Contextual menu: Improve reactions menu position.

This commit is contained in:
SBiOSoftWhare 2019-05-22 18:48:50 +02:00
parent 4cb166072a
commit 366d27ebab

View file

@ -5099,14 +5099,34 @@
if (RiotSettings.shared.messageReaction && [cell isKindOfClass:MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell.class])
// Note: For the moment, we use the frame of the cell instead of the component
// From UI perpective, that means the menu will be around a paragraph instead of a message
// This is not bad as the paragraph is kept visible to provide more context to the user
// TO FIX: if paragraph is bigger than the screen, the menu is displayed in the middle
CGRect frame = ((MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell*)cell).frame;
frame = [self.bubblesTableView convertRect:frame toView:[self.bubblesTableView superview]];
MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell *roomBubbleTableViewCell = (MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell*)cell;
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *bubbleCellData = roomBubbleTableViewCell.bubbleData;
NSArray *bubbleComponents = bubbleCellData.bubbleComponents;
[self.roomContextualMenuPresenter showReactionsMenuForEvent:event.eventId inRoom:event.roomId session:self.mainSession aroundFrame:frame];
NSInteger foundComponentIndex = [bubbleComponents indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(MXKRoomBubbleComponent * _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
if (obj.event.eventId == event.eventId)
*stop = YES;
return YES;
return NO;
CGRect bubbleComponentFrame;
if (bubbleComponents.count > 0)
NSInteger selectedComponentIndex = foundComponentIndex != NSNotFound ? foundComponentIndex : 0;
bubbleComponentFrame = [roomBubbleTableViewCell componentFrameForIndex:selectedComponentIndex];
bubbleComponentFrame = roomBubbleTableViewCell.frame;
CGRect bubbleComponentFrameInOverlayView = [self.bubblesTableView convertRect:bubbleComponentFrame toView:self.overlayContainerView];
[self.roomContextualMenuPresenter showReactionsMenuForEvent:event.eventId inRoom:event.roomId session:self.mainSession aroundFrame:bubbleComponentFrameInOverlayView];