// // Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import Combine import CoreLocation import Foundation import SwiftUI // This is the equivalent of MXEventAssetType in the MatrixSDK enum LocationSharingCoordinateType { case user case pin } enum LiveLocationSharingTimeout: TimeInterval { // Timer are in milliseconde because timestamp are in millisecond in Matrix SDK case short = 900_000 // 15 minutes case medium = 3_600_000 // 1 hour case long = 28_800_000 // 8 hours } enum LocationSharingViewAction { case cancel case share case sharePinLocation case goToUserLocation case startLiveSharing case shareLiveLocation(timeout: LiveLocationSharingTimeout) case userDidPan case mapCreditsDidTap } enum LocationSharingViewModelResult { case cancel case share(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, coordinateType: LocationSharingCoordinateType) case shareLiveLocation(timeout: TimeInterval) case checkLiveLocationCanBeStarted(_ completion: (Result) -> Void) } enum LiveLocationStartError: Error { case powerLevelNotHighEnough case labFlagNotEnabled } enum LocationSharingViewError { case failedLoadingMap case failedLocatingUser case invalidLocationAuthorization case failedSharingLocation } struct LocationSharingViewState: BindableState { /// Map style URL let mapStyleURL: URL /// Current user avatarData let userAvatarData: AvatarInputProtocol /// Map annotations to display on map var annotations: [LocationAnnotation] /// Map annotation to focus on var highlightedAnnotation: LocationAnnotation? /// Indicates whether the user has moved around the map to drop a pin somewhere other than their current location var isPinDropSharing = false var showLoadingIndicator = false /// True to indicate to show and follow current user location var showsUserLocation = false /// Used to hide live location sharing features var isLiveLocationSharingEnabled = false var shareButtonEnabled: Bool { !showLoadingIndicator } var showMapLoadingError = false let errorSubject = PassthroughSubject() var bindings = LocationSharingViewStateBindings() } struct LocationSharingViewStateBindings { var alertInfo: AlertInfo? var userLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D? var pinLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D? var showingTimerSelector = false var showMapCreditsSheet = false } enum LocationSharingAlertType { case mapLoadingError case userLocatingError case authorizationError case locationSharingError case stopLocationSharingError case locationSharingPowerLevelError }