Universal link: Handle the case where the session is not yet ready

This commit is contained in:
manuroe 2016-04-12 15:30:02 +02:00
parent f053f2ff5b
commit ac0cc5d0ff

View file

@ -697,6 +697,7 @@
- (BOOL)handleUniversalLinkFragment:(NSString*)fragment
BOOL continueUserActivity = NO;
MXKAccountManager *accountManager = [MXKAccountManager sharedManager];
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] handleUniversalLinkFragment: %@", fragment);
@ -708,70 +709,99 @@
// Check the action to do
if ([pathParams[0] isEqualToString:@"room"] && pathParams.count >= 2)
// The link is the form of "/room/[roomIdOrAlias]" or "/room/[roomIdOrAlias]/[eventId]"
NSString *roomIdOrAlias = pathParams[1];
// Is it a link to an event of a room?
NSString *eventId = (pathParams.count >= 3) ? pathParams[2] : nil;
// Check there is an account that knows this room
MXKAccount *account = [MXKAccountManager.sharedManager accountKnowingRoomWithRoomIdOrAlias:roomIdOrAlias];
if (account && account.mxSession)
if (accountManager.activeAccounts.count)
NSString *roomId = roomIdOrAlias;
// The link is the form of "/room/[roomIdOrAlias]" or "/room/[roomIdOrAlias]/[eventId]"
NSString *roomIdOrAlias = pathParams[1];
// Translate the alias into the room id
if ([roomIdOrAlias hasPrefix:@"#"])
// Is it a link to an event of a room?
NSString *eventId = (pathParams.count >= 3) ? pathParams[2] : nil;
// Check there is an account that knows this room
MXKAccount *account = [accountManager accountKnowingRoomWithRoomIdOrAlias:roomIdOrAlias];
if (account)
MXRoom *room = [account.mxSession roomWithAlias:roomIdOrAlias];
if (room)
NSString *roomId = roomIdOrAlias;
// Translate the alias into the room id
if ([roomIdOrAlias hasPrefix:@"#"])
roomId = room.roomId;
MXRoom *room = [account.mxSession roomWithAlias:roomIdOrAlias];
if (room)
roomId = room.roomId;
// Open the room page
[self showRoom:roomId andEventId:eventId withMatrixSession:account.mxSession];
continueUserActivity = YES;
else if ([roomIdOrAlias hasPrefix:@"#"])
// The alias may be not part of user's rooms states
// Ask the HS to resolve the room alias into a room id
MXKAccount* account = accountManager.activeAccounts.firstObject;
[account.mxSession.matrixRestClient roomIDForRoomAlias:roomIdOrAlias success:^(NSString *roomId) {
// Open the room page
[self showRoom:roomId andEventId:eventId withMatrixSession:account.mxSession];
// Retry opening the link but with the returned room id
NSString *newUniversalLinkFragment =
[fragment stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[roomIdOrAlias stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
withString:[roomId stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[self handleUniversalLinkFragment:newUniversalLinkFragment];
continueUserActivity = YES;
else if ([roomIdOrAlias hasPrefix:@"#"] && [MXKAccountManager sharedManager].activeAccounts.count)
// The alias may be not part of user's rooms states
// Ask the HS to resolve the room alias into a room id
MXKAccount* account = [MXKAccountManager sharedManager].activeAccounts.firstObject;
[account.mxSession.matrixRestClient roomIDForRoomAlias:roomIdOrAlias success:^(NSString *roomId) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link: Error: The home server failed to resolve the room alias (%@)", roomIdOrAlias);
// Retry opening the link but with the returned room id
NSString *newUniversalLinkFragment =
[fragment stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[roomIdOrAlias stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
withString:[roomId stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[self handleUniversalLinkFragment:newUniversalLinkFragment];
// Let's say we are handling the case
continueUserActivity = YES;
else if ([roomIdOrAlias hasPrefix:@"!"] && ((MXKAccount*)accountManager.activeAccounts.firstObject).mxSession.state != MXSessionStateRunning)
// The user does not know the room id but this may be because their session is not yet sync'ed
// So, wait for the completion of the sync and then retry
// FIXME: Manange all user's accounts not only the first one
MXKAccount* account = accountManager.activeAccounts.firstObject;
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link. Error: The home server failed to resolve the room alias (%@)", roomIdOrAlias);
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link: Need to wait for the session to be sync'ed and running");
// Let's say we are handling the case
continueUserActivity = YES;
id sessionStateObserver = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:kMXSessionStateDidChangeNotification object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull notif) {
// Check whether the concerned session is the associated one
if (notif.object == account.mxSession && account.mxSession.state == MXSessionStateRunning)
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link: The session is running. Retry the link");
[self handleUniversalLinkFragment:fragment];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:sessionStateObserver];
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link: TODO: The room (%@) is not known by any account", roomIdOrAlias);
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link. TODO: The room (%@) is not known by any account", roomIdOrAlias);
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link: TODO: No account running");
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link. TODO: Do not know what to do with the link arguments: %@", pathParams);
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] Universal link: TODO: Do not know what to do with the link arguments: %@", pathParams);
return continueUserActivity;
Extract params from the URL fragment part (after '#') of a vector.im universal link.
Extract params from the URL fragment part (after '#') of a vector.im Universal link:
The fragment can contain a '?'. So there are two kinds of parameters: path params and query params.
It is in the form of /[pathParam1]/[pathParam2]?[queryParam1Key]=[queryParam1Value]&[queryParam2Key]=[queryParam2Value]