PushKit - Enhancement

Don't forget notifications lost while the device was offline
This commit is contained in:
Giom Foret 2017-10-18 19:18:14 +02:00
parent ea56fed726
commit fb65be28fc

View file

@ -155,6 +155,20 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
NSMutableDictionary *callEventsListeners;
The notification listener blocks.
There is one block per MXSession.
The key is an identifier of the MXSession. The value, the listener block.
NSMutableDictionary <NSNumber *, MXOnNotification> *notificationListenerBlocks;
The list of the events which need to be notified at the end of the background sync.
There is one list per MXSession.
The key is an identifier of the MXSession. The value, an array of dictionaries (eventId, roomId... for each event).
NSMutableDictionary <NSNumber *, NSMutableArray <NSDictionary *> *> *eventsToNotify;
Currently displayed "Call not supported" alert.
@ -178,7 +192,7 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
@property (nonatomic, strong) PKPushRegistry *pushRegistry;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray <NSDictionary *> *incomingPushDictionaryPayloads;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray <NSString *> *incomingPushEventIds;
@ -319,6 +333,8 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
mxSessionArray = [NSMutableArray array];
callEventsListeners = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
notificationListenerBlocks = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
eventsToNotify = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// To simplify navigation into the app, we retrieve here the main navigation controller and the tab bar controller.
UISplitViewController *splitViewController = (UISplitViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
@ -360,7 +376,7 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
[self startGoogleAnalytics];
// Prepare Pushkit handling
_incomingPushDictionaryPayloads = [NSMutableArray array];
_incomingPushEventIds = [NSMutableArray array];
// Add matrix observers, and initialize matrix sessions if the app is not launched in background.
[self initMatrixSessions];
@ -457,7 +473,7 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] applicationWillEnterForeground");
// Flush all the pending push notifications.
[self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads removeAllObjects];
[self.incomingPushEventIds removeAllObjects];
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
@ -1073,20 +1089,20 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload while app is in background");
// Sanity check: consider only push payload with event id and room id.
NSDictionary *dictionaryPayload = payload.dictionaryPayload;
if (dictionaryPayload[@"event_id"] && dictionaryPayload[@"room_id"])
// Check whether an event id is provided.
NSString *eventId = payload.dictionaryPayload[@"event_id"];
if (eventId)
// Store the payload dictionary
[self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads addObject:dictionaryPayload];
// Handle the local notifications by triggering a background sync.
[self handleLocalNotifications];
// Store the event identifier.
[self.incomingPushEventIds addObject:eventId];
NSLog(@"[AppDelegate] didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload - Unexpected payload %@", dictionaryPayload);
// Handle the local notifications by triggering a background sync.
[self handleLocalNotifications];
@ -1116,12 +1132,14 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
// The call invite are handled here only when the callkit is not active.
BOOL isCallKitActive = [MXCallKitAdapter callKitAvailable] && [MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].isCallKitEnabled;
// Display a local notification for each incoming push when the corresponding event has been retrieved during the bg sync.
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads.count; )
NSMutableArray *eventsArray = eventsToNotify[@(account.mxSession.hash)];
// Display a local notification for each event retrieved by the bg sync.
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < eventsArray.count; index++)
NSDictionary *payload = self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads[index];
NSString *eventId = payload[@"event_id"];
NSString *roomId = payload[@"room_id"];
NSDictionary *eventDict = eventsArray[index];
NSString *eventId = eventDict[@"event_id"];
NSString *roomId = eventDict[@"room_id"];
BOOL checkReadEvent = YES;
MXEvent *event;
@ -1132,9 +1150,6 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
if (event)
// Remove this pending push.
[self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Ignore redacted event.
if (event.isRedactedEvent)
@ -1178,7 +1193,7 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
// Prepare the local notification
MXPushRule *rule = [account.mxSession.notificationCenter ruleMatchingEvent:event];
MXPushRule *rule = eventDict[@"push_rule"];
NSString *notificationBody = [self notificationBodyForEvent:event pushRule:rule inAccount:account];
if (notificationBody)
@ -1206,13 +1221,10 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:eventNotification];
// Keep this push payload
[eventsArray removeAllObjects];
// Update icon badge number
[UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber = [account.mxSession riot_missedDiscussionsCount];
@ -1317,13 +1329,10 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
else if (event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomMember)
NSString *roomName = roomState.name;
NSString *roomAlias = roomState.aliases.firstObject;
NSString *roomDisplayName = room.summary.displayname;
if (roomName)
notificationBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM", nil), eventSenderName, roomName];
else if (roomAlias)
notificationBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM", nil), eventSenderName, roomAlias];
if (roomDisplayName.length && ![roomDisplayName isEqualToString:eventSenderName])
notificationBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM", nil), eventSenderName, roomDisplayName];
notificationBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT", nil), eventSenderName];
@ -1827,6 +1836,9 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
// A new call observer may be added here
[self addMatrixCallObserver];
// Enable local notifications
[self enableLocalNotificationsFromMatrixSession:mxSession];
// Look for the account related to this session.
NSArray *mxAccounts = [MXKAccountManager sharedManager].activeAccounts;
for (MXKAccount *account in mxAccounts)
@ -1862,7 +1874,7 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
else if (mxSession.state == MXSessionStatePaused)
// Check whether some local notifications must be handled by triggering a background sync.
if (self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads.count)
if (self.incomingPushEventIds.count)
[self handleLocalNotifications];
@ -2037,6 +2049,9 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
// If any, disable the no VoIP support workaround
[self disableNoVoIPOnMatrixSession:mxSession];
// Disable local notifications from this session
[self disableLocalNotificationsFromMatrixSession:mxSession];
[mxSessionArray removeObject:mxSession];
if (!mxSessionArray.count && matrixCallObserver)
@ -2082,7 +2097,7 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
self.pushRegistry = nil;
isPushRegistered = NO;
[self.incomingPushDictionaryPayloads removeAllObjects];
[self.incomingPushEventIds removeAllObjects];
// Clear cache
[MXMediaManager clearCache];
@ -2340,6 +2355,43 @@ NSString *const kAppDelegateNetworkStatusDidChangeNotification = @"kAppDelegateN
- (void)enableLocalNotificationsFromMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession
// Prepare listener block.
MXOnNotification notificationListenerBlock = ^(MXEvent *event, MXRoomState *roomState, MXPushRule *rule) {
// Ignore this event if the app is not running in background.
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState] != UIApplicationStateBackground)
// Check whether this event corresponds to a pending push.
NSUInteger index = [self.incomingPushEventIds indexOfObject:event.eventId];
if (index != NSNotFound)
// Remove it from the pending list.
[self.incomingPushEventIds removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Add it to the list of the events to notify.
[eventsToNotify[@(mxSession.hash)] addObject:@{@"event_id": event.eventId, @"room_id": event.roomId, @"push_rule": rule}];
eventsToNotify[@(mxSession.hash)] = [NSMutableArray array];
[mxSession.notificationCenter listenToNotifications:notificationListenerBlock];
notificationListenerBlocks[@(mxSession.hash)] = notificationListenerBlock;
- (void)disableLocalNotificationsFromMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession
// Stop listening to notification of this session
[mxSession.notificationCenter removeListener:notificationListenerBlocks[@(mxSession.hash)]];
[notificationListenerBlocks removeObjectForKey:@(mxSession.hash)];
[eventsToNotify removeObjectForKey:@(mxSession.hash)];
#pragma mark -