Authentication: Support forgot password option

Finalize implementation
This commit is contained in:
giomfo 2016-05-10 00:00:07 +02:00
parent 66dc2b42a9
commit 4d26f571b8
3 changed files with 83 additions and 25 deletions

View file

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"auth_reset_password_next_step_button" = "I have verified my email address";
"auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized" = "Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email";
"auth_reset_password_error_not_found" = "Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.";
"auth_reset_password_success_message" = "Your password has been reset.\nYou have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.";
"auth_reset_password_success_message" = "Your password has been reset.\n\nYou have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.";
// Chat creation
"room_creation_title" = "New Chat";

View file

@ -114,6 +114,9 @@
super.authType = authType;
// Reset potential stored error.
loginError = nil;
if (authType == MXKAuthenticationTypeLogin)
[self.submitButton setTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"auth_login", @"Vector", nil) forState:UIControlStateNormal];
@ -141,6 +144,19 @@
self.forgotPasswordButton.hidden = (authType != MXKAuthenticationTypeLogin);
- (void)setAuthInputsView:(MXKAuthInputsView *)authInputsView
[super setAuthInputsView:authInputsView];
// Restore here the actual content view height.
// Indeed this height has been modified according to the authInputsView height in the default implementation of MXKAuthenticationViewController.
self.contentViewHeightConstraint.constant = 415;
if (self.serverOptionsContainer.isHidden == NO)
self.contentViewHeightConstraint.constant += self.serverOptionsContainer.frame.size.height;
- (void)setUserInteractionEnabled:(BOOL)userInteractionEnabled
super.userInteractionEnabled = userInteractionEnabled;
@ -246,43 +262,68 @@
- (void)onFailureDuringAuthRequest:(NSError *)error
// Homeserver migration: the default homeserver url has been updated with
// The login process with an existing accounts will then fail.
// The login (or forgot pwd) process with an existing accounts will then fail.
// Patch: Falling back to HS so we don't break everyone's logins
if (self.authType == MXKAuthenticationTypeLogin)
if ([self.homeServerTextField.text isEqualToString:@""])
if ([self.homeServerTextField.text isEqualToString:@""])
MXError *mxError = [[MXError alloc] initWithNSError:error];
if (self.authType == MXKAuthenticationTypeLogin)
MXError *mxError = [[MXError alloc] initWithNSError:error];
if (mxError && [mxError.errcode isEqualToString:kMXErrCodeStringForbidden])
// Retry against the HS
NSLog(@"[MXKAuthenticationVC] Falling back to HS");
// Falling back to HS
NSLog(@"[MXKAuthenticationVC] Retry login against");
// Store the current error, and change the homeserver url
loginError = error;
[self setHomeServerTextFieldText:@""];
// Trigger a new request
[self onButtonPressed:self.submitButton];
else if (loginError)
else if (self.authType == MXKAuthenticationTypeForgotPassword)
// This is not an existing accounts
NSLog(@"[MXKAuthenticationVC] This is not an existing accounts");
// Restore the default HS
[self setHomeServerTextFieldText: @""];
// Consider the original login error
[super onFailureDuringAuthRequest:loginError];
loginError = nil;
if (mxError && [mxError.errcode isEqualToString:kMXErrCodeStringNotFound])
// Sanity check
if ([self.authInputsView isKindOfClass:ForgotPasswordInputsView.class])
// Falling back to HS
NSLog(@"[MXKAuthenticationVC] Retry forgot password against");
// Store the current error, and change the homeserver url
loginError = error;
[self setHomeServerTextFieldText:@""];
// Trigger a new request
ForgotPasswordInputsView *authInputsView = (ForgotPasswordInputsView*)self.authInputsView;
[authInputsView.nextStepButton sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[super onFailureDuringAuthRequest:loginError];
// Check whether we were retrying against HS
if (loginError)
// This is not an existing accounts
NSLog(@"[MXKAuthenticationVC] This is not an existing accounts");
// Restore the default HS
[self setHomeServerTextFieldText: @""];
// Consider the original login error
[super onFailureDuringAuthRequest:loginError];
loginError = nil;
[super onFailureDuringAuthRequest:error];
#pragma mark -
@ -359,6 +400,25 @@
#pragma mark - KVO
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
// Override here the handling of the authInputsView height change.
if ([@"viewHeightConstraint.constant" isEqualToString:keyPath])
// Contrary to the default implementation in 'MXKAuthenticationViewController', the content view height must not be updated.
self.authInputContainerViewHeightConstraint.constant = self.authInputsView.viewHeightConstraint.constant;
// Force to render the view
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
[super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
#pragma mark - MXKAuthenticationViewControllerDelegate
- (void)authenticationViewController:(MXKAuthenticationViewController *)authenticationViewController didLogWithUserId:(NSString *)userId

View file

@ -206,7 +206,8 @@
NSURL *identServerURL = [NSURL URLWithString:restClient.identityServer];
parameters = @{
@"auth": @{@"threepid_creds": @{@"client_secret": submittedEmail.clientSecret, @"id_server":, @"sid": submittedEmail.sid}, @"type": kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity, @"new_password": self.passWordTextField.text} };
@"auth": @{@"threepid_creds": @{@"client_secret": submittedEmail.clientSecret, @"id_server":, @"sid": submittedEmail.sid}, @"type": kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity},
@"new_password": self.passWordTextField.text};
[self hideInputsContainer];
@ -310,9 +311,6 @@
self.repeatPasswordContainer.hidden = NO;
[self layoutIfNeeded];
CGRect frame = self.repeatPasswordContainer.frame;
self.viewHeightConstraint.constant = frame.origin.y + frame.size.height;
#pragma mark - actions