// // Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import Combine import SwiftUI typealias AuthenticationRegistrationViewModelType = StateStoreViewModel class AuthenticationRegistrationViewModel: AuthenticationRegistrationViewModelType, AuthenticationRegistrationViewModelProtocol { // MARK: - Properties // MARK: Public var callback: (@MainActor (AuthenticationRegistrationViewModelResult) -> Void)? // MARK: - Setup init(homeserver: AuthenticationHomeserverViewData) { let bindings = AuthenticationRegistrationBindings() let viewState = AuthenticationRegistrationViewState(homeserver: homeserver, bindings: bindings) super.init(initialViewState: viewState) } // MARK: - Public override func process(viewAction: AuthenticationRegistrationViewAction) { switch viewAction { case .selectServer: Task { await callback?(.selectServer) } case .validateUsername: Task { await validateUsername() } case .enablePasswordValidation: Task { await enablePasswordValidation() } case .resetUsernameAvailability: Task { await resetUsernameAvailability() } case .next: Task { await callback?(.createAccount(username: state.bindings.username, password: state.bindings.password)) } case .continueWithSSO(let provider): Task { await callback?(.continueWithSSO(provider)) } case .fallback: Task { await callback?(.fallback) } } } @MainActor func update(isLoading: Bool) { guard state.isLoading != isLoading else { return } state.isLoading = isLoading } @MainActor func update(homeserver: AuthenticationHomeserverViewData) { state.homeserver = homeserver } @MainActor func update(username: String) { guard username != state.bindings.username else { return } state.bindings.username = username } @MainActor func confirmUsernameAvailability(_ username: String) { guard username == state.bindings.username else { return } state.usernameAvailability = .available } @MainActor func displayError(_ type: AuthenticationRegistrationErrorType) { switch type { case .usernameUnavailable(let message): state.usernameAvailability = .invalid(message) case .mxError(let message): state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: type, title: VectorL10n.error, message: message) case .invalidHomeserver, .invalidResponse: state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: type, title: VectorL10n.error, message: VectorL10n.authenticationServerSelectionGenericError) case .registrationDisabled: state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: type, title: VectorL10n.error, message: VectorL10n.loginErrorRegistrationIsNotSupported) case .unknown: state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: type) } } // MARK: - Private /// Validate the supplied username with the homeserver. @MainActor private func validateUsername() { if !state.hasEditedUsername { state.hasEditedUsername = true } callback?(.validateUsername(state.bindings.username)) } /// Allows password validation to take place. @MainActor private func enablePasswordValidation() { guard !state.hasEditedPassword else { return } state.hasEditedPassword = true } /// Reset the username's availability, clearing any messages being shown in the username text field footer. @MainActor private func resetUsernameAvailability() { if case .unknown = state.usernameAvailability { return } state.usernameAvailability = .unknown } }