Download device keys for self prior to verification checks

This commit is contained in:
Hugh Nimmo-Smith 2022-12-07 15:39:35 +00:00
parent 1efa7c1485
commit a6d31882eb

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@ -282,6 +282,18 @@ class QRLoginService: NSObject, QRLoginServiceProtocol {
// explicitly download keys for ourself rather than racing with initial sync which might not complete in time
MXLog.debug("[QRLoginService] Downloading device list for self")
await withCheckedContinuation { (continuation: CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>) in
session.crypto.downloadKeys([session.myUserId], forceDownload: false) { _, _ in
MXLog.debug("[QRLoginService] Device list downloaded for self")
continuation.resume(returning: ())
} failure: { _ in
MXLog.error("[QRLoginService] Failed to download the device list for self")
continuation.resume(returning: ())
MXLog.debug("[QRLoginService] Wait for cross-signing details")
guard case let .success(data) = await rendezvousService.receive(),
let responsePayload = try? JSONDecoder().decode(QRLoginRendezvousPayload.self, from: data),