// // Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import Foundation /// this extension is temprorary and implements navigation to the Space bootom sheet. This should be moved to an universal link flow coordinator extension RoomViewController { @objc func handleSpaceUniversalLink(with url: URL) { let url = Tools.fixURL(withSeveralHashKeys: url) var pathParamsObjc: NSArray? var queryParamsObjc: NSMutableDictionary? AppDelegate.theDelegate().parseUniversalLinkFragment(url?.fragment, outPathParams: &pathParamsObjc, outQueryParams: &queryParamsObjc) // Sanity check guard let pathParams = pathParamsObjc as? [String], pathParams.count > 0 else { MXLog.error("[RoomViewController] Universal link: Error: No path parameters") return } var roomIdOrAliasParam: String? var eventIdParam: String? var userIdParam: String? var groupIdParam: String? // Check permalink to room or event if pathParams[0] == "room" && pathParams.count >= 2 { // The link is the form of "/room/[roomIdOrAlias]" or "/room/[roomIdOrAlias]/[eventId]" roomIdOrAliasParam = pathParams[1] // Is it a link to an event of a room? eventIdParam = pathParams.count >= 3 ? pathParams[2] : nil } else if pathParams[0] == "group" && pathParams.count >= 2 { // The link is the form of "/group/[groupId]" groupIdParam = pathParams[1] } else if (pathParams[0].hasPrefix("#") || pathParams[0].hasPrefix("!")) && pathParams.count >= 1 { // The link is the form of "/#/[roomIdOrAlias]" or "/#/[roomIdOrAlias]/[eventId]" // Such links come from matrix.to permalinks roomIdOrAliasParam = pathParams[0] eventIdParam = pathParams.count >= 2 ? pathParams[1] : nil } else if pathParams[0] == "user" && pathParams.count == 2 { // Check permalink to a user // The link is the form of "/user/userId" userIdParam = pathParams[1] } else if pathParams[0].hasPrefix("@") && pathParams.count == 1 { // The link is the form of "/#/[userId]" // Such links come from matrix.to permalinks userIdParam = pathParams[0] } guard let roomIdOrAlias = roomIdOrAliasParam else { AppDelegate.theDelegate().handleUniversalLinkURL(url) return } self.startActivityIndicator() var viaServers: [String] = [] if let queryParams = queryParamsObjc as? [String: Any], let via = queryParams["via"] as? [String] { viaServers = via } if roomIdOrAlias.hasPrefix("#") { self.mainSession.matrixRestClient.roomId(forRoomAlias: roomIdOrAlias) { [weak self] response in guard let self = self else { return } guard let roomId = response.value else { self.stopActivityIndicator() if response.error != nil { let errorMessage = VectorL10n.roomDoesNotExist(roomIdOrAlias) AppDelegate.theDelegate().showAlert(withTitle: nil, message: errorMessage) } return } self.requestSummaryAndShowSpaceDetail(forRoomWithId: roomId, via: viaServers, from: url) } } else { self.requestSummaryAndShowSpaceDetail(forRoomWithId: roomIdOrAlias, via: viaServers, from: url) } } private func requestSummaryAndShowSpaceDetail(forRoomWithId roomId: String, via: [String], from url: URL?) { if self.mainSession.spaceService.getSpace(withId: roomId) != nil { self.stopActivityIndicator() self.showSpaceDetail(withId: roomId) return } self.mainSession.matrixRestClient.roomSummary(with: roomId, via: via) { [weak self] response in guard let self = self else { return } self.stopActivityIndicator() guard let publicRoom = response.value, publicRoom.roomTypeString == MXRoomTypeString.space.rawValue else { AppDelegate.theDelegate().handleUniversalLinkURL(url) return } self.showSpaceDetail(with: publicRoom) } } }