// // Copyright 2020 Vector Creations Ltd // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import Foundation import MatrixSDK #if !os(OSX) import DeviceKit #endif /// CommonConfiguration is the central point to setup settings for MatrixSDK, MatrixKit and common configurations for all targets. class CommonConfiguration: NSObject, Configurable { // MARK: - Global settings func setupSettings() { setupMatrixKitSettings() setupMatrixSDKSettings() } private func setupMatrixKitSettings() { guard let settings = MXKAppSettings.standard() else { return } // Disable CallKit settings.isCallKitEnabled = false // Enable lazy loading settings.syncWithLazyLoadOfRoomMembers = true // Customize the default notification content settings.notificationBodyLocalizationKey = "Notification" settings.messageDetailsAllowSharing = BuildSettings.messageDetailsAllowShare settings.messageDetailsAllowSaving = BuildSettings.messageDetailsAllowSave settings.messageDetailsAllowCopyingMedia = BuildSettings.messageDetailsAllowCopyMedia settings.messageDetailsAllowPastingMedia = BuildSettings.messageDetailsAllowPasteMedia // Enable link detection if url preview are enabled settings.enableBubbleComponentLinkDetection = true MXKContactManager.shared().allowLocalContactsAccess = BuildSettings.allowLocalContactsAccess } private func setupMatrixSDKSettings() { let sdkOptions = MXSDKOptions.sharedInstance() sdkOptions.applicationGroupIdentifier = BuildSettings.applicationGroupIdentifier // Define the media cache version sdkOptions.mediaCacheAppVersion = 0 // Enable e2e encryption for newly created MXSession sdkOptions.enableCryptoWhenStartingMXSession = true // Disable identicon use sdkOptions.disableIdenticonUseForUserAvatar = true // Set up user agent if let userAgent = makeASCIIUserAgent() { sdkOptions.httpAdditionalHeaders = ["User-Agent": userAgent] } // Pass httpAdditionalHeaders to the SDK sdkOptions.httpAdditionalHeaders = (sdkOptions.httpAdditionalHeaders ?? [:]).merging(BuildSettings.httpAdditionalHeaders, uniquingKeysWith: { _, value in value }) // Disable key backup on common sdkOptions.enableKeyBackupWhenStartingMXCrypto = false // Pass threading option to the SDK sdkOptions.enableThreads = RiotSettings.shared.enableThreads sdkOptions.clientPermalinkBaseUrl = BuildSettings.clientPermalinkBaseUrl sdkOptions.authEnableRefreshTokens = BuildSettings.authEnableRefreshTokens // Configure key provider delegate MXKeyProvider.sharedInstance().delegate = EncryptionKeyManager.shared sdkOptions.enableNewClientInformationFeature = RiotSettings.shared.enableClientInformationFeature } private func makeASCIIUserAgent() -> String? { guard var userAgent = makeUserAgent() else { return nil } if !userAgent.canBeConverted(to: .ascii) { let mutableUserAgent = NSMutableString(string: userAgent) if CFStringTransform(mutableUserAgent, nil, "Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [:^ASCII:] Remove" as CFString, false) { userAgent = mutableUserAgent as String } } return userAgent } private func makeUserAgent() -> String? { let appInfo = AppInfo.current let clientName = appInfo.displayName let clientVersion = appInfo.appVersion?.bundleShortVersion ?? "unknown" #if os(iOS) return String( format: "%@/%@ (%@; iOS %@; Scale/%0.2f)", clientName, clientVersion, Device.current.safeDescription, UIDevice.current.systemVersion, UIScreen.main.scale) #elseif os(tvOS) return String( format: "%@/%@ (%@; tvOS %@; Scale/%0.2f)", clientName, clientVersion, Device.current.safeDescription, UIDevice.current.systemVersion, UIScreen.main.scale) #elseif os(watchOS) return String( format: "%@/%@ (%@; watchOS %@; Scale/%0.2f)", clientName, clientVersion, Device.current.safeDescription, WKInterfaceDevice.current.systemVersion, WKInterfaceDevice.currentDevice.screenScale) #elseif os(OSX) return String( format: "%@/%@ (Mac; Mac OS X %@)", clientName, clientVersion, NSProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersionString) #else return nil #endif } // MARK: - Per matrix session settings func setupSettings(for matrixSession: MXSession) { setupCallsSettings(for: matrixSession) } private func setupCallsSettings(for matrixSession: MXSession) { guard let callManager = matrixSession.callManager else { // This means nothing happens if the project does not embed a VoIP stack return } // Let's call invite be valid for 1 minute callManager.inviteLifetime = 60000 if RiotSettings.shared.allowStunServerFallback, let stunServerFallback = BuildSettings.stunServerFallbackUrlString { callManager.fallbackSTUNServer = stunServerFallback } } // MARK: - Per loaded matrix session settings func setupSettingsWhenLoaded(for matrixSession: MXSession) { // Do not warn for unknown devices. We have cross-signing now matrixSession.crypto?.warnOnUnknowDevices = false } }