From d3d027b24f472df84ef9ab121bda7d7c3b8957ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ismailgulek Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 13:52:19 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Remove useless file --- fastlane/Preview.html | 1255 ----------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1255 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 fastlane/Preview.html diff --git a/fastlane/Preview.html b/fastlane/Preview.html deleted file mode 100644 index d940f7203..000000000 --- a/fastlane/Preview.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1255 +0,0 @@ - - - - deliver - Element (previously - - - - - - -
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- ca: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- Una aplicació de xat, sota el vostre control i totalment flexible. El Element us permet comunicar-vos de la manera que preferiu. Fet per al [matrix] - l’estàndard per a la comunicació oberta i descentralitzada.

Obteniu un compte gratuït de, executeu el vostre servidor propi a, o empreu un altre servidor de Matrix.

Per què triar Element?

• COMUNICACIÓ COMPLETA: Creeu sales al voltant dels vostres equips, els vostre amics o la vostra comunitat - de la manera que preferiu! Converseu, compartiu fitxers, afegiu ginys i feu trucades de veu i vídeo - tot de manera gratuïta.

• INTEGRACIONS POTENTS: Empreu el Element amb les eines que ja coneixeu i us agraden. Amb el Element fins i tot podeu conversar amb usuaris i grups d’altres aplicacions de xat.

• PRIVAT I SEGUR: Mantingueu les vostres converses en secret. Xifratge punt a punt us assegura que les comunicacions privades continuaran sent privades.

• OBERT, NO TANCAT: Programari lliure, i construït damunt de Matrix. Sigueu els propietaris de les vostres dades hostatjant el vostre servidor propi, o emprant un en què confieu.

• ALLÀ ON SIGUEU: Esteu en contacte allà on esteu amb una sincronització total de l’historial dels missatges en tots els vostres dispositius, i en línia a
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- de-DE: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- Eine Chat-App unter deiner Kontrolle und total flexibel. Element lässt dich auf die Art kommunizieren wie du willst. Die App wurde gemacht für [matrix] - dem Standard für offene, dezentrale Komunikation.

Hole dir ein kostenloses Konto auf, hol dir einen eigenen Server auf oder nutze einen anderen Matrix-Server.

Warum solltest du Element wählen?

• KOMPLETTE KOMMUNIKATION: Baue Räume um deine Teams, deine Freunde, deine Community - wie auch immer du willst! Chatte, teile Dateien, füge Widgets hinzu und führe Sprach- und Videotelefonate - alles kostenlos.

• MÄCHTIGE INTEGRATIONEN: Benutze Element mit den Werkzeugen die du kennst und liebst. Mit Element kannst du sogar mit Personen und Gruppen chatten, die andere Chat-Anwendungen benutzen.

• PRIVAT UND SICHER: Halte deine Konversationen geheim. Aktuellste Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung sorgt dafür, dass deine private Kommunikation auch privat bleibt.

• OFFEN - NICHT VERSCHLOSSEN: Quelloffen und basierend auf Matrix. Behalte deine Daten indem du deinen eigenen Server betreibst oder einen auswählst dem du vertraust.

• WO AUCH IMMER DU BIST: Bleibe im Kontakt wo auch immer du bist wobei deine Nachrichtenhistorie zwischen all deinen Geräten synchronisiert wird. Das andere \"Gerät\" kann auch ein Browser sein. Schau dir dazu auch Element an.
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- en-US: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- Element is a new type of messenger and collaboration app that:

1. Puts you in control to preserve your privacy
2. Lets you communicate with anyone in the Matrix network, and even beyond by integrating with apps such as Slack
3. Protects you from advertising, datamining, backdoors and walled gardens
4. Secures you through end-to-end encryption, with cross-signing to verify others

Element is completely different from other messaging and collaboration apps because it is decentralised and open source.

Element lets you self-host - or choose a host - so that you have privacy, ownership and control of your data and conversations. It gives you access to an open network; so you’re not just stuck speaking to other Element users only. And it is very secure.

