BF: [iOS11] "Smart [colors] Invert" renders badly in the app

- the app does its own dark theme and prevents the OS from automatically revert the colors in the app
- there are 3 choices on iOS11 for the Riot theme: "auto", "light", "dark". "auto" uses the system settings
This commit is contained in:
manuroe 2017-09-21 15:29:46 +02:00
parent ff4786d7df
commit 819f407ae1
8 changed files with 151 additions and 53 deletions

View file

@ -516,6 +516,12 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
[self refreshLocalContacts];
_isAppForeground = YES;
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *))
// Riot has its own dark theme. Prevent iOS from applying its one
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow].accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors = YES;
[self handleLaunchAnimation];

View file

@ -416,8 +416,6 @@
"auth_email_not_found" = "Fehler beim Senden der E-Mail: Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde nicht gefunden";
"settings_user_interface" = "BENUTZEROBERFLÄCHE";
"settings_ui_language" = "Sprache";
"settings_ui_light_theme" = "Helles Design";
"settings_ui_dark_theme" = "Dunkles Design";
// Events formatter
"event_formatter_member_updates" = "%tu Änderungen der Mitgliedschaft";
"contacts_user_directory_section" = "NUTZER VERZEICHNIS";

View file

@ -340,8 +340,12 @@
//"settings_call_invitations" = "Call invitations";
"settings_ui_language" = "Language";
"settings_ui_light_theme" = "Light theme";
"settings_ui_dark_theme" = "Dark theme";
"settings_ui_theme" = "Theme";
"settings_ui_theme_auto" = "Auto";
"settings_ui_theme_light" = "Light";
"settings_ui_theme_dark" = "Dark";
"settings_ui_theme_picker_title" = "Select a theme";
"settings_ui_theme_picker_message" = "\"Auto\" uses your device \"Invert Colours\" settings";
"settings_unignore_user" = "Show all messages from %@?";

View file

@ -417,8 +417,12 @@
"auth_phone_in_use" = "Ce numéro de téléphone est déjà utilisé";
"auth_email_not_found" = "Échec lors de l'envoi de l'e-mail : Cette adresse e-mail n'a pas pu être trouvée";
"settings_ui_language" = "Langue";
"settings_ui_light_theme" = "Thème clair";
"settings_ui_dark_theme" = "Thème sombre";
"settings_ui_theme" = "Thème";
"settings_ui_theme_auto" = "Auto";
"settings_ui_theme_light" = "Clair";
"settings_ui_theme_dark" = "Sombre";
"settings_ui_theme_picker_title" = "Selectionnez un thème";
"settings_ui_theme_picker_message" = "\"Auto\" utilise le paramètre \"Inverser les couleurs\" de votre appareil";
"collapse" = "réduire";
"auth_untrusted_id_server" = "Le serveur d'identité n'est pas fiable";
"settings_user_interface" = "INTERFACE UTILISATEUR";

View file

@ -440,8 +440,6 @@
"contacts_user_directory_offline_section" = "GEBRUIKERSADRESBOEK (offline)";
"settings_user_interface" = "GEBRUIKERSINTERFACE";
"settings_ui_language" = "Taal";
"settings_ui_light_theme" = "Lichte thema";
"settings_ui_dark_theme" = "Donkere thema";
// Read Receipts
"read_receipts_list" = "Leesbewijzen Lijst";
"receipt_status_read" = "Lees: ";

View file

@ -262,8 +262,6 @@
"settings_global_settings_info" = "Глобальные настройки уведомлений доступны в вашем %@ веб-клиенте";
"settings_on_denied_notification" = "Уведомления для %@ запрещены, пожалуйста, разрешите их в настройках вашего устройства";
"settings_ui_language" = "Язык";
"settings_ui_light_theme" = "Светлая тема";
"settings_ui_dark_theme" = "Темная тема";
"settings_unignore_user" = "Показать все сообщения от %@?";
"settings_labs_e2e_encryption" = "Сквозное шифрование";
"settings_labs_e2e_encryption_prompt_message" = "Чтобы завершить настройку шифрования, вы должны войти в систему еще раз.";

View file

@ -112,8 +112,10 @@ UIColor *kRiotDesignSearchBarTintColor = nil;
// Observe user interface theme change.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] addObserver:[RiotDesignValues sharedInstance] forKeyPath:@"userInterfaceTheme" options:0 context:nil];
[[RiotDesignValues sharedInstance] userInterfaceThemeDidChange];
// Observe "Invert Colours" settings changes (available since iOS 11)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:[RiotDesignValues sharedInstance] selector:@selector(accessibilityInvertColorsStatusDidChange) name:UIAccessibilityInvertColorsStatusDidChangeNotification object:nil];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
@ -123,10 +125,25 @@ UIColor *kRiotDesignSearchBarTintColor = nil;
- (void)accessibilityInvertColorsStatusDidChange
// Refresh the theme only for "auto"
NSString *theme = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
if (!theme || [theme isEqualToString:@"auto"])
[self userInterfaceThemeDidChange];
- (void)userInterfaceThemeDidChange
// Retrieve the current selected theme ("light" if none).
// Retrieve the current selected theme ("light" if none. "auto" is used as default from iOS 11).
NSString *theme = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
if (!theme || [theme isEqualToString:@"auto"])
theme = UIAccessibilityIsInvertColorsEnabled() ? @"dark" : @"light";
// Currently only 2 themes is supported
if ([theme isEqualToString:@"dark"])

