsProfilePicture = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_profile_picture")
/// Are you sure you want to remove the email address %@?
internal static func settingsRemoveEmailPromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_remove_email_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Are you sure you want to remove the phone number %@?
internal static func settingsRemovePhonePromptMsg(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_remove_phone_prompt_msg", p1)
/// Confirmation
internal static let settingsRemovePromptTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_remove_prompt_title")
/// Report bug
internal static let settingsReportBug = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_report_bug")
/// Send anon crash & usage data
internal static let settingsSendCrashReport = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_send_crash_report")
/// Show decrypted content
internal static let settingsShowDecryptedContent = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_show_decrypted_content")
/// Sign Out
internal static let settingsSignOut = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_sign_out")
/// Are you sure?
internal static let settingsSignOutConfirmation = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_sign_out_confirmation")
/// You will lose your end-to-end encryption keys. That means you will no longer be able to read old messages in encrypted rooms on this device.
internal static let settingsSignOutE2eWarn = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_sign_out_e2e_warn")
/// Surname
internal static let settingsSurname = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_surname")
/// Terms & Conditions
internal static let settingsTermConditions = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_term_conditions")
/// https://riot.im/tac_apple
internal static let settingsTermConditionsUrl = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_term_conditions_url")
/// Third-party Notices
internal static let settingsThirdPartyNotices = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_third_party_notices")
/// Settings
internal static let settingsTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_title")
/// Language
internal static let settingsUiLanguage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_language")
/// Theme
internal static let settingsUiTheme = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme")
/// Auto
internal static let settingsUiThemeAuto = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme_auto")
/// Black
internal static let settingsUiThemeBlack = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme_black")
/// Dark
internal static let settingsUiThemeDark = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme_dark")
/// Light
internal static let settingsUiThemeLight = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme_light")
/// "Auto" uses your device "Invert Colours" settings
internal static let settingsUiThemePickerMessage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme_picker_message")
/// Select a theme
internal static let settingsUiThemePickerTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_ui_theme_picker_title")
/// Show all messages from %@?
internal static func settingsUnignoreUser(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_unignore_user", p1)
internal static let settingsUserInterface = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_user_interface")
internal static let settingsUserSettings = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_user_settings")
/// Version %@
internal static func settingsVersion(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "settings_version", p1)
/// Login in the main app to share content
internal static let shareExtensionAuthPrompt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "share_extension_auth_prompt")
/// Failed to send. Check in the main app the encryption settings for this room
internal static let shareExtensionFailedToEncrypt = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "share_extension_failed_to_encrypt")
/// Start
internal static let start = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "start")
/// Favourites
internal static let titleFavourites = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "title_favourites")
/// Communities
internal static let titleGroups = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "title_groups")
/// Home
internal static let titleHome = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "title_home")
/// People
internal static let titlePeople = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "title_people")
/// Rooms
internal static let titleRooms = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "title_rooms")
/// Today
internal static let today = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "today")
/// This room contains unknown devices which have not been verified.\nThis means there is no guarantee that the devices belong to the users they claim to.\nWe recommend you go through the verification process for each device before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
internal static let unknownDevicesAlert = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_alert")
/// Room contains unknown devices
internal static let unknownDevicesAlertTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_alert_title")
/// Answer Anyway
internal static let unknownDevicesAnswerAnyway = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_answer_anyway")
/// Call Anyway
internal static let unknownDevicesCallAnyway = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_call_anyway")
/// Send Anyway
internal static let unknownDevicesSendAnyway = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_send_anyway")
/// Unknown devices
internal static let unknownDevicesTitle = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_title")
/// Verify
internal static let unknownDevicesVerify = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "unknown_devices_verify")
/// Video
internal static let video = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "video")
/// View
internal static let view = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "view")
/// Voice
internal static let voice = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "voice")
/// Warning
internal static let warning = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "warning")
/// Widget creation has failed
internal static let widgetCreationFailure = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_creation_failure")
/// Failed to send request.
internal static let widgetIntegrationFailedToSendRequest = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_failed_to_send_request")
/// Missing room_id in request.
internal static let widgetIntegrationMissingRoomId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_missing_room_id")
/// Missing user_id in request.
internal static let widgetIntegrationMissingUserId = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_missing_user_id")
/// You are not in this room.
internal static let widgetIntegrationMustBeInRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_must_be_in_room")
/// You need to be able to invite users to do that.
internal static let widgetIntegrationNeedToBeAbleToInvite = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_need_to_be_able_to_invite")
/// You do not have permission to do that in this room.
internal static let widgetIntegrationNoPermissionInRoom = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_no_permission_in_room")
/// Power level must be positive integer.
internal static let widgetIntegrationPositivePowerLevel = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_positive_power_level")
/// This room is not recognised.
internal static let widgetIntegrationRoomNotRecognised = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_room_not_recognised")
/// Room %@ is not visible.
internal static func widgetIntegrationRoomNotVisible(_ p1: String) -> String {
return VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_room_not_visible", p1)
/// Unable to create widget.
internal static let widgetIntegrationUnableToCreate = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_integration_unable_to_create")
/// You need permission to manage widgets in this room
internal static let widgetNoPowerToManage = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_no_power_to_manage")
/// You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled.
internal static let widgetStickerPickerNoStickerpacksAlert = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_sticker_picker_no_stickerpacks_alert")
/// Add some now?
internal static let widgetStickerPickerNoStickerpacksAlertAddNow = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "widget_sticker_picker_no_stickerpacks_alert_add_now")
/// Yesterday
internal static let yesterday = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "yesterday")
/// You
internal static let you = VectorL10n.tr("Vector", "you")
// swiftlint:enable function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length type_body_length
// MARK: - Implementation Details
extension VectorL10n {
private static func tr(_ table: String, _ key: String, _ args: CVarArg...) -> String {
let format = NSLocalizedString(key, tableName: table, bundle: Bundle(for: BundleToken.self), comment: "")
return String(format: format, locale: Locale.current, arguments: args)
private final class BundleToken {}