Element is able to do all this because it operates on Matrix - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Element puts you in control by letting you choose who hosts your conversations. From the Element app, you can choose to host in different ways:

1. Get a free account on the public server
2. Self-host your account by running a server on your own hardware
3. Sign up for an account on a custom server by simply subscribing to the Element Matrix Services hosting platform

Why choose Element?

OWN YOUR DATA: You decide where to keep your data and messages. You own it and control it, not some MEGACORP that mines your data or gives access to third parties.

OPEN MESSAGING AND COLLABORATION: You can chat with anyone else in the Matrix network, whether they’re using Element or another Matrix app, and even if they are using a different messaging system of the likes of Slack, IRC or XMPP.

SUPER-SECURE: Real end-to-end encryption (only those in the conversation can decrypt messages), and cross-signing to verify the devices of conversation participants.

COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Messaging, voice and video calls, file sharing, screen sharing and a whole bunch of integrations, bots and widgets. Build rooms, communities, stay in touch and get things done.

EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and on the web at
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- fr-FR: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- Une application de discussion, que vous contrôlez et entièrement flexible. Element vous laisse communiquer comme vous le souhaitez. Conçu pour [matrix], le standard pour les communications libres et décentralisées.

Créez un compte gratuit, gérez votre propre serveur sur ou utilisez un autre serveur Matrix.

Pourquoi choisir Element ?

• COMMUNICATION COMPLÈTE : Construisez des salons autours de vos équipes, de vos amis, de votre communauté comme vous le souhaitez ! Discutez, partagez des fichiers, ajoutez des widgets et passez des appels audio et vidéo gratuitement.

• INTÉGRATIONS PUISSANTES : Utilisez Element avec les outils que vous connaissez déjà. Avec Element vous pouvez même discuter avec les utilisateurs et les groupes qui utilisent d’autres applications de discussion.

• PRIVÉ ET SÉCURISÉ : Gardez vos conversations secrètes. Un chiffrement de bout en bout de pointe vous garanti que vos communications privées restent privées.

• OUVERT, PAS FERMÉ : Open source, et construit autour de Matrix. Restez en possession de vos données en hébergeant votre propre serveur, ou choisissez celui auquel vous faites confiance.

• PARTOUT OÙ VOUS ÊTES : Restez en contact où que vous soyez avec la synchronisation complète de l’historique de vos messages entre vos différents appareils et en ligne sur
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- Options to skip_screenshots activated. deliver will not modify your app screenshots. -

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- hu: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- marketing_url: - -
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- A csevegő alkalmazás ami személyre szabható és az irányításod alatt marad. Element megteremti a lehetőséget, hogy úgy beszélgess ahogy szeretnél. A [matrix] hálózathoz tervezve - ami egy nyílt és elosztott hálózat.

Készíts egy ingyenes fiókot vagy igényelj egy saját szervert a -től, de üzemeltethetsz is saját Matrix szervert.

Miért válaszd a Element-et?

TELJES KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ: Nyiss szobákat a csoportod, barátaid, közösséged vagy bárkiknek akiknek szeretnél! Beszélgess, ossz meg fájlokat, adj hozzá kisalkalmazásokat és indíts hang és videóhívásokat - teljesen ingyen.

ERŐS KAPCSOLATOK: Használd a Element-ot a kedvenc eszközeiddel. A Elementtal még másik rendszerekben lévő emberekkel és csoportokkal is képes lehetsz beszélgetni.

SZEMÉLYES ÉS BIZTONSÁGOS: Tartsd a beszélgetéseidet titokban. A végponttól-végpontig titkosítás biztosítja, hogy a személyes beszélgetések személyesek maradnak.

NYÍLT ÉS NEM ZÁRT: Nyílt forrású és a Matrix-hoz készült. Az adataid maradjanak a birtokodban a saját szerver üzemeltetésével vagy válassz olyan szervert amiben megbízol.

