Move an Action in Actions section

This commit is contained in:
giomfo 2015-01-16 11:40:38 +01:00
parent 09c316da53
commit 410c49e0b4

View file

@ -1562,141 +1562,6 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
return rowHeight;
- (IBAction)onResendToggle:(id)sender {
// sanity check
if ([sender isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
id hiddenLabel = [(UIButton*)sender viewWithTag:HIDDEN_UNSENT_MSG_LABEL];
// get the hidden label where the event ID is store
if ([hiddenLabel isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) {
NSString* eventID =((UILabel*)hiddenLabel).text;
// search the selected cell
UIView* cellView = sender;
while (![cellView isKindOfClass:[RoomMessageTableCell class]]) {
cellView = cellView.superview;
if (cellView) {
RoomMessage* roomMessage = ((RoomMessageTableCell*)cellView).message;
RoomMessageComponent* component =[roomMessage componentWithEventId:eventID];
// sanity check
if (component) {
NSString* textMessage = component.textMessage;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.actionMenu = [[CustomAlert alloc] initWithTitle:@"Resend the message"
message:(roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) ? textMessage : nil
self.actionMenu.cancelButtonIndex = [self.actionMenu addActionWithTitle:@"Cancel"
handler:^(CustomAlert *alert) {
weakSelf.actionMenu = nil;
[self.actionMenu addActionWithTitle:@"OK"
handler:^(CustomAlert *alert) {
weakSelf.actionMenu = nil;
if (roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
// remove the message
[roomMessage removeEvent:eventID];
if (!roomMessage.components.count) {
@synchronized(weakSelf) {
[weakSelf.messages removeObject:roomMessage];
[weakSelf sendTextMessage:textMessage];
} else if (roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeImage) {
// check if the message is still in the list
NSUInteger index;
@synchronized(weakSelf) {
index = [weakSelf.messages indexOfObject:roomMessage];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[weakSelf.messages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
UIImage* image = [MediaManager loadCachePictureForURL:roomMessage.attachmentURL];
// if the URL is still a local one
if (image) {
// it should mean that the media upload fails
[weakSelf sendImage:image];
} else if (roomMessage.attachmentURL.length > 0) {
// build the image dict
NSMutableDictionary* imageMessage = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[imageMessage setObject:@"Image" forKey:@"body"];
[imageMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentInfo forKey:@"info"];
[imageMessage setObject:kMXMessageTypeImage forKey:@"msgtype"];
[imageMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentURL forKey:@"url"];
if (roomMessage.previewURL) {
[imageMessage setObject:roomMessage.previewURL forKey:kRoomMessageLocalPreviewKey];
// send it again
[weakSelf sendMessage:imageMessage withLocalEvent:nil];
} else if (roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeVideo) {
// check if the message is still in the list
NSUInteger index;
@synchronized(weakSelf) {
index = [weakSelf.messages indexOfObject:roomMessage];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[weakSelf.messages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
// if the URL is still a local one
if (![NSURL URLWithString:roomMessage.thumbnailURL].scheme) {
UIImage* image = [MediaManager loadCachePictureForURL:roomMessage.thumbnailURL];
// it should mean that the thumbnail upload fails
[weakSelf sendVideo:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:roomMessage.attachmentURL] withThumbnail:image];
} else {
NSMutableDictionary* videoMessage = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[videoMessage setObject:@"Video" forKey:@"body"];
[videoMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentInfo forKey:@"info"];
[videoMessage setObject:kMXMessageTypeVideo forKey:@"msgtype"];
[videoMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentURL forKey:@"url"];
if (roomMessage.previewURL) {
[videoMessage setObject:roomMessage.previewURL forKey:kRoomMessageLocalPreviewKey];
// the attachment is still a local path
if (![NSURL URLWithString:roomMessage.attachmentURL].scheme) {
// Add a new local event
MXEvent* localEvent = [weakSelf createLocalEchoEventWithoutContent];
localEvent.content = videoMessage;
[weakSelf addLocalEchoEvent:localEvent];
[weakSelf sendVideoContent:videoMessage localEvent:localEvent];
} else {
// set localEvent to nil to avoid useless search
[weakSelf sendMessage:videoMessage withLocalEvent:nil];
[self.actionMenu showInViewController:[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController selectedViewController]];
