/* Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** Single, end-to-end encrypted messages (ie. we don't know what they say) */ /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room */ "MSG_FROM_USER" = "%@ heeft een bericht gestuurd"; /* New message from a specific person in a named room */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ heeft een bericht in %@ geplaatst"; /** Single, unencrypted messages (where we can include the content */ /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room. Content included. */ "MSG_FROM_USER_WITH_CONTENT" = "%@: %@"; /* New message from a specific person in a named room. Content included. */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_WITH_CONTENT" = "%@ in %@: %@"; /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "ACTION_FROM_USER" = "* %@ %@"; /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ "ACTION_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@: * %@ %@"; /** Image Messages **/ /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ "IMAGE_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ heeft een afbeelding %@ in %@ geplaatst"; /** Coalesced messages **/ /* Multiple unread messages in a room */ "UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "%@ nieuwe berichten in %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from a specific person, not referencing a room */ "MSGS_FROM_USER" = "%@ nieuwe berichten in %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from two people */ "MSGS_FROM_TWO_USERS" = "%@ nieuwe berichten van %@ en %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from three people */ "MSGS_FROM_THREE_USERS" = "%@ nieuwe berichten van %@, %@ en %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from two plus people (ie. for 4+ people: 'others' replaces the third person) */ "MSGS_FROM_TWO_PLUS_USERS" = "%@ nieuwe berichten van %@, %@ en anderen"; /* Multiple messages in two rooms */ "MSGS_IN_TWO_ROOMS" = "%@ nieuwe berichten in %@ en %@"; /* Look, stuff's happened, alright? Just open the app. */ "MSGS_IN_TWO_PLUS_ROOMS" = "%@ nieuwe berichten in %@, %@ en anderen"; /** Invites **/ /* A user has invited you to a chat */ "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT" = "%@ heeft u uitgenodigd om te chatten"; /* A user has invited you to an (unamed) group chat */ "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT_GROUP_CHAT" = "%@ heeft u uitgenodigd in een groepschat"; /* A user has invited you to a named room */ "USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM" = "%@ heeft u in %@-kamer uitgenodigd"; /** Calls **/ /* Incoming one-to-one voice call */ "VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER" = "Oproep van %@"; /* Incoming one-to-one video call */ "VIDEO_CALL_FROM_USER" = "Video-oproep van %@"; /* Incoming unnamed voice conference invite from a specific person */ "VOICE_CONF_FROM_USER" = "Groepsoproep van %@"; /* Incoming unnamed video conference invite from a specific person */ "VIDEO_CONF_FROM_USER" = "Video-groepsoproep van %@"; /* Incoming named voice conference invite from a specific person */ "VOICE_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "Groepsoproep van %@: ‘%@’"; /* Incoming named video conference invite from a specific person */ "VIDEO_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "Video-groepsoproep van %@: ‘%@’"; /* A single unread message in a room */ "SINGLE_UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "U heeft een bericht ontvangen in %@"; /* A single unread message */ "SINGLE_UNREAD" = "U heeft een bericht ontvangen"; /* Message title for a specific person in a named room */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE" = "%@ in %@"; /* Sticker from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "STICKER_FROM_USER" = "%@ heeft een sticker gestuurd"; "KEY_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_FROM_USER" = "%@ wil verifiëren"; "MESSAGE_PROTECTED" = "Nieuw Bericht"; /* New message indicator on a room */ "MESSAGE_IN_X" = "Bericht in %@"; /* New message indicator from a DM */ "MESSAGE_FROM_X" = "Bericht van %@"; /** Notification messages **/ /* New message indicator on unknown room */ "MESSAGE" = "Bericht"; /* A user added a Jitsi call to a room */ "GROUP_CALL_STARTED" = "Groepsgesprek gestart"; /* Group call from user, CallKit caller name */ "GROUP_CALL_FROM_USER" = "%@ (groepsgesprek)"; /* A user's membership has updated in an unknown way */ "USER_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATED" = "%@ profiel is bijgewerkt"; /* A user has change their avatar */ "USER_UPDATED_AVATAR" = "%@ avatar is gewijzigd"; /* A user has change their name to a new name which we don't know */ "GENERIC_USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME" = "%@ naam is gewijzigd"; /** Membership Updates **/ /* A user has change their name to a new name */ "USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME" = "%@ heeft nu %@ als naam aangenomen"; /* A user has reacted to a message, but the reaction content is unknown */ "GENERIC_REACTION_FROM_USER" = "%@ stuurde een reactie"; /** Reactions **/ /* A user has reacted to a message, including the reaction e.g. "Alice reacted 👍". */ "REACTION_FROM_USER" = "%@ reageerde %@"; /* New file message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "FILE_FROM_USER" = "%@ stuurde een bestand %@"; /* New voice message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "VOICE_MESSAGE_FROM_USER" = "%@ stuurde een spraakbericht"; /* New audio message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "AUDIO_FROM_USER" = "%@ stuurde een audiobestand %@"; /* New video message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "VIDEO_FROM_USER" = "%@ stuurde een video"; /** Media Messages **/ /* New image message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "PICTURE_FROM_USER" = "%@ stuurde een afbeelding"; /* New message reply from a specific person in a named room. */ "REPLY_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE" = "%@ reageerde in %@"; /* New message reply from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "REPLY_FROM_USER_TITLE" = "%@ reageerde"; /** General **/ "Notification" = "Meldingen"; /* New file message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "LOCATION_FROM_USER" = "%@ deelde hun locatie";