#!/bin/bash # Use this script to setup the Xcode project # Remove existing project file if any rm -r Riot.xcodeproj # Create the xcodeproj with all project source files xcodegen # Use appropriated dependencies # Check if Podfile changed in unstaged git diff --exit-code --quiet --name-only Podfile PODFILE_HAS_CHANGED_UNSTAGED=$? # Check if Podfile changed in staged git diff --staged --exit-code --quiet --name-only Podfile PODFILE_HAS_CHANGED_STAGED=$? # If Podfile has changed locally do not modify it # otherwise use the appropriated dependencies according to the current branch if [[ "$PODFILE_HAS_CHANGED_UNSTAGED" -eq 1 || "$PODFILE_HAS_CHANGED_STAGED" -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Podfile has been changed locally do not modify it" else echo "Podfile has not been changed locally, use appropriated dependencies according to the current branch" bundle exec fastlane point_dependencies_to_same_feature fi # Create the xcworkspace with all project dependencies pod install