name: Riot schemes: Riot: analyze: config: Debug archive: config: Release build: targets: Riot: - running - testing - profiling - analyzing - archiving profile: config: Release run: config: Debug disableMainThreadChecker: true test: config: Debug disableMainThreadChecker: true targets: - RiotTests gatherCoverageData: true coverageTargets: - Riot targets: Riot: type: application platform: iOS dependencies: - target: RiotShareExtension - target: SiriIntents - target: RiotNSE - target: DesignKit - target: CommonKit - package: Mapbox - package: OrderedCollections - package: SwiftOGG - package: DeviceKit configFiles: Debug: Debug.xcconfig Release: Release.xcconfig preBuildScripts: - name: ⚠️ SwiftLint runOnlyWhenInstalling: false shell: /bin/sh script: "\"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint\"\n" - name: 🛠 SwiftGen runOnlyWhenInstalling: false shell: /bin/sh script: "\"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen\" config run --config \"Tools/SwiftGen/swiftgen-config.yml\"\n" - name: 📖 locheck runOnlyWhenInstalling: false shell: /bin/sh script: | # homebrew uses a non-standard directory on M1 if [[ $(arch) = arm64 ]]; then export PATH="$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin"; fi xcrun --sdk macosx mint run Asana/locheck@0.9.6 discoverlproj --treat-warnings-as-errors --ignore-missing --ignore lproj_file_missing_from_translation "$PROJECT_DIR/Riot/Assets" sources: - path: ../RiotSwiftUI/Modules # Riot will provide it's own LocaleProviderType so exclude. excludes: - "Common/Locale/LocaleProvider.swift" - "**/Test/**" - path: ../Tools excludes: - "Logs" - "Release" - "Templates/*.sh" - path: ../Config - path: . excludes: - "Modules/Room/EmojiPicker/Data/EmojiMart/EmojiJSONStore.swift" - "Assets/ar.lproj/**" # RTL is broken so languages are disabled for now - "Assets/he.lproj/**" - "Assets/pr.lproj/**" # Unsupported language on iOS - path: ../RiotShareExtension/Shared - path: Modules/MatrixKit excludes: - "**/*.md" # excludes all files with the .md extension