Authentication: Create a way to filter and prioritise flows (with handleSupportedFlowsInAuthenticationSession).

This commit is contained in:
manuroe 2019-09-10 14:33:41 +02:00
parent 2e86379b2a
commit 76923cae11
2 changed files with 53 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Changes in 0.9.3 (2019-09-10)
* Support Riot configuration link to customise HS and IS (#2703).
* Authentication: Create a way to filter and prioritise flows (with handleSupportedFlowsInAuthenticationSession).
Changes in 0.9.2 (2019-08-08)

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@ -497,9 +497,61 @@
Filter and prioritise flows supported by the app.
@param authSession the auth session coming from the HS.
@return a new auth session
- (MXAuthenticationSession*)handleSupportedFlowsInAuthenticationSession:(MXAuthenticationSession *)authSession
MXLoginFlow *ssoFlow;
NSMutableArray *supportedFlows = [NSMutableArray array];
for (MXLoginFlow *flow in authSession.flows)
// Remove known flows we do not support
if (![flow.type isEqualToString:kMXLoginFlowTypeToken])
NSLog(@"[AuthenticationVC] handleSupportedFlowsInAuthenticationSession: Filter out flow %@", flow.type);
[supportedFlows addObject:flow];
// Prioritise SSO over other flows
if ([flow.type isEqualToString:kMXLoginFlowTypeSSO]
|| [flow.type isEqualToString:kMXLoginFlowTypeCAS])
NSLog(@"[AuthenticationVC] handleSupportedFlowsInAuthenticationSession: Prioritise flow %@", flow.type);
ssoFlow = flow;
if (ssoFlow)
[supportedFlows removeAllObjects];
[supportedFlows addObject:ssoFlow];
if (supportedFlows.count != authSession.flows.count)
MXAuthenticationSession *updatedAuthSession = [[MXAuthenticationSession alloc] init];
updatedAuthSession.session = authSession.session;
updatedAuthSession.params = authSession.params;
updatedAuthSession.flows = supportedFlows;
return updatedAuthSession;
return authSession;
- (void)handleAuthenticationSession:(MXAuthenticationSession *)authSession
// Make some cleaning from the server response according to what the app supports
authSession = [self handleSupportedFlowsInAuthenticationSession:authSession];
[super handleAuthenticationSession:authSession];
AuthInputsView *authInputsview;