Fix sending command with Pills through RTE

This commit is contained in:
aringenbach 2023-04-21 17:13:03 +02:00
parent 4856038fd9
commit 05cb486d54
6 changed files with 59 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -627,6 +627,7 @@ Tap the + to start adding people.";
"room_command_reset_user_power_level_description" = "Deops user with given id";
"room_command_change_room_topic_description" = "Sets the room topic";
"room_command_discard_session_description" = "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded";
"room_command_error_unknown_command" = "Invalid or unhandled command";
// MARK: Threads
"room_thread_title" = "Thread";

View file

@ -5231,6 +5231,10 @@ public class VectorL10n: NSObject {
public static var roomCommandEmoteDescription: String {
return"Vector", "room_command_emote_description")
/// Invalid or unhandled command
public static var roomCommandErrorUnknownCommand: String {
return"Vector", "room_command_error_unknown_command")
/// Invites user with given id to current room
public static var roomCommandInviteUserDescription: String {
return"Vector", "room_command_invite_user_description")

View file

@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger
- (void)roomInputToolbarView:(MXKRoomInputToolbarView *)toolbarView sendFormattedTextMessage:(NSString *)formattedTextMessage withRawText:(NSString *)rawText;
Tells the delegate that the user wants to send a command.
@param toolbarView the room input toolbar view.
@param commandText the command to send.
- (void)roomInputToolbarView:(MXKRoomInputToolbarView *)toolbarView sendCommand:(NSString *)commandText;
Tells the delegate that the user wants to display the send media actions.

View file

@ -5190,6 +5190,27 @@ static CGSize kThreadListBarButtonItemImageSize;
- (void)roomInputToolbarView:(MXKRoomInputToolbarView *)toolbarView sendCommand:(NSString *)commandText
// Create before sending the message in case of a discussion (direct chat)
[self createDiscussionIfNeeded:^(BOOL readyToSend) {
if (readyToSend) {
if (![self sendAsIRCStyleCommandIfPossible:commandText])
// Display an error for unknown command
UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:nil
message:[VectorL10n roomCommandErrorUnknownCommand]
[alert addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:[VectorL10n ok] style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:nil]];
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)roomInputToolbarViewShowSendMediaActions:(MXKRoomInputToolbarView *)toolbarView
NSMutableArray *actionItems = [NSMutableArray new];

View file

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ extension RoomViewController {
"event_id": eventModified.eventId
} else if !self.send(asIRCStyleCommandIfPossible: rawTextMsg) {
} else {
roomDataSource.sendFormattedTextMessage(rawTextMsg, html: htmlMsg) { response in
switch response {
case .success:

View file

@ -338,7 +338,30 @@ class WysiwygInputToolbarView: MXKRoomInputToolbarView, NibLoadable, HtmlRoomInp
private func sendWysiwygMessage(content: WysiwygComposerContent) {
delegate?.roomInputToolbarView?(self, sendFormattedTextMessage: content.html, withRawText: content.markdown)
if content.markdown.prefix(while: { $0 == "/" }).count == 1 {
let commandText: String
if content.markdown.hasPrefix(MXKSlashCommand.emote.cmd) {
// `/me` command works with markdown content
commandText = content.markdown
} else if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
// Other commands should see pills replaced by matrix identifiers
commandText = PillsFormatter.stringByReplacingPills(in: self.wysiwygViewModel.textView.attributedText, mode: .identifier)
} else {
// Without Pills support, just use the raw text for command
commandText = self.wysiwygViewModel.textView.text
// Fix potential command failures due to trailing characters
// or NBSP that are not properly handled by the command interpreter
let sanitizedCommand = commandText
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
.replacingOccurrences(of: String.nbsp, with: " ")
delegate?.roomInputToolbarView?(self, sendCommand: sanitizedCommand)
} else {
delegate?.roomInputToolbarView?(self, sendFormattedTextMessage: content.html, withRawText: content.markdown)
if isMaximised {