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
MatrixHandler *mxHandler = [MatrixHandler sharedHandler];
@ -2330,6 +2195,141 @@ NSString *const kCmdResetUserPowerLevel = @"/deop";
- (IBAction)onResendToggle:(id)sender {
// sanity check
if ([sender isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
id hiddenLabel = [(UIButton*)sender viewWithTag:HIDDEN_UNSENT_MSG_LABEL];
// get the hidden label where the event ID is store
if ([hiddenLabel isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) {
NSString* eventID =((UILabel*)hiddenLabel).text;
// search the selected cell
UIView* cellView = sender;
while (![cellView isKindOfClass:[RoomMessageTableCell class]]) {
cellView = cellView.superview;
if (cellView) {
RoomMessage* roomMessage = ((RoomMessageTableCell*)cellView).message;
RoomMessageComponent* component =[roomMessage componentWithEventId:eventID];
// sanity check
if (component) {
NSString* textMessage = component.textMessage;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.actionMenu = [[CustomAlert alloc] initWithTitle:@"Resend the message"
message:(roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) ? textMessage : nil
self.actionMenu.cancelButtonIndex = [self.actionMenu addActionWithTitle:@"Cancel"
handler:^(CustomAlert *alert) {
weakSelf.actionMenu = nil;
[self.actionMenu addActionWithTitle:@"OK"
handler:^(CustomAlert *alert) {
weakSelf.actionMenu = nil;
if (roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeText) {
// remove the message
[roomMessage removeEvent:eventID];
if (!roomMessage.components.count) {
@synchronized(weakSelf) {
[weakSelf.messages removeObject:roomMessage];
[weakSelf sendTextMessage:textMessage];
} else if (roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeImage) {
// check if the message is still in the list
NSUInteger index;
@synchronized(weakSelf) {
index = [weakSelf.messages indexOfObject:roomMessage];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[weakSelf.messages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
UIImage* image = [MediaManager loadCachePictureForURL:roomMessage.attachmentURL];
// if the URL is still a local one
if (image) {
// it should mean that the media upload fails
[weakSelf sendImage:image];
} else if (roomMessage.attachmentURL.length > 0) {
// build the image dict
NSMutableDictionary* imageMessage = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[imageMessage setObject:@"Image" forKey:@"body"];
[imageMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentInfo forKey:@"info"];
[imageMessage setObject:kMXMessageTypeImage forKey:@"msgtype"];
[imageMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentURL forKey:@"url"];
if (roomMessage.previewURL) {
[imageMessage setObject:roomMessage.previewURL forKey:kRoomMessageLocalPreviewKey];
// send it again
[weakSelf sendMessage:imageMessage withLocalEvent:nil];
} else if (roomMessage.messageType == RoomMessageTypeVideo) {
// check if the message is still in the list
NSUInteger index;
@synchronized(weakSelf) {
index = [weakSelf.messages indexOfObject:roomMessage];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
[weakSelf.messages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
// if the URL is still a local one
if (![NSURL URLWithString:roomMessage.thumbnailURL].scheme) {
UIImage* image = [MediaManager loadCachePictureForURL:roomMessage.thumbnailURL];
// it should mean that the thumbnail upload fails
[weakSelf sendVideo:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:roomMessage.attachmentURL] withThumbnail:image];
} else {
NSMutableDictionary* videoMessage = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[videoMessage setObject:@"Video" forKey:@"body"];
[videoMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentInfo forKey:@"info"];
[videoMessage setObject:kMXMessageTypeVideo forKey:@"msgtype"];
[videoMessage setObject:roomMessage.attachmentURL forKey:@"url"];
if (roomMessage.previewURL) {
[videoMessage setObject:roomMessage.previewURL forKey:kRoomMessageLocalPreviewKey];
// the attachment is still a local path
if (![NSURL URLWithString:roomMessage.attachmentURL].scheme) {
// Add a new local event
MXEvent* localEvent = [weakSelf createLocalEchoEventWithoutContent];
localEvent.content = videoMessage;
[weakSelf addLocalEchoEvent:localEvent];
[weakSelf sendVideoContent:videoMessage localEvent:localEvent];
} else {
// set localEvent to nil to avoid useless search
[weakSelf sendMessage:videoMessage withLocalEvent:nil];
[self.actionMenu showInViewController:[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController selectedViewController]];
#pragma mark - Post messages
- (void)sendMessage:(NSDictionary*)msgContent withLocalEvent:(MXEvent*)localEvent {