#!/bin/sh # Use sudo less Ruby export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH if [ ! $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./buildRelease.sh [tag or branch]" exit 1 fi if [ ! -n "$APPLE_ID" ]; then echo "You must set the APPLE_ID env var before calling this script" echo 'export APPLE_ID="foo.bar@apple.com"' exit 1 fi TAG=$1 BUILD_DIR="build"/$TAG BUILD_NUMBER=$( date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S ) if [ -e $BUILD_DIR ]; then echo "Error: Folder ${BUILD_DIR} already exists" exit 1 fi # Checkout the source to build mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR cd $BUILD_DIR REPO_URL=$(git ls-remote --get-url origin) REPO_NAME=$(basename -s .git $REPO_URL) git clone $REPO_URL --depth=1 --branch $TAG cd $REPO_NAME # Fastlane update gem install bundler bundle install bundle update # Update fastlane plugins bundle exec fastlane update_plugins # Use appropriated dependencies according to the current branch bundle exec fastlane point_dependencies_to_same_feature # Build bundle exec fastlane app_store build_number:$BUILD_NUMBER git_tag:$TAG if [ -e out/Riot.ipa ]; then # Here is the artefact cp out/Riot.ipa ../../../Riot-$TAG-$BUILD_NUMBER.ipa echo "Riot-$TAG-$BUILD_NUMBER.ipa has been successfully built" fi