// File created from ScreenTemplate // $ createScreen.sh Onboarding Authentication /* Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import Foundation import UIKit /// A coordinator that handles authentication, verification and setting a PIN. final class AuthenticationCoordinator: NSObject, AuthenticationCoordinatorProtocol { // MARK: - Properties // MARK: Private private let authenticationViewController: AuthenticationViewController // MARK: Public // Must be used only internally var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = [] var completion: ((MXKAuthenticationType) -> Void)? // MARK: - Setup override init() { let authenticationViewController = AuthenticationViewController() self.authenticationViewController = authenticationViewController // Preload the view as this can a second and lock up the UI at presentation. // The coordinator is initialised early in the onboarding flow to take advantage of this. authenticationViewController.loadViewIfNeeded() super.init() } // MARK: - Public func start() { // Listen to the end of the authentication flow authenticationViewController.authVCDelegate = self } func toPresentable() -> UIViewController { return self.authenticationViewController } func update(authenticationType: MXKAuthenticationType) { authenticationViewController.authType = authenticationType } func showCustomServer() { authenticationViewController.setCustomServerFieldsVisible(true) } func update(externalRegistrationParameters: [AnyHashable: Any]) { authenticationViewController.externalRegistrationParameters = externalRegistrationParameters } func update(softLogoutCredentials: MXCredentials) { authenticationViewController.softLogoutCredentials = softLogoutCredentials } func updateHomeserver(_ homeserver: String?, andIdentityServer identityServer: String?) { authenticationViewController.showCustomHomeserver(homeserver, andIdentityServer: identityServer) } func continueSSOLogin(withToken loginToken: String, transactionID: String) -> Bool { authenticationViewController.continueSSOLogin(withToken: loginToken, txnId: transactionID) } } // MARK: - AuthenticationViewControllerDelegate extension AuthenticationCoordinator: AuthenticationViewControllerDelegate { func authenticationViewControllerDidDismiss(_ authenticationViewController: AuthenticationViewController!) { completion?(authenticationViewController.authType) } }