#!/bin/sh set -e builddir="build" outdir="out" sdk="iphoneos" basecmd="xcodebuild -scheme Riot -workspace Riot.xcworkspace -configuration Release -sdk $sdk -derivedDataPath $builddir" vars="" # Clean the Xcode build folder to avoid caching issues that happens sometimes rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* if [ -n "$GIT_BRANCH" ] then vars="$vars GIT_BRANCH=`echo $GIT_BRANCH | sed -e 's#origin\/##'`" fi if [ -n "$BUILD_NUMBER" ] then vars="$vars BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER" fi if [ "$1" == 'clean' ] then if [ -d "Riot.xcworkspace" ] then $basecmd clean fi rm -r "$builddir" "$outdir" || true else method=$1 if [ ! -d "Riot.xcworkspace" ] then echo "Please run pod install first" exit 1 fi $basecmd -archivePath "out/Riot.xcarchive" archive GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS="\$(GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS) $vars" exportOptionsPlist=`mktemp` cat > $exportOptionsPlist < method $method EOD xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath "out/Riot.xcarchive" -exportPath out -exportOptionsPlist "$exportOptionsPlist" rm "$exportOptionsPlist" fi