View file

@ -1695,36 +1695,39 @@ typedef void (^blockSettingsViewController_onReadyToDestroy)();
uiThemeCell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:[TableViewCellWithCheckBoxes defaultReuseIdentifier] forIndexPath:indexPath];
uiThemeCell.mainContainerLeadingConstraint.constant = uiThemeCell.separatorInset.left;
uiThemeCell.checkBoxesNumber = 2;
uiThemeCell.allowsMultipleSelection = NO;
uiThemeCell.delegate = self;
NSArray *labels = uiThemeCell.labels;
UILabel *label;
label = labels[0];
label.textColor = kRiotPrimaryTextColor;
label.text = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_light_theme", @"Vector", nil);
label = labels[1];
label.textColor = kRiotPrimaryTextColor;
label.text = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_dark_theme", @"Vector", nil);
NSString *selectedTheme = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
if (selectedTheme && [selectedTheme isEqualToString:@"dark"])
cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kSettingsViewControllerPhoneBookCountryCellId];
if (!cell)
[uiThemeCell setCheckBoxValue:YES atIndex:1];
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleValue1 reuseIdentifier:kSettingsViewControllerPhoneBookCountryCellId];
NSString *theme = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
if (!theme)
// Consider the light theme by default.
[uiThemeCell setCheckBoxValue:YES atIndex:0];
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *))
// "auto" is used the default value from iOS 11
theme = @"auto";
// Use "light" for older version
theme = @"light";
cell = uiThemeCell;
theme = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"settings_ui_theme_%@", theme];
NSString *i18nTheme = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(theme,
cell.textLabel.textColor = kRiotPrimaryTextColor;
cell.textLabel.text = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_theme", @"Vector", nil);
cell.detailTextLabel.text = i18nTheme;
cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleDefault;
@ -2270,6 +2273,10 @@ typedef void (^blockSettingsViewController_onReadyToDestroy)();
languagePickerViewController.delegate = self;
[self pushViewController:languagePickerViewController];
[self showThemePicker];
@ -3430,6 +3437,87 @@ typedef void (^blockSettingsViewController_onReadyToDestroy)();
- (void)showThemePicker
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
__block UIAlertAction *autoAction, *lightAction, *darkAction;
NSString *themePickerMessage;
void (^actionBlock)(UIAlertAction *action) = ^(UIAlertAction * action) {
if (weakSelf)
typeof(self) self = weakSelf;
NSString *newTheme;
if (action == autoAction)
newTheme = @"auto";
else if (action == lightAction)
newTheme = @"light";
else if (action == darkAction)
newTheme = @"dark";
NSString *theme = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
if (newTheme && ![newTheme isEqualToString:theme])
// Clear fake Riot Avatars based on the previous theme.
[AvatarGenerator clear];
// The user wants to select this theme
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:newTheme forKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
[self.tableView reloadData];
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *))
// Show "auto" only from iOS 11
autoAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_theme_auto", @"Vector", nil)
// Explain what is "auto"
themePickerMessage = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_theme_picker_message", @"Vector", nil);
lightAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_theme_light", @"Vector", nil)
darkAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_theme_dark", @"Vector", nil)
// Ask the user the kind of the call: voice or video?
UIAlertController *themePicker = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"settings_ui_theme_picker_title", @"Vector", nil)
if (autoAction)
[themePicker addAction:autoAction];
[themePicker addAction:lightAction];
[themePicker addAction:darkAction];
// Cancel button
[themePicker addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:[NSBundle mxk_localizedStringForKey:@"cancel"]
[self presentViewController:themePicker animated:YES completion:nil];
#pragma mark - MediaPickerViewController Delegate
- (void)dismissMediaPicker
@ -3773,21 +3861,6 @@ typedef void (^blockSettingsViewController_onReadyToDestroy)();
- (void)tableViewCellWithCheckBoxes:(TableViewCellWithCheckBoxes *)tableViewCellWithCheckBoxes didTapOnCheckBoxAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
if (tableViewCellWithCheckBoxes == uiThemeCell)
NSString *theme = (index == 0) ? @"light" : @"dark";
BOOL isCurrentlySelected = [uiThemeCell checkBoxValueAtIndex:index];
if (!isCurrentlySelected)
// Clear fake Riot Avatars based on the previous theme.
[AvatarGenerator clear];
// The user wants to select this theme
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:theme forKey:@"userInterfaceTheme"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];