/* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room */ "MSG_FROM_USER" = "%@发送了一条消息"; /* New message from a specific person in a named room */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ 在 %@ 发送了消息"; /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room. Content included. */ "MSG_FROM_USER_WITH_CONTENT" = "%@:%@"; /* New message from a specific person in a named room. Content included. */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_WITH_CONTENT" = "%@(来自 %@):%@"; /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "ACTION_FROM_USER" = "* %@ %@"; /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ "ACTION_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@:* %@ %@"; /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "IMAGE_FROM_USER" = "%@ 发送了一张图片:%@"; /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ "IMAGE_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ 发送了一张图片:%@(来自 %@)"; /* A single unread message in a room */ "SINGLE_UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "您收到了一条消息(来自 %@)"; /* A single unread message */ "SINGLE_UNREAD" = "你收到了一条消息"; /* Multiple unread messages in a room */ "UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自聊天室 %@)"; /* Multiple unread messages from a specific person, not referencing a room */ "MSGS_FROM_USER" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自 %@)"; /* Multiple unread messages from two people */ "MSGS_FROM_TWO_USERS" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自 %@ 和 %@)"; /* Multiple unread messages from three people */ "MSGS_FROM_THREE_USERS" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自 %@、%@ 和 %@)"; /* Multiple unread messages from two plus people (ie. for 4+ people: 'others' replaces the third person) */ "MSGS_FROM_TWO_PLUS_USERS" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自 %@、%@ 及更多)"; /* Multiple messages in two rooms */ "MSGS_IN_TWO_ROOMS" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自聊天室 %@ 和 %@)"; /* Look, stuff's happened, alright? Just open the app. */ "MSGS_IN_TWO_PLUS_ROOMS" = "%@ 条未读消息 (来自聊天室 %@、%@ 和更多)"; /* A user has invited you to a chat */ "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT" = "%@ 邀请您加入私聊"; /* A user has invited you to an (unamed) group chat */ "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT_GROUP_CHAT" = "%@ 邀请您加入聊天室"; /* A user has invited you to a named room */ "USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM" = "%@ 邀请您加入聊天室 %@"; /* Incoming one-to-one voice call */ "VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER" = "来自 %@ 的通话"; /* Incoming one-to-one video call */ "VIDEO_CALL_FROM_USER" = "来自 %@ 的视频通话"; /* Incoming unnamed voice conference invite from a specific person */ "VOICE_CONF_FROM_USER" = "来自 %@ 的电话会议"; /* Incoming unnamed video conference invite from a specific person */ "VIDEO_CONF_FROM_USER" = "来自 %@ 的视频会议"; /* Incoming named voice conference invite from a specific person */ "VOICE_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "来自 %@ 的电话会议:“%@”"; /* Incoming named video conference invite from a specific person */ "VIDEO_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "来自 %@ 的视频会议:“%@”"; /* Message title for a specific person in a named room */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE" = "%@(来自 %@)"; /* Sticker from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "STICKER_FROM_USER" = "%@发送了一张贴图"; "KEY_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_FROM_USER" = "%@想要验证";