MINDENHOL AMERRE JÁRSZ: Maradj kapcsolatban a többiekkel mindenhol az eszközeid közötti teljesen szinkronizált üzenetváltásokkal. Akár a -en.
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- Options to skip_screenshots activated. deliver will not modify your app screenshots. -

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- pt-BR: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- marketing_url: - -
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- Um aplicativo de bate-papo, sob seu controle e totalmente flexível. Element permite que você se comunique do jeito que você quer. Desenvolvido para o [matrix] - o padrão para comunicação aberta e descentralizada.

Obtenha uma conta grátis, obtenha seu próprio servidor em ou use outro servidor Matrix.

Por que escolher o Element?

• COMUNICAÇÃO COMPLETA: Construa salas em torno de suas equipes, seus amigos, sua comunidade - como quiser! Converse, compartilhe arquivos, adicione widgets e faça chamadas de voz e vídeo - tudo de graça.

• INTEGRAÇÕES PODEROSAS: Use o Element com as ferramentas que você conhece e ama. Com Element você pode conversar com usuários e grupos em outros aplicativos de bate-papo.

• PRIVADO E SEGURO: Mantenha suas conversas em segredo. A criptografia de ponta a ponta do estado da arte garante que a comunicação privada permaneça privada.

• ABERTO, NÃO FECHADO: Código aberto e construído sobre o Matrix. Possua seus próprios dados hospedando seu próprio servidor ou selecionando um que você confia.

• EM TODOS OS LUGARES: Mantenha-se em contato onde quer que esteja com o histórico de mensagens totalmente sincronizado em todos os seus dispositivos e online em
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- Options to skip_screenshots activated. deliver will not modify your app screenshots. -

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- ru: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- marketing_url: - -
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- Приложение для чата, под вашим контролем и полностью гибкое. Element позволяет вам общаться так, как вы хотите. Сделано на [matrix] — стандарт для открытого, децентрализованного общения.

Получите бесплатную учетную запись на, собственный сервер по адресу или используйте другой сервер Matrix.

Почему стоит выбрать Element?

• ПОЛНАЯ СВЯЗЬ: создавайте комнаты для команд, друзей, сообщест — как хотите! Общайтесь, обменивайтесь файлами, добавляйте виджеты и совершайте голосовые и видеозвонки — и все это бесплатно.

• МОЩНЫЕ ИНТЕГРАЦИИ: Используйте Element с инструментами, которые знаете и любите. С Element вы можете даже общаться с пользователями и группами других приложений.

• ЧАСТНЫЕ И БЕЗОПАСНЫЕ: держите ваши разговоры в тайне. Современное сквозное шифрование гарантирует, что частное общение остается частным.

• ОТКРЫТО, НЕ ЗАКРЫТО: Исходный код открыт, построено на Matrix. Владейте данными, используя собственный сервер или выбирайте тот, которому доверяете.

• Везде, где вы находитесь: оставайтесь на связи, где бы вы ни находились, с полностью синхронизированной историей сообщений на всех ваших устройствах и в Интернете по адресу
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- Options to skip_screenshots activated. deliver will not modify your app screenshots. -

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- tr: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- Bir sohbet uygulaması, senin kontrolün altında ve tamamen esnek. Element senin istediğin şekilde iletişim kurmanı sağlar. [matrix] için yapıldı - açık, merkezi olmayan iletişim için bir standart.

Ücretsiz hesabı al, adresinde kendi özel sunucunu al ya da farklı bir Matrix sunucusu kullan.

Neden Element’i seçmeliyim?

• TAMAMEN İLETİŞİM: Takımın, arkadaşların ve topluluğun etrafında odalar oluştur - nasıl istersen! Sohbet et, dosya paylaş, widget ekle ve sesli arama yap ya da görüntülü arama yap - tamamen ücretsiz.

• GÜÇLÜ ENTEGRASYON: Element’i bildiğin ve sevdiğin araçlarla kullan. Element ile farklı sohbet uygulamalarındaki kullanıcılar, gruplarla bile konuşabilirsin.

• GİZLİ VE GÜVENLİ: Tartışmalarını gizli tutar. Uçtan-uca şifreleme gizli iletişimin gizli kalmasını sağlar.

• AÇIK, KAPALI DEĞİL: Açık kaynaklı, ve Matrix üzerinde kuruldu. Kendi verilerine kendi sunucunu kullanarak ya da güvendiğin bir tanesini seçerek sahip ol.

• OLDUĞUN HERYERDE: Tüm cihazlarında ya da çevrimiçi’de tamamen senkronize mesaj geçmişi ile nerede olursan ol iletişimde kal.
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- Options to skip_screenshots activated. deliver will not modify your app screenshots. -

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- zh-Hans: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- 一个聊天应用,由你掌控且完全灵活。Element 让你以你的方式沟通。为 [matrix] - 开放、去中心化的沟通而打造。

获取一个免费的 账号,在 获取一个你自己的服务器,或者使用其他 Matrix 服务器。

为什么选择 Element?

• 完整的沟通:围绕你的团队、你的朋友、你的社区创建聊天室 - 随你喜欢!聊天、分享文件、添加插件和语音视频通话 - 全部免费。

• 强大的集成度:通过你了解和喜欢的工具来使用 Element 。你甚至可以在 Element 上与其他聊天应用的用户和群组聊天。

• 隐私和安全:保守你对话的秘密。最先进的端到端加密技术可确保私密通信保持私密性。

• 开放,而非封闭:开源,基于 Matrix。通过自己开设的服务器来拥有你自己的数据,或者选择你信赖的服务器。

• 随处可及:在你所有的设备和线上页面 上通过完整的历史信息同步让你随处可及。
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- zh-Hant: Element (previously - -
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- Subtitle: Secure decentralised chat/VoIP - -
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- support_url: - -
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- 完全由您控制且極具彈性的聊天應用程式。Element 讓您以您想要的方式溝通。為 [matrix] 而生,其為開放、去中心化的通訊標準。

取得免費的 帳號,在 取得您自己的伺服器,或是使用其他的 Matrix 伺服器。

為什麼選擇 Element?

• 完整的溝通:與您的團隊、朋友、社群一同建構聊天室,不管您喜歡什麼都可以!聊天、分享檔案、新增小工具與進行語音和視訊通話,全都是免費的。

• 強大的整合:與您知道且所愛的工具一同使用 Element。使用 Element,您甚至可以與其他聊天應用程式的使用者與群組聊天。

• 隱密且安全:讓您的對話保持隱密。最先進的端到端加密確保隱密的溝通會繼續保持隱密。

• 開放,並不封閉:開放原始碼,建基於 Matrix。透過建構您自己的伺服器來擁有自己的資料,或選取您信任的。

• 無論您身在何處:透過 來保持聯繫並在您所有的裝置上完全同步訊息歷史。
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Review Information
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- First name -
- Matthew
- -
- Last name -
- Hodgson
- -
- Phone number -
- +44 7968 722968
- -
- Email address -
- -
- Demo user -
- appletest1
- -
- Demo password -
- _lp1n3
- -
- Notes -
- Additional test account, if required: appletest2 / _lp1n3 (user IDs can be used in place of email addresses).

For a video demonstrating how to use the app, please see

If you wish, you may create further test accounts within the app by using the 'register' button.

Home Server for both test accounts is so Matrix IDs of the test accounts are and respectively.

This is a chat application and so allow users to receive content from other users. For this reason, we have selected 'Unrestricted web access' in the Ratings section as this is the closest that was available.

App Target Users: Users who want a tool for text based communication within a public or private group of people or to a single other person.

This is a client for an existing service, one instance of which runs at although the server is open source.

The service is offered completely free of charge. There are no additional charges for mobile access.

Users obtain an account either by using the 'register' link within the app, or on the web at . There are no fees involved.

The app does not offer access to any paid content or services.

The app does not generate revenue.

The intended use of the app is a textual/voice/video communication tool, for use in either a team-based collaboration environment or as an instant messaging